
Just OP

This the story of a girl who dips her toes into the murky waters that is DC's hero and villain career. However, what nobody knows is that she is broken in terms of power. With every heartbeat, she grows in power.

Mys_Terio · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs


I had thought that all those fanfics I had read were just power fantasy bullshit authors write in order to hypothetically fuck their best waifu. But, it appears I was wrong, so very very very wrong. Why? Because I had been reborn in DC universe.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love DC and Zatara in hands down the best waifu, I'll bite anyone who disagrees with me to death, but this universe is just...too scary. Basically, almost everything is broken in the power scale. Don't forget about a man dressed as a bat that just fuck logic in the ass each time he's on page.

Please pardon my language, DC related stress does that to you. I was worried until I got my meta-gene unlocked when I was six. What it entailed was that with each heartbeat, I would become two times more powerful than I was! I was shocked when I got that information in my head. So, with each heartbeat, I would be becoming closer and closer to the realms of impossible. The thing was, I could feel it already.

The joy I was feeling was making me excited and with it, my heart was beating faster and faster. Which in turn, made me more powerful! This wasn't even a cheat, this was broken.

I could see better, further, smell things that I wouldn't have smelled before, hear things that were just impossible, feel things that normal humans couldn't even perceive. I could run faster than any car the first time around untill I just made my heart beat faster and I just became faster and faster! I was afraid of going faster due to the consequences involved to the environment. My strength rose to shocking heights then the heights just became impossible. My durability wasn't even on the realm of being able to be tested normally. Basically, everything that was me was becoming more and more godly.

Now, eight years later and I was fourteen, with no clue how strong I currently was, which was bad to everyone around me. I had grown so strong I don't even feel my emotions anymore! Everything around me is just full, like a child who has played with all of her toys and have nothing to do.

All these years, I had been working to make sure my strength is controlled to appropriate levels least I just obliterate everything around me and I have succeeded. My brain has evolved to a point where I subconsciously use the required amount of strength a girl my age would use each time I was in public and boy am I glad for that! I am a cheerleader and with the power I have, I could launch one of the girls to space during practice. I'm sure nobody would appreciate the impromptu trip. Anyway, fourteen years old and I have power comparable to a god. What should a girl do?

"Hey, Mandy, you coming tonight?" one of my 'friends' asked me. I said that sarcastically because I realized early on how selfish human beings are, especially teenage girls. I'm beautiful, that is no exaggeration, what my power has done for my skin is just something out of a model's wet dream. My beauty has made me one of the popular girls in school and the other girls flock around me just to mooch off of it. Guess I'm selfish too because I need them to appear human. My emotions have not been the same sin four years ago when I felt something in me just disappear. My emotions were the first to go, then my empathy then I was just...hollow. I need to appear remotely human so the mean bitches around me do the job of covering it up.

"Mason's party?" I asked and they nodded happily. Mason was a senior, the vice captain of the football team. He is popular, charming, handsome and hands down what you would expect of a jock. His parents are a little well off, which means his house is big enough for a big party. I swear, high schoolers are just ninety percent all party. But, I need to keep up appearances and being a middle school girl in a high school party is considered cool so...

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I answered, emulating a smile I see my sister use each time when talking to her friends.

"Okay, okay, okay," Catherine, one of them, said excitedly. "We'll meet up at the mall and we can buy the perfect outfit for tonight. After, we have to organize whose car we'll borrow and arrive in style." Every girl around me squealed in happiness while I was deep in my thoughts.

I was thinking of how it was wrong for fourteen year olds to drive. How wrong it was for us to go to the party which would have alcohol. I have never tested if I could get drunk but I knew I wouldn't. However, that would just be an inconvenience in the party. The more sober I'll look, the more drinks I'll be forced to have. Sure, I would simply ignore the peer pressure but till I get something I will enjoy doing, these girls are my only chances of emulating a normal human life.

'Sometimes I hate this power,' I thought to myself as I touched my chest, feeling my beating heart. I was growing stronger even now, I could feel it.