
Just Like Him..

chillbby · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


It was a nice night out. Class 1-A was finishing up their movie night and eventually went to bed all worn out. A few students didn't join them in their little movie night. A few politely declined such as Tokoyami and Kota. One of them didn't answer, Todoroki, so they assumed he was asleep and left the half and half boy alone.

Todoroki could hear the cheerful laughs of his classmates. All of them having fun and lightheartedly teasing each other. He could hear the slightest sounds of an American movie being played, but those sounds were shadowed by the cheerful laughs of teenagers. They didn't care, they were having fun.

It was taunting him.

He hated it.

Only when he knew that everyone was basically out of the common room did he leave his own room. The sound of him dragging his feet on the wood tiles became more audible to him. The beating of his own heart.

He couldn't figure out his own emotions, for they were too loud for him. They were scrambled in his brain to the point where he couldn't piece them together.

His grades were dropping in class, yet he didn't seem to care. He didn't know how to feel about it.

He knew he was sad, he knew he was upset, yet he didn't know why.

His aimless walking led Todoroki to the kitchen. The eye bags under his eyes became more apparent as time went by. His hair more messy and seemed to be getting a bit longer.

His mind began to race more and he began to shake. His hands clutched together in an aimless attempt to calm himself. He swallowed his own saliva, feeling as it went down dry throat.

He should make some tea, a thought that he could make out in his mind. So he did.

Todoroki poured some water in a kettle. Bakugou scares him. The loud blond scares him so much. His shaking increased rapidly as he tried to compose himself. Suddenly, Bakugou was all he could think of.

That explosion quirk. It's fire.

His personality is explosive. He always yells at him, sometimes even hits him.

Harsh words is always what he would hear straight after in his mind. It made him sick.

Small gasp escaped from his lips as he grabbed onto the kettle's handle. He didn't know what was happening anymore. Todoroki was struggling to breathe. Small sobs escaping from his being as he brought his hand to cover his mouth.

He's felt dull, or he was crying. That's all what he ever felt. He was confused, scared, and didn't know how to deal with it.

He started to scratch his arm. Scratching his skin raw until it turned red. Until he started to see specks or red. It wasn't working, so his started to pull on his hair. It wasn't helping him, so he went back to scratching himself.

Oh, he hasn't even turned on the stove yet. Stupid boy.

He turned on the stove carefully, trying not to wake anyone. Blue flames under the kettle that heated up the water. He didn't spare the flames another glance as he looked at his nails. Blood that seemed to be drying on his finger nails. He stared at it for a bit.

He scratched himself again. Ever so mindlessly.

He hated it here, but he had no where else to go. He couldn't go home to him. He dug his fingers into his arm, trying his best to suppress a sob as he grabbed his phone from his back pocket.

He wasn't thinking when he called Fuyumi, he just needed to hear a voice. He wanted to leave, but had nowhere to go.

Shakily pressing the numbers, he brought the phone to his ear. It rung a few times before he heard a voice.

"H- hello? Shoto what are you doing up?"

She was tired, he realized. Anyone would be tired at this hour you stupid, stupid boy.

He started to cry. The voices in his head getting too loud for him, yet he gripped onto the phone. He sobbed, and sobbed as his poor sister tried to comfort him.

"Shoto it's alright! What happened?"

Heavy breaths escaped from his mouth as he tried to ground himself back to reality. "I hate it here," he rasped. His trembling became apparent in his voice. The shaky, raw feeling of someone trying to hold themselves together but failing so horribly.

"What do you mean? Tell me what happened?"

His sister's gentle voice of reasoning couldn't do anything for him. His frantic crying among the whistling of the tea kettle as he let out a desperate cry. He couldn't do this anymore.

"I can't.. I can't do this.." He cried as he gripped onto the counter in order to hold himself upright. Thoughts swarming in his head and none of them could he comprehend. He shook his head, clutching his hair in a panicked state "I can't do this anymore! I hate it here! He reminds me of father! So disgusting! I hate it, I HATE IT FUYUMI! I HATE IT SO FUCKING MUCH!"

"The fuck are you talking about? Icy hot?"

Todoroki paused. Heart rate increasing, he turned to see a face he really didn't want to see right now. He dropped his phone, kettle whistling behind him as he tried to back up only to find himself trapped. Bakugou wore a confused, but angry face. Did he hear everything?

Oh no.

Oh no..

He was a trembling mess as he reached for the kettle. He hated everything he sees. All he could see was his father. It seemed Bakugou understood the situation because he started to back away. Wide, cautious eyes met a blood shot eyes.

Todoroki fucking screamed and ran at him, kettle in hand, pouring the boiling water all over the other's face. Not just on one side, but his entire face. He hated it all.

Todoroki heard more voices too. They yelled and screamed things that he couldn't decipher. He wasn't paying attention until someone started to drag him away.

He saw a flash of red hair as started to cry and scream. Using his ice to try and attack whoever tried to grab him.

He thought it was his father. He thought that everyone around him was his father.