
just keep smiling

a girl having just one thing in her life that is her best friend. they both fall in love with the same boy . the boy liked her best friend and they both cheat her. she then left alone after the revelation of all these. she was devastated and she encounters her top enemy in buisness rivalry after all this. let's see how she manages to fall in love with him and how he let her forget her past.

Mahima_Ahuja_9050 · 都市
5 Chs

chapter 4 why you again

Mirada and Daniel just collided with each other. let's see what will happen further.

" excuse me can you please, shift towards the next seat . this seat is mine." said Mirada to the person sitting on her seat.

" please can you let me sit here, you can sit on my seat.this is my seat.. please do me this favour " said that man.

" ok , i will sit there" replied Mirada.

" thank you so much " he thanked.

" no problem " said Mirada.

Mirada sits on his seat. Mirada thought to call Jennie and tell her about it but she thought it would break her surprise.

then she started listening to music from her headphones.

" you !!!!!! why " Mirada shocked.

" it's my seat why I can't be there, such a worst coincidence"Daniel said.

" hey give me my seat back , I don't wanna sit with this guy" said Mirada to that man.

" hey please, let me sit here, I have my personal reasons" the man said with pleading eyes.

" ok , I understand " said Mirada and sat there again.

" what happened, are you going to sit with me , while the whole flight" said Daniel.

" ya , just sit with your mouth zipped, i will do the same" said Mirada

" Who wants to talk with such a filthy potato " said Daniel.

Mirada started listening to songs again.

ignored Daniel.

Daniel started working on his laptop.

both tied there seat belts.

Mirada receives call from jerid.

" hey baby , how are you doing?"asked jerid.

" just watching movie at home babe" replied Mirada.

" oh!! I miss you so much, i will come back tomorrow, you will cook " said jerid.

" sure babe, come I will cook for you and we will have a good time together" said Mirada.

" ok bye baby , love you" said jerid.

" bye babe, love you too" said Mirada.

" so this filthy have a boyfriend too, what a bad Choice her boy friend have" thinks Daniel.

" excuse me, can you please serve me coffee" asked Mirada from hostess.

" sure mam , anything else do you want mam" asked hostess.

"no only coffee , I want , add a little sugar in it" replied Mirada.

" ok mam, thank you mam" said hostess.

" excuse me , i also want coffee with sandwich " said Daniel.

" ok sir, i will bring both of your order" replied hostess.

" your coffee mam, your order sir" she handed over both of their orders .

" thank you " both replied.

" ouch!!!" Mirada 's coffee spill over Daniel 's pants because of sudden push in plane due to little bit of lightening in clouds.

" you mad girl, what you have done," said Daniel.

" oh sorry sorry, i didn't mean to do that" apologized Mirada.

" can you buy this, o srry i forgot, you poor lady, you have no sense of clothes how you buy this, just a cheap girl" said Daniel.

" oh you just shut up, judging someone very early, just go to hell, i wish to do this with all my intentions now" said Mirada angrily.

" do do I know you had did intentionally"

said Daniel.

" i won't accept the statement until i didn't had done that" said Mirada.

she threw the left coffee on Daniel 's face.

" now i accept that I had done intentionally" said Mirada.

" sir, mam what happened, please stop fighting, i will change both of your seats" said hostess.

" ya please , i don't want to sit with her" said Daniel.

" mam can you sit there, buddy please sit here" said hostess.

they both switched there Seats.

" thank you so much sir" hostess replied.

Daniel , went and washed his face and was very angry on Mirada.

he wished that he will never ever see her again.

the flight landed.