
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · ファンタジー
77 Chs

to 56

Su Lingfeng's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were full of anger.

The battle is imminent!

The Tianjiao Station has ushered in the beginning!

Although Su Lingfeng is not the arrogant person standing on the top of the Big Dipper, he definitely belongs to the arrogance of the ancient sect.


Almost everyone thinks so.

Even if Su Lingfeng was defeated by the Holy Son of Nantian Sect, he would definitely not lose too much.

"The battle has begun."

All the disciples of the Su family subconsciously raised a tense mood.

Including the high-level Su family's old man, and the current Su family's Patriarch Su Yao, they all stared at Su Lingfeng and the Nantian Sect's holy son.

"That's it?"

"Simply weak and vulnerable!"

"On your level, can you be the second arrogant of the Su family of the dignified and ancient aristocratic family?"

"It's absolutely ridiculous!

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect smiled proudly.

between hands.

He randomly cast a seal.

For a moment.

The law of the Zhoutian Dao was triggered by traction, and the lines of the Dao gathered together and wrapped around the body of the Son of the Southern Heaven Sect.

this moment.

Between his gestures and gestures, there is an extremely powerful rhyme.

As if in a single thought...

You can manifest the laws of thousands of avenues!

It's downright terrifying!

Unbelievably powerful!




The space twisted and wriggled.

The splendid and colorful halo shrouded the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect. He looked like a goddess aloof and indifferently glanced at Su Lingfeng with the eyes that looked down at all beings.

One after another, bright rays of light illuminated the sky.

The sun shines brightly!

The purple halo manifested in the human world, bringing an extremely ancient vision of heaven and earth. With the body of the Son of Nantian Sect as the center point, this ancient and terrifying vision of heaven and earth gradually spread.

At this moment.

The saint son of Nantian Sect is like a son who is favored by heaven.


Great shore!

Holy and immaculate!

The colorful rays of light revolved around the whole body of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect.

Immediately after.

A seal that contained violent force was struck from the hands of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect, traversing the sky at an extremely terrifying speed, and rushed towards Su Lingfeng in an instant.

This dharma seal contains extremely terrifying power, and it is also full of extremely strong Dao rhyme.

call out!

Accompanied by a harsh cracking sound.

The space was about to be shattered and torn apart.

Just a blink of an eye.

This dharma seal with extremely strong Dao rhyme hit Su Lingfeng's body from the front on the spot.

from start to finish...

Su Lingfeng was completely unable to react!

Can't even react!

He can only see.

A brilliant halo flashed away.


His body was hit from the front.


Unparalleled power exploded in an instant.

A loud roar.

I see.

Su Lingfeng's body seemed to be hit hard by a majestic mountain, and was knocked tens of thousands of meters away.

The body was hit by a terrifying force, and all the internal organs seemed to be shattered and exploded.

Blood all the way!

Blood stained the sky!


Su Lingfeng's face was pale and almost bloodless, and he vomited blood frantically.

at the same time.

The qi in his body seemed to be very disordered, and the force of that dharma seal penetrating into the body was circulating recklessly, destroying the meridians in his body.


Su Lingfeng let out a painful scream.

He flew tens of thousands of meters upside down and slammed into a mountain.


The entire lofty mountain was shaken by force due to the impact of his body, cracking and cracking one after another, densely packed like a spider web, looking particularly ferocious and terrifying.

Pieces of broken stone scattered from the mountain, slowly falling in all directions.

The force of the seal released by the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect created a terrifying air wave that spread across tens of thousands of meters in an instant.

a time.

Dust was flying wildly.

The smoke and dust rose up, billowing and dancing in the air.

The earth shatters!

The ground is broken!

The force of this French seal burst, forcibly smashed the territory of tens of thousands of meters!

The destructive power is amazing!


The atmosphere has become extraordinarily quiet!

The whole place was silent!

All the younger disciples of the Su family fell into a dead silence.

Their eyes widened, dumbfounded as they stared at Su Lingfeng, who was tens of thousands of meters away.


So tragic!


Su Lingfeng's entire body seemed to be embedded in the entire mountain, his body was blurred with blood and blood, and he was directly in a critically injured situation.

In jeopardy!

Life is on the line!

This scene clearly fell into the eyes of all the disciples of the Su family present, including the senior Su family elders, all of them looked shocked, horrified, and unbelievable.

"Failed, defeated?

A certain Su patriarch's lips trembled slightly, and he couldn't help but blurt out.

The atmosphere of dead silence was then broken.

"one move!"

"With just one move, my Su family's second-day pride was hit hard on the spot!"

"It's just a face-to-face..."

"Su Lingfeng, he was tragically killed by an instant."

"This this!"

The Su family's high-level old man was extremely frightened.

A disciple of the younger generation of the Su family was even more frightened and terrified.

It's just a trick before and after...

The Su family recognized that Su Lingfeng was the next day's arrogant, and was instantly killed by the Holy Son of Nantian Sect!

Simply unbelievable!

The Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect is actually so powerful?

Even their Su family's second-day arrogance can't stop even a single move?

What is this concept?

"Me, my God!"

"Am I hallucinating?"

"Our Su family was proud of the second day, and even the Holy Son of Nantian Sect couldn't stop a move, and was hit hard by a face-to-face instant kill. 99

"This must be fake, right?

"With just one move, Su Lingfeng was defeated!"

Many Su family disciples could not accept this extremely cruel fact.

All this is happening right now.

It's taking a toll on their self-esteem!

smashed their pride!

It shattered their arrogance as disciples of the Su family!

Including all the elders of the Su family present, they all expressed that they could not accept the scenes they were seeing.

Su Lingfeng, this is the second pride of their Su family!

Before Su Xuanji was born.

Almost all the senior members of the Su family had high hopes for Su Lingfeng, believing that the other party was very likely to become a real powerful cultivator.


Never thought.

The Chosen One who once made them high hopes from the top management of the Su family, but today, was tragically killed by the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect with a single blow.

Too embarrassed!

So humble!

Simply unbeatable!

Compared to the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, their Su family's second-day arrogance, Su Lingfeng, is like an ant, not even qualified to shake the opponent.

The gap between the two is too great!

"Is this the proud son of heaven standing on the top of the Big Dipper?

"The talent of the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect is too terrifying!

"It is also the cultivation base of the secret realm of the Taoist Palace, but the strengths of the two sides are completely at two completely different levels. 35

"This is the real genius of the world!

A famous Su patriarch looked at the saintly son of the Southern Heaven Sect, and could not contain a deep sense of panic and fear in his eyes.

No wonder...

The Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect can do it, and let his prestige resound throughout the Big Dipper!

With the strength and talent that the opponent has displayed now, the reputation of the opponent will resound throughout the Big Dipper, which is completely in line with common sense.

"My Su family is proud of Su Lingfeng the next day..."

"Can't even stop the Holy Son of Nantian Sect?! 99

Su Yao, the current head of the Su family, had a dry throat and felt a great crisis in his heart.

Not good!

The strength of the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect far exceeded his expectations.

He couldn't imagine.

If you let your own god son fight against this holy son of the Southern Heaven Sect, what will the result be?

I'm afraid it's very likely to lose!

It might fail miserably!

Disastrously defeated by the Holy Son of Nantian Sect!

And this is obviously not what Su Yao wants to see.

It is also not the result that the Su family wants to see.

this moment.

Including Su Yao, all the senior elders of the Su family, as well as the disciples of the younger generation of the Su family present, they all deeply experienced it.

for what...

A true genius!

Compared to the supreme arrogance at the top of the Big Dipper, their Su family's second arrogance, Su Lingfeng, is still far behind!

The young disciples of the Su family who were present looked at the saintly son of the Nantian Sect, full of fear and panic.

Their talents and Su Lingfeng are worlds apart.

But Su Lingfeng, whose talent was far above them, suffered the fate of being instantly killed by this holy son of the Southern Heaven Sect in front of him.

By contrast.

How far apart are they from the Holy Son of Nantian Sect?


A hundred and eight thousand miles away!

God damn it!

this moment.

The disciples of the Su family felt it more deeply.

What a huge gap between them and the real Tianjiao!

The gap is like a gulf!

It cannot be surpassed in this lifetime.

"It is possible to kill Su Lingfeng's Southern Heavenly Sect Holy Son in just one move. Can our Su Family God Son really be able to stop this terrifying evildoer?"5


"It's hard as hell!"

"Basically no chance of winning."

Some Su family disciples felt a deep sense of worry and fear.

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect is too strong!

left an indelible impression on them.

The strength of the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect has been carved into their bones, making them panic.


They also thought that Su Lingfeng would be able to spy out the details of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect.

But in the end I never dreamed.

Su Lingfeng was killed by a single blow!

And from the beginning to the end, they failed to find out the strength of the Southern Heaven Sect Saint Son.

until now.

They still don't know anything about the Holy Son of Nantian Sect!

"Big trouble!"

"God child, can you really deal with this level of heaven's favored son?"

"I feel like it's going to be very tricky!"


"To be more precise, if the Son of God is against this level of arrogance, I'm afraid that the odds of winning are slim, and there is a great probability that he will be defeated by the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect.

"No chance!

"The Holy Son of Nantian Sect is too enchanting!"

A high-level Su family elder also felt panic.

at the moment.

Things have developed to the point that they are beyond their control.

"This is the second pride of your Su family?"

"Patriarch of the Su family, the arrogance of your Su family is really too weak.

"This holy son has not been serious in the whole process, but the genius of your Su family was instantly killed by this holy son.

"It's really disappointing.

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect smiled.

The words fall.

The whole place was dead silent!

No one in the Su family could refute.


The Son of Nantian Sect continued to speak.

"This holy son has not even started to warm up, and your arrogance has fallen."

"Weakness makes this Son really not interested in anything. 35

"If it wasn't for this holy son who didn't want to kill people, the so-called Tianjiao of your Su family might have died on the spot. A cultivator of this level could also be called a Tianjiao by your Su family?

"What a disappointment!"

"It seems that this holy son has overestimated your Su family. Come to think of it, your Su family's prestige and prominent sons should not be very strong.

"The so-called strongest physique in the universe, perhaps, is just a false statement. In front of this Holy Son, the so-called strongest physique in the universe is just a joke! 99

The holy son of the Southern Heaven Sect is arrogant.

For his remarks, the Su family couldn't refute at all.

Even Su Lingfeng was instantly killed by a single blow.

How can they refute the remarks made by the Son of Nantian Sect?

"Damn it!"

"That arrogant boy!"

A famous Su clan elder clenched his fists, and his heart was filled with aggrieved anger.

The younger disciples of the Su family were equally angry, but they were helpless.

Faced with the Saint Son of Nantian Sect who could kill even Su Lingfeng with one blow, of course they had nothing to do.

"It seems that the Su family of your ancient and ancient family has really gone into the sunset."

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect mercilessly belittled the Su family.


Su Yao, the head of the Su family, was furious, but he never said anything, so he could only be silent.

He doesn't even think so.

My own God Son can compete with the Holy Son of Nantian Sect in front of me!


"What about the god son of your Su family generation? Where are the others? Isn't he the owner of the strongest physique in the universe? Why hasn't he appeared?

"Could it be that..."

"He's afraid? Afraid of being defeated by this Son of God?"

"If that's the case, then your so-called God Son of the Su family is really embarrassed.

"Just this? Also known as the owner of the strongest physique in the universe?"

`"It's simply discrediting the reputation of the strongest physique in the universe! 99

"God child of the Su family, that's all!

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect sneered.

Beside the Holy Son of Nantian Sect.

The cultivator, Protector Bai, who was at the half-step power level, sneered at Su Yao with a smile on his face: "Patriarch of the Su family, where is the famous Su family god son a few days ago? Why don't you let him come out to fight?""

"Isn't it the owner of the strongest constitution in the universe?"

"Could it be that you don't even have the courage to face our holy son? This is really a waste!"

"How dare you try to go to the Emperor Road to fight with such a waste? It's a big joke!"

"I advise you, Patriarch of the Su family, to let your son of the Su family give up participating in the battle of the emperor's road in this era. That kind of cruel Tianjiao battle is not something that you, the son of the Su family, can participate in and interfere with. "5


Su Yao was silent and clenched his fists subconsciously.



have no choice!


Countless emotions were mixed in Su Yao's heart.

After seeing the terrifying strength of the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, whether it was Su Yao, or the elders of the Su family present, or a disciple of the younger generation of the Su family.

They all have no confidence in their own God Son.


Facing the cynicism of Nantian Sect.

They can only choose to remain silent.

No matter how unwilling, resentful, or angry their hearts are, it will be of no avail.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away.

Countless cultivators from various regions in the Eastern Wasteland are now using their supreme supernatural powers, watching and observing the movements in the Su family's residence.

They saw the same.

The scene where Su Lingfeng was killed in one blow.


"Second day of the Su family's arrogant defeat!"

"I was killed in one blow by the Holy Son of Nantian Sect! 35

"Oh my God!"

"The Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect is worthy of being the arrogant son of the heavens who is famous for shocking the Big Dipper. He is really too strong."

"With just one move, the second day's pride of the Su family is second. This strength is simply terrifying."

A monk was shocked.

this moment.

They have a clearer cognition and understanding of the terribleness of the Son of Nantian Sect.

"Now, the Holy Son of Nantian Sect is clamoring for the Son of Su Family."

"The son of the Su family hasn't shown up for a long time, shouldn't he be afraid?"

"The Su family god son wants to avoid fighting? This is a wise choice, although it is a bit useless. But at any rate, it will not be defeated in the hands of the Southern Heaven Sect, and thus become a stepping stone for the Southern Heaven Sect."

"makes sense.

"It seems that the Su family godson doesn't intend to come forward and participate in the battle.

"In this battle, the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect is going to be famous for the entire Big Dipper. With his own strength, he strongly suppressed the entire Su family and no one dared to respond."

"Throughout the ages, there have been very few demons of this level."


"I thought that I would be able to see the duel between the Son of Nantian Sect and the Divine Son of the Su Family, and to see the peak collision of the battle of Tianjiao. I never expected that the Divine Son of the Su Family would actually back down, which is really useless.

Lots of talk.

The Su family is full of grief and depression!

In contrast.

The Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect and the guardian beside him had a sneer and a proud gesture.

at this time.

Without warning...

in vain!


An incomparably splendid and dazzling glow suddenly shot straight into the sky from the Su family's residence.

With a roar from the sky.

An extremely terrifying energy forcibly tore apart the sky.

next second.

The bursts of deep purple glow that were originally rendering half of the sky were forcibly shattered and annihilated, and completely dissipated in the sky.


The sky rendered by Zixia was crushed into powder by some extremely terrifying supreme power.

The ten thousand zhang purple light disappeared.

Turn into nothing!


An incomparable golden light shot straight into the sky, giving it to tear apart the end of the sky.

The golden light is extremely ancient, sacred, and majestic, making people almost want to kneel and surrender, exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura of coercion.

The golden light forms an ocean!

Hang the ocean at the end of the sky!

Glittering gold.

Incredibly dazzling!

Even that round of scorching sun was completely obscured by this burst of golden light.


Visible to the naked eye.

This golden beam of light that runs through the sky suddenly seems to have transformed into an infinite cosmic sea of ​​stars.


Golden light emanates a universe!


The endless star sea has infinite mysteries!

The stars are spinning in the sky.

Move the stars!


at the same time.

An incomparably ancient figure condensed from golden light stands above the nine heavens, with its back to all beings, full of incomparably ancient Dao rhyme.


Great shore!



The curling immortal aura softly floated up, born from the void of this universe, and circled around an incomparably ancient and majestic figure.

Countless birds and beasts lingered beside a terrifying and ancient figure.

This side of the universe...

It seems to be an ancient fairyland that only exists in legends!

This shocking vision of heaven and earth instantly enveloped the sky for millions of miles around.

Shine in the sky for thousands of miles!

The trillions of cultivators in the Eastern Wasteland were all shocked!

All the monks couldn't help looking up at the sky.

An ancient phantom on the boundary of the sky, looks incomparably stalwart, surrounded by illusory immortal aura, exuding a terrifying aura that overwhelms the ages.

Every ancient phantom has a terrifying aura and coercion that transcends this era.

At this time.

In an extremely ancient and terrifying vision of heaven and earth.

Suddenly a brilliant rainbow light appeared!

The rainbow light wrapped (Hao Hao Zhao) with a sacred and flawless figure, which was descending on the position where Nantian Sect and others were.

The halo is soft, lingering around the appearance of this mysterious figure.

The figure looks divine!

It is like an exiled immortal who descended from the sky to the mortal world.


Not of this world!

Bathed in the colorful rays of light, this mysterious figure is detached from the mundane world, making it impossible to penetrate its body and appearance, and its ethereal figure escapes into the void, seemingly integrated with the surrounding laws of heaven.

No ghostly needed!


Everyone in the Su family, including Patriarch Su Yao.

There are also a group of senior Su family seniors and disciples of the younger generation of the Su family.

They are all without exception, looking up at the mysterious figure that fell from the sky.




Countless emotions flooded my mind.

Emotions are completely uncontrollable and completely dominate their body and mind.

Together with the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect standing next to him, and several of his guardians and elders, they all looked at the incomparably sacred and mysterious figure on the horizon with stunned expressions on their faces.

under their eyes.

Suddenly I saw.

The sky shone with a brilliant golden halo.

This halo once again transformed a universe...

The three thousand worlds within the light are self-derived!

one flower one World!

One leaf, one bodhi!

The rays of light generate three thousand worlds on their own, and they merge with the constant illusion inside.


In this chaotic world derived from the golden light.

An ancient green lotus growing in the chaotic soil suddenly emerged from the ground and slowly grew up.


It held up a sky above its head.

Rooted under the Jiuyou Huangquan!

Mysterious and terrifying!

The ancient worlds that are incomparably ancient and huge, actually rely on this green lotus to accompany them.

The lotus seeds of Qinglian set off the three thousand worlds!

The leaves of the green lotus hold up a sky of the universe!

Its branches run through the sky and the nine seclusions, forming a connection point connecting the three worlds of heaven, earth, and human.

Three thousand worlds live around this green lotus.

The vast and boundless chaotic void is full of life because of it...

Every lotus seed and leaf of it is full of the Dao rhyme of the Dao Law between Heaven and Earth.

as if...

It was born as a road!

From the moment of birth.

The Law of the Great Way of the Universe was born for it!

It is the road!

The law of the Great Dao of the Universe, Heaven, Earth, and the Universe appears to be extremely insignificant against its backdrop.

It is the core of the universe!

It's the rule of Heaven and Earth Avenue!

It is derived from this universal law.

This scene looks very scary!

The world view is shattered and collapsed!


A single green lotus actually holds up 3,000 worlds?!

Three thousand worlds run by it...

Trillions of creatures exist because of it!

This heaven and earth vision is terrifying to the extreme!

This is the real horror!

The ultimate horror!

Two extremely ancient and terrifying visions of heaven and earth enveloped the sky for millions of miles!

Every vision of heaven and earth is completely beyond the scope of thinking.

Not to be watched!


More in depth!


The terrifying figure in the form of rainbow light descended smoothly from the sky to the scene.

Not waiting for everyone present to react.


This mysterious figure, wrapped in a sacred halo, looked in the direction of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect, and said slowly, "Holy Son of Nantian Sect? Haven't you been looking for me?"

"as you wish...

"Now, here I am!"

The comer is naturally Su Xuanji!

Not far apart.

Inside the Su family residence.

A big black dog with black hair all over his body was stunned at the moment.

It stared blankly at the two incomparably ancient, terrifying, and world-shattering terrifying visions of heaven and earth that were evolving above the sky.

From the sky above.

The aura emanating from the two ancient visions of heaven and earth caused his body to tremble uncontrollably, shaking violently uncontrollably.




Countless emotions are madly entangled in the heart of the big black dog.

Gradually this emotion takes over its entire body and mind.

It is slowly losing its calm thinking ability.


With its rich knowledge and experience, there are few things that can completely overturn its inner emotional waves.


At this moment.

It saw it with my own eyes.

This is enough to overturn the occurrence of things that completely overturn its calmness.

What's going on right now is for it.



Subvert cognition!

"This, this is... a machine"

"how is this possible?!

"How could such an ancient and terrifying vision of heaven and earth appear in this era?!

"what is happening?"

The big black dog involuntarily widened his eyes and his throat was dry.

At this moment, his heart is filled with a deep sense of shock!

Chapter 55 More terrifying than the emperor's youth! Peerless style! [510 for the first order]

"No, no?"

"Has this emperor had hallucinations?

"This this!"

The big black dog was stunned and shocked.

It looked up at the sky blankly, with a pair of black eyes, staring blankly at the two incomparably ancient visions of heaven and earth at the end of the sky.

Not a hallucination!

All of this happened for real.

This ancient vision of heaven and earth that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years...

Really born again!

For at least 15,000 years, this ancient heaven and earth phenomenon has never appeared again.



It has seen it with its own eyes.

Two ancient anomalies...

Each is an amazing vision of extremely old age!

At this moment, there are two kinds of them at the same time!

What concept is this?!


The big black dog only felt that his head was about to explode at any time.

Its thinking ability has completely failed to keep up with the rhythm.

"These two ancient visions are both extremely rare and rare heaven and earth visions in the ancient times.

"Why are there two at the same time?!

"My God!"

Rao is the big black dog's rich knowledge and experience, for a time, he couldn't think of a reason at all.

It was shocked, and it looked extremely stiff.

Although this trip failed to meet the Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo, it was a worthwhile trip to be able to see these two ancient heaven and earth visions that had disappeared for tens of thousands of years.

"If the emperor remembers correctly.

"These two heaven and earth visions are..."

"The Immortal King is coming to the Nine Heavens! 35

"Chaos Seed Qinglian! 99

The big black dog's lips trembled, and his voice trembled.

It is clear.

Its mood at the moment was a mess.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.

One day, it will see two ancient visions of heaven and earth that have disappeared for tens of thousands of years at the same time!

To know.

Any kind of heaven and earth vision in this place belongs to the ancient times, and only the world's first-class supreme genius can lead the way of heaven to descend.

But at this moment, two such terrifying visions of heaven and earth appeared at the same time.

If all this is caused by one person!

It's even more terrifying!

"According to the emperor's knowledge.

"It stands to reason."

"Now that Beidou is at the end of the ancient times, this world is affected by the rules of the Great Dao, and it is impossible for this ancient and terrifying vision of heaven and earth to appear again.

"Even the great emperor of ancient times has disappeared in this era.

"How can these two ancient visions re-manifest the human world in this era of the end of the barren antiquity?"

"That doesn't make sense at all!""

The big black dog couldn't help but doubt life.

Its cognitive concept is ushering in the fate of being shattered and completely shattered.

Totally can't figure it out!

Even if you want to break your head, you can't think of a reason.

The big black dog's throat was dry, and it was stiff and motionless, like a statue.

Forget all thoughts...

It is still not lightly shocked by these two ancient visions.

Not to mention the influence and constraints of the Law of Heaven and Earth.

Just any one of these two heaven and earth visions, even if placed in the ancient times, is definitely a vision that can be triggered and triggered by a top-notch genius.

And at the same time pulling two such shocking ancient visions...

This means.

The one who triggered these two ancient heaven and earth visions was a peerless evildoer!

A proud son who is enough to shock the past!

Possess a terrifying talent that has never been seen before!

"For fifteen thousand years, no one has ever broken this record."5

"And today, it was forcibly broken by someone!

The big 337 Black Panther was shocked.

Even the ancient and terrifying existence that it once followed, at a young age, I am afraid that it would not be able to pull two ancient visions of heaven and earth into the world at the same time.

"Even if it's the emperor...

"Can't do it either!"

The big black dog's lips trembled slightly.

in its mind.

It has always thought.

The emperor it once followed was the strongest and the most amazing and brilliant in the history of the human race.


To this day.

When you see these two ancient visions of heaven and earth that have disappeared for tens of thousands of years in front of you, they manifest the human world at the same time.

this moment.

The belief in the big black dog's heart began to shake weakly.

"Even the Great Emperor, who overwhelmed the ages, couldn't be so amazing and brilliant when he was young!


"This son, is even more terrifying than the emperor when he was young?! 35

"The emperor must be crazy!

The big black dog was frightened by his own thoughts.

Look up to the sky.

Looking up at two ancient visions of heaven and earth manifesting the human world...

It looks complicated.


What kind of monster is that?!

What even the Great Emperor could not do when he was young, this son has done it!

What a shocking and terrifying talent this is?

Simply unimaginable!

Hard to fathom!


The vision of heaven and earth that could not appear at the end of the ancient times was forcibly pulled and descended into the world, forcibly breaking the curse of the end of the ancient times.

What a terrible talent this is?

Those who are able to do this, deserve to be the unparalleled evildoer of the past and present!

Even if it was placed ten thousand years ago, in the era when cultivators and strong men were born in large numbers, the terrifying talent possessed by this child was definitely the most dazzling and eye-catching genius of that level.

"Never thought..."

"Although this person is not a Congenital Holy Body Dao Embryo, it seems that he has a terrifying talent potential that is comparable to that of a Congenital Holy Body Dao Embryo!"


"The horror of his talent is even higher than that of the congenital holy body.

The big black dog was in a terrified mood.

It is known from an ancient ancient book record.

Whether it's 'Immortal King Lin Jiutian', or 'Chaos Seed Qinglian'


If each of these two terrifying ancient heaven and earth visions can be inspired by someone, it is enough to show that this person has the potential to become the great emperor of the world.

And this time.

These two visions of heaven and earth are manifested in the world by one person at the same time!

This is even more terrifying.

"This son has the peerless style of the emperor's youth!

"It's more like the emperor of the world!

The big black dog swallowed.

this day.

It was a complete eye-opener.

It really understands.

for what...

A true genius!

What a true peerless monster!

The god son of the Su family...

Absolutely a monster of this level!

Possess an unparalleled talent!

With the arrogant character of the big black dog, it is rarely so admirable for a person.

And Su Xuanji…

It is one of the few examples that can win the big black panther so amazing!

It is also in the eyes of the big black dog that in this era, there are few peers who have become the great emperor!

With a big black dog's picky character.

Can be amazed by it.

As you can imagine.

If there is no talent that is absolutely terrifying to the extreme, it is naturally impossible to do this.

"It's the emperor who took a wrong look.

"Although this son is not a congenital holy body, but (acbc) has a talent that is not inferior to the congenital holy body, or even surpasses it.

"Even if it is a proud son of heaven who truly possesses the congenital holy body, if he is compared to this god son of the Su family, I am afraid that it will be inferior!

"This god child of the Su family is really too enchanting!"

"The emperor really can't figure it out..."

'In this era, how could such a terrifying peerless monster be born?! 39

"Could it be that."

"The golden age of monks is coming?"

"All kinds of divine bodies and holy bodies emerge in an endless stream? The general trend of heaven and earth is coming?"

The big black dog thought so.


He began to feel sad for the arrogance of this era.

What a pity...

Being in this era is the tragedy of these geniuses!

Such a terrifying evildoer is in this era, where can there be other opportunities for genius?

The imperial road battle is often cruel.

And in this era, the emperor's road is fighting for the front...

I'm afraid, all Tianjiao can only look up to the back of the Su family's son in despair!

"A monstrosity who already possessed the capital of a great emperor as early as the early days!

"This kind of instance is just too rare."

"Looking at the past and present for tens of thousands of years, it is also a rare encounter!


"This emperor can put all the bets of this life on this kid."

The big black dog gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

Although it is not a congenital Holy Body Dao Embryo...

However, this son's talent and potential are still above the congenital Holy Body Dao Embryo!

It is a safe thing to bet on this child.

a time.

The big black dog's thoughts are flying...

"Great Emperor, I will definitely find you!"5

"I will definitely follow in your footsteps! 35

The big black dog has always been very confident in his heart.

The most amazing and brilliant emperor in the history of the human race that it once followed, the other party has definitely not fallen.

It was just because of some problems and obstacles that he could not return to Beidou for a long time.

That's all!

It is with this belief.

It made it extremely eager to find a Congenital Holy Body Dao Embryo.

Therefore, after the Congenital Holy Body falls and grows up, he will take it to reinforce the Great Emperor!

to sum it up.

In the eyes of the big black dog.

At the end of the ancient times, the most expected to achieve the throne of the emperor...

It belongs to the Su family god child in front of him!


No one's talent potential can be compared to the Su family's god child who simultaneously leads two ancient heaven and earth visions.

"It's just that the biggest problem right now is..."

"This kid, is going to encounter a huge crisis!"

"He was too reckless and too impulsive."

"Knowing that the Nantian Sect hides an ancient existence with a powerful level. But he still chose to go his own way, wanting to break out into a fight with the holy son of the Nantian Sect. 39

"What if you win? An ancient existence with a powerful series can still easily destroy their entire Su family?

The big black dog looked a little impatient.

It is very worried now.

Fear that Su Xuanji will die at the hands of the powerful monk of the great power level.

This is an unparalleled evildoer!

How could it be wiped out so easily?

It is never allowed!

For example, Su Xuanji, a genius with extremely terrifying talent and potential, has never seen it even if he has been with the emperor for many years.


It never wanted to see Su Xuanji die.

"This kid, no matter how strong his talent and potential are, he still hasn't grown up yet. In the face of a cultivator with a powerful series, he still looks extraordinarily fragile and insignificant.

"For the ancient being of the great energy series.""

"No matter how powerful the talent potential is, it can be easily wiped out with a flip of a hand!"

"This kid is really a troublemaker! Isn't it the best choice to follow the emperor and leave the Su family? Why should I die?"

"There must be a way! Save this kid's life!"

The big black dog racked his brains into thinking.

above the sky.

Two ancient visions of heaven and earth manifested in the human world.



Don't look straight!

Holy and immaculate!

at the same time.

The Su family's residence is millions of miles around, and everyone can clearly see the amazing visions of heaven and earth above the sky.

The thousands of thousands of monks in the East Wasteland all looked up at the sky.

Witnessing this ancient, stalwart, and terrifying vision of heaven and earth, they had some doubts one after another.


"These two visions of heaven and earth seem to have been seen before."

"Have you forgotten? A few days ago, the two kinds of visions from the ancient world that were caused by the Su family's son, disappeared for tens of thousands of years?

"Yes! That's right! I remembered!"

"These two visions of heaven and earth seem to be the visions caused by Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family that day."

"That is to say.

"Now again, is it the god son of the Su family who is pulling these two visions of heaven and earth again?"

"What happened at Su's house?"

"Today seems to be the day when the Holy Son of Nantian Sect came to the Su Family to try to challenge the Su Family God Son."

"Did the two Tianjiao fight break out? The God Son of the Su family's heaven and earth vision has been triggered!

The cultivators in Donghuang were crazy about it.

at this time.

It is tens of thousands of miles away from the Su family's residence.

The monks who had already heard the news were looking at the two ancient world visions in a daze at the moment.

They were bewildered.

"W-what's the matter?!"

"What a terrifying vision of heaven and earth!

"This scene..."


The monks were amazed and shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time.

A weak voice sounded from the crowd: "Have you forgotten that the vision of heaven and earth that enveloped the void above our heads just now was caused by the Holy Son of Nantian Sect.

The words fall.

The whole place is silent!

Under careful observation.

They found out suddenly.

The divine body vision caused by the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

Not even a trace was left.

"The vision of the divine body caused by the Son of Nantian Sect seems to have been smashed by the two ancient visions of heaven and earth drawn by the Son of Su family in an instant!""

A cultivator who witnessed the whole process couldn't help but blurted out.


The atmosphere was instantly ignited.

"I remember too!"

"The vision of the divine body triggered by the Son of Nantian Sect, in just a moment, the two ancient visions of heaven and earth drawn by the Son of Su family were crushed into powder on the spot and turned into nothing."

"There is no comparison! 35

"The visions of heaven and earth caused by the two geniuses are almost incomparable.

"In this comparison, the Southern Heaven Sect's holy son is inferior to the Su family's god son by more than one or two points."

"Being able to draw out two kinds of ancient heaven and earth visions that have disappeared for tens of thousands of years at the same time, the talent of the Su family god son is too terrifying!"

"This is not something that the Holy Son of Nantian Sect can compare."

The tens of thousands of monks present were completely shocked.

at first.

They thought.

The Su family god child saw the terrifying heroic appearance of the saint son of the Nantian Sect, and did not dare to fight again.


Just when they had such thoughts.

The Su family god child appeared!

With a supremely terrifying posture, he pulled two ancient visions of heaven and earth that had disappeared for thousands of years, and directly defeated the visions caused by the Holy Son of Nantian Sect, and thus descended on the Su family's residence!

Such attitude...

Simply overbearing!

Invincible domineering domineering!

"According to the rumors."

"If you can pull any of these two ancient visions of heaven and earth, you can be judged in ancient books as having the ability to be a saint of the ancient times!"

An ancient being who has lived for thousands of years speaks with a trembling voice.

"Oh my God!"

"Only trigger one, can you have the talent of a saint?"

"What an astonishing talent is this?"

"Totally unimaginable!

A group of monks were deeply shocked.

"What if two ancient visions were triggered at the same time?

Someone asked the monk.


"It is already a sure win, and he will become a saint of ancient times!

"Beyond the Big Dipper trillions of monks!"

"Become a terrifying taboo! 35

That ancient being answered.


All the monks looked up at the sky, looking at the intertwined ancient heaven and earth visions on the sky.

Their throats were dry, their lips trembled slightly, and they were completely unable to speak for a while.

"Isn't that saying?"

"The son of the Su family must become a saint in the world?!"

"This is amazing too!"

"It's unbelievable!

A famous monk was horrified.

Haven't waited for the ancient existence to speak.

Another monk subconsciously exclaimed, interrupting the atmosphere of the scene.

"The play is about to begin."

"The Su family god child, and the Nantian Sect holy child, the two are about to collide!

"Which is stronger or weaker? 35

"Two of the world's rare peerless geniuses, who can have the last laugh?

"This is the beginning of the imperial road battle!

"The same is true, the beginning of the great ancient holy places of the Beidou Daotong Tianjiao hegemony! 99


Pairs of eyes full of shock, shock and other emotions quickly converged on the Su family's residence.

The monks present showed their magical powers!

Each automatically used the supreme means to spy on the movement in the Su family's residence.

Su's residence.

Weird atmosphere!

Dead silence!

Headed by the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, and beside him, Protector Bai, who had reached the half-step almighty realm, and several elders in the sect were all silent.


The current head of the Su family, Su Yao, led a group of high-level senior elders of the Su family, and the younger disciples of the Su family behind them were also in a state of silence.

in the middle of both of them.

Then stood a mysterious figure with a brilliant halo wrapped around him.

Like an exiled fairy!


Beyond the mundane!

He is in this space, but it gives people a sense of sight that does not exist with this world.

Even the laws of the surrounding space avenues can't lead the movement of this person's body.

His presence seemed illusory...

It's like being completely out of the cage of this world!

Even a powerful cultivator with a half-step high energy level present looked at this figure with a halo wrapped around him with fear and fear.

at the same time.

Everyone looked up to the sky.

At this moment, the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect was staring at the sky with a terrified and shocking expression, staring at the two sudden visions of the ancient world.

"The vision caused by the divine body of this Son..."

"It was broken!"

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect was angry and embarrassed.

Even when he didn't respond.

The vision of heaven and earth that he caused was forcibly smashed into powder by these two ancient visions, and then disappeared into the sky in an instant, vanishing into smoke.

How can he, who has always been arrogant and complacent, endure such humiliation?!


"This kid..."

"It's Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family?!"

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect stared coldly ahead, the figure bathed in a soft halo.


Protector Bai, a half-step great cultivator from the Nantian Sect, also stared at the two ancient visions on the horizon with a dignified expression, feeling his heart palpitate.

He felt a boundless crisis from these two ancient visions of heaven and earth that had disappeared for thousands of years.

It's just a wisp of qi emanating from the vision of heaven and earth...

He smelled the threat of death!

To know.

He is a powerful cultivator with a dignified half-step power level!

who can do it.

With just a wisp of Qi, let him feel the threat of death?!


"Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family..."

"This son is truly extraordinary!"

"As expected, even the ancient existence of the Dao Slashing King series has praised him as the unparalleled arrogance with the strongest physique in the universe!"

"The Holy Son is afraid that he has enemies! 35

"The Son of Su family is the great enemy that the Son of God needs to face! 35

Protector Bai took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and stared at Su Xuanji, who was bathed in brilliant light not far away.

the other side.

After a brief absence, Su Yao, the head of the Su family, quickly reacted.

He looked at Su Xuanji's figure with excitement.

With the advent of Su Xuanji.

Su Yao's depression and grievances were all swept away.

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!

"It's the Son of God!"

"It's the son of our Su family!"

"The Son of God has come!"

The young disciples of the Su family who had been suppressed for a long time shouted excitedly.

Together with a senior Su family elder who has been angry for a long time, they all showed a happy and relieved smile.

"Good! Good!"

"The Son of God is finally here.

"Also let the Son of God take care of himself, to dampen the spirit of this arrogant boy of the Southern Heaven Sect's Holy Son!"

Although all the senior Su family elders who were present were still a little worried about this.

They still feel.

It is very likely that his own god son will still be defeated by the holy son of the Southern Heaven Sect.

However, when I saw the two extremely ancient and terrifying visions of heaven and earth hanging above the sky.

They also want to believe in their hearts.

With the terrifying talent of his own godson...

Maybe it can really turn the rotten into the magic!


The dazzling and soft light that wraps around the body gradually turns into particles and drifts into the void.

When all the light is gone.

I see.

Su Xuanji, a stalwart figure in white clothes, appeared in the eyes of people from all directions.


Peerless style!.


His gaze pierced through the body of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect in an instant.

At a glance, he had a clear insight into all the secrets in the body of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect!

All the information, including the physique of the saintly son of Nantian Sect, the scriptures he cultivated, and so on, appeared extremely clearly in Su Xuanji's eyes.

"Zixia Divine Body?"

"Inferior inferior constitution.

"Even I, who don't have any physique, disdain it!"

"Even if it is given to me for nothing, I don't want this physique."

After penetrating the mystery of the Zixia Divine Body of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect, Su Xuanji suddenly showed an expression of disgust.

Immediately after.

He continued to observe the details of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect.


He had a clear insight into the details of the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect.

Finally came to a conclusion.

The Saint Son of the Southern Heaven Sect was not the arrogance behind the scenes, nor did he practice the Unparalleled Demonic Art of Swallowing the Heavens.

Su Xuanji was completely unable to see through the body of the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, and that the other party had any traces of cultivating the Heaven Swallowing Magic.

With the cultivation of his own quasi-emperor series as the realm...

It couldn't be easier to see through a current genius.


It is impossible for the Son of Nantian Sect to deceive his own insight.

It is even more impossible to fabricate false information out of thin air under the insight of his own quasi emperor.

Those who can do this must at least have a cultivation realm that surpasses themselves!

If the Holy Son of Nantian Sect really has the cultivation of the quasi-emperor series.

It is impossible for him to come up with so many fancy things, and he does not need to hide behind the scenes and rely on others to help plunder and devour others' physiques.

Based on the above analysis.

A preliminary judgment can be made.

The Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect is not a descendant of that line, nor is he a practitioner of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art.


Su Xuanji had a vague foreboding.

The Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect may not even belong to those who know it.

Everything, he himself is very likely to be kept in the dark and used as a gunman by others!

"What a tragic genius..."

"I don't even know I'm being used as a gunman.

Su Xuanji withdrew his gaze and was filled with emotion.

Now comes the question.

Tianjiao behind the scenes is not the holy son of Nantianjiao...

So who else could it be?

What role does Nantian Sect play here?

Things are getting more and more confusing!

Su Xuanji was full of curiosity about this.

A dignified Nantian Sect, is it really corrupted by the people of that lineage? Are all the people of that lineage lurking in the Southern Heavenly Sect?

If so.

Then the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect was regarded as a chess piece to hide from the public.

No matter what role the Son of Nantian Sect plays in this.

In short.

Now, the only thing Su Xuanji can be 100% sure about is.

The powerful cultivator who is hiding in the dark and eyeing the Su family must be the protector of the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art!

There is no doubt about this.


More precisely.

This hidden supreme cultivator of great power level is obviously not eyeing the entire Su family, but is only eyeing him alone.

That's all.

"Let's settle the matter for now.

"Take this powerful cultivator from afar."


"A dignified supreme cultivator with a powerful series, even if he is placed in that lineage, he is definitely a key core figure who is light-hearted.


"I can learn a lot of secrets about that lineage from the mouth of this powerful monk. 99

Su Xuanji laughed.

He already has detailed plans and arrangements in mind!


It's time to solve the problem at hand.

First solve the Holy Son of Nantian Sect!

And this time.

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect, who had not received a response from Su Xuanji for a long time, only felt that his face was dull, his face was pale, and anger welled up in his heart.

Who is he?

He is a dignified contemporary saint of the Southern Heavenly Church!

The most high-profile Heaven's Pride in this generation of Nantian Sect!

It is the owner of the Zixia Divine Body!

He is highly respected by the entire Beidou trillions of young monks.

He is the most shining genius in Beidou!

He was trained as the leader of the next generation of Nantian Cult.

It is also recognized by the Big Dipper trillions of monks as a peerless evildoer who is comparable to the Ji family's god-king body!

No one has ever dared to ignore his words in front of his face!

No one dared to ignore him face to face.

at the moment.

How dare the Su family god child completely ignore himself?


Simply insane!


Never forgive this damn kid!

"God child of the Su family, you are very well!"

"You have succeeded in angering this Son of God. 99

"Originally, the Holy Son planned to let you lose a little more respectably, but now I have changed my mind. I will smash you down in public! I will smash you under my feet!

"This is to prove that this holy son's talent and aptitude are countless times stronger than your so-called strongest physique in the universe! This holy son is the most dazzling genius of the Big Dipper!

"The so-called strongest physique in the universe is not even worthy of shoes for this saint."

The holy son of Nantian Sect's eyes flickered, and his eyes were staring at Su Xuanji.

From birth till now.

He has always been the most dazzling genius, and the most admired and admired by everyone.

for decades.

He is unbeaten!

Ever since he set foot on the path of cultivation, among the younger generation of monks, in the battle of the same realm, the Holy Son of Nantian Sect has never experienced the taste of defeat.


He is very proud!

He is full of confidence!

Self-confidence can be arrogant and do not take all the arrogances in the world to heart.

He thinks he can be invincible in the world! Overwhelms the ages! Achieves the throne of the first emperor!


The genius of the Southern Heavenly Sect's Son is indeed very outstanding.

If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't be able to become the top talent of Beidou.

But looking at the countless ancient holy places in the entire Beidou, there are not no Tianjiao who can be compared with them.

Just in plain sight.

At this time.

The Saint Son of Nantian Sect was furious.

"Dare to ignore this Holy Son?"

"I will make you pay a terrible price!"

He roared angrily.

The angry voice was deafening, resounding through the sky.


The cultivation base of the secret realm of the Taoist Palace broke out in an all-round way.


A loud roar.

The Saint Son of the Southern Heaven Sect was full of dazzling purple rays of light.

But just when this dazzling purple glow rushed to the sky.

The end of the sky.

That ancient figure derived from a golden halo turned its back to all beings incomparably stalwart, exuding an ancient and extremely terrifying aura.

Just a wisp of breath...

It instantly crushed the divine body vision that broke out of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect.

The ten-thousand-zhang purple glow was instantly smashed into powder and turned into nothingness by the breath of an ancient and stalwart figure.

The difference is too big!

The visions of the two are simply incomparable.

The fate of the divine body vision being smashed again made the face of the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect flushed, and the anger in his heart became even stronger, burning with anger.

"Go to hell!"

"This holy son is the most dazzling genius in the world!"

"This holy son is going to overwhelm the ages! Step on all the geniuses of this era!

"And you are only a trivial stepping stone for this Son.55

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect attacked in anger.

Surrounded by purple rays of light, he turned into a rainbow and rushed towards Su Xuanji's position.

Extremely fast!

As if turned into a purple light flashed away.

Glide like a shooting star.

call out!

An ear-piercing crack sounded.

The space seemed to be torn apart.

A terrifying aura of completeness in the secret realm of the Taoist Palace radiated from the body of the Saint Son of the Southern Heaven Sect.


The terrifying aura of the secret realm of the Taoist Palace swept in all directions.

A disciple of the younger generation of the Su family was shrouded in this aura.

"The Holy Son of Nantian Sect has taken action!

"He, attacked in anger!"

"The Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, who was able to kill Su Lingfeng in one move, is now attacking with all his strength. The Son of God, can he really stop this kind of existence?

"Although the ancient heaven and earth vision that the Son of God broke out shattered the vision of the divine body of the Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, the time for the Son of God to contact and cultivate was still too short.

"And the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect has long been famous throughout the Big Dipper many years ago.

"The Son of God is afraid that he will suffer a big loss!"


The disciples of the Su family were worried.

Feeling the terrifying aura of the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, they had no choice but to lift their tension and stare intently at the movement of the battle.

Under the coercion of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect.

Almost all the disciples of the younger generation of the Su family seemed to have difficulty breathing, and their faces turned red. It was very good to be able to maintain a standing posture.

"So strong!

"The Holy Son of Nantian Sect is really too strong!"

"As expected, in those ancient holy places, they can still shine brightly. 39

"Even if the illustrious god-king body of the Ji family, I'm afraid, there is no certainty that he will be able to win the holy son of the Nantian Sect. 99

"God is in danger!"

The disciples of the Su family looked at Su Xuanji nervously.

Even the high-level seniors of the Su family who were present felt a little cautious and uneasy.

"Be sure to block it!"

"This is Kamiko's first battle! Be sure to win!

"It's just the first battle, and a battle with a famous Tianjiao in the world broke out. As long as the son of God doesn't lose too badly, that's fine."5

"I hope God Son will not lose all of a sudden!"

"Otherwise, the faith of the Son of God may be shaken violently."

One after another high-level Su family elders were worried.

Including Su Yao, the head of the Su family, also produced nervous emotions.

"It is too difficult to defeat the Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect.

"But if you can block the opponent for a short time..."

"That would amount to a victory!"

"This is the first time the Son of God has competed with Tianjiao, and our requirements cannot be too high.

Su Yao thought to himself.

Almost everyone doesn't think so.

Su Xuanji can defeat the Son of Nantian!

The reputation gap between the two sides is huge.

Even though Su Xuanji has recently gained fame due to the news of the strongest physique in the universe.

But that doesn't mean.

With absolute strength, Su Xuanji won the applause and admiration of countless monks in Beidou.

At the end of the day.

He simply relied on the strongest physique in the universe to make these monks fear and worship him.

By comparison.

The Holy Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, this is the Heaven's Precious Son of Heaven, who can only win the awe of the countless cultivators of the Big Dipper because of his practical and absolute strength.

If the two are compared.

Almost ninety-nine percent of people would think that the Holy Son of Nantian Sect is superior.

Nothing else.

only because...

Su Xuanji's exposure to cultivation was too short, so everyone subconsciously did not like him.

The atmosphere is so depressing!

The battle is imminent!

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect shouted angrily.

"Shiyin in Nantian Town!

The complete cultivation of the secret realm of the Taoist Palace was fully revealed.

The purple rays of light entwined around his body, transformed into palm prints like a mountain, hovering between his palms.

This palm print has formed mysterious and complicated lines on the surface, and is brewing with extremely violent power, waiting for an opportunity to fully erupt!

This is from...

The one that has been passed down for 100,000 years, a powerful killer move in Nantian Town's Book of Worlds!

There are dozens of extremely terrifying killer moves in the ancient Nantian Town World Book!


The Saint Son of the Southern Heaven Sect used one of these dozens of ultimate moves.

Every ultimate move, the power is extremely terrifying!

If you cultivate any ultimate move until it is completed, you can instantly kill cultivators of the same realm!

This is the horror of Nantian Town World Classic.


With the palm prints covering the sky and manifesting the world, the majestic power caused the space to tremble, and the buzzing void kept twisting and squirming, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

"A shot is a killer move?"

"God is in big trouble this time!"

"If the Son of God can't stop it, we must take action to intercept it to prevent the Son of God from being seriously injured.

The pupils of Su Yao and other senior members of the Su family shrank slightly, and they were shocked.

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect goes all out!

With a palm print, Su Xuanji, who was in front of him, was suddenly pushed from his palm.

"Go to hell!"

Accompanied by an angry shout.

The huge palm prints that cover the sky and the earth almost want to blind the sky.

All the disciples of the younger generation of the Su family present could smell the threat of death from this terrifying palm print.

Even the disciples of the Su family, who were also in the secret realm of the Taoist Palace, were completely unable to resist in their hearts.

"Good, terrible power!"

"Is this really a move that a monk in the secret realm of the Taoist Palace can burst out?"

"This power has even far surpassed the monks in the four-pole secret realm! 95

"Oh my God!""

"With the cultivation base of the Taoist Palace secret realm, the power far surpassing the four-pole secret realm cultivator erupted? What is the concept?

"This, is the real pride of heaven?"

same realm...

A genius and an ordinary monk, the gap between the two sides is too big!

0.. ask for flowers...

Not to mention.

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect is still a supreme genius!

The proud man standing on the top of the Beidou!

"God Son of the Su family...

"Completely finished!

"Dare to anger our holy son, this time, there is no suspense that the Su family god son will fail miserably! 35

"The strongest constitution in the universe? It's just a stepping stone for our Son.

Protector Bai from Nantian Sect smiled lightly in his heart.


The violent force exploded.

In an instant...

This palm print arrived in front of Su Xuanji.

The palm print burst into the void.

A violent gust of air swept through and spread

The air wave blew in, rolling Su Xuanji's white clothes, and his hair fluttered freely under this air wave.

I see.

Su Xuanji raised his right hand slowly.

and raised his index finger.

next second.


A small golden flame was suddenly born out of thin air around the fingertips.

A faint flame was entangled between Su Xuanji's index fingers.

If you look carefully...

That's a clear insight.

When this small flame was burning and rising, the surrounding space was burned and almost distorted and collapsed.

what does that mean?

This shows.

The space of this world is completely unable to accommodate the power contained in this flame!

Just ask.

How terrifying is this power?

Simply unimaginable!

How terrifyingly destructive is the power that even a space fortress can't contain?

No one dared to imagine that shocking scene.

However, this little golden flame that contained extremely terrifying power was just a little trick that Su Xuanji cast at will.

Do not!

we can even say.

Not even a trick!

It's just a small gesture that's easy to do.

In this little golden flame, not even the power of one part of the billions of Emperor Zhundi has been achieved.

This force has obviously been divided by a trillion times through Su Xuanji.

That's how it got to the scale it is today.

If there is no division to divide that power...


This small group of golden flames is enough to forcibly destroy the sky and destroy the earth!

In an instant, the territory of a thousand trillion li will be destroyed!

Blast the stars all over the sky!

Shake the vast and infinite sea of ​​stars!

And even after differentiation, the power contained in this little flame is still extremely terrifying.

Compared with the big mudra that covers the sky and the sun from the Holy Son of Nantian Sect...

This seemingly insignificant little flame is a trillion times more terrifying!

"Kid, die for this holy son!""

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect was laughing like crazy.

The palm print that covers the sky is about to fall on Su Xuanji.

With the violent force of annihilation space.

Destructive power!

Under the eyes of all the people.

Su Xuanji's face was calm, and he flicked his fingers casually.

next second.

The faint golden flames circling his fingertips were directly ejected by him and rushed towards the palm print that covered the sky and the sun.

call out!

The golden flames burned everything, annihilating the space into a chaotic void.

This power is terrifying!

Terrible to the extreme!

Burn the Eight Wastes!

Destroy all beings!

All matter in the world...

All vanished into nothingness in this faint golden flame.


This is a flame that can burn even space!

Unparalleled power runs through the sky.

Instantly penetrated the palm print that covered the sky and the sun.

Taken from the ancient scriptures of Nantian Town, which have been passed down for over 100,000 years by the Nantian Sect, the ultimate move in it contains a huge palm print of the infinite law of heaven and earth...

So far.

It was directly penetrated and shattered by this weak little flame!

The terrifying palm prints that were about to blind the sky were all burned to nothing by the flames.

The terrifying energy energy contained in the palm print...

Under the burning of this golden flame, it all evaporated out of thin air, turned into particles that could not be seen by the naked eye, and merged into the endless void.

The palm print disappeared.

This scene fell into the eyes of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect.

It made him suddenly widen his eyes, pale in shock, full of horror and disbelief.

"how can that be?!

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect was terrified.

A strong sense of fear came to mind.

He never dreamed of...

His most proud killer move was cracked so easily!

But it's just a snap of your fingers...

His ultimate move is facing the fate of complete collapse!

This seriously subverted his worldview.

His mentality completely collapsed on the spot.

at the same time.

His arrogant and confident attitude is even more shattered!

once Upon a time.

He is the arrogant son of heaven who overlooks all the living beings in the world.

But now.

When faced with the golden flames in front of him, he became the target of slaughter.




"I must be dreaming, right?"

"This Holy Son is the contemporary Holy Son of Nantian Sect! The future Holy Master of Nantian Sect!"

"Looking at the ancient holy places in the entire Beidou, who can be compared with this holy son? Even the god-king body of the Ji family is not qualified!"5

"How could this holy son possibly lose? How could he possibly lose to a hairy boy?

"It must be fake!"

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect completely doubted life.

He fell into extreme madness.

The little self-esteem left in his heart did not allow him to accept this defeat.

He has fought hundreds of battles in his life...

Unbeaten so far!


"Should be invincible in the world! Overwhelm the ages!"

"How can you lose to the Divine Son of the Su family today?"

"This Holy Son should be the most dazzling genius of this era!""

"No one can take away the throne that belongs to this Son of God!"5

The Holy Son of Nantian Sect finally roared wildly.

Haven't waited for his response.

That ray of golden flames that burned the Eight Desolates hit his body from the front on the spot.


When the flame ignited the body of the Holy Son of Nantian Sect, it was like the flame burning a dry weed.

In an instant, the fire became extraordinarily brave.

at the same time.


A faint flame rose into the sky.

Originally, it seemed like a flame that could be extinguished with a blow, but now, in an instant, it has turned into a monstrous flame that burns everything.

The entire sky was covered by this dazzling golden fire.

It's like a cloud of fire rising from the sky!

The golden sunset glow covers millions of miles in radius.

The roaring golden flames illuminate the vast sky.

The golden flame is more dazzling than the scorching sun on the horizon!

Even the scorching sun hanging on the edge of the sky was silently reduced to a foil under this monstrous golden flame.

The flames rendered the sky a crimson.




all around.

The temperature remains unchanged without any fluctuations.

This golden flame is very strange...

It doesn't seem to have the slightest temperature!

Weirdly tingling.

Just for a moment...

The Saint Son of the Southern Heaven Sect, whose prestige resounded throughout the Big Dipper, was burnt out on the spot by this golden flame.

turn to ashes!


No bones left!

Not even the slightest trace was left.

Accompanied by a gentle breeze.

The ashes remaining in the air disappeared with the wind.

The front and back are just between the fingers...

Su Xuanji can easily obliterate a person who is the best in the world!

And after doing this.

He still looked calm, as if he had done a trivial thing. From beginning to end, there were no emotional ups and downs at all.