
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · ファンタジー
77 Chs

371 to 380

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 371

Chapter 371 Transformed into a mortal appearance!

Seeing the situation by the river, he immediately shouted loudly.

Soon, in the village not far away, a group of villagers ran out one after another.

And soon all surrounded the youth by the river.

They looked at the black fish with fear and hatred in their eyes~.

"The tombs in our village are all along the river.

"It's all destroyed by this Damn it monster."

"My poor grandson lost a leg just after he was buried!"

"The most pitiful girl is the Zhang family, who is alive..."

The villagers were so excited that they could not wait to rush up to kill the black fish.

But they didn't dare, and even when they shouted, they had to hide behind the youth.

"You don't have to be afraid.

"From now on, it can't hurt anyone anymore.

The young man spoke soothingly.

When the words fell, he raised his hand and waved, and the black fish instantly turned into fly ash.

This scene really shocked the villagers present.

"He really didn't brag!"

"He can really subdue this monster! Many thanks to Su boy! 35

"Who the hell are you?"

"We didn't believe you before, I'm really sorry!"

"Wait, I'll go home and get you a basket of eggs, and you can take them back to eat."

The villagers were chatting around the youth with great enthusiasm.

Looking at the simple villagers, the young man smiled helplessly.

He never imagined that one day, someone would thank him, the son of the Su family, with a basket of eggs.

Not bad, Su family godson.

This young man is Su Xuanji who is traveling.

He was walking aimlessly, passing through the village, when he suddenly heard people howling.

He didn't pay attention to it deliberately, but he also heard the content of the howl clearly.

It turned out that a 28-year-old girl in this village was dragged into the water by the fish in the water.

When it came out, only the skin was left.

There are still some bone residues left on it, and there are obvious traces of eating.

The girl's family was heartbroken, and the villagers were uneasy.

They had already discovered the fact that there were monsters in the water, but in the past, they only attacked tombs, but now they actually attacked the living.

Although Su Xuanji doesn't feel that he is the one who will help when he encounters injustice.

But seeing mortals in trouble, he was happy to lend a helping hand.

So he changed his body and turned into a mortal appearance, otherwise these villagers would not know how to behave.

At first, people didn't believe that he could get rid of the black fish.

But after the facts just now, how can people not believe it?

Seeing the villagers who were going to get their eggs right away, Su Xuanji spoke quickly.

"You are not busy.

"I only want to help everyone, and I don't expect anything in return.

"I still have a question, I hope you can answer it."

"How long has this black fish been here, why didn't you think about getting rid of it before?"

Hearing this, the villagers answered in a garbled manner.

"It was three months ago.

"I didn't notice it at first, there are black fish like this everywhere in the river."

"It's just that this one has suddenly become so terrifying for some reason."

"We are helpless and dare not offend it, if it weren't for the Zhang family girl... 99'

"After that, we felt dangerous, and you happened to be here, otherwise we would have to look for help, and we didn't know where to go!

Su Xuanji fell into deep thought.

Is this river full of blackfish?

Only this one somehow became so terrifying?

Three months ago....

Although the villagers here are not related to him.

And he also got rid of the black fish easily.

You can send the Buddha to the west and save people to the end.

This incident is obviously a little strange. If he doesn't get to the bottom of it, he is afraid that the tragedy will repeat itself in the future.

Although joys and sorrows are common, but for mortals, the difference between life and death is a painful one, how can it be treated normally?

Thinking of this, Su Xuanji asked again.

"Anything unusual happened three months ago?"

Villagers, look at me, I look at you, and no one can answer.

"Every day we cultivate the land at sunrise and rest at sunset. 35

"Occasionally go to the river to catch some fish and shrimp, it's nothing special.

"And three months ago....I can't and don't remember anything..."


Seeing that everyone couldn't answer anything, Su Xuanji didn't force it.

He could find the answer on his own, but with a little more effort.

At this moment, a little girl with a braid of sheep's horns suddenly spoke.

"Three months ago, a man who could fly fell into the river."

The little girl looked like she was only three or four years old, and she couldn't speak clearly.

Her words were not taken seriously in the laughter of the villagers.

"How can people fly?"

"What a silly girl."

"She may have seen the duck flying in the water. 35

Su Xuanji had a different view.

The villagers thought that man could not fly, but they forgot that he had just killed a black fish that they could not do anything about.

As long as you are a cultivator, you don't have to reach his level of cultivation, so what's so rare about being able to fly?

Su Xuanji looked at the little girl and said with a smile, "Tell me more about what the person you see looks like."

The little girl tilted her head, as if thinking about what Su Xuanji said.

Suddenly, her round eyes lit up, as if she understood something.

Immediately, she pointed to a person around five.

Chapter 372 Suspended on the river, frozen in the air!

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the man.

Su Xuanji is no exception.

It was a village man who looked like he should be less than forty years old.

He was tall and big, with a fierce look on his face, and there were several scars on his face, which looked like they were drawn out by something.

But this man's eyes are not vicious.

On the contrary, because of everyone's attention, he scratched his head shyly and smiled honestly, not like a bad person.

And with Su Xuanji's eyesight, it can be concluded that this person is just an ordinary mortal and cannot fly.

At this time, the villagers laughed again.

"I'll just say where did this little girl know about the "103" thing. 99

"Where can Li Dahan fly, he can't even kill fish. 35

"The scar on his face looked fierce, but it was actually chased by a goose when he was a child, and he went down the hill to be scratched by a stone. 39

"Boy Su, don't believe what this little girl says, little child, you're just imaginative.

Su Xuanji didn't say anything after hearing the words, just nodded and dealt with it vaguely.

Although this Li Dahan is a mortal man, he obviously cannot fly.

But the little girl's words were still remembered by Su Xuanji.

After all, the little girl is still very young, and it is normal for her to express unclearly, but she cannot blindly deny her words.

But if what she said must be true, Su Xuanji also thinks it may not.

All I can say is, it's possible.

"Everyone, this matter is over, leave it now." Su Xuanji looked at the villagers and said.

"Is this gone?"

"Leave it to my family as a son-in-law.""

"At least a few more days.""

The villagers enthusiastically retained it.

Su Xuanji didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he shook his head, turned around and left without saying anything.

Before taking a few steps, his figure disappeared in front of everyone.

In an instant, all the villagers were amazed.

After a while, he came back to his senses and let out bursts of exclamations.

Compared with the previous hand, it disappeared without a trace, which more intuitively caused the shock of the villagers.

And these shocked faces were also seen by Su Xuanji.

He didn't really leave, he was staying to find out something.

He will not leave until he is sure that there is really no danger here.

It's just that he didn't want to express his concerns, which made these villagers worry too much, so he left in public.

Su Xuanji sat on the tree and watched the villagers gradually disperse before he flew down.

He looked at the seemingly calm river in front of him, and didn't feel that there was any hidden danger.

But the changes in the black fish were very sure of the villagers.

There must be some reason for this change.

And this reason may be hidden in this river, and there may be black fish that will change because of this.

Thinking of this, Su Xuanji spoke directly and said softly, "Get up."

When the words fell, the river surface was instantly turbulent.

Moreover, the entire river surface shook.

The next moment, the sound of breaking water sounded.

At a glance, dense things flew out of the river.

It was soon announced that it was suspended on the river, and it was frozen in the air.

Connected together, it is like a river without water.

And this river is composed of fish, shrimp, crabs, stones, sand, various garbage and so on.

That is to say, everything in the river, alive and dead, came to the sun after one word of Su Xuanji fell.

Su Xuanji looked intently, looking for clues that might exist.

Everything here looks very ordinary....

There is nothing that makes people feel dangerous at a glance.

But Su Xuanji is still very careful, not falling behind.

Especially those black fish.

As the villagers said, there are quite a few black fish in this river.

But it doesn't look abnormal, nor does it have the two rows of fangs in the mouth of the previous one.

That said, something did cause that black fish to change.

But what is it?

Su Xuanji's eyes went back and forth over everything that came up.

Suddenly, he noticed that a mussel was lying on a half-human-high stone.

The color of this mussel is different from the others, it is pitch-black, and the black is eerie.

And it has obviously been damaged, and there are traces of being gnawed.

For some reason, this seemingly unsurprising thing at the bottom of the river made Su Xuanji's heart skip a beat for no reason.

Following his own feeling, Su Xuanji's eyes narrowed, and the mussel flew in front of him instantly and froze there.

Su Xuanji lowered his gaze slightly and saw what was inside through the gnawed shell of the mussel.

The mussels are gone, and inside are two 0.5 pearls, black.

If you look closely, the two black pearls are still glowing with scarlet red.

Su Xuanji stared at the two pearls, and always felt a strange air linger on them.

"Could it be this thing that caused the black fish to change?" Su Xuanji frowned.

He raised his hand to grab the mussel, took out the two pearls inside and held it in his hand.

As soon as I started, I felt extremely cold and gloomy.

"Sure enough." Su Xuanji muttered.

He raised his eyes again, and a black fish came to him.

This black fish is exactly the same as the previous one.

Chapter 373 Hearing the words, the demon breath!

Su Xuanji thought for a while and threw a black pearl into his mouth.

Immediately, Hei Yu's already pitch-black eyes became even more intense in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, two rows of extremely sharp teeth grew out of his mouth, struggling fiercely as if to bite something.

The scales around his body also became darker and brighter.

At this time, this black fish has become no different from the one that caused the trouble before.

Su Xuanji immediately determined that the black pearl was the culprit of the village's suffering.

The black fish before, must have accidentally eaten this mussel, or greedily or accidentally ate a pearl, and the result has changed.

But why the pearls in the mussel became so strange, causing the black fish to change, Su Xianji still didn't know anything about it.

"Solved a mystery, and another mystery..."

03 "Go down.""

When Su Xuanji finished speaking, all the objects in the river that were hanging in the air fell down.

Only the mussel was still in his hands.

Su Xuanji looked left and right, really making him discover something.

Under the sunlight, a little black trace could be faintly seen on the shell of the mussel.

Like ink drips on it, and formed a permanent imprint.

This clue alone does not allow Su Xuanji to deduce the whole story.

He put away the mussel shell and the last black pearl, and then went back to the tree, leaning on it and thinking.

Time passed little by little, and night came in the blink of an eye.

Su Xuanji didn't move at all.

After thinking about it again and again, he plans to leave here in a few days without any other clues.

Although the source of the problem has not been found, the mussel must have caused changes due to other reasons.

But the reason for the change of Heiyu can be considered to be found.

The danger to the villagers was reduced.

If you want to trace back to the source, first, there are no clues, and naturally there is no way to trace it.

The second is that it may be a completely accidental reason, and I can't help but search for no clue, and it may be meaningless in the end.

However, Su Xuanji still gave himself a few days, and if there is really no further progress, he will leave.

Looking at the smoke-filled village, Su Xuanji put his hands behind his head with a smile on his lips.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful aura suddenly came straight to him without concealment.

Su Xuanji put away the smile on his face and looked up.

Right on the pair of exploratory eyes.

The two looked at each other, and both looked at each other at the same time.

The person who came was dressed in a simple yet luxurious white robe, with a jade crown on his head, and he looked elegant.

A pair of eyes, even more unfathomable mist, it is difficult to see.

He looked at Su Xuanji and said slowly, "Who are you?

His voice was very low, giving people a feeling of unusual majesty.

Su Xuanji looked at him lazily, but did not hide it, and said slowly: "Su family, Su Xuanji."5

"Son of the Su family?" The man said in surprise, then looked at Su Xuanji more carefully.

"Who are you?" Su Xuanji asked, also looking at the man.

Such a powerful person is definitely not an ordinary person.

The other party Lanxess smiled.

"If anyone asks, I will be too lazy to answer. 99

"But the Su family godson, I haven't heard of it for a long time, but I also have the heart to make friends."

"I'm... God.

Su Xuanji got up suddenly and looked at the man in surprise.


"The Emperor of the Heavenly Palace?"

"Why are you here?

The three questions one after another showed Su Xuanji's surprise.

Rarely has he been so surprised, but the identity of the other party makes people unable to calm down.

Su Xuanji never imagined that he would meet such a person in a tree in a mortal village.

"If it is fake, I believe no one will dare to pretend to be me. 35

"As for why I'm here..."

"Why don't God Son Su answer me first, why do you have the aura of a demon in you."5

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji and said slowly.

Su Xuanji was stunned when he heard the words, the demon breath?

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, and he took out the mussel shells and black pearls fished out of the river.

"Is this what God said?"

Facing Su Xuanji's question, Tian Di nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, there is indeed a demonic atmosphere on it.

"I came chasing the breath of the demons, looking for the demons who escaped by chance.

"I didn't expect to catch up here, but what I saw was God Son Su.

Su Xuanji was even more surprised when he heard Tiandi's words.

But immediately, a deep interest arose in his heart.

What did he come out for?


What's a more interesting trip than encountering something you've never seen before?

there is none left!

Su Xuanji looked at Tiandi, flew to him, and handed the clam shell and black pearl to each other.

Immediately explain the source of these two things.

"I passed through this village, and the villagers were plagued by black fish.99

"I stepped in to help, and unexpectedly learned that the black fish used to be just a dish on the table."

"I don't know why, I suddenly treat human bones as food.

"I just wanted to see if there was anything mysterious under the water, and it really made me discover this black pearl."

"I tried it with another black pearl before, and it changed after I swallowed it.

Chapter 374 Rise to the sky and escape quickly!

"But it didn't become very powerful in the end, but it was enough to endanger the villagers."

After listening to Su Xuanji's words, Tian Di raised his finger and pointed to the ink mark on the clam shell, and expressed his guess.

"This should be the blood of the demons. 35

"I don't know why it dripped on the mussels, which made the mussels die and changed.

"The pearls inside have also undergone a strange change, which has caused the black fish to give birth to some unusual powers.

Su Xuanji heard the words and thought it was very possible.

The clues that were not clear at first were instantly connected by the Heavenly Emperor.

Su Xuanji suddenly thought of what the little girl said during the day.

"There is a little girl in the village who said that three months ago, a man who could fly fell into the river."

"Will it be the Demon Race tracked by the Heavenly Emperor?"

"And the blood of the demons accidentally dripped into the mussels, and that's what happened next."

Tiandi nodded when he heard the words.

"The demons indeed escaped by chance three months ago."

"If I hadn't had something important to do, I would have chased after me early in the morning."

"He is injured, and it is possible for him to fall into the river without support."

Su Xuanji wanted to ask why the demons came here because the demons were sealed.

But after seeing each other for the first time, Su Xuanji thought for a while, but didn't say anything.

If the other party wants to say it, they will definitely say it themselves.

If he didn't say it, he didn't need to ask.

Seemingly seeing Su Xuanji's doubts and patience, the Emperor of Heaven showed admiration.

He had long heard that the Su family had produced a son of god, who was an amazing person.

It can even be called the first pride of Beidou.

It stands to reason that such a character should be a little arrogant, and even be held in high regard with no sense of scale and boundaries.

But the Su Xuanji in front of him was not at all.

There was no arrogance in Su Xuanji's body, and his eyes were clear and bright.

Mingming was full of doubts, but he did not ask questions, considering each other's identities.

Such transparency and self-control are rare.

Before, although Tiandi wanted to meet Su Xuanji, he was more just curious and didn't expect much.

Now it seems that he underestimated this Son of Su.

At this time, Su Xuanji opened his mouth and said, "The Emperor of Heaven thinks that the demons are still here?"

"I have a secret technique for finding the demons. If he is still there, I will know. 35

"But I was misled by the mussels and pearls on you, I'll look again. 35

Heavenly Emperor's words fell, no more words.

Seeing him perform a secret technique, Su Xuanji didn't even bother.

Not long after, the Heavenly Emperor said solemnly: "He is still here, come with me.

When the words fell, he walked towards the river not far away.

Su Xuanji followed immediately.

Soon, the two came to the tomb by the river.

"Here?" Su Xuanji asked in surprise.

Heavenly Emperor nodded, and then without saying a word, he shot at one of them.

With a loud bang, the tomb shattered.

A disheveled guy shot up from the inside and ran away quickly.

Tiandi immediately chased after him, and Su Xuanji followed immediately.

He really wanted to give it a try, but he didn't go overboard.

The Emperor of Heaven quickly knocked it to the ground with a palm and fell into a forest.

Fortunately, Su Xuanji secretly said that if this happened in the village, it would scare the villagers to death.

"Let's see where you're still running!" The Heavenly Emperor angrily said, and then he shot out brazenly.

The demons had no power to fight back, and they seemed to be recovering from their wounds.

Under the violent storm of the Heavenly Emperor, it is naturally difficult to resist.

Su Xuanji's attention was all on the demon.

He didn't realize that there was an alien hiding near him.

But thinking about it is relieved. There are many methods he has never seen in this world. Maybe this Demon Race has some special concealment method, otherwise how could he escape from the hands of the Heavenly Emperor?

Su Xuanji quickly noticed the demon's face again.

Its face is covered with totems, and it looks ferocious.

He immediately thought of Li Dahan who the little girl pointed to when he asked the little girl.

Li Dahan's face was full of scars, perhaps in the concept of a little girl, scars and totems are the same thing.

And this demon clan is also extremely tall, and its stature is very similar to Li Dahan.

Perhaps the coincidental similarity is the reason why the little girl pointed to Li Dahan.

"'々 Hey, the little girl is really not wrong, but the villagers have wronged her.

"But it's okay (Zhao who got it), at least after the little girl is sensible, she will only feel that she is wrong.

"You don't have to worry about it all day.

As soon as Su Xuanji finished speaking, the demons over there had been blasted away by the Heavenly Emperor.

The whole process was actually very fast, and Tian Di returned to Su Xuanji in an instant.

He looked at Su Xuanji and made an invitation.

"Sister Su, would you like to be a guest in the Heavenly Palace?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji had any hesitation, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Originally, he planned to travel everywhere, and Tiangong was obviously a good place to go.

"If Su Shenzi is willing, that would be the best."

When Tiandi saw Su Xuanji's agreement, he was in a good mood.

The two immediately set off together.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 375 In order to clean up you, what are we waiting for!

Along the way, the two talked very happily, and there was a feeling of seeing each other late.

Ten days later, the two were suddenly stopped.

Looking at the demons surrounding the two, Su Xuanji suddenly laughed.

He wanted to do it before, but there was only one opponent, so naturally he had to give it to the stalker of Heavenly Emperor.

Now in front of him, these demons are like unowned things that he can let him do, and he doesn't have to care about it at all.

"Shenzi Su, you hide behind me. 99

"I'll deal with them. 35

"They were coming for me.

Tian Di stood up and stood in front of Su Xuanji.

How could Su Xuanji hide behind others!

He finally came across to play... no... a brand new opportunity for experience!

He immediately stopped the Heavenly Emperor who was about to shoot.

"God, leave it to me.

"no need to worry.

"I'm a little curious about these demons."

"107 wonder if they can resist beatings?"

As soon as these words came out, Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji in surprise.

After a few days of getting along, he thought Su Xuanji was a very mature and stable person.

It just looks a little sloppy, but I still have a lot in my heart.

But what did he hear now?

Curious about Demons?

Can the demons be beaten?

This is nothing to tune in!

Heavenly Emperor smiled helplessly, secretly saying that he was still a teenager.

"The demons have rough skin and thick flesh, and are very powerful.

"There are also some weird magical powers that are not easy to deal with.

"Leave it to me. If you are injured, how can I explain to the Su family."

God still has his own selfishness in his heart.

He didn't want to hear rumors that after Su Xuanji was injured, there were rumors that the emperor was hiding behind the Su family's god son and didn't dare to shoot.

After all, no matter how strong Su Xuanji is, he is only the god child of the Su family, not a taboo of the Su family.

(adaf) If the Su family's taboo is here, he doesn't mind letting the Su family's taboo take action.

Su Xuanji doesn't want to miss the chance, he must convince the emperor!

He looked at the demons who were about to move, and raised his voice to say hello.

"Stay still. 99

"Don't worry.""

"Let's discuss it first. 35

"Look who's going to take you on your way.

"Wait a minute, take it easy.

The murderous demons were dumbfounded when they heard the words.


Waiting for?

Waiting for you to discuss who will take us on the road?

Are you taking us for fools!

In an instant, the demons became even more angry, and their murderous aura was even greater than before!

Seeing this, the Emperor of Heaven looked at Su Xuanji in disbelief.

I saw that Su Xuanji's face seemed to say let me come!

"Sister Su, are you really going to take action?

"The demons are not easy to deal with, especially with so many demons.

"Why don't you do it like this, how about you scrambling to the side?"

Heavenly Emperor discussed.

If it weren't for the fact that he had a very good impression of Su Xuanji in the past few days, he would not have been patient and discussed with Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji looked at the Heavenly Emperor in surprise, and asked with a puzzled face, "Just these demons, do you still need to raid?"

As soon as these words came out, the demons were even more angry.

"Who is this person? How arrogant! 99

"Simply ignored us! 55

"It really makes no sense!"

"He must be skinned and dismantled!"

The demons originally came to the Heavenly Emperor.

But Su Xuanji attracted all the hatred in an instant.

If he didn't care, he still had a light-hearted demeanor, he was simply saying that the demons were nothing in front of him.

This is the first time the demons have experienced such a feeling of being despised!

Even the Heavenly Emperor had some headaches in the face of the Demon Race.

How dare a guy whose name they can't name, dare to be so arrogant?


Can you talk nonsense with a long mouth?

Emperor Tian also felt that Su Xuanji seemed to be too disregarding the demons.

Self-confidence is a good thing, but too much self-confidence is conceited.

Out of admiration for Su Xuanji, Tian Di decided to teach Su Xuanji a lesson.

Let him realize as soon as possible that, although he is the proud son of heaven, he is not invincible.

It also saved Su Xuanji from suffering a big loss in the face of other enemies in the future.

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji and nodded.

"Okay, it's up to you."

"But not recklessly. 35

"When you realize that you are invincible, stop immediately. 35

"I'll help you right away.

Hearing this, Su Xuanji was really moved, and then refused: "Don't bother God, I can do it myself. 39

Heavenly Emperor suddenly choked.

The demons also had their throats blocked.

They were only ordered to deal with the Heavenly Emperor, why should they meet such a ignorant guy.

To torture them?

That purpose has been achieved.

"Come on together.""

"We are in a hurry. 39

"hurry up.

Su Xuanji hooked his finger at the demons.

The demons were instantly furious.

Didn't you say let's wait a minute?

Didn't you say take more care?

If it wasn't to clean up you, what would we be waiting for!

"This guy is so annoying!

"I mustn't let him die too easily!

"I'm going to burn him to ashes!

The demons expressed their strong hatred and dissatisfaction with Su Xuanji.

The next second, all the demons moved at the same time.

They came from all directions, looking like a continuous wave of anger, sweeping towards Su Xuanji in the middle.

Chapter 376 Falling down 1 after another, with no power to fight back!

Su Xuanji stood there lazily, motionless.

The Emperor of Heaven was watching the situation tensely, waiting for Su Xuanji to show signs of failure, and then immediately took action.

However, at this moment, Su Xuanji's eyes suddenly sharpened.

The mood of the whole person changed in an instant!

How cynical he was before, how terrible he is now.

With it as the center, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted.

In an instant, the power that seemed to destroy the sky and the earth enveloped all the demons, and even the Emperor of Heaven was enveloped in it.

Tian Di's heart jumped, and he looked at Su Xuanji in shock, as if he didn't recognize this person.

He has seen Su Xuanji, who is benevolent and righteous for the villagers~.

He has also met the humorous and straightforward Su Xuanji.

But the murderous Su Xuanji, he is the first time to see him!

What kind of Su family godson is this?

Although he felt that this was impossible, the Heavenly Emperor still had this feeling.

The power that Su Xuanji burst out at this moment was too terrifying.

Horribly, he wasn't sure if he was Su Xuanji's opponent.

But the next second, the Heavenly Emperor laughed at himself.

"how can that be possible."

"No matter how powerful Su Shenzi is, how can he be my opponent.

"I am the God of Heaven..."

"Being shocked by Su Shenzi's aura shakes his confidence, it really shouldn't be."

At the same time, the demons also came to Su Xuanji's surroundings and took their own shots.

As God said.

The strength of the demons is not weak, and their strength is very large. It seems that they can crack the mountains and the ground when they raise their hands.

But the hearts of the demons were beating wildly, and it seemed that Su Xuanji's mighty might was laughing at their overreaching.

This inexplicable feeling made every demon's resentment towards Su Xuanji even stronger.

Even the Emperor of Heaven was standing there, and no one paid any attention to the Emperor of Heaven.

A pair of eyes, all focused on Su Xuanji's body.

It seems that in this world, there is no second person worthy of their attention.

But the next second, they have the illusion that they think too much.

Because of Su Xuanji, who was already at the forefront of the demon clan, he was cut in half with one sword.

Heavenly Emperor was also stunned for a moment.

Don't you mean the demons are nothing?

Why was it split in two in the blink of an eye?

But soon, the Emperor of Heaven discovered the wrong way from the shock.

At this moment, Su Xuanji was cut down from the middle, but he did not fall to either side.

Not even a drop of blood shed.


"That's not Su Xuanji."

"Yes.... Afterimage.... Afterimage of Su Xuanji!

"This... how is this possible..."

Tiandi was shocked by his discovery.

You know, he caught the slightest movement of Su Xuanji before.

In his eyes, Su Xuanji just stood there, motionless.

When did he disappear?

Where did it go again?

God knows nothing.

The demons also reacted at this time.

What is this Su Xuanji, it is clearly the afterimage of Su Xuanji.


next second.

The afterimage slowly dissipated and disappeared without a trace.

The hearts of the Demon Race people jumped wildly.

"Where did he go?"

"Why are you missing?"

"Obviously I didn't see him move!"

"Who is he... so strange..."

The demons looked around, once again ignoring the Heavenly Emperor who was standing not far away.

As if they were not here for him this time.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

The Emperor of Heaven was speechless when he saw this, the battle between him and the Demon Race had been going on for a long time.

This is the first time such a thing has happened.

And the cause turned out to be Su Xuanji, the son of the Su family!

Who would have thought this!

If you say it out, I'm afraid no one will believe it, right?

Especially the big figures of the Demon Race, I'm afraid they never dreamed that the people they sent would abandon him and attack others first.

Is this the charm of genius? Heavenly Emperor wondered whether he should laugh or cry.

At this moment, screams suddenly sounded one after another.

When everyone looked at it at the same time, they saw that the entire demons fell down one after another, with no power to fight back!


Apparently, it was Su Xuanji who started to fight back.

It's just that the demons can only see the figures of their companions falling down, and they can't catch the trace of Su Xuanji at all.

Suddenly, Su Xuanji's figure finally appeared again.

When the demons took action one after another, they found again that this was another afterimage.

"Where the hell is he!"

"Too fast! Not for us!"

"What kind of terrifying monster is this? We underestimate him!"

The demons were shocked and angry.

At this time, a short man suddenly flew out of the Demon Race, and said solemnly: "Let me come and meet him."

Seeing this person, Tiandi's pupils suddenly shrank.

He never found out that this person was mixed in, and he must have used some kind of heaven-shattering secret technique.

He immediately raised his voice to remind Su Xuanji.

"This person is the Demon Clan Demon Lord."

"He's strong, be careful. 35

Although the description of the Devil Dove by the Heavenly Emperor is very simple.

But this is precisely the case, which is more illustrative.

Lord Mochen shuttled among the demons, and the whole person passed by like a meteor.

Soon, he slashed five at a demon.

Chapter 377 Stop and show up in front of people!

The Demon Race looked over in horror, and didn't have time to hide.

While all the demons were watching this scene in amazement, suddenly, the demon who was too late to hide fights back!

But the face of the demon who fought back still had a look of confusion and fear, as if it was not him who fought back.

All the demons were even more puzzled when they saw this scene.

Only God can see clearly.

Lord Mochen did not kill his own people, but Su Xuanji!

Originally, he didn't see Su Xuanji's shadow, but after he fought back and slowed down, he saw it.

It's just that the strength of other demons is not as good as that, and I can't see it.

And that Demon Chen clearly knew "107" and discovered Su Xuanji even earlier than him.

The Emperor of Heaven did not doubt that he was inferior to Lord Mochen, but a demon like Lord Mochen often had unexpected talents.

And this man, the most powerful, is his eyesight.

It is precisely because of this that he can stand out among the demons.

It can even easily capture the enemy's flaws and complete the easy beheading.

For a time, Tiandi was very worried about Su Xuanji.

He looked at the demon who fought back, and behind it, Su Xuanji was in control.

He grabbed the Demon Race's hand, forcing his every move to be in harmony with it.

Under the mighty power of Su Xuanji, the demons were completely powerless to resist, and had no idea what was going on.

The knife in his hand is also out of control, constantly welcoming the Lord Mochen, who he usually doesn't even look at.

One move and one style, the sword goes sideways.

One chop, one chop, the momentum is like a rainbow.

One step and one spin, the speed is like a dragon.

He couldn't believe that he could have such an experience in his life.

It was as if I accidentally broke into an impossible world, saw the scenery above all living beings, and experienced an indescribable power.

And Mo Chen's face became more and more gloomy.

He thought that relying on his unique talent, he not only found out Su Xuanji, but also used it to see through the opponent's flaws.

But after a few rounds, he didn't find Su Xuanji's flaws. Instead, Su Xuanji saw through the weak points again and again and pressed him step by step.

And the most annoying thing is!

Su Xuanji's face was full of interest with a smile.

Seems to have found something interesting.

But that's the beginning!

With every breath that followed, the smile on Su Xuanji's face faded a bit, and gradually became boring.

Seems like he's just a fun looking thing.

But gradually revealed the boring nature, so players lost interest.

This feeling made Lord Mochen go mad in an instant.

He is a character that even the Emperor of Heaven finds a little tricky, otherwise he would not have been sent here!

What is this young man?

How can I look down on him so much!

"Suffer to death!" Lord Mo Chen shouted in shock and anger, and the attack suddenly became more violent.

The demons controlled by Su Xuanji were not as panicked as before, but were even more excited.

He was completely immersed in this wonderful power, as if he had it too.

The change in his expression fell in the eyes of Lord Mochen, which made Mochen even more annoyed.

Could it be that even a person he wouldn't look straight at on weekdays could be put on his head under the control of that kid?

The murderous intent in Mo Chen's eyes is getting thicker and thicker, and the thickness seems to be condensed into essence.

However, Su Xuanji's defense was completely impervious, and there was no flaw at all.

It is like a harmonious protective cover, where it is the strongest, and there is nowhere to find a place to start.

This child feels like a punch to cotton, very weak...

This is the first time Lord Mochen has felt this way.

No matter who he faces, he must see blood.

But this time, Chi Chi couldn't even get close to Su Xuanji's body.

"I do not believe."

"How could I be inferior to you! 99

"It's impossible!

Lord Mo Chen roared with frustration, and then kept changing his moves.

But in Su Xuanji's eyes, it's even more boring.

He has completely lost interest.

Originally, if Lord Mo Chen could keep his composure and still have extraordinary confidence in his eyes, Su Xuanji still wanted to apologise to himself again.

After all, it is not easy to meet people who can play some new games.

Even if this Lord Mo Chen is a little disappointed, it can be tolerated.

Maybe a surprise will break out for him later.

But now, Lord Mochen has completely lost his mind and heart.

More violent attacks and more fancy moves, not only did not improve his attack power, but made him fall into the rut.

It completely showed how helpless he was after his anger.

This is what Su Xuanji no longer wants to tolerate.

This opponent, or, to be more precise, 0.5, this game should have lost its only value.


A sigh suddenly fell into Lord Mo Chen's ear.

Full of regrets.

Lord Mo Chen's heart trembled for a moment.

A cold feeling all over his body instantly made him shudder.

next second.

The cold light in front of him flashed one after another, and the speed was unbelievably fast, and the Akira Demon Lord stopped in place in an instant.

He looked up and saw that Su Xuanji had stopped and appeared in front of people.

And the Demon Race that was previously controlled by him was looking at him excitedly, his eyes full of twisted madness.

Chapter 378 Please accept me and be your servant!

And in his hand, he was holding a red long knife.

Lord Mo Chen immediately raised his sword to slash at Su Xuanji, but when his hand moved, he suddenly fell to the ground.

He slowly looked down, his head dropped instantly, and he turned to the hand that was still holding the knife.

In his eyes, he saw a remnant without a head or hands.

And on that remnant body, there are dense knife marks.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew past, and the remnant body fell apart instantly, scattered on the ground with traces.

That was the last scene of Lord Mochen's life.

He fell into a deep slumber in eternal darkness, while the other demons stood there silently.

A pair of eyes were full of unbelievable shock.

Lord Demon is dead.

Killed by Su Xuanji.

And scattered all over the place.

Such a clear thing is more difficult to believe than the sky is falling.

Who is Lord Mason?

The leader of the demons.

What about the one who killed him?

It seems that it is just a follower of 03 beside Tiandi.

Such a person can suppress Lord Mochen to fight, and end up with Lord Mochen effortlessly?

How to see how incredible.

But this is a fact for all to see!

No one can deny their own eyes, and no one can deny the eyes of so many people.

Facts are facts, and what happened is what happened.

Su Xuanji is far better than Lord Mochen!

This is beyond doubt!

After a long silence, an uncontrollable voice of fear suddenly erupted.

"He actually killed Lord Mochen, who is he?

"When did such a strong person appear in the human race?"

"Will he be the enemy of the demons?"

"If he can, it will be a disaster for the demons..."

The demons looked at Su Xuanji in panic, their trembling hands and trembling voice all revealed their fears.

For a time, no one dared to make another move, and no one dared to escape.

Not even breathing loudly...

The Heavenly Emperor on the side was also stunned on the spot.

He looked at Su Xuanji's eyes as if he didn't recognize him.

"He actually..."


"Unbelievably powerful..."

Tiandi asks himself that he is a very receptive person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten into a relationship with Su Xuanji in a short period of time.

But Su Xuanji's strength made it difficult for him to accept.

He wasn't jealous, he just thought it was incredible.

In his opinion, Su Xuanji is indeed strong, and that is only limited to being the son of the Su family.

Even to say that Su Xuanji is the best of the Beidou Tianjiao, it is completely understandable and believed.

But so easily defeated Lord Mochen?

Sorry, he can't believe it!

If someone relayed it to him, he would definitely break off with that person, because he doesn't like people who deceive him.

But the whole thing happened, he saw it with his own eyes, and he couldn't do it at all.

It was even more difficult for him to believe.

Su Xuanji did it with ease throughout the whole process, one could even say... merciful...

He seemed to have found something new and was having fun like a child.

Gradually, he realized that it was the same thing, and in disappointment, he stopped giving the other party a chance, so he killed him.

It can be said that everything is in his control.

He said start at the beginning.

He's over and it's over.

There is absolutely no choice for others.

Whether it is Lord Mochen, he, or all the other demons, it seems that they are the same as the demon controlled by Su Xuanji.

All emotions and thoughts are affected, and they cannot help themselves.

Su Xuanji is like a juggernaut, looking down on everything.

"After today, how do I view the word "Son of God"..."

"Su Xuanji....you....amazing!

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji and muttered to himself.

The stormy waves in his eyes kept rolling, and the shaking in his heart continued for a long time.

He knew that on this day, he saw true power, and he will never forget it.

And Su Xuanji himself, apparently unaware of this.

He had no idea what kind of shock he had brought to the Heavenly Emperor.

What he's thinking now is, so boring, destroy it.

He looked at the demons who were still stunned on the spot, and spoke slowly.

"Do you really want to avenge your lord?"

107 "Can't wait?

"Go ahead.

The demons were about to cry without tears.

They don't want to do it at all, and they don't want to do it at all.

But now, do they have a choice?

"grown ups!

Suddenly, a demon knelt down in front of Su Xuanji, the same demon that Su Xuanji had previously controlled.

Su Xuanji was taken aback!

"What is this for?"

"We are the enemy!"

"Please respect each other's position!"

However, the Demon Race didn't listen to his words at all.

He crawls at Su Xuanji's feet with a pious gesture of worship, and even his voice is so sincere.

"grown ups."

"I am astounded by your strength.

"I choose to surrender to you.""

"Please accept me as your servant."

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

Whether it was the Demon Race or the Heavenly Emperor, they all looked at that Demon Race in disbelief.

A pair of eyes seem to be saying, are you crazy?

Chapter 379 With a resolute look, I can't help but be completely disappointed!

You are a demon!

You are not human!

Just got killed!

You stand up!

Especially Heavenly Emperor, his jaw dropped in shock.

He opened his mouth wide, with no manners at all!

God knows how much he wanted to buy the Demon Race, but under the coercion and inducement, what happened? I just don't want to say more.

What did Su Xuanji do again?

He just let the demons have a taste of the scenery that he could never see in his life.

But it was precisely for this reason that the demons knelt down directly.

Mozu is Mu Qiang the most, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.

But it is also divided into people. If a human race can surrender to the demon race, it must be greatly admired by the other party.

Su Xuanji, is obviously a strong man worthy of the betrayal of the original owner by this demon!

But Su Xuanji apparently had no such plans.


As soon as he opened his mouth to refuse, the Demon Race immediately raised his eyes and looked at him pleadingly.

Su Xuanji was speechless for a while.

You are a demon.

Respect your identity, okay?

What do you do with a look at an abandoned puppy?

Are we not familiar with each other?

Not to mention the ugly, it's very scary!

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven came over and gave different opinions.

"God Son Su.

"It's okay to leave this Demon Race. 35

"If you don't like it, give it to me.

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji was about to nod his head.

The demon raised his head suddenly, his head shaking like a rattle.


"I recognize this man."

"You don't want to take the servant with the sword. 35

"As a Heavenly Emperor, please respect your identity!

Su Xuanji looked at the demon in surprise.

This guy actually learns how to speak!

Heavenly Emperor looked embarrassed, he did not expect that this Demon Race would refuse so bluntly!

The Heavenly Emperor looked at the disdainful eyes of this Demon Race, as if he were some kind of unpopular little fish, and his heart was instantly mixed.

All the demons also looked at the guy who chose to betray in front of them.

It's such a time, and some people don't agree to take it in, and they still insist on their own opinions?

If you are rejected, just wait to be killed by them first!


Is it really good to discuss this kind of thing in front of them?

when they don't exist?

Although really want to be ignored by Su Xuanji and Tiandi....

It seems that their mood swings are too strong, Su Xuanji glanced at these demons.

The demons also looked at him, and after three breaths, they fled in an instant.

They are also smart and know to run in different directions.

But how could Su Xuanji be omitted because of this?

I saw Su Xuanji instantly disappeared in place.

Immediately afterwards, screams were heard in succession from the four directions of the south, east, and northwest.

Tiandi didn't move, he knew that Su Xuanji would not let any of the demons go.

However, there is another under the eyelids.

He immediately looked down, and saw that the Demon Race was looking at him with a look that would rather die than give up.


What is he like!

Is it that bad?

"Don't worry, it's not up to you, your strength is too weak..." Heavenly Emperor couldn't help but want to restore his self-esteem.

"Heh...the grapes are sour if you can't eat them." The demons said meaningfully.

The goddess walks away!

On the other hand, Su Xuanji had already eliminated all the demons that had escaped.

He came to the Heavenly Emperor in surprise, and saw the unspeakable anger on the Heavenly Emperor's face.

Strangely, in the anger, there seems to be a trace of grievance.

Su Xuanji didn't understand, but was shocked.

"Emperor?" Su Xuanji said.


"Then the Demon Race, look at whether to accept it or kill it.

"After that, I have something to tell you.

Heavenly Emperor said with vicissitudes.

Su Xuanji nodded when he saw this, and came to the Demon Clan who was still kneeling there with doubts.


"You go.

"For the sake of your vision, it's a good thing to build."

"Go back to your demons. 35

Su Xuanji looked at Mozu Road.

Seeing Su Xuanji's determined face, the demons couldn't help but be completely disappointed.

He was about to fight for himself again when he heard Su Xuanji say: "If you don't leave, just stay like the other demons.

The next second, the demons disappeared in front of Su Xuanji.

Although he wants to take refuge with Su Xuanji, his life is still needed.

But his voice still echoed in Su Xuanji's ears.

"My name is Magic Mountain.

"When I go back, I will try my best to practice.

"To be sent by adults in the future.

Xuanji heard the words and said with a smile: "I still don't give up."

However, he is not interested in accepting a servant of the Demon Race, even though he is very discerning.

He turned to the Heavenly Emperor, and the Heavenly Emperor of this meeting had already recovered his previous look.

Although Su Xuanji was still confused, he did not ask.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Su Xuanji and said in the first sentence: "It's so hard for you to hide me.

Su Xuanji smiled wryly: "Tian Di, I didn't hide it from you, but I didn't have a chance to show my strength along the way. 35

"Hahaha.... You seem to be saying that I didn't give you a chance." The Emperor laughed loudly.

Indeed, the two of them occasionally encountered the danger of blindness along the way.

But they were all solved by the Emperor of Heaven. Where can Su Xuanji get the shot?

And the Emperor of Heaven has always tacitly agreed that between the two, he himself is the protector, and of course he must take the initiative to stand up.

Chapter 380 Bright and smooth like jade, exuding a shimmering gleam!

Unexpectedly, the siege of the demons aroused Su Xuanji's curiosity and offered to take the initiative.

But the Emperor of Heaven thought that he was just young and spirited, competitive, and a little underestimated.

As a result, not only him, but the demons were also shocked.

"The hero is a boy, I admit, it is the Emperor of Heaven who underestimated you." The Emperor of Heaven said in a deep voice.

Seeing Tiandi so serious, Su Xuanji felt a little embarrassed.

He took the initiative to change the subject and said, "The Emperor of Heaven said before that he has something to tell me, what exactly is it?"

"Are you curious, why did the demons appear here? 35

"Why are you coming to kill me?"

Tian Di looked into Su Xuanji's eyes and asked.

Su Xuanji's eyes instantly filled with a smile, and he nodded very calmly.

"Of course I'm curious.

"But if the Emperor doesn't want to say it, I won't ask. 99

"Some things are curious, but you may not necessarily know."

"I've heard the saying that curiosity killed the cat."

Hearing this, the Emperor of Heaven laughed instantly, but his eyes became more serious.

"You're an interesting person."

"But if that's the case, I won't say anything next.

"But you are powerful, more powerful than I imagined."

"Even the powerful ones are not like the god son of the Su family, but the taboo of the Su family."

Speaking of this, Tian Di paused, his eyes suddenly filled with complexity that made Su Xuanji incomprehensible.

"Su Xuanji, listen up. 35

"The demons have broken through the seal and ravaged the void. 95

"I have led people to try to block it, trying to seal it again.

"But the demons are too powerful, and I have not succeeded until now, and even ran out of some demons.

"Let's not talk about those who have clear goals today, let's say that the devil where we met is actually more harmful.

"It's too much harm to the world, so I was so busy that I found an opportunity to chase after me.

"It was my luck that I met you by accident..."

Hearing these words, Su Xuanji's heart was full of surprise, and he unabashedly expressed it.

"The demons broke through the seal?"

"Then when they kill them, won't the entire Big Dipper suffer?

After all, not everyone in the Big Dipper cultivated like him.

Not everyone is the big man he can come into contact with on a daily basis.

More, or the ones below.

Tiandi nodded in relief.

"You can instantly think of the safety of the entire Beidou, not just the Su family and yourself, it is really commendable.

Su Xuanji frowned.

"If there is no skin, how can the hair be attached?"

"It is unwise to think only of yourself.

"Heavenly Emperor, is it impossible to suppress the Demon Race?"

Hearing this, the Emperor of Heaven was shocked!

"If there is no skin, what will the hair be attached to...

"Good! That's a good thing to say!"

"Shenzi Su, you can always surprise me!"

"It is imperative for me to suppress the demons.

"I have been leading the people in Tiangong to resist the demons.""

"It's just....it will take some time..."

Tiandi was very subtle, but Su Xuanji understood.

That is to say, the strength of the people in Tiangong is not good, and they are temporarily powerless, but they have been working hard. (adaf)

Just when Su Xuanji was about to volunteer, Tian Di suddenly took out a token.

The token was as lustrous as jade, exuding a shimmering gleam.

Although it does not look dazzling, it gives a thrilling feeling.

Just like the bright moonlight, cold and distant, wonderful.

"This is?" Su Xuanji asked in confusion.

Tiandi sent the token forward and sent it to Su Xuanji's eyes.

Just reach out and touch it.

Even, it can be included in the bag.

Although Tiandi hasn't said anything yet, Su Xuanji thinks that's what he meant.

Su Xuanji didn't pick it up, but looked up at the Emperor in surprise.

"Looking at your reaction, you shouldn't know what this is. 39

"Look at the words above."

As the Emperor said, he tapped the token lightly with his fingers.

Su Xuanji looked down again and landed on the two words above.

He had noticed it just now, but he didn't care.

The two words above it are - Wanjie.

At this time, the hand holding the token flipped the token over.

The following two words were revealed - guardian.

Judging from one side and two words alone, Su Xuanji doesn't feel anything.

But put together, it is very intriguing.

"Myriad worlds....Guard.... Myriad worlds guard!"

Su Xuanji looked up at Tian Di in shock, and was deeply shocked by the deep meaning behind Tian Di taking out this token.

"Looks like you've guessed it."

"I love talking to smart people.

"But being as smart as you makes me not know how to speak. 99

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji with a wry smile and said.

Su Xuanji still looked shocked and didn't return to his senses for a long time.

It seems that this is the appearance, and the Emperor is very happy to see that the smile on his face is even bigger.

"This kind of expression is more like what you should have at your age and identity.

"The first time you met, you were free and easy, humorous and frank."9

"The people who kill the demons are murderous, like killing gods."

"No matter which one it is, it doesn't look like a son of god.""

"You are just like you now.