
Just Dev

Troubled Devon Adams faces the challenges of relationships and friendships during her journey to find her place in life. Newly resided in the beautiful tropical island of opportunities, Aluna Island, Devon finds herself back in the dagger arms of her ex-boyfriend. Will Devon be stuck in a loop of mistrust, lies and toxic relationships or will she learn to put herself first and not to rely on other people?

Megan_Smith_2275 · 都市
9 Chs

Don't take your eyes off the road

"This is honestly ridiculous!"

Bella's voice was the first thing I heard the following morning as she barged into Zander's room where I was sleeping. I've woken up once again in an empty bed. It was quite interesting how Zander turned into a total workaholic. He would wake up at five in the morning, work out until quarter to six, then make a quick breakfast and sprint off to work.

I'm on the other hand the furthest thing from being a morning person and being woken up by Bella's loud voice didn't quite motivate me to wake up. I turned around and cover my head with a pillow and groaned, "Not now, Bella!"

She jumped onto the bed and ripped off the covers, placing her icy-cold hands on my back. "Bella!" I shrieked as I sat up.

"Anyways," she huffed as she plopped down next to me. "I don't like Zander, but it's so obvious something is going on between the two of you," she added in annoyance. "Why don't you just take the leap?"

"Look, I just think commitment is a bit scary, maybe Zander is also hiding a huge secret like Jameson did," I shrugged as I rested my head on her soft breasts.

"Dude, I doubt that he has some mystery life," she chuckled. "He's too dull to be a killer."

Before I ended my relationship with Jameson, I did some digging and discovered several secrets he had been holding from me about his life. He was an illegal assassin, and I will never be able to look at him in the same way again. Perhaps things would have turned out differently if he hadn't continued with his operation; nonetheless, at the end of the day, the trust that existed between us was destroyed from the very beginning.

"Whatever, the point is commitment is scary, don't you think so?" Bella has never been in a relationship. She always had flings so I knew she couldn't lie to me about that.

"Sure," she laughed. "But what about commitment scares you?" she questioned as she tilted her head like a dog.

I stayed quiet for a moment and eventually let out, "The feeling of being tied down... I don't want someone to freak out every time I just look at another guy, you know?"

"Well that, and the possibility that they might be a murderer. God, he messed me up," I thought to myself.

"Zander's not that type of guy and it's exhausting seeing the subtle flirting between you two," she chuckled as popped a bubble with some gum she was chewing.

"Well, he hasn't shown any signs of actually taking our relationship seriously, I mean he's been through a bad relationship as well," I mentioned as I stood up and walked over to my vanity.

"What bad relationship?" she questioned in a confused tone of voice as I brushed through my hair.

I was surprised I haven't told her about his past relationship. We usually share everything, but I guessed it might have slipped my mind. "His ex died of an overdose and he never really recovered from that," I explained in a low voice.

"Fuck. That's rough..." she hesitantly said trying to find the right words to say.

The room fell silent for a few moments. Neither Bella nor I were good in serious situations. She glanced over at me and tried to convey the conversation. "You know, this house would be perfect for a house party."

I couldn't help but laugh at her attempt to change the subject. But she wasn't wrong. Zander's house was the perfect layout to have a rocking party. There was even a massive pool in his backyard. "Maybe I can convince him, though, the majority of guests you'll have to find since you're my only friend," I laughed as we walked out of his room.

"Not a problem. A house party in Aluna usually means that everyone will show up, regardless if they know the house owner or not," she chuckled. "Anyways, do you want to stick a girl for some sushi?"

Bella was an absolute scavenger when it came to food. She would never pass up a free meal. "Sure, we can meet at Reddies in about two hours. I have some errands to run."

"Stop being such a grownup," she chuckled as she punched my arm. "But fine, don't be late, okay!"

"I won't," I smiled as I winked at her. I climbed into my car and drove back to my house. As I zoned out while driving, I turned on my playlist and blasted some music. Nothing hits like the powerful voice of Barns Courtney.

I soon found myself hitting the brakes. The screeching sound sent a panic through my spine and all I could see is a young man walking over the road. If he hadn't jumped out of the way, he could've been dead.

I pushed my car door open, still wearing my pyjamas, and ran towards the man. "Fuck, I am so sorry!" I pleaded. "Are you okay? Did I hit you?" I asked frantically.

He let out a small breath through his nose and smiled halfheartedly. "I wasn't quite expecting to be run over by a car today."

I let out a sigh of relief. For a moment there I thought I was going to prison. "I'm really sorry, I wasn't concentrating on the road," I nervously said as my hands were still shaking.

"Hey," he said calmly as he took my hands in his. "We're okay," he smiled sincerely. "My name is David."

David looked a bit scruffy but quite attractive. He had light brown hair with gorgeous pale blue eyes; you can almost see right through them. He was quite short with his skin being sun-kissed.

"I'm Devon," I introduced myself as I shook his hand.

"Well Devon, since you almost killed me, it would be very kind of you to drop me off at my house," he chuckled as he pushed his hair out of his face.

"That's the least I can do. Hop in," I gestured to my car and drove off.

We eventually met at the gates of a security complex after he pointed me in the direction of his home. David reached over me and used the security system to scan a tag on his keys. The gates opened up smoothly and I continued down the road.

I studied the neighbourhood as we parked in his driveway and got out. Every home was painted the same cream colour, making it a straightforward and contemporary neighbourhood. The well-kept lawns next to the road were filled with lovely flowers beds that brought life to the bleak neighbourhood.

I soon realised that David had jogged over to help his neighbour with a stroller. She seemed quite young, but happy and content. I made my way over to them and introduced myself. "Hey, I'm Devon. You two need any help?"

His neighbour looked over at me with a smirk and then let out, "I'm Morgan. David, you didn't tell me you got someone special on your hands."

David and I broke out in laughter and I quickly informed her, "Oh no, I just almost drove him over with my car. Just doing him a favour."

"Oh my god," she gasped as she joined in our laughter. "Well, I'm glad you're-" she got cut off as a toddler boy tried climbing off the stairs from the front door. "Tyler, no!" she yelled as she ran over to him. Morgan picked him up and placed him in his stroller.

I never really like kids, they freaked me out with those big eyes that would stare i to your soul. But this little guy was too cute not to swoon over. "He's so cute!" I exclaimed.

"He's a real troublemaker," David chuckled as he rubbed the boy's head.

I lifted my wrist and checked the time on my watch. "Shoot, I need to hurry," I let out. "Nice meeting you guys," I smiled as I gave them a small wave.

"Thanks for dropping me off. Don't cause any more accidents," he chuckled as I jumped into my car.

"I'll try my best," I laughed as I drove off.