
Now, I'm going to start robbing

"Surviving the impossible!"

Mike opened his eyes, gathering all the golden leaves from the tree before finally uprooting the entire thing.

At last, Thor, pushed to the brink with no way out, had broken through!

With sheer willpower, he had shattered the curse of Broke!

"So strong, Thor!" Even Mike himself wanted to cheer for Thor at this moment.

He had never created such a beautiful move before!


Letting out a long breath, Mike began to inspect the skill he had just created:


Skill Name: Transmute

Effect: Cast Transmute on a target to initiate a [Gold Conversion] check. 

- If successful, the target is transformed into gold or Truth Gold Coins, and you gain double experience. 

- If the check fails, you steal a portion of the target's Truth Gold Coins and deal [Truth Gold Coins stolen] x 10,000 in spell damage. If the target has no Truth Gold Coins, the damage is doubled and converted to true damage.