
Just before dusk

She's a werewolf, he's a vampire. She searches for her mate, he wants his throne back. She has no reason to love him, his father killed her mother. But she does and it ruins her... Kathryn Hayes is the most abnormal werewolf in the world because of one reason, she doesn't have a wolf. She hopes to get mated to Kyle on the next mating ceremony but her problems begin when he goes missing...

FuzzyAura_4714 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter III

Why did she fall in love with Kyle? It was quite simple, he had always been there, in the good times, and the bad times.

Their fathers were close friends; just like her, he was the child of an alpha. They were born on the same day and were declared mates by all who knew them. They spent much time together, thinking they would be mates. But soon, it all went wrong...

She ran happily into the garden, longing to see his face. Once she got there, her excitement turned to anguish. He was there but with another girl. They stared at each other like star-crossed lovers. Her heart grew heavy, she slowly walked backward. And as she did, the ground opened up. She screamed as she fell into the abyss, her eyes filled with tears. Not because she was falling, but because the last thing she saw was her boyfriend's treachery...

Kathryn woke up, sweating profusely. Looking around, she realized she was in her bedroom. She was used to the nightmares, which began after her mother's disappearance. Eight years had passed, but the nightmares kept on reoccurring. "What do they mean," she wondered. She didn't stay to find out. Changing out of her pajamas, she donned a simple black shirt and a pair of jeans. She wore a cloak over her clothing, slowly approaching the window. The moon was out, it would only be a week to the next mating ceremony. Still, she couldn't help but wonder why Kyle kept on reappearing in her dreams with another girl. "What if we aren't mates? Is this a sign?" She thought. She stood the thought away, still staring at the moon. Finally, she jumped out the window, inhaling the fresh crisp night air

She knew it would be much easier to transform into a wolf and head over the Kyle's pack, but she couldn't. It wasn't because she didn't want to, it was because she couldn't. She felt she deserved an award, the first werewolf not to have a wolf! And the crowd goes Wild!

She feared it would interfere with the mating process. But before they died, her mother and sister assured her that if she took her medicine regularly, she would have one.

And then forfeit the title of ' the werewolf without a wolf.'

They didn't give her any reason not to believe them, so she took her medicine regularly, despite how agonizingly painful the process of drinking it was. Looking around, she stepped into the night, heading to his pack.

He was sound asleep when she peered through his window. She giggled, seeing his drool on the pillow. She cautiously stepped into the room, walking towards the bed. Deciding to give him a sound waking, she shook the sleeping Kyle.

"Five more minutes, Mother," he mumbled, tossing on the bed.

"Get up Kyle," she whined, still shaking him. He stretched on the bed, finally getting up. "What are you doing here, Kathy?" He yawned.

"You look terrible," she giggled. He chuckled and lay his head on the pillow, falling asleep once more. She threw the pillows on his sleeping frame, waking him up again.

"What is it now?" He complained.

"Let's take a walk."

"Are you crazy? Do you know what time it is?"


"Well if you can't sleep, I can and would very much love to right now."

He threw the sheets over himself. "Let's go!" She growled. He gave up and got up from the bed, wearing only his pajama bottoms. "It wouldn't hurt to wear a shirt, you know," she blushed.

"This isn't the first time you've seen me shirtless, Kathy. Why do you have the same reaction every time?"

She threw a pillow at him. "Wear a shirt, now!"

He walked into the closet and soon, he was out. He wore a black shirt and a pair of jeans just like she wore. Pulling a cap over his blond hair, he said, "Let's get going."

She took her hand in his as they jumped down the window.

They walked to the hill which separated the humans from the werewolves.

"Have you been there?" She asked.

"Been where?"

"The human world."

"Never had a reason to go there," he shrugged. She lay her head on the soft grass, staring at the moon. "What's wrong?" He asked, noticing her dull mood.

"The next mating ceremony is in a week," she mumbled.

"Do you know what's also coming up next week?"

"What?" She said, puzzled.

"Our birthday silly!"

"Oh, that," she said, scratching the back of her neck.

"Why are you so worried about the next ceremony anyway?" He asked.

"I still don't have a wolf,

 Kiana had one before she died, my father did, but I don't! Kiana and I are siblings for crying out loud! What if everything goes wrong?"

"Relax Kathy, everything will work out."

"That's easy for you to say, at least you do have a wolf. I had a dream and…"

"You're still having those dreams?" He said in a shocked tone.

She nodded slowly. Only Kyle knew about her dreams. She couldn't tell her father, despite how close they were. "What did you see this time?" He asked.

"You were in it."

"What was I doing?"

"You were with…"

She paused, not knowing if she should tell him or not. "Who was I with?" He asked.

"It's just a silly dream, it's not important…"

"I thought we promised not to keep secrets from each other," he frowned.

"I know but…it's complicated."

"What happened?"

She shrugged and finally gave in. "You were with another girl, you wouldn't even look at me. It seemed like you were in a trance."

He rubbed her shoulders tenderly and said, "Everything will be fine Kathy, just watch."

She lay her head on his shoulder as they stared at the moon. Staring at his deep blue eyes, she felt she loved him because no one made her feel the way he made her feel. If what she felt wasn't love, she didn't know what was. She hoped they would be mated at the ceremony, she couldn't imagine spending her life with someone else.