
Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

The story of a guy who somehow ended up in the world of Fairy Tail two years before canon. He does not remember anything about his past, but he is well aware of the threats that hang over this beautiful world. Watch Nathaniel Drake survive in a world full of magic, dragons and beautiful girls with the him magic - Light Écriture (analogue of Freed Justine' Dark Écriture). (https://www.scribblehub.com/series/560485/just-another-isekai-story-in-fairy-tail-world/ https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14133804/1/Just-Another-Isekai-Story-in-Fairy-Tail-World-Self-Insert-Fanfic) P.S. For more chapters, check out my pat*reon. I would appreciate any support as it will motivate me to keep writing. - pat*reon.com/nanutov55 P.S.S The chapter release schedule is one chapter on Wednesday and one chapter on Saturday.

Nanutov55 · アニメ·コミックス
84 Chs

Chapter 57

While I was thinking about how to safely resolve the situation and reduce the anger of Erza, who, although weaker than me, but in a fit of rage can cause great damage to the city and ordinary people, which I really did not want Makarov tried to make a speech.

Key word, tried. Nothing worked out for him, all the people were so excited that there was a terrible rumble in the guild and everyone was talking to each other, not allowing the little old man to say even a word.

After several unsuccessful attempts to attract attention to himself, Makarov's face began to twitch, and it was clear that he was already on the verge of a breakdown. It didn't help the situation either that Mira, standing behind him, began to chuckle softly, not even bothering to hide it. She may not be a devil anymore, but sometimes she can show her sadistic nature and hurt a lot. But in bed she is very obedient... I should not have said this...

Mira was chuckling, Erza was busy trying to burn a hole in me with her eyes, and Lexus' face showed that he didn't care about what was going on here and he just wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. And this is the elite of our guild... Poor Makarov... I wouldn't want to be in his place now...

- SILENCE!!! - finally unable to stand it, Makarov used his Titan Magic and, having increased to five meters, yelled at the entire guild, while breaking all the windows with his cry and blowing off several tables.

This was enough to attract the attention of all those gathered, and moreover, now there was a deafening silence in the guild and everyone was looking at Makarov. The only problem is the mess that the Master and a few guildmates have made, who are now lying on the ground.

- Eh… - With a heavy sigh, I cast a spell that repaired all the damage.

- Ahem, thanks Drake. - Master said with an awkward cough, having regained his size.

- You're welcome. - I said, ignoring the looks Laxus and Freed gave me.

- Okay, now that everyone is listening, we can start. - said the Master, shamelessly ignoring his recent act.

- Master as always… - Cana, who was sitting opposite me, said shaking her head.

Judging by Makarov's nervous twitch and another fit of laughter from Mira, they heard it, but the Master summoned all his shamelessness again and ignored it, finally getting to the point, turning on the Guild Master.

- I think it's no secret to anyone why we are here today. - Master said with a smile, and pompously raising his hands, he proclaimed:


- Wooooooo!!! - the people excitedly exclaimed, and it was precisely those magicians who shouted the loudest, who will never be selected as candidates.

- As you know, this is a long tradition of our guild. Every year, I select candidates worthy to become the senior mages of our guild. These people have to go through a difficult test, which they can pass only by showing all their skills, mastery in magic, as well as ingenuity and quick wits. And that time has come!!! - Makarov said pathetically.

- Don't languish, Master!

- Tell we already!

- We've been waiting!

Shouts were heard throughout the guild from random members of the guild, who were eager to find out who would be the candidate this year.

And it's not because they hoped that the Master would choose them. They still know the limits of their power and realize that they are too weak for that. Well, many understand.

The same Natsu is now in such an excited state, as if his name will be called in a second, although it certainly won't. But, aside from idiots like him, the guild members are impatient for a different reason.

The thing is, as expected of our guild, there is a sweepstakes in which people bet money on whoever the Master chooses as a worthy candidate to pass the exam. Well, of course, a sweepstakes for the one who passes the exam.

As Mira told me, this is a common thing. And although many guild members try to show their best before the exam, not many really hope to become candidates. Many are more concerned about the jackpot that can be hit by making the right bet.

Last year, Mira passed the exam, although not on the first try, but many received solid money. It was the same the year before, when Erza passed the exam, for the victory that everyone put on. Because of this, even as I heard, Mira had a serious hysteria, because no one believed in her.

If anyone is interested, even a year before, no one could pass the exam, and as a result, a lot of money was lost. And even a year before, Laxus won and, although everyone knew that he would most likely pass, no one bet on him, because no one likes him. Ha, this guy knows how to make friends….

- Usually in this place, I would name the candidates, but this time it will be different. - Master said seriously.

- Ooooh, how is that!

- Master, this is not fair…

- Quiet! - Before the people could rage, Makarov yelled again, but this time he restrained himself and did not destroy anything.

- As you can see, this year's exam takes place a couple of months earlier than usual. It's all about the task that the Master has prepared. - Mira took the floor.

- Right. This year's quest will take place in a special location that can only be accessed at this time of year, so we had to shift the schedules a bit. - said the Master, nodding his head.

- And what will happen in the end? - Cana asked impatiently, for whom this exam means a lot, because this is her way to prove that she is worth something and show her father that she is a strong mage.

She had already entered twice in the past despite being a B-Rank, but the result was predictable, especially when her opponents were Mira and Erza. This year, Cana is as serious as possible, especially since the Master finally upgraded her to A-Rank a couple of months ago. Although I'm afraid that this year she will lose too...

& Unfortunately, due to the postponed deadlines, many worthy candidates did not have time to show what they are capable of, because you are lazy, you only start trying, when deadlines are pressed. - the old man said grumblingly, glancing at those who had especially distinguished themselves.

In this he is right, because usually a few weeks before the Master announces the candidates, the guild members start running around like scalded to show how hard they work. And before that, they lead a rather measured lifestyle and take the task only when necessary. Usually due to lack of money.

Of course, there are individuals like Natsu (something I began to take as an example too often) who just like to go on missions to fight, but such a minority and ordinary members of the guild perceive missions as simple work that will bring them money. Which is logical, because this is their way to survive in this world.

But, now that the Master has moved the deadlines, many simply were not ready for this. And again, it's not that they all want to become S-Rank Mages, because for many it is impossible, but to show how hard they work.

Still, a place in such a high-class guild as Fairy Tail must be earned. Yes, our guild does not take this seriously and will not expel anyone, but still there are rules of the Magic Council that do not allow magicians to mess around. There are a certain number of missions that Mages have to complete per year and if they don't, the guild could be in trouble.

And as luck would have it, the Magic Council requires a report immediately after the exam and nothing else. Our guild will never coerce anyone, but showing the kind of activity is still necessary so that the Magic Council doesn't turn against Fairy Tail any more.

And as you know, the period before the Exam is the time of the year when everyone is working hard to improve the statistics of completed missions. This has long been an established tradition and an unspoken rule. And even the inhabitants of Magnolia help by giving more tasks.

Of course, this is more and more about weaker mages, but the truth is that the guild itself is based on ordinary members of the guild, no matter how much the same Laxus does not like it.

And the truth is that even stronger Mages have begun to adopt this approach, like the same Cana, who does not like to take more than two assignments a month and only before the exam, she really starts to try. It's all a bit confusing, but that's how our guild works. This is not shown in the manga...

- In general, in order to correct this slight misunderstanding, I have prepared for each of you a task that you will have to complete. I tried to choose exactly those missions where you can apply the full range of your skills and show what you are capable of. - added the Master, who used Re-quip Magic to get over two hundred envelopes, which he sent out to every member of the guild using Telekinesis Magic.

- You have two weeks to complete your assignment. We'll meet here again in two weeks, and I'll announce candidates worthy of taking the exam this year. - Master said when everyone received their envelopes.

- And remember that I will study the reports sent to me by clients very carefully after the assignments have been completed. So don't think you can hide anything from me. Just how you get the job done and what will be the consequences will be decisive in my choice of candidate. - the Master finally added, throwing at Natsu, who was too busy reading his task.

After the last words of the Master, there was silence again, because no one expected such a turn of events, and now everyone was just confused.

One unbalanced red-haired girl did not like this, and she exclaimed furiously: - WHY ARE YOU SITTING? ONCE YOU GOT A TASK, DOWN TO PERFORM IT!!!

Nobody wanted to anger Erza even more, so everyone quickly jumped up and rushed to the exit with the whole crowd. Some even managed to jump through a window or punch their own way out. I already forgot how much they were afraid of her...

Before I could blink, I was the only one left with my envelope in my hands, and my friends had already disappeared. Although, Happy stayed, but it's not because of solidarity, it because he ate all the fish and now sleeps without hind legs...

In the end, even the Master and Laxus left, and only Mira remained, who simply looked at me sympathetically as the evil Erza slowly approached me…

- Damn….

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to - pa*treon.com/nanutov55

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