
Just a Teaspoon of Crazy

In a shocking event where young Sakura Haruno dies at an early age, A soul whom has wondered the vast alternate realities claims this empty shell. The soul embodies Sakura and takes full charge, How will this new Sakura change the events of the future.

Monatophobia · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Three Little Sheep

'Wake up, I sense three chakra signatures speeding this way.' Inner warning in my head, I opened my eyes abruptly and checked on the boys, I groaned, those sound ninja had irritated me too much. My chakra reserves were once again full and I needed to kill them off and burn the bodies before they caused too many problems.

"Stupid sound ninja" I muttered as I shoved myself off the ground and shunshined out of the hiding spot and onto a tree branch, I made two bunshin and had them henge as my injured teammates.

'They're getting close be careful'

A squirrel rushed towards me, I shunshined in front of it and swiftly disintegrated the paper bomb on its back. The sound ninja were close. The squirrel ran off into the forest, fur slightly burnt and singed.

"Where is the Uchiha?" A deep voice demanded, lo and behold three sound ninja stood a few metres away.

"Why do you think I would sell out a teammate? If I did that I wouldn't make it to the second part of the exams now would I?" I spoke confidently, my eyes showed no remorse and my cheshire grin promised pain.

"Well then we'll just have to make her, Torture is the fastest way to get info out of someone." The female called snottily, her voice making me cringe.

I jumped down to the ground and landed flawlessly, the Sound ninja following after swiftly.8

"I'm going to make this quick, there is no way I will allow you to get away without me 'borrowing something heheh" I giggled as I eyed the contraption on the sound ninja's arm.

The three jumped up towards me and I rolled my eyes, throwing four Kunai at the girl while she was in midair. It was very hard to move yourself too much when you were off the ground and I took advantage of her foolishness. I felt a bit more relieved when the knives slashed her shoulder, thigh, stomach and neck, However she only winced.

"You think mere Kunai will defeat us? You clearly have no talent as a ninja. Someone like you should make a little bit more of an effort don't you think?" The bandaged teen spoke with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Leaf Hurricane!" A loud yell broke the atmosphere as the three sound ninja were kicked away at an incredible speed, the flash of green and yellow brought a grin to my face. The sound ninja fell to the ground and Lee appeared infront of me, a swirl of dirt surrounding us.

"It looks like you also need to make more of an effort." Lee spoke, his stance loose and tight at the same time.

'Don't do it.... Don't do-'

"Lee, you are very youthful!" I grinned, mimicking the blinding smile and 'thumbs up' pose Lee often is found using.

"Thank you Sakura-Chan" I see his back but I can practically already see the sparkling grin on his face.

"Who are you?" The hunched nin asks, eyes narrowing and chakra flaring.

"I am the handsome devil of the leaf village and my name is Rock Lee"

'The silence...' Inner giggled. A deafening silence had fallen upon the group after Lee's introduction. I sweatdropped and furrowed my brows but hardened my features when I felt Zaku's sharp chakra spike.

The bandaged teen then threw a heaven scroll to Zaku as he pulled up his right sleeve, revealing the odd gadget on his arm.

"That guy with the bushy eyebrows is pretty good at Taijutsu looks like I get to have some fun" I hear the bandaged nin mutter, He rushed towards Lee with his arm outstretched. I threw a well placed Kunai which he jumped over, giving lee the chance to rip a giant root from the ground. I raised my eyebrows and palmed four senbon into both of my hands, mocking Wolverine.

"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice" I spoke dramatically, my stance shifting as my eyes scanned for weak spots.

Lee then took the chance to kick the nin up and wrap him in bindings, He then slammed his head into the ground but the spiky haired boy used a technique to soften the landing.


I cast a Genjutsu and threw the Senbon at her neck, the distraction of the battle was enough for her to fall into the Genjutsu. The Senbon hit their mark and buried themselves deep into her neck. I winced as the girl snapped out of the Genjutsu and frantically struggled before she slumped to the ground. Zaku snapped his head towards me and aimed his hands at me, glinting metal coming from his palms made me curious.

"You killed her!" He yelled, his teeth gritting in anger.

At that moment Dosu sent sound waves at Lee, which affected the boy greatly. I saw the bandaged boy step closer to Lee and I shunshined behind the boy and landed a kick to his rib.

"Shinobi do not pale in the face of death." I spoke confidently as Dosu scrambled back, lifting his sleeve to attack.

"Shit" I muttered as I dodged a punch from him, however the sound waves he emitted made my left ear feel like it was being split open. I grit my teeth and clenched my fists.

'Use me' Kubikiribocho hummed in anticipation, and I couldn't help but take the sword up on its offer.

'Gladly' My hand reached for the scroll and quickly unsealed the massive sword that stood at a whopping 6'1". I closed my eyes and swung the sword over my head and sliced the boy's arm off, the sound of flesh being cut made me nauseous.

"Arghh..!" He wailed as he fell back, clutching what was left of his arm, I was about to slice him once again when a hand clutched my ponytail and pulled me back. I sealed the sword once again before it could be taken as my hands scrambled to my hair trying to release when I felt a metal knife at my neck.

"Move if you want to die" A feminine voice spoke, The malice in her voice was enough to send a small shiver down my back.

"You cut his arm off!" She snarled angrily, I felt a pain in my lower back as her foot met its target.

"Damn straight" I grit my teeth with a grin still adorning my face, I shunshined behind the girl, taking the Kunai from her hand and slicing her throat like butter.

"You bugger, you must've cast a Genjutsu..." I narrowed my eyes, as soon as she died the Genjutsu dissipated and this time she was dead for real.

'Yeah, I was too tired to tell youuu' Inner yawned, her attitude making me roll my eyes. I ran my tongue over my teeth and furrowed my brows as my teeth felt loose.

'So while I cast a Genjutsu she cast one of her own, that could've been a very dangerous situation and you never thought to inform me?!'


A burst of air sent me barreling back into a large root, I winced as I felt something break in my chest. Possibly a rib or two, I couldn't heal broken bones and I really hoped that I was strong enough to get through it.

"I can manipulate ultrasonic waves and air pressure. I can do things you've never even dreamed of. You see, I can break boulders or make the ground as light as a feather cushion. You may have been able to kill Kin and Injure Dosu but I am stronger than you think." The boy smirked a mix between seething rage and pure arrogance.

I failed to miss the bandaged boy running at me with a Kunai, however a flash of green appeared in front of him and landed a weak kick. I reached into my pouch and threw a Kunai at the bandaged nin's head. The knife struck true and there was now one less problem to worry about.

I flexed my chakra with a grin and felt many emotions churn in my gut when the three chakra signatures of team 10 in the bushes.

"Don't worry Zaku, My teammate will wake up soon. However, I don't think you'll survive long enough to meet him." I sunshine behind him and sliced his neck as he released air pressure in the direction I previously stood.

"Sakura y-you killed them!" Lee called, eyes widened when the struggling boy fell to the ground unceremoniously.

"A cornered rat will bite the cat, In our world it's kill or be killed. Do not look surprised because this is the life you want to live." I sent a bright grin his way as I dragged Zaku's body towards Dosu's. After gathering the bodies I took their weapon pouches and anything else that looked remotely interesting.

I won the battle with at least 2 broken ribs and more 'treasure' than I first had when I entered the forest. I had stolen the sound gadget off of the dismembered arm gingerly and sealed it away.

"Lee, are you okay for now? I can heal some of your scratches but I can't heal burst eardrums yet. I appreciate your help, Here's their scroll for your troubles. It's a heaven scroll, I already have both." I shrugged as I walked towards the boy and offered the sound team's scroll. The boy looked at me with as much admiration he could muster as he took the scroll and grinned. It took a few minutes before the boy was healed of his scratches, however his ear was still injured. Lee sat down and closed his eyes, I watched as he slumped over and passed out.


I was wandering around until I found a large amount of sap on a nearby tree and got an idea.

'Use it like gasoline, the bodies will burn quicker' Inner quipped helpfully, her tone light and cheerful, almost as if we weren't burning bodies.

I covered the team in sap and threw a match on them, watching as they burned away into ash.

I felt two more chakra signature's on a nearby tree branch and whipped my head around, the look of shock marring the two brunette's faces made me wince.

There in all their glory were Tenten and Neji; One of them a weapons mistress, the other, a member of the Hyuuga branch family.

"Okay, time to come out of the bushes, All of you." I pointed towards team 10 and team Guy, I felt the startled flare of chakra signatures in response. The grumpy muttering of Shikamaru was loud enough for me to hear as team 10 hobbled out of the bushes.

"Shika-Swan~" I giggled as I skipped towards the boy. I hugged him, pulling him tight against my body and burrowing my face in the crook of his neck. The boy seemed surprised but reciprocated the action and snaked his arms around my back. Ino glared daggers at me but ran over to help Lee up. Once Lee was up, A brunette girl jumped down from the tree's and started to vigorously shake the poor boy.

I unlatched myself from the pineapple head and wearily turned my head to the burning bodies, which were now nothing more than a pile of ashes.

"I need to retrieve my team, wait one moment please." I smiled at the group and sunshine to the 'Hidey-hole'. The two boys remained unharmed and I picked them up, tying Sasuke on my back like I did last time. Once I arrived back, Team Guy was already gone.

Team 10 stayed patiently, waiting for me to return which didn't take very long. I dropped the two on the ground somewhat gingerly and watched as Ino gushed and worried about the Uchiha.

"Hey Choji, It's been a while! Have you tried the new chip flavour?" I asked the brunette boy, trying to stir up small talk. The boy swiftly snapped his head my way with gleaming eyes, His excitement was apparent and it made me giggle.

"Yes, It's a very interesting flavour, Dill pickle! I enjoy it, the flavour is savoury and tastes perfect on a sunny day!" Choji spoke confidently, his culinary knowledge was surely something to behold, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he already knew how to recreate the chips.

"I actually created a new recipe, It's something you have never even heard of, I call it Pizza! At the end of today come over and I'll make some for ya!" I grinned at the boy as the flame of determination lit in his eyes, Shikamaru scratched his head and sighed.

"Hurghhh, Ramennnn" Naruto groaned as his eyes fluttered open, I watched as he stared blankly before snapping to his senses and jumping up.

"WHERE'S THAT CREEPY SNAKE PEDO" He screamed as he looked around vigorously for said snake. I shrugged my shoulders and tightened my ponytail, I felt almost bad for Shikamaru.

"Naruto we are in a forest full of enemies, you need to be quieter. We have our scrolls so let's get to the tower." I drawled, turning my attention back to the pineapple head and raising an eyebrow.

The boy shook his head and walked over to Ino with Choji following suit. I winked at Shikamaru cheekily as I picked Sasuke up over my shoulder and motioned for my blonde teammate to follow.

"Lets gooo" I grinned, pointing in the direction of the tower.