
chapter two

"What's up?" I asked her, mind filled with dread, as I made my way to my bed which she was sitting on, her legs crossed.

"Honey, take a seat first," mom said calmly and I did as I was told and sat in front of her.

"I know this may come as a surprise, but—" mom started but I cut her off.

"Is it about the arranged marriage with uncle Mark's grandson?" I asked her in all seriousness.

My mom nodded. "You're not really expecting me to marry a guy who I've never even met right?" I asked incredulously. "Honey, i know its a difficult request, but didn't you promise your grandfather that you'll do so on his deathbed?" My mom asked.

My heart sunk. When I promised grandpa, I never expected him to request such a thing from me.

"Your grandpa was a man who always keeps his promise. Many years ago, grandpa's business was at the risk of failing, but uncle Mark, one of grandpa's business partners, who then became his good friend, came to his aid. He promised uncle Mark to marry his granddaughter to his grandson in hopes that they could become in-laws. Uncle Mark died a few years after you were born, but your grandpa, still remembered his promise to his dear friend. Your grandpa was a little reluctant and he tried to hold it off; wait till you were older before telling you of your arranged marriage and eventually he only told it to you at the last point of his life," mom explained.

"Have I met uncle Mark's grandson?" I asked mom once she was done. She nodded, "you guys have met when you were younger. Ethan's parents are our business partners and when they came over for meetings they would bring Ethan along and both of you would play in the backyard."

I couldn't recall anything but I just listened to what mom had to say. "I have not seen Ethan since his parents sent him abroad for studies but I believe he's still that sweet boy that he was. In fact, I heard that he has become a handsome young man," my mom wriggled her brows at me and I laughed. "Mom, I doubt I'll want to marry him just cause he's handsome, and time changes lots of things. What if he's not the sweet young boy that he used to be anymore?" I voiced my concerns.

I decided to accept my fate. There's nothing I can do about it except, maybe run away from home but that's a little extreme, for me.

"Honey, you do not have to worry, you'll be meeting him soon. In fact, we're having dinner with him today," mom told me. "And you only told me that now?" I gave her a look causing mom to laugh. "Get yourself ready," mom told me and left my room.

As soon as I was left alone, the jitters came to me. Was I about to meet my would-be fiance? I'm pretty against an arranged marriage but who was I to say anything when I did not even have a boyfriend.

That's right. I, Xael Stewart, 18 this year have never had an actual boyfriend. Pretty sad, I know, but as the heiress to the Stewart empire, I couldn't exactly just have a boyfriend.

Those who approach me have hidden motives and I am guarded towards those I meet. That, I learnt first-hand. I have many friends sure, but exactly how many are sincere in being my friends. This is exactly why I only keep one to two close friends by my side.

Just then, the Skype call ringtone sounded from my laptop. I turned to see my two best friends, Zoey and Ava calling me. I accepted the call immediately after plopping down on my chair. It had been days since I talked to them since I was busy with grandpa's funeral.

"Hey," I greeted them once I saw their faces on the Skype chat screen. "What's up." "Yo girl." Came their replies instantaneously.

"How are you coping?" Ava asked concernedly. "Pretty well, I guess, but before grandpa died, he asked me to fulfill one of his last wishes," I told them. "What is it?" Zoey asked curiously and I started to tell them all about the arranged marriage.

"What?" Both of them exclaimed at the same time after I finished. "Yeah, that was my first reaction when I heard that," I said. "Are you really going with the arrangement?" Ava asked me with a frown and I shrugged, "you know I can't exactly do anything about it." Both of them agreed with a sigh.

Ava and Zoey were all heiresses to their family's businesses and they understood what I faced one way or another.

"Xael, the Ford family are coming in an hour," Mom called out from outside my door and my eyes widened. I totally forgot about it.

"Guys, I'll talk to you later. I would be meeting Ethan and his family for dinner and I have not gotten myself ready yet," I rushed out. Zoey and Ava both looked surprised but didn't question me further. "Good luck," Ava wished me while Zoey asked me to call them after dinner.

After agreeing, I ended the call. An hour left before I'll be meeting the guy who I was to have an arranged marriage with. I hope he's a nice person.

With that, I rushed to the bathroom to have a bath before dressing myself up appropriately.