
chapter thirty

I stirred in my sleep when I felt the weight of someone's hand on my head. Feeling annoyed, I turned my head the other way, it wasn't easy for me to fall asleep. As i was about to drift back into dreamland, I stopped myself when I heard an all too familiar chuckle.

Lifting my heavy head, I rubbed my sleepy eyes open to see Ethan grinning at me.

"You're awake!" I beamed at him, all signs of sleep vanished. Ethan smiled as he nodded at me. "How are you feeling?" I asked him, concerned but he reassured me by saying that he was fine.

"Where's my parents?" He questioned and I looked around the room to find that Mr and Mrs Ford weren't there. "I sent them back in the wee hours of the morning, I guess they aren't here yet, its 7 in the morning after all," I replied, looking at the time on my phone.

"Oh," Ethan nodded in understanding. "How about you, are you okay?" He asked me and I bobbed my head a few times. "I woke up the day before yesterday, the doctor said I can be discharged soon."

"I'm glad you're fine," he told me and I sighed, "that should be my line."

"Do you want to grab some breakfast? I'm feeling a little hungry after that long sleep," Ethan asked and I felt my stomach growl. Its been awhile since I ate too.

"Okay, I'll go get some food. You stay here and rest, okay?" I instructed as I left the room, leaving him no chance to protest.


Ethan and I had just finished breakfast and I was waiting in my ward because Ethan wanted to talk to his father alone. Although I wanted to know what happened between Stephen and his father, but I knew that I was not in the place to intrude and Ethan had promised that he would let me know once he had cleared matters up.

Feeling bored, I switched on the television and saw the news of Xavier and Stephen. It was reported that Stephen was arrested and given a heavier penalty as it was a repeated offense . As for Xavier, he was still under investigation as the police are waiting for the victims of the case to give their testimony.

I sighed. It was finally over. I thought I wouldn't be able to get through the last few days. Thinking made me tired, and before I knew it, I dozed off with the television playing in the background.


I woke up to a pair of eyes staring at me lovingly. "Has the talk ended?" I asked, my voice sleepy. He nodded, a look of relief on his face. "I take it that it went well?" I asked, smiling along as I sat up. "Yup, my father was helping Steven whose company was at the brink of bankruptcy. He did all he could and even paid Steven a large sum of money, but he still wasn't satisfied and resorted to kidnapping me. That was why my father sent him to jail."

I nodded in understanding as Ethan explained to me what happened. "Oh, did you see the news on Steven and Xavier?" I suddenly recalled the broadcast on television a few hours ago. "I heard about it, we should make our way to the police station to give our testimonies soon," he answered. "Yeah."


"You've really matured a lot since I first met you," I said to Ethan, a small smile tugging on my lips. "I guess so, Before then, I would not be able to imagine getting married under a contract." "Neither did I," I mused as I shook my head.

Ethan and I were lazing on the sofa talking about all sorts of things, although I had already recovered from the incident, Ethan still had several injuries. It seemed like ages since we came back to our apartment.

A few days ago, we went to the police station to give our testimonies and visited Xavier and Steven at the same time. Ethan apologized to them but explained what really happened as well. Steven still refused to believe Ethan but it was clear to us that Xavier was feeling guilty. Ethan promised Xavier to send his mother living expenses every month if he were to be jailed.

It was weird seeing the both of them on friendly terms but I was glad that all these was over.

Before we left the police station, Xavier apologized to me for his actions and even wished Ethan and I on our marriage, which reminds me...

The wedding is in a week's time.