
chapter seven

"Phew, its finally done," I heaved a sigh of relief as I plopped down on the whitish-grayish sofa in the living room.

The movers had just finished moving my belongings into the apartment that we Ethan and I were supposed to be sharing and I was exhausted from all the unpacking I had to do.

I looked around the room, impressed by the work of the interior designer. This whole place had a neutral colour scheme, and the feature that I loved the most was the floor length windows behind me. I could see the beautiful skyline beyond them. Yawning, I lied down on the sofa and was about to fall asleep when I was brought to my senses by someone hissing at me.

"Hey, move it," Ethan frowned while looking at me. Rolling my eyes, I propped myself up and made space for him. Why can't he sit on the other side of the sofa where there's abundant space?

"There you are, are you two satisfied with this place?" My mom came into the living room with Mrs Ford in tow after viewing the apartment. Both Ethan and I nodded as Mrs Ford placed two sheets of paper in front of Ethan and I.

"This is the contract," Mrs Ford told us, placing a fountain pen on the table. Heaving a deep sigh, I picked up the fountain pen, my hand coming into contact with Ethan's as he was about to lift the pen up as well.

Both of us narrowed our eyes at each other and did not want to let go of the pen. "Haven't you heard of ladies first?" I asked him and he shook his head, "you're not even a lady. Haven't you heard of first come first served?" He retorted and I stomped on his feet, causing him to let go of the pen for a second. I took the chance to uncap the pen and sign on the papers as he shot daggers at me.

Throwing him a triumphant grin, I placed the pen on the piece of paper in front of him and handed the contract to Mrs Ford, who was looking at us amusedly. After Ethan was done signing, he too, handed the contract to his mother and after wishing us luck, both our mothers left.

Feeling my head growing heavier, I made my way to the bedroom and was about to get into bed when I felt arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the ground. "Hey! What are you doing?" I exclaimed, thrashing around in Ethan's arm when I heard his low voice in my ear, his breath tickling me. "Who said you can use the bed?"

"Didn't you say first come first served?" I challenged and he let out a small chuckle. "Fine, I'll let you have the bed today," he relented and I gave a fist pump at that, surprised that he would back down so easily. "But tomorrow, the bed's mine," he said, his arms still around my waist. He finally let me go and just when I thought that it was the end of our conversation, he added, "I think that there are some rules we have to set."

I turned around to face him, my eyebrows raised. "Firstly, we act like strangers in school. Secondly, no one from school can know about the contract. Lastly, never interfere with my life," he listed. I nodded, "rest assured, I'll be glad to pretend not to know you and I have no interest in your life," I told him. "Since we're at this, I have a rule too," I said. "If you touch me, you're dead." I narrowed my eyes at him and he smirked, "I wouldn't do so even if you begged me." With that, he left the room and I huffed. How am I going to live with such a jerk?

Putting aside my thoughts, I crawled into bed. My eyes flickering into darkness as slept took over.

My parched throat woke me up in the middle of the night and I forced myself out of bed to get some water. Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I saw Ethan sleeping on the sofa soundly, curled up like a baby. Shaking my head, I grabbed a blanket and placed it over him before making my way to the kitchen.

After quenching my thirst, I went back to bed and was out as soon as my head hit the pillows.