
chapter nineteen

I winced as the loud music blasting from the speakers got to me. I stared and gaped like a goldfish at the sight of the unfamiliar apartment. Streamers hung from every corner of the room and a platform was placed at the back of the room where a DJ was standing with his music equipment.

Was this really where I was staying just a few hours ago?

"What're you doing with your mouth wide open?" Ethan cocked his head to the side as he looked at me, brows raised. I clamped my mouth shut and frowned at him, "what have you done to the house?" "Nothing," he answered innocently. "I just rearranged the furniture, and placed the valuable items away," he told me.

I looked around the place. He was right, the paintings on the wall were gone and the sofa was shifted from its original place.

"Come with me for a minute," Ethan said as he led me to the kitchen. "What's up?" I asked curiously and he replied me with a "you'll see."

"Here's what you asked for," Ethan said as he lifted the covers off a plate, revealing delicious looking s'mores. "How did yo–" My eyes widened as I realised my plan to laugh at him failed.

"I made them," he answered proudly before lifting a piece and biting into it. "Are you sure its edible?" I frowned and his lips flattened into a straight line. "If you don't want them, I don't mind having all of them to mys–" Ethan began as he took another piece of s'mores from the plate.

"Hey, stop, they're mine," I pouted as I attempted to snatch the piece of s'more that Ethan had on his hand. "I think you're a lil short," he teased as he raised his hand above his head and stuck his tongue out at me. I wanted to stand on the tip of my toes but stopped myself when I caught sight of my bandaged ankle.

"Hmph," I gave up and took the last piece of s'more on the plate, causing Ethan to look at me weirdly. "What?" I frowned, despite the smile that was threatening to make its way onto my face as I bit into the heavenly treat.

"Who are you and where did the Xael I know go to?" Ethan remarked and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Can't you see that my ankle's injured?" I mumbled, mouth full of food.

"Oh...right," Ethan scratched his neck sheepishly as he took out another plate of s'mores from behind him. "Where did that come from?" I asked, eyes widening as Ethan smirked. "I made another batch just in case."

I beamed happily as I took the plate from Ethan, "thank you," I told him as I helped myself to a second serving.

"You help yourself, I'm going to see if the guys need any help with the party," he told me as he patted me lightly on the head before exiting the kitchen.

I was enjoying myself, munching happily on the piece of s'more when someone interrupted me. "Hey," an unfamiliar voice greeted and I looked to my right to see a guy from school. "Hi," I greeted curtly before reverting my attention back to my s'more.

"So you're the reason he made so many s'mores just now despite his wound," the guy mumbled to himself amusedly. I quirked my brows. Ethan's injured? "What wound?" I asked curiously and the guy pointed to the back of his hand. "He accidentally scraped his hand against the furniture when we were moving it and there was a cut," the guy explained. "Didn't you see the bandage?" He asked me and I shook my head, looking at the last mouth of s'more in my hand. He went through that much trouble huh? Now i feel a tad bit guilty...

"Thanks for letting me know, I'm gonna go look for my friends," I told the guy whose name I still did not know and left the kitchen having finished my food. I looked around the room for Ava and Zoey but there was no sight of them. On the other hand, I saw Ethan and a red head grinding against one another and I felt a wave of annoyance wash through me.

Sighing, I moved to get a drink from the table and downed two cups of alcohol, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling deep inside my gut. Just as I was chugging down my third drink, a pretty good looking guy came to stand beside me.

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked with a charming smile. "Xael, what's yours?" My reply was slightly slurred due to the alcohol. "Damien, care to dance?" He invited and I pointed to my injured foot, shrugging. "If there's a will, there's a way. May i?" He prompted, holding his hand out. Shaking my head with a small smile, I placed my hand in his, allowing him to lead me to the dance floor. He might be a good distraction to get a certain

As soon as we reached the dance floor, a fast and upbeat music started blasting. Supporting me with one hand so that less weight would be placed on my foot, Damien slow danced with me. We were completely off rhythm, but who cares. "I was surprised to see you here," Damien said close to my ear but despite the proximity, I strained my ears to hear him due to the noise around. "You go to the same school as me?" I asked curiously and he nodded. Why hadn't I noticed such a cute guy?

"Don't turn around, but there's a guy over there who keeps looking at you," Damien said, signaling to someone behind me. My brows shot up when I heard that. He's making me curious. "Who's that?" I asked. "Some guy who's dancing with a red head," Damien told me and someone's face came to mind. Could it be? But why? I let out a chuckle, the alcohol messing with my brain.

"Are you drunk?" Damien asked amusedly and I shook my head. "Are you drunk?" I repeated his question, giggling. "Do you know that guy? He's glaring at us now," Damien questioned and I half shook half nodded my head. "What does he looksh likeee?" I dragged my words as I felt a little light headed. I really shouldn't chug down my alcohol when I'm not a good drinker.

"Dark hair. Dark eyes. Wearing black," Damien described, confirming my thoughts. That's Ethan all right.

"Hey, why don't we test something out?" Damien suggested mischievously and I quirked my brows. "My hypothesis is that that guy likes you," he said in my ear, causing me to laugh. "Ish not possible," I shook my head but a part of me wanted to find out if Damien's hypothesis was true.

"Lesh test itt," I said, suddenly serious. "Okay, don't punch me for this," was all Damien said before he placed his lips gently on mine.

I could hear footsteps approaching us and someone grabbing Damien from the back. But before I could figure out what happened, I blacked out.