
chapter nine

I clutched my head as I regained my senses once again, looking around to figure out where I am.

"You're in the infirmary," I saw a friendly looking nurse smiling down at me. "You're awake? How are you?" Zoey rushed to my side worriedly when she saw that I was awake.

"I'm fine, just a little headache," I assured her with a small smile. She heaved a sigh of relief and I asked her what exactly happened.

"Ethan hit you on the head with the ball," she said with a frown. "What?! That jerk! What have I ever done to him?" I said in frustration, pushing myself up from the bed, the action sending my head throbbing. "Calm down, we don't know if he did that accidentally or on purpose," she reasoned and I sighed. She was right. "Where is he now?" I asked and she replied, "I have no idea, he kind of disappeared suddenly."

"It must be on purpose then! He ran as he was guilty," I fumed. Zoey frowned as she did not agree with my reasoning but did not say anything. "Do you need me to send you home?" She asked after a moment of silence and I shook my head. "You shouldn't miss lessons. I can ask Richard to fetch me," I told her and she nodded.

"Lunch break is ending, you should get going," I said as I looked at the time on the clock. "Thanks for staying with me," I told Zoey gratefully and she gave me a hug. "What are friends for?" With that, she left after wishing me a speedy recovery.

Picking up my phone from the table beside me, I phoned Richard. Richard was the chauffeur for my family and he had been with us for four years.

It did not take long for Richard to arrive and he helped me into the back of the black car that he usually uses to drive my parents around.

I took a rest on the sofa as I thought back to the events of today. Did I offend Ethan? I didn't even do anything to him, but rest assured, I'll show him that I'm not some weakling that he can push around.

With a new resolve in mind, I planned my revenge against my new enemy who was living in the same house as me.


"Hey, how are you?" Ethan asked, his voice sounding a little worried, when he returned home and I ignored him, pretending to be asleep. I was not in the mood to answer to his pretentious question.

Seeing that I was 'asleep', Ethan lifted me off the sofa, catching me a little by surprise. What is he going to do?

My heart started beating faster and I clenched my fist, awaiting what was about to come but the only thing that I felt were the soft comforters in the bedroom.

Did he just carry me to bed? But why? Didn't he say he wanted to take the bed today?

I tried to reason with myself, but came up with nothing.

I gave up with thinking and let myself drift off to dreamland.


The next day at school, I thought of all the ways I could get back at Ethan, but couldn't think of a feasible one. That was, until I heard something.

"I heard the new hot guy joined swimming?" A girl with green highlights in her hair asked her friend. "Yep, I think he has swimming trials today during lunch break," her friend, a pink-haired girl replied.

I smirked as a plan came to me. Ethan, you'll get what's coming to you.

I waited impatiently for lunch break to come and I all but ran out of class when the bell rang.

I brisk walked to the guys locker room by the pool and was relieved when I saw that it was empty and hid in one of the cubicles. I am just going to wait till Ethan is having bath before stealing his clothes. I bet he'll be so embarrassed having to walk around in nothing but a towel.

Adrenaline rushed through me as I thought of what a risky thing I was about to do. If someone finds me in here, I'm going to be sent to the principal's office.

A smile made its way up my face when I heard Ethan's voice on the other side of the cubicle door.

"Let's take a quick shower. Class is starting soon," a guy whose voice I didn't recognize say and Ethan replied with an ok.

This'll be easy, there are only two of them in here. When I heard the door to two cubicles locked, I quietly unlocked my cubicle's door and looked around the locker room.

Lady luck must have sympathized with me and was

on my side today. There wasn't a single soul in here.

Walking quietly to Ethan's locker, which was thankfully unlocked, I grabbed the clothes that I saw him put on this morning and rushed out of the locker room.

I walked to the nearest bin and dumped his clothes into it, giving myself a pat on my shoulder. Well done, Xael.

With that, I skipped to class, a triumphant grin spread across my face.