
chapter eight

Noisy chatters could be heard as Zoey, Ava and I walked through the school hallways. I could make out some of the words the girls were saying. Something about a new student?

"Hey, have you heard?" Ava spoke up, getting Zoey's and my attention. "The new student?" Zoey asked and Ava nodded. "Do you know who he or she is?" I asked them and they shook their heads. "I just heard that its a he," Ava told us and one person came to mind.

Could it be?

My question was answered when I saw the person that I was thinking of walking down the hallways. Ava nudged me and I turned to see her looking at Ethan with an open mouth. "He's even hotter up close," she said and I shrugged. "Why didn't you tell us he's attending here?" Zoey asked and I smiled sheepishly, "I guess it slipped my mind with all the happenings recently."

I turned my attention back to Ethan who had a smirk on his face and a crowd of students—both guys and girls included, around him. Surprise, surprise, he's popular.

Ethan walked pass me without even looking at me and I could feel a wave of annoyance, but I remembered the rules he asked me to follow yesterday. Act like strangers in school. Fine, so be it.

The bell ringing pulled me out of my thoughts and my friends and I separated our ways, going to our respective classes.

Mathematics lesson was a bore. Mr Wallace was never an interesting teacher, which also meant that there was almost no one paying attention in class. I yawned and rested my head on my hand, willing time to pass by quickly.

A knock on the door got everyone's attention and Mr Wallace paused his teaching. My jaw dropped when I saw who came in. Why must he be in my classes too? I mentally groaned and rested my head on the table, not wanting him to see me.

After Ethan introduced himself, Mr Wallace asked him to sit in the empty seat at the back. Wait...the only empty seat at the back is next to me.

Oh god. I sighed heavily. Lady luck must have not been on my side.

I heard the chair beside me being pulled back and the sound of someone sitting on it.

"You can stop hiding now. Its pretty obvious," I heard an all too familiar mocking voice.

I jolted up straight and narrowed my eyes at him. "Aren't you the one who said we should act like strangers?" I whispered harshly and he smirked, "i didn't know that you'll take my words so seriously."

"Should i not take it seriously then?" I asked him sternly, shooting the deadliest look I could muster and he burst out laughing. "Hey, stop. What's so funny?" I frowned and he clutched his stomach, pointing at my face. "Yo...you should've looked at your face," he said between his laughs and I elbowed him in his ribs. "Shut up."

That did the job and he narrowed his eyes at me and we had a long stare down like how we always did when we quarreled.

"Mr Ford? What's up with you and Ms Stewart?" Mr Wallace suddenly asked and the both of us looked at him. "Nothing, someone's being annoying," I said aloud while Ethan said, "she's being irritating." Glaring at each other once more, we returned our attention to Mr Wallace who decided to ignore our little commotion and continued teaching.

I was more than happy when I heard the bell ring and I quickly packed up my stuff, cheering at the chance to get away from Ethan.

Next class was gym. I groaned as I wasn't exactly a very fitness-y person. I met up with Zoey as we both had gym lessons together and we made our way to the locker room to change into our tee and shorts.

"Ethan's in my mathematics class," I told Zoey with a sigh as we both trudged towards the field. "Are you for real?" She asked, eyes widening and I nodded. "I wish I have some classes with him too, he's pretty hot," she said dreamily and I rolled my eyes at her. "What? Don't you think so?" She asked me, wriggling her eyebrows. As I was about to reply, I caught sight of the familiar figure, the third time in a matter of hours. Ethan was in my class too? Again?

"Zoey? I think you're wish just came true," I told her, not wanting to believe my eyes. Zoey turned her head to the direction I was looking and gasped, this was then followed by her little squealing session. "Out of all the classes, he has gym class with us?" She cheered. "Nah uh, he has maths with me too," I said dejectedly as I watched Ethan stretch.

He was hot, I admit, but that wouldn't stop me from feeling irritation whenever I see him.

After all the students had arrived, coach started to make us run a few laps around the field. I could hear some people groaning before they made their way to the edge of the field and I followed behind them with Zoey grumbling about the hot weather.

When the laps were done, the class was split into two teams to play dodge ball. Zoey and I were in two different teams, Ethan in hers. I heard some of the guys in my team complaining as they eyed the weaker members within the team. It was true, we were the weaker team. Each team started with two balls each.

A guy named Jason from the opposite team was the first one to throw the ball and it hit a petite brunette in our team, and she was out. Damn, we have a member less.

Next was Zoey and she aimed the ball at Kayden, but he managed to dodge it as he was one of the guys better at sports.

From our team, Alice and Paul aimed the ball at a group of girls from the opposite team but they missed.

Just as I was looking at who Reed was aiming, something hit my head, hard, before I had any time to react.

My head throbbed from the pain as black spots appeared in front of me and it did not take long for my vision to black out as I collapsed on the ground.