
Jungle Juice Turned Me Into A Girl!?

(Genderbender OC) (Reincarnation OC) (Jungle Juice x Luffy’s Gum Gum Fruit) ——— After coming home in despair at the fact that he will not be going to the college of his dreams, he decides to go out to the park for a quick breathe of fresh air. Right as he is about to arrive at his destination he spots a oddly purple bug with the capability to stretch it’s ligaments. In fear he somehow ends up in the middle of the road, in which Truck-kun welcomes the invitation. Almost instantly he is awoken in a hospital as a baby. Our protagonist lives his new life as the first child of one of Korea’s most richest families. Despite the cultural differences he settles in with his new life. He is expected to start at the country’s best college in a few months, but fate says otherwise. He meets the same odd creature that got him killed and in an act of revenge uses the first bottle of bug killer that he could find. After spraying it, he faints immediately. Waking up he learns that he is now part bug and there is a hidden city designed to harbour such people, which sounds very familiar to him. Now he has to go there to become valedictorian to obtain Cinderella, the medicine to turn him back into a human. Did I forget to mention the fact that it turned him into a girl? ——— I made a vote to decide between Haikyuu OC and genderbend Chuuya Nakahara in unOrdinary, but then I decided this would be a better idea. So.. please don’t be mad. As per usual, updates will be random. If you see this on anything other than Webnovel or Wattpad, even if it’s a similar name.. it’s not me.

VividIsSleeping · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


-3rd POV-

As he flew through the air he could hear the sound of fighting. It was concentrated near each flag that the professors reside at. Each time he lost his momentum in the air he grabbed onto a tree and used it to propel himself forward. Frequently he would be caught in the crossfire of an attack, but with quick speed he was able to pull off the 'rocket'.

All he had to look out for was a muscular old man laying on a hammock. After zipping around in the air for about 15 minutes, he finally found said man. After landing in front of him, he looked around in case someone was watching him. However, everyone else was too busy fighting for a spot. The old man flicked his attention towards him and quickly looked impressed. "You got here quite fast kid. The dean told me about you, but I wasn't too sure. You may have some potential after all."

He opened up a box that contained a bunch of USBs, some of them had already been taken. Picking one out of the box he tossed it towards him. "Before you leave, I have one piece of advice for you… don't let your guard down." Nodding in reply he placed the USB in his pocket.

"Thank you very much!" Like he did many times on his way here, his arms extended, grabbing hold of a tree. 'Gomu Gomu no…' Retracting the extension he flew forward, "Rocket!". Due to the fact that he had the destination in mind he put more power into it, sending him faster than before. All the people fighting below seemed like a blur.

Out of nowhere, the same sense of danger that he felt stuck in his mind. All of a sudden a large chunk of the ground was ripped open and tossed in his direction. 'Gomu Gomu no…' with his quick thinking he flipped his body allowing his feet to face forward. Bringing his feet together with the bottom of his feet touching. "Spear!" Stretching his legs, they forced their way through the mass of earth, breaking it into several pieces.

As he fell to the ground, he grabbed hold of two trees to reduce the impact of the fall. Right as he landed, he was about to take off again when he could sense more danger. 'It's coming from… the left!' In the corner of his eye, a giant fist hurtled straight towards his face. He didn't have the time to stretch so he rolled out of the way.

"Ahh crap I missed. Sorry about this, I just really need that USB." the mysterious man stated. Turning around to analyse the new threat, his jaw dropped as soon as he saw him. His body was gigantic, he had the head of a beetle. He looked just like Jihwan who was also a beetle, but he was slightly smaller. Even with a smaller size, this creature is known in the animal kingdom as the strongest insect: The Dung Beetle. This insect is capable of lifting objects 1141 times its body weight. 'No wonder it was able to lift that chunk of earth.'

"Why would you think I have a USB?" As Kyung asked the question he looked around for any possible route of escape.

"Well, you were heading straight towards the campus… it couldn't be any more obvious." Staring him down he brought his hands together and began to crack his knuckles. "You're going to give me that USB right now. I'd rather not use violence, but this is how it's supposed to be."

Without warning the beetle charged towards him, but.. 'He's slow.' Kyung had more than enough time to evade his attack. Launching himself above his attacker, he hovered in the air. 'Gomu Gomu no…' his right leg stretched downwards, "Stamp!" colliding with the back of the target's head, creating a large shockwave. However, the beetle stood there unfazed. Landing back on the ground he moved away to create some space.

"That hurt, but it's not enough to beat me transfer student." With eyes that could kill, he charged towards him again with a tightened fist. This time he was much faster which didn't give Kyung a lot of time to move. Mimicking his first dodge he had to roll to the side again, narrowly dodging the punch.

The beetle did not stop in his assault, contrary to Kyung's thoughts. Rotating back around to face him, another punch was positioned right in his face. 'I've got you now, transfer student!'

This gave Kyung the chance to test a different move. 'Gomu Gomu no…' rapidly inhaling air, his body expanding at a high speed. "Balloon!" The now large body absorbed the full force of the punch. 'Jeez, even with that the punch still hurts. I guess that's the strongest insect for you. I'm just glad these clothes were able to withstand my expansion. I'm not sure how Hyun-Joo got these clothes, but I can't thank her enough.' Shortly, he began to deflate again.

"Hmph, not many people can withstand my punches and for a transfer student to do that, I'm impressed. Just what kind of complex do you have?" For some reason he began to crouch down as his body began to tense up. A faint blue aura began to radiate from his eyes, one second he was there and the next he was gone. He had vanished from sight.

'Just where the hell is he?.. Wait no, as long as I concentrate I should be able to see him.' As he closed his eyes and focussed only on his senses, a faint outline of a figure appeared in his mind. 'Above!' Jumping away from the landing zone he was able to avoid the skyward strike. As there wasn't a lot of space between them, Kyung used this chance to prepare his next attack before the beetle could turn around. He could feel energy rushing from his eyes.

Bolting towards him, he pulled both his arms backwards, stretching in response. 'Gomu Gomu no…' The man turned around and he could not prepare for what was about to hit him. "I'm sorry, but I can't waste any more time on you." Pushing his stretched arms forwards, "Bazooka!" striking him right in the stomach with two deadly palm strikes. The attack caused an even larger shockwave than before. It destroyed part of his Nest jacket and cracked his exoskeleton, drawing quite a bit of blood. The impact sent him flying about 25 feet.

In pain, he got back up. "As I said, that won't be enough to defeat me. Probably the first time someone has damaged me to this extent, but it will be the la..st…" In reality, he could not bear the pain. Falling onto his back, he remained there, out cold.

'I guess it's time for me to go. Thanks for the fight.'

Kyung had almost made it back when a group waiting to steal USBs instead of finding them themselves prepared to attack him. Thankfully they were all lined up, just for him. As he landed he continued running towards them, he heard one of the grunts shout at him. "Oi transfer student! Give us your USB!"

'Gomu Gomu no…' to their surprise, the supposed victim jumped onto his left arm. Before they could react he twisted his body, "Whip!" kicking forwards, his stretched leg collided with them. All of them had been knocked out, probably because they didn't anticipate that type of attack.

As he was right outside the building he was able to grapple onto the window, pulling himself inside. It seemed like a couple people had already completed registration, although it wasn't hard for him to guess.

Sitting down at his computer, he took the USB out of his pocket and placed it into the computer. After a few seconds of loading, he typed in all his information and pressed enter. Following that, the computer screen changed to show the most important message. 'Course Registration is Complete', which had 'Course Title: Practical Combat For Insects' beneath.

A little notification had popped up, telling him that orientation will be held as soon as registration is over. 'Your student ID will be issued, please come and collect it in order for you to be recognised as an official student. Please head to Practical Entomology Lecture Hall #5 after you have done so.' he took that as a hint to leave the room.

Leaving the room, he only felt joy. He was another step closer to his goal.

-Kyung's POV-

It still didn't tell me where exactly I had to go, so I just asked around. After receiving the location, I promptly made my way there. Once I had arrived, I talked to the kind moth lady at the front desk and she gave me my student ID with a beaming smile on her face. "Good job passing registration, this is your first one right? Now that's amazing. I hope you do well here at Nest."

"Thank you very much." Taking my ID, it was now time to wait for orientation to start.

-Around three hours later-

I waited around doing absolutely nothing for three hours. I did countless laps around the entire campus until registration was complete. I got a lot of suspicious stares from people, but I didn't really care.

I headed towards the lecture hall buildings, when I was met by two security guards in red nest uniforms. They both looked pretty identical, except for the man on the right who had 4 arms. Almost as if they were programmed in a lab, they spoke at the exact same time. "You must have a student ID to enter."

"Well here you go." Pulling out my ID, they took it off me and scanned the QR code into the system. Knowing the legitimacy of the ID they returned it to me and let me through. Going past the scanner and down the hall I heard some shouting from behind me. It was none other than Suchan. As he finished registration at the last second, he wouldn't have had enough time to get his ID so they didn't allow him inside.

I proceeded to walk away. 'He'll be fine, Huijin will show up and give him his ID. Problem solved.'

Eventually, Lecture Hall #5 was in my sight. Entering the room, an army of stares came my way. Most in curiosity or wonder, but there was one that was filled with greed and malice. It won't be long until that greed and malice starts his attack. Forgetting about it I sat on the front row in the middle, second to last seat on the right.

Three seats to my left was a girl with long orange-yellow hair that faded into white then black at the bottom. On top of her head were orange-black orbs that looked like teddy bear ears. She wore the Nest Jacket and a blue skirt. The seat next to her was filled by a girl with green hair that reached around her shoulders. The horns on her head were covered by her hair. Instead of wearing the Nest jacket, she wore a black tracksuit with blue stripes on the arms and shorts.

These two are known as Hyeona Bang and Daun Jeong. They were the first to introduce themselves. Hyeona did seem a little introverted, which led to Daun doing most of the talking. "Hey there! Mind if I ask what your name is? Mine's Daun Jeong and this little one here is Hyeona Bang."

"Nice to meet ya. My name is Kyung Shin."


Author: I just can't stop writing this, I just feel so deep into it. Last night, I wrote up until it switched to Kyung's POV and even though the fight scene may not have been great (I am very inexperienced after all) I just had a whole lot of fun writing it. That's all that matters right? Also, I know it may be cringey for some, but Kyung will say 'Gomu Gomu no…' in his head then say the attack out loud. I just find it super satisfying. Anyway, thanks for reading.