
Jungle Juice Turned Me Into A Girl!?

(Genderbender OC) (Reincarnation OC) (Jungle Juice x Luffy’s Gum Gum Fruit) ——— After coming home in despair at the fact that he will not be going to the college of his dreams, he decides to go out to the park for a quick breathe of fresh air. Right as he is about to arrive at his destination he spots a oddly purple bug with the capability to stretch it’s ligaments. In fear he somehow ends up in the middle of the road, in which Truck-kun welcomes the invitation. Almost instantly he is awoken in a hospital as a baby. Our protagonist lives his new life as the first child of one of Korea’s most richest families. Despite the cultural differences he settles in with his new life. He is expected to start at the country’s best college in a few months, but fate says otherwise. He meets the same odd creature that got him killed and in an act of revenge uses the first bottle of bug killer that he could find. After spraying it, he faints immediately. Waking up he learns that he is now part bug and there is a hidden city designed to harbour such people, which sounds very familiar to him. Now he has to go there to become valedictorian to obtain Cinderella, the medicine to turn him back into a human. Did I forget to mention the fact that it turned him into a girl? ——— I made a vote to decide between Haikyuu OC and genderbend Chuuya Nakahara in unOrdinary, but then I decided this would be a better idea. So.. please don’t be mad. As per usual, updates will be random. If you see this on anything other than Webnovel or Wattpad, even if it’s a similar name.. it’s not me.

VividIsSleeping · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


The webtoon about a bug spray that fuses the user with the insect that they try to kill. The webtoon with a hidden city which gives these people a place to call.

The webtoon in which there is a group of people with the desire to remove humanity and replace it with a new kingdom, where the strong dominate over the weak.

I've been reincarnated into this universe…

"Sorry I'm.. what?" Not only did I become a girl, I've become one made out of rubber. Just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder. I thought my life would be normal.. just this once. My parents held me in their clutches, I felt somewhat better after a while. The nurse signalled for me to sit down next to her.

Letting go I walked back over to the bed to sit down. After looking through some documents she turned back towards me. "After taking some DNA samples, we have found that the insect you fused with was a unique variant of cockroach. It's only been documented one other time… but that was a long time ago."

I remained still, waiting for her to continue. "Like the normal cockroach it has high strength and speed, however its entire body is made out of a rubber-like material. Even to this day, we still don't know exactly how it lives. The one downside is that its regenerative capabilities are weaker, but it makes up for it with its ability to harden its body."

So basically I've become Luffy from One Piece… THAT'S SO COOL! If I'm creative with the attacks just like Luffy, I'll be strong as all hell. Despite the fact that I was happy about what I could possibly do, that doesn't answer why I became a girl in the first place. "That's cool and all, but why did I turn into a girl?"

"Well, the most accurate conclusion we came to is that you fused completely with it. During your body's change into rubber, in order for it to be a 100% fusion your sex was forced to change. As we suspected, the unnamed cockroach was female."

'Sigh.. is this my punishment for getting hit by that truck, or is it something else?' After taking in all the information I sat there for a minute. Couldn't I just go back home and live my life normally? Go to college and meet some new friends? Does it really matter if I've changed?

"…Is it alright if I step outside to talk to my parents?" She nodded her head. When I got up, the unfamiliar weight made me unstable. To steady myself I planted both feet firmly on the ground. Once I was comfortable I vacated the room with my parents in tow. The door sealed shut.

Standing there with my head down, I didn't know what to think or even say. 'Are they going to be mad at me? Are they going to call me a freak?.. a monster?' My hands tensed up and with that I felt my emotions going out of control again. A rush of energy flowed towards my eyes, they must have gone red again. The silence suffocated all my senses. "I'm so sorr..."

Two pairs of arms wrapped around me. It caught me by surprise. All emotion came to a halt, my eyes returning to normal. "It doesn't matter what you've become… me and your mother will love you for all eternity!" Father's voice flowed into my head, it was familiar, it was nostalgic. My vision suddenly became blurry. I tried to make it go away, but it wouldn't, water dripped down my face. I finally remembered something from a long time ago.

'No matter what, just know that me and your mother will love you matter where you decide to go.' That's what 'he' said, all those years ago. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "I.. I'm so sorry!" My voice came out, but it was filled with regret and grief. I wasn't sure who I was apologising to, I just knew that it was all I could do at that moment.

Even though I may not be there anymore, they'll still love me and that's the only thing that matters..

I lay there on the hospital bed for a while, I was told that I would be discharged soon. I'll have to say goodbye, I'll be heading to Nest after all. Even though I already knew, I was told about Cinderella, the key to changing me back.

I learned that the hospital I was in was an off-site Nest hospital for situations like mine. Before I thought it would be a normal hospital, but then I witnessed people of all shapes and sizes walking down the corridor. That gave me all the answers I needed, except one though. The nurse said before that my parents brought me here, wouldn't they have just gone to the main hospital? Were they also involved with Nest in the past? I'd have to find out.

My mother entered the room with a handful of clothes. A very loose black t-shirt with a reverse tick logo on the top right, royal blue jogging pants and white running shoes along with a bright red jacket. Nothing too fancy, although I was confused why there was a straw hat with a red band around it included in my clothing package. "It's to hide your antennae." Is what she said. I guess the world is really telling me to become like luffy. Guess I'll become the King of the Pirates.. no I'm just kidding.

In the pile was also a set of red underwear and a bra. She taught me how to fasten it up with minimum effort. It felt quite uncomfortable, but she told me I would get used to it. After I finished getting changed, she forced me to listen to her for ten whole minutes about how to take care of myself. Once she had stopped I was finally able to ask her some questions.

"Once I leave, what will happen with the company? Is Ari going to take over instead? And also, why are you not surprised that I'm half insect? Did it happen to you too?" She was a little shocked by my barrage of questions, but she quickly answered them all.

"Don't worry about it. Your father decided to remain the head of the company, he still has the energy in him, if he doesn't… he's dead." I'm pretty sure she means everything she said, "And well, yes it did. Your father as well. We were living our normal lives when it was ruined by the curse place on us. I don't think you want to hear everything else, so just get ready to leave."

Once she left, I got up again and stared at the mirror. A pretty face looked back at me. As of this moment that girl is me and in the meantime I'll have to deal with it until I can get the cure.

The door opened once again, but this time it was the nurse. "It's time to go. Your family will be waiting for you outside. I wish you good luck." Thanking the nurse I grabbed my belongings and made my way to the front entrance. My parents were waiting outside along with my little sister.

She looked at me as if she didn't know me. It worried me quite a lot, she was young and didn't know a lot about the world. Would she call me a monster instead? "Hehe.. I guess I've got an older sister now. If that's what you look like now, then I'm sure I'll look even better when I'm older." It blew me away. She could still joke around like usual.

I knelt down and hugged her, "I'll make sure to visit you as many times as I can. You'll always welcome me home right?"

"Yup! You'll always be my big brother no matter what." We hugged for a while, until she let go of me. "Hurry up or the bus man will be angry!" I smiled and patted her on the head, which she didn't like. "Oi! Stop it! I'm not a little kid!"

"Sure you are." I turned my attention to my parents, looking at their faces filled me with joy. They looked at their two children with unwavering pride. "All right, I'll be off now. Take care of yourselves."

"You too. If you ever need some help or support, you know who to call." Nodding at my father I walked onto the green bus. Sitting down in the center left of the bus at the window, I waved goodbye. The bus slowly accelerated as my sight of them disappeared. 'I'll get Cinderella so I can live with my family again. I'll do it. No. Matter. What.'

After the long and boring drive, the bus stopped in a tunnel. I thanked the bus driver as I stepped off the bus. I was met with a large wall, but in front of that wall was an old man. He had long medium-long grey hair, grey mustache and a weirdly cut beard. He wore traditional martial arts clothes. His eyes sealed shut. Keeping him steady was the cane in his hand, although it was more than just that. I knew who this was. It was the most important person at Nest: The Dean.

"So you've come. Your parents told me all about your predicament, it is rather unfortunate." From that alone it seems like he knew my parents personally.

"May I ask how you know my parents?"

"All those years ago. Your parents were the two best students in their department at the time. They would fight for the top spot every single day, they were probably the best students I've ever laid my eyes on. I'm sure you know what that means…" They had both succeeded at obtaining Cinderella and returning back to their original form. 'Now I'm impressed.'

"Enough dallying, let me show you your new home." The wall behind him began to open up and with it, light slowly entered my vision. He pointed towards the light, telling me to walk into it. After walking through it, an unnatural view forced itself in front of me. My jaw dropped.

It was an environment like no other, many people with weird and wacky quirks dotted the landscape. Some walked, whilst some flew. No individual was the exact same, they all had their own things that made them unique. It was marvelous. There was a perfect harmony between the modern infrastructure and the calm wildlife. A drawing does not do this place justice.

The Dean walked up beside me. "Your parent's had the same look on their face when they saw it." He kept on walking in which I followed. "This place is a safe haven for those who are outcast by the terrible burden they now bear." Many places that would be found in your usual city could be found here. Clothing shops, restaurants, hardware stores. It was basically a normal city.

"I'm sure you're eager to obtain Cinderella, but I think it would be best for you to adapt to your changes thoroughly before you start. You can start next semester. I would have told you to start now, but it was a request from your parents."

'Sounds like a good idea. I'll have to thank them when I get the chance. I'll use this as a chance to test out some moves. Let's do this!'


Author: Yo! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's time for Kyung to get prepared! I will still refer to him as well.. "him" in 3rd person. Thanks for reading!