
Jungle Juice Turned Me Into A Girl!?

(Genderbender OC) (Reincarnation OC) (Jungle Juice x Luffy’s Gum Gum Fruit) ——— After coming home in despair at the fact that he will not be going to the college of his dreams, he decides to go out to the park for a quick breathe of fresh air. Right as he is about to arrive at his destination he spots a oddly purple bug with the capability to stretch it’s ligaments. In fear he somehow ends up in the middle of the road, in which Truck-kun welcomes the invitation. Almost instantly he is awoken in a hospital as a baby. Our protagonist lives his new life as the first child of one of Korea’s most richest families. Despite the cultural differences he settles in with his new life. He is expected to start at the country’s best college in a few months, but fate says otherwise. He meets the same odd creature that got him killed and in an act of revenge uses the first bottle of bug killer that he could find. After spraying it, he faints immediately. Waking up he learns that he is now part bug and there is a hidden city designed to harbour such people, which sounds very familiar to him. Now he has to go there to become valedictorian to obtain Cinderella, the medicine to turn him back into a human. Did I forget to mention the fact that it turned him into a girl? ——— I made a vote to decide between Haikyuu OC and genderbend Chuuya Nakahara in unOrdinary, but then I decided this would be a better idea. So.. please don’t be mad. As per usual, updates will be random. If you see this on anything other than Webnovel or Wattpad, even if it’s a similar name.. it’s not me.

VividIsSleeping · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Insects Really Bug Me

I died. It was rather unpleasant. Saying it out loud may cause the more childish people to laugh out loud and call me stupid. I wouldn't blame them one bit, living your last moments in pain due to something trivial. Even after my failure, I'm able to joke about it. Well I think it would be best described if you witness it yourselves. Anyway, I bet you are wondering how I am still able to convey this message. That's simple, I was reincarnated… that's what everyone was expecting right?

From dying in that horrible way to suddenly being born as a baby. Not only that, but I was born in a country in which I don't know a single word of the language. It's like talking to Alexa with a Scottish accent, it won't understand a single thing. Instead of me telling you, see for yourself.


The rain splashed against the car window, making the scenes outside a little distorted. The people inside the car were silent, allowing the rain to dominate their senses. Two adults and their son. Morale was low in their minds, the youngest of them sinking much lower in regret. As they drove down the empty street, none of them uttered a single word. The tension within the youngest lowering as their house had finally appeared on the horizon. Finally he could get out of the horrible car.

At their stop, the boy rushed out of the car, ignoring whatever his parents had to say. Using his own key to open the door, he forced it wide open. Rushing up the steep wooden steps into his small bedroom. Jumping onto his pure white bed, he lay there for a while. His emotions grew out of control soon after. Tears began to build in the corner of his eyes. He failed and it hurt him.

Shortly after the door opened revealing a tall man in his early fifties with short pitch black hair, the roots of his hair growing grey. He sat on the edge of his sixteen year old son's bed, watching over him in concern. Even with his worry he did not speak, allowing his child to release all his pent up stress. Once he felt like it was okay to speak up he consoled him.

"Even if you didn't pass the entrance exam for that college, there are still other great places to go." The child did not respond to his father's claim, it almost hurt him more. He wished to go to that specific one, nowhere else. He felt like it was the end of the world. "No matter what, just know that me and your mother will love you no matter where you decide to go."

After waiting for a reply, but not receiving one he got up and left him to his own devices. From the son's perspective it felt more like he was being reprimanded, although he wasn't. For about 20 minutes he remained in that spot, thinking about his life and all the choices he made, along with the ones he didn't make. Why did he not take school seriously enough? Why didn't he try? Why did he have to feel this way? All of those questions he could not answer, or rather… he was too scared to answer them.

He finally decided to get up and do something. Thinking about it for a while he came to the conclusion that he would go down to the park for a breather. Walking over to his wooden wardrobe he pulled it open and grabbed a pitch black raincoat.

Once he was prepared, he alerted both his parents that he would be going out to the park. Even though it was belting it down with rain, they understood that it would be best for him to get some fresh air.

The stroll along the streets of the city allowed him to calm himself down. The ongoing problems of the city distract him from his problems. He spotted the park right ahead of him, all he had to do was cross the busy road and he would get there. However, before he crossed over he noticed a weird bug on his arm. It was in the shape of a cockroach, however it was a weird purple colour with a swirly pattern. He raised his arm in preparation to slap it off, forcing his arm down he then noticed something bewildering. The moment his arm was about to touch it, its front leg suddenly stretched. Grappling onto his left arm, then pulling itself away from his mighty slap.

'How the hell did that thing do that?' He tried again to smack it off, but instead of it jumping to the other side it leaped right towards his face. It caught him off guard and he ran backwards trying to get it off, tripping over his own feet and falling backwards. He didn't have enough time to react when he heard something shout, "KID! GET OUT OF THERE!" Slowly twisted his head and the sight of the huge truck hurling itself towards him sent shivers down his spine. He could not move. In the corner of his eye, he could see the strange creature looking up at him as if it was smiling. Then, he was no more…

The house was in a panic, their mistress was in labour. It was only a matter of time until it happened. Ever since they had been given the announcement all those months ago. Due to the status of their family, they had all the equipment needed to carry out the procedure. All they had to wait for now was the birth of their eldest child.

The head of the family, Shin Min-su patiently waited outside the room as he was forcefully kicked out by his lovely wife as she claimed he was being annoying. Walking out of the room in hurtful tears he strolled along until the door opened, the family doctor came out with a joyful smile on his face. "Congratulations! Your child is fit and healthy."

He rushed past the doctor with glee and his eyes met his smiling wife. She was laying on the bed with their newborn son in her hands. A sense of euphoria rushed through his body, it was indescribable to him. He knew that she felt the same way too. He quietly walked over without bothering their child and kissed his wife on the head. "Aww.. he's beautiful. He's got eyes just like yours."

"Well excuse me! I did make him, so obviously he'll look like me." She became annoyed at her husband's stupidity. In response he got upset and muttered something about it being a compliment. Ignoring his annoying moaning she looked at her newborn's eyes and was enamoured by them. She felt a little worried when she noticed that he did not cry, he only stared into her eyes as if he was confused.

Min-su finally got himself together and finally asked the most important question. "So… what are we going to name him?"

"Well, I know we always talked about what we would call him, but I've always had this in mind. How about Kyung? Shin Kyung. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" At his wife's suggestion his face lit up. They both agreed that it would be their number one choice when they were younger. It was decided that from now on Shin Kyung would be their most proudest creation.

-5 Years Later : Kyung's POV-

That's the story of how I died because of a stupid insect and a truck. From the moment I was born I was showered with all the love and attention. Not just from my new parents, but the people working in this mansion. I had a babysitter who would look after me whenever my parents were busy, I never found out her name though.

The language was difficult to learn, but after a long time I was able to pick it up. Now I can have civil conversations with just about anyone and about anything.

Before I forget, let me tell you about my new family. As the word "mansion" suggests, this family is rich as all hell. This is all because of the family business: The Shin Corporation. It is the leading manufacturer of electronic goods such as, televisions, game consoles, washing machines and all things in between. My father is the one who runs the company. As stupid as he may seem when it comes to family matters, in the world of business he is formidable. My mother is amazing, she goes on many business trips around the world to represent the company. No one messes with her, she is as fierce as a dragon.

My new life so far is going well, I've been born in a rich family with loving parents. What else could you ask for? How could it get any worse? Well, that would be incorrect. 13 years later, I would regret what I said as it was the turning point of my fate.


Author: New Story! As it says in the synopsis, I was going to do Genderbend Nakahara Chuuya in unOrdinary. I just felt like this was a better idea. Also, did you like the little pun in this chapter's title? No? Well that's fine. Thanks for reading!