
Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

I have been reincarnated/transferred to new worlds over five times now. Throughout my travels, I have been the Hero, Sage, Assassin, Villain, and King ...and never once was I granted the peace I desired after my work was done. The God in charge of my transfers is a cruel man who seems to draw pleasure in ripping me away from those I love and casting me into a new situation to fix his problems. Now on my sixth transfer, I am done being his errand boy and will forge my fate with my own hands. Using the skills and knowledge I have acquired over my past few lives, I will take back my existence and find the peace I have longed for.

ManOfCultureLeon · アニメ·コミックス
214 Chs

Chapter 40 - Dawn of Annihilation

—3rd Person POV, Heaven—

"Angelo, are the preparations in order?", the God of Reincarnation asked his assistant.

"Yes sir, all of the angels we have gathered are in position and awaiting our signal to mobilize.", Angelo replied with a nervous look.

He was well aware of what would become of the angels after they did the God of Reincarnation's bidding, death. If the man they were after didn't kill them, the other Gods would see to it that they were permanently stripped of their Divinity and cast out into the mortal realms. The only reason so many angels agreed to help was the offer that the God of Reincarnation had given those willing to do as he asked. In exchange for their services, they would be placed in luxurious families in the mortal worlds where they would want for nothing.

Many might not understand why this was attractive to them, but it was easy from the angel's perspective. Unlike Mid and High-Class Angels, the Unranked and Low-Class Angels were treated as slaves by the Gods and were constantly doing whatever they were asked hoping to one day be promoted…which happened maybe once or twice every thousand years. They may be giving up a chance for greater power, but to them, the freedom from their shackles was worth it.

"Now remember the plan, you are not to make move till after the doors to the Meeting Room are closed. Do not move beforehand otherwise, we risk alerting one of the other Gods to our plans…they are already suspicious of me thanks to those bitches Love and Fertility.", the God of Reincarnation complained, "Make sure he lives just long enough to watch his loved ones die! I refuse to let him have a quick death after embarrassing me like this! He will pay dearly for his actions, he will suffer a hundred lifetimes of misfortune before I will even consider giving him a reprieve."

Nodding his head, Angelo confirmed he understood the plan. While he wasn't fond of killing so many mortals, it was either that or enduring centuries of torture at the hands of the God of Reincarnation for disobeying him. Leaving ahead of his deity, Angelo left to get into his position near the Meeting Room. Giving him a few minutes to get into place, the God of Reincarnation quickly left his room to join the other deities for their first scheduled meeting of the year.

As he closed the door behind him, the deity sensed someone was watching him. Looking down the hallway in both directions he saw no one around him. Doing a doubletake to make sure, he quietly left the area unsure of the feeling he had. When he was out of sight, two Goddesses emerged from the shadows outside his room.

"So this is what he has been up to…", the Goddess of Chaos said entering the hallway with her sister the Goddess of Darkness.

"He thinks his title will protect him from the wrath he will incur?", the Goddess of Darkness snickered, "Cole will certainly take his head from his shoulders, and both of us will certainly enjoy the show."

"Why are you fascinated with him?", the Goddess of Chaos asked, "I know why I am, but you generally don't show interest in mortals."

"It has everything to do with his third life as an Assassin. Most mortals are afraid of the darkness because they associate it with monsters and evil. That man is one of only a few who garnered me many followers, the people he helped in the shadows prayed to me diligently hoping that their families would be spared the cruelty of their world. For a Goddess like me that receives very few prayers, I do my best to aid my followers whenever I can.", she replied with a smile, "We should get moving, there is only a short time before the meeting starts. His wives will need some time to contact their children, and they have waited long enough to be with him."

Heading down the hallway, the two Goddesses made their way to the Goddess of Love's chambers. By this point, many of the deities in Heaven knew of the mortal's presence but had ignored them. Since many of the male deities brought mortal women to Heaven for their pleasure, none of them wanted to be the one to ruin it for everyone else. Due to the women not leaving the room or causing anyone problems, everyone had opted to forget they were there.

Knocking on the door to the bedroom, the two Goddesses were greeted by the Goddess of Love's assistant who turned pale the moment she saw them. Fearing that they were there to aid their enemy, the angel almost slammed the door in their face. Pushing past her, the two of them entered the room finding the women in the middle of feeding their children. Recognizing their faces from statues in her nation's capital, one of Cole's wives from his fourth life rose to her feet in respect.

"Goddess Verona and Mistel…it is an honor to meet you.", Arosta said bowing her head.

"No need to stand on formalities, I am well aware of who you are Arosta Vermillion daughter of the former Demon King Viatra.", the Goddess of Darkness Verona stated, "Your prayers to my sister and I didn't fall on deaf ears. Unfortunately, we weren't able to interfere before but now we can. Contact your husband and adult children at once, the God of Reincarnation is about to make his play."

Realizing they were here to help, Arosta thanked them for their help.

"I have been helping your husband for quite some time, Verona here decided to move this time.", the Goddess of Chaos Mistel laughed, "Your husband caused lots of chaos with the social changes he implemented, and even in his new world the chaos he has sewn among the villains has entertained me a lot. Let your husband know I would like to officially make him one of my Champions."

"Likewise.", Verona added with a smile.

"A Champion!?", Sapphire gasped, "Won't that cause more problems for him? He already has five unique titles, adding Champion titles from you will only make him a bigger target."

Shaking their heads, the two of them assured her that the God of Reincarnation wouldn't be a problem for long. Destroying several worlds without authorization comes at a very steep cost, and for the God of Reincarnation…it would be the final mistake of his career. Asking what they meant, they clarified that Cole wasn't the first person he had done this to.

"He is a lazy man, he makes it look like he is doing work but actually dumps it on his subordinates who barely know what to do. They have transmigrated very evil people between worlds causing untold amounts of damage, and at one point forgot to send Heroes to worlds for several generations causing the worlds to collapse similar to how yours would eventually fall.", Verona stated, "Anyways, he was already on his last leg before Cole's situation came to light…with this he will face annihilation from the other Gods."

"I…I see…", Sapphire replied, "Since this is happening so suddenly, is there any way we can-"

"We already intended to send you there.", Mistel laughed with a wink, "You have stayed up here long enough, and the God of Death already told us you'd be sent down after the meeting was over anyways."

Thanking them repeatedly for this, the Goddess sent them straight to Cole…who was in the middle of tracking Dr. Kyudai Garaki.

—Cole POV—

Having received email alerts that the Doctor was on the move, as I was grabbing breakfast elsewhere, I decided to see what he was up to. Moving to his location, I was currently following him from the rooftops as he entered a warehouse district. Watching how cautiously he was moving he was meeting someone who didn't want to be found.

'It's about time we wrap this cat and mouse game up.', I thought as I watched him slip into a warehouse.

Turning myself into smoke, I slipped in through a window and hid in the shadows waiting to see what would happen. The warehouse was completely dark with only a few rays of light coming through the windows.

"Sylvester, I came as you requested.", the doctor said keeping his voice down.

"You made sure to watch your surroundings, I assume?", an older man's voice inquired from within the darkness.

"Of course, I took a route that doesn't have cameras.", he assured them.

'This is the wrong country to be assuming that…', I thought stifling a chuckle, 'I guess he didn't realize that the old regime's cameras are still in place.'

Hearing a loud pop, the lights throughout the warehouse flicked on. Seeing a butler dressed to the nines by the electrical panel, he vanished for a moment before returning with the Huntsman Family. The couple wore exhausted expressions as they took a seat at a pre-set table.

"Damn that brat…he's caused us to lose millions of dollars! He hacked our accounts, and transferred our money to fucking charities!!", the husband spat in anger as he smacked his tea away.

"Dear that is beside the point, we need to make this meeting quick in case he shows up after their family opens the Agency in thirty minutes.", his wife replied, "Doctor, we would like to bring you into our services. Your former sponsor is dead, and you are living in fear that Kessler will find you. We would like to offer you a position, in exchange for making prey for us to hunt you will receive-"

Before she finished what she was saying, a Teleportation Gate opened up out of nowhere. Confused as to who would be using magic here, I watched my wives appear a few yards in front of me. Looking around the room, they were confused why they were in a warehouse and not near me.

"This doesn't look like Arthur's home…", Luna said noticing the four people standing there, "Who are you people?"

As many of my wives didn't look completely human, the Huntsman Family's expression changed. Watching them look at my wives and children like prey, my temper snapped.

"Move an inch, and I will kill you where you stand.", I stated walking out of the shadows.

"Damn it, I thought you-", the husband shouted as he jumped out of his seat.

Watching her husband explode as my fist slammed into his face, I spun around and backhanded her face. Her head spun around several times before she fell to the ground dead. Grabbing the butler before he could flee, I stared into his eyes like he was garbage.

"Don't. Lay. Hands. On. My. Family.", I told him as stole his Quirk.

Throwing him at the doctor, the two men collapsed to the ground. Snapping my fingers, I used my Pyrokinesis to incinerate them. Dusting myself off, I looked over at my family who were holding back their laughter.

"Still so defensive of us, you do know we are capable of fighting ourselves right?", Sapphire giggled with a grin, "I could have dealt with them myself."

"I am well aware of that, but given the fact you are here means something is wrong. We don't have time to clean up after one of your rampages.", I teased her, "We especially don't need Silva going on a rampage either, given that we are migrating people here we need to give them a good first impression."

Telling me to shove it, she said it wasn't her fault that the Silver Wolf Clan was full of capable fighters.

"So what is going on?", I asked.

"He's going to make his move here soon.", Celestial stated, "We need to move now if we want to save as many people as we can."

Pulling out my phone, I made a call to Nezu while I teleported everyone back to my residence.