

feranmi_falade · 都市
65 Chs


Mary noticed that after got back from where she went to she had been odd. She wanted to ask her what was wrong but she decided against it. She felt that if something was wrong with Juliet she would come to meet her.

The next day,Juliet came down with swollen eyes,it was obvious that she didn't sleep well. Mary was shocked to see Juliet like that "Juliet what's wrong ! didn't you sleep well,why are your eyes so swollen".

Juliet subconsciously touched her eyes,she then said " Yes,I didn't sleep well,I was up all night doing research on an important project" however this wanted the truth she didn't sleep because she was thinking of what to do as she had no clue or lead on how to find her siblings, she decided to find her siblings first then probably they might know who did all of this.

Mary looked at her for a while before nodding,

" Let's go get a cream to apply on your eye",Juliet nodded and followed Mary to her room. In the room while applying cream on Juliet's eyes Mary suddenly said " Juliet, I know that I am not your real mother but I will always be there for you,if you have anything bothering you please don't hesitate to come to me".

Juliet was touched by what Mary said, she was happy that her mom had a sister like her. "Don't worry aunt,whenever I have something bothering me,I would come straight to your place".

Soon they were done applying the cream.The both of them went down to eat. When they got downstairs,they met Hannah eating. Hannah looked at them and said" Good morning,where have you guys been,I was waiting for you for some long bit i couldn't hold in my hunger so I went to eat". Mary and Juliet laughed at what she said.The both of them sat down and ate with her.

Hannah and Juliet went to school while Mary stayed at home.Jason had been really worried about Juliet since last night,he wondered how she felt because he could feel her anticipation. He was just about to call her when h saw her coming with Hannah. He felt captivated when he saw her,he was amazed by her beauty.