

feranmi_falade · 都市
65 Chs

Susan's life II

Susan and Nathan were in the same class,but nobody knew.Nathan never allowed Susan to speak of their relationship to any other person.Susan was worried that Chloe would not allow her to go because Nathan was not picked for the competition.

Chloe looked at Susan with disdainful eyes.She always hated the fact that her husband would care for Susan more than her children.

"You are so useless,i wonder why you never take a hint and just leave this house and never come back" said Chloe.

Susan showed no expression to whatever Chloe said to her because she was used to it.

" You need to clean up the whole house and get me ointment from the pharmacy" said Chloe.

Although there were maids in the house,Susan was the one who did all the work.She would have to do it all on her own without any assistance and if any maid offer assistance to her,she would be beaten and the maid would be fired.

The maids have learn to keep to themselves whenever Susan cleans the house.

Susan had also warn the maids not to help her because she didn't want anyone getting in trouble because of her.

Susan had tried to tell her father about Chloe's cruelness but he never believed her.He had always assume that Susan hated Chloe.

Susan knew that her father would not believe her so she never told him again.

Susan didn't say anything after what Chloe said.She just went to her room to take off her uniform and got to work.

She cleaned the house till night and when Chloe and her children had their meal she didn't eat with them as she was not through with her work.

Although Chloe was harsh to Susan,she never allowed Susan to go without food,she didn't want her husband to suspect her,even when she hit Susan she made sure that Susan never got a scar on her body.

Finally,Susan was done with her work and was about to eat when Chloe gave her a slap.

" Who told you that you could eat,are you done with the work I assigned to you,where is the ointment I asked you to get for me" said Chloe furiously.

Susan hurriedly got up and went to the pharmacy to get the ointment.Chloe didn't care if it was late or not.She hated the fact that Susan resembled her mother. While she was still Susan's father's secretary,Susan's mother would always insult her and embarrass her.

Susan walked around the street wondering where she could get the ointment,with the way she was around with an expressionless face one could already tell that she was used to walking around at night.

Luckily for her,she saw a pharmacy.She got what she needed and ran back because she knew she would get punished if she got home late.

When she got home,she was asked to massage Chloe's leg before she could eat. Just then Chloe's son,Nathan walked into the room.

" What's wrong baby,why are you frowning ?."Chloe asked Nathan.

Nathan looked at Susan and from her expression he could see that she was desperately begging him not to say anything. Susan knew that Nathan had not told Chloe anything.Nathan was in the class when Susan was elected to join the group.If he had told Chloe anything,She knew that Chloe would have punished her.

At first Susan begged Nathan not to say anything when she was working but something told her that Nathan was about to tell Chloe what happened in school.

" Mom,you know I have always wanted to join the competition that is held annually in school right ?, well the captain for this year's group is Juliet and she is friends with Susan,I thought Susan would be kind enough to also Juliet to allow me into the group but she didn't,instead she told Juliet baseless lies about me which Juliet believed ".

Although Nathan lied to his mom,he didn't feel bad because he knew Susan was doing to get punished.And just as he had guessed,Chloe stood up and gave Susan a slap.

" You are so ungrateful,you couldn't even allow your brother to join the group ,you were saying false things about your brother,why are you so shameless?." said Chloe in anger.

With rage,chloe grabbed a teacup and tossed it at Susan,luckily Susan dodged it in time.Chloe yanked her hair and hit her head against the wall.Susan was desperately trying to beg her and tell her that she didn't do it but Chloe never gave her the chance.

Nathan just sat on the couch and watched as Chloe inflicted pain on Susan.Susan begged him to help her but he just watched as Chloe was hitting her.

Finally when Chloe was done hitting Susan she left her.

" You are not allowed to participate in the competition" said Chloe as she walked up to her room.

Susan laid on the floor for a while before she could move,when Chloe had hit her head on the wall,she had already been injured.Blood slowly seeped out of her injury.

Susan was about to go to her room when Nathan's voice sounded at her back, "Next time you try to get what I want".

Susan looked back at him but did not say anything,she just slowly walked to her own room.

Nathan was shocked when he saw the look on her face.He did not know why but he felt sad for Susan and angry at himself.