

"My goodness, what did you just ..........." Julie said in shock looking at her spoilt blouse but stop her sentence midway when she came face to face with the man who had collided with her. For a moment she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She even tried to open her mouth to speak but her mouth went on strike letting her eyes and mind work. The man standing before her was extremely handsome. The handsome type that seemed to be out of this world. The first thing she noticed was his blue oval eyes that shone bright piercing through her soul. Then his pointed nose that was perfectly placed on his face making his curved pink lips look so edible. His chiseled face made his countenance even more intoxicating. His black soft hair that was tied neatly at the back of his head even made his face more appealing as his flawless brown skin seemed to be glowing. And his physique? Goodness it was definitely goals. He  was tall, more like 6.4, with a well built body that you could see his muscular chest through the t-shirt that he had won inside his leather jacket. He was probably a gym person. That's what she thought as she oogled on the man standing before her. Not that she was doing it alone because looking at things, he seemed to be ogling at her too. Sebastian on the other hand stared in awe at the woman whom he had knocked off her coffee. Sebastian thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Looking at her flawless dark skin that complimented her shining grey eyes that was sorrounded by long eyelashes that kept blinking as she stared at him made him feel breathless. And her lips? He felt like he could kiss her right there. Her beautiful short  black hair that revealed her african long neck even made her beauty so extraordinary natural. Not to talk about her splendid body figure. All he could think of was how the woman standing before him looked like a beautiful black pearl. "What a beautiful black pearl." Sebastian said breathlessly more in a whisper but obviously Julie heard him. "Such a hot stuff." Julie also muttered breathlessly.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julie Blacks, she is a single mama, broken and maimed a thousand times. Rejection is what she's known almost all her life until she lost the hope of loving and maybe being loved again. She is a broken insecure girl not until a mysterious guy crosses her path and all her walls crumble down. Meet Julie Blacks a Kenyan Music Star and Sebastian Parker, an African American Billionaire. A miracle love story it is.

debby_liliane · 都市
24 Chs

Chapter 13

"This is what I mean. Geff and I had an argument because of one of the guy who was with your Hot Stuff guy." Grace explained to her.

"Okay, so you mean, Hot Stuff was with some other guys? And how exactly was that other guy the cause of your argument with Geff?" Julie couldn't understand still.

"Well, you see, Hot Stuff and his company of two dudes and a lady entered the hotel that day while we were waiting for you to come down. So when they entered, Jason and I kind of started discussing how handsome the guys were. So I somehow ended up describing each one of them. I said Hot Stuff was hot but scary and the other was cute in a girlish way and then the third one I said he was really handsome and looked manly that if I had the chance I wouldn't mind dating him. And just by mentioning that, Geff got so damn mad at me. Haha. " Grace explained to Julie what had happened that day while laughing at her stupidity. What made her forget that Geff had just been sitted beside her that day is what she still hadn't figured out. The handsomeness of those dudes had literally confused her.

"Jeez, Grace. You see the reason why I've always been telling you to not talk too much? Now it landed you in trouble. You are far worse than me though. Haha. How could you day dream about dating some other guy while your boyfriend is sitted just beside you?" Julie shook her head unbelievably while laughing at her.

" Trust me Julie, I don't know what the hell switched off my brains coz I can assure that all the time I was making those comments with Jason I didn't even think that Geff was still there. It's like some force just penetrated my speech organs and had them talking. I even can't believe myself. "  Grace chuckled while still shaking her head.

" I also can't believe you, you know. But seriously that guy must have been so hot to make you forget about Geff. " Julie commented knowing that for Grace to highly talk about something it must be something exceptional. I mean even Geff her boyfriend was exceptionally good looking. She always had a taste, not only in fashion, music, and food but also in choice of men.

"Oh, trust me sweat heart, that dude was real perfect piece of art. Never seen one like that in my whole life, otherwise I wouldn't have gone blabbing like an idiot." Grace answered while smiling sheepishly.

"Knowing your taste of men, I wouldn't disagree with you. So what, you also crushed on him?" Julie jokingly inquired wondering if Grace was also say dreaming about the man like she was doing with Hot Stuff.

"Aah, naah. You know me well gal. I just see something cool and I appreciate it. If I had a crush on him you know I'd probably be going mad right now just by fantasizing about him." Grace truthfully said knowing that she really didn't have a crush on him since she hadn't thought much about him after that encounter. Julie also knew that Grace was telling her the truth since a Grace who has a crush on someone would definitely be noticed.

"Yeah I know that. So what's up with you and Geff? Have you talked since that day?" Julie inquired wondering if they hadn't solved anything yet just like her and Jason.

"Yeah we actually did talk the other day. I accepted my stupidity and apologized profusely. Haha. Ooh and also swore by my life never to cheat on him nor even try to. Julie, the things men make us do, hehe." Grace stated as she chuckled deeply, shaking her head.

" Lol. I can imagine how you apologized profusely for day dreaming about another guy. Haha. But as long as you guys are okay now. That's what matters. " Julie answered, laughing too.

" Yeah we are but I think am somehow starting to get worried Julie." Grace stopped laughing then sighed heavily.

" Worried about what Gee? " Julie asked her as she searched her face wondering what was it that was troubling her friend.

"You know I think you were right. I asked Geff about the marriage issue back in Maasai Mara and he still wasn't straightforward about it. Which makes me worry if we are really gonna make it coz it seems we are headed nowhere." Grace told her as she sighed in frustration.

" What exactly did he say when you asked him about it?" Julie inquired wanting to get the full information so she could make her own judgment of the situation.

" He somehow kept telling me that he hadn't given me a reason that he doesn't love me so I shouldn't worry. And then can you imagine he had the guts to tell me that if I wanted to get married because of a kid he wouldn't mind getting me pregnant? Ha, how ironic. Why would he be so ready to make me pregnant yet not so ready to marry me? Jeez men! " Grace said exersperatedly.

" What? He told you that? Jeez, and here you kept telling me to date while you are currently cursing men." Julie said rolling her eyes not believing her ears. It was truly ironic that someone would be ready to make someone pregnant but not ready to marry them. In Julie's perception, there was definitely something wrong with such a person. Just that she didn't want to come into conclusions yet.

"Well, it's better than being single. At least you would have a break up to look forward to that staying a boring single life Julie. " Grace said feeling aggravated for some reason she did not even understand. Seems she was getting frustrated in a way.

"Hey gal relax. You sound like you are going to pour out your anger on me right now. Look, am sorry about the comment I made the other time about you guys gonna break up. I was kinda getting agitated too with you guys pushing me too much to date Jason. However though, if am to tell you the truth, I'd say Geff is really not being straightforward. You guys have dated long enough such that you truly should be preparing for marriage right now. And besides, you both are financially stable, so I don't also get why he ain't ready to marry yet ready to make you pregnant. That definitely sounds hanky panky to me. But again, he truly hasn't given you any reason to doubt that he doesn't love you, so which makes me confused just as you. So I guess you can only give it time, just a little more time and try to see what are his plans. I'm sure time will tell Gee. So relax okay? "Julie told her while rubbing her shoulder soothingly as she said the last phrase. She wouldn't want to see Grace frustrated coz if she did, it was also going to affect her since Grace was well known for lifting people's spirits. If her spirit went low then definitely the people around her were also gonna feel it. So she just wanted her to be happy.

"Mmmh, time will tell. Well thanks for always being the wise one gal. What would I ever do without you?" Grace said while smiling at Julie who was still rubbing her shoulder.

"Well, welcome my love. Thanks for also being more foolish than me so I can have a chance to be the wise one. Trust me it's a privilege." Julie said mockingly, while smirking at her.

"Juls! Run, run before I do something  you won't like." Grace threatened after Julie mocked her but Julie just sat there looking at her with a mocking face.

"Oh, you ain't running? Okay."  Grace said then stood to get a glass of water and immediately Julie knew what she was gonna do, so she jumped down from her seat then hastily ran out of the kitchen while laughing so hard at Grace.

" Come on Gee am  seriously sorry for mocking you. . Let's go watch a movie series. In my room." Julie called out while peeping on the door waiting to see if Grace was still going to follow her with a glass of water. And truly when she talked about a movie, Grace put away the glass and came out of the kitchen.

" You are lucky I wasn't in the mood. Otherwise I was going to throw you inside that cold swimming pool right now. So what movie series are we watching?" Grace asked Julie while walking past her already heading upstairs to Julie's room. Maybe it could help her forget about her worries about Geff. So she was definitely in for it.

"Prison Break." Julie stated excitedly while following Grace upstairs.

"Jeez Juls. How many times do we have to re-watch that damn movie series? I know you have huge insane crush on Michael Scofield but seriously, you are overdoing it. It's starting to become like an obsession." Grace while shaking her head wondering who the hell bewitched her friend with Prison Break.

" Oh, really now? So what movie series would you rather re-watch? " Julie asked rolling her eyes at her.

" Sex Life. " Grace stated while smirking.

" No way, am I rewatching that hell of a movie series." Julie said with a serious tone.

"What? I thought you also had a crush on Brad Simon aka Adam Demos? What happened to that?" Grace chuckled reffering to the hot dude who acted the series and Julie had crushed on him when she first watched the series.

"Well, he's my celebrity crush yeah but he definitely ain't beating Michael Scofield aka Wentworth Miller, on that. So please, give me a break." Julie defended herself as they climbed up the stairs.

"Ha, really. Or let's just say you are scared to watch Sex Life because you kinda don't have a sex life yourself. Am I right Juls?" Grace said while chuckling deeply knowing she had hit somewhere sensitive.

"Ooh? If having a sex life is you trying to say a fornicating life, then trust me am not interested. Please fornicate at your own pleasure but don't try to talk me into your flesh and worldly desires." Julie told her  while chuckling too although she meant what she had said. She truly hadn't been having an sex life for the past years and she never had a problem with it coz after her baby daddy left, then another one came and broke her heart again, she had decided to start over again and promised herself that the next time she was gonna date, it was going to be a no sex before marriage relationship. It's a promise she had made to God and she wasn't about to break that.

"Okay, okay, madam preacher. Please don't say anymore. I surrender. Prison Break it is. Let's go watch your Michael Scofield." Grace said in surrender knowing that if she kept insisting, Julie was going to start taking her through a whole damn Bible study about how the God frowns upon fornication, and yet she wasn't ready for that lecture at that moment. Not even as much as she knew Julie was always right.

"Yay! Prison Break it is." Julie yelled happily as they both entered Julie's room and Grace couldn't help but smirk at how Julie looked so happy like a small child. Michael Scofield must have really bewitched her. Nevertheless they both changed into their pajamas then got into the bed then switched on the TV which already connected to a hardrive that had the series and immediately went into watching, the only damn series that Julie could watch till the last episode of the last season without even shutting down her eyes for a second. It definitely sounded crazy.