
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Last Uchiha

Fukashi is The Last Uchiha who was born with the privilege of The Legendary Sharingan. For the first time in all recorded history The Six Eyes and The Legendary Sharingan will be active at the same time! What does this mean for Satoru Gojo, more importantly what does this mean for the world of Jujutsu Kaisen?

RewindTime · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs


His previous battle fever was completely eradicated when the domain was destroyed earlier, his sharingan was tearing the thing apart and rebuilding it again and again in his mind.

Until he was set on fire and came to his newest realisation that he needed heat. The burning sensation was tearing at his face but he healed faster than he was damaged.

His newest move needed heat to work, that's what was missing. He couldn't just create the lightning he needed to heat to help. He scoffed as in a simple burst of cursed energy he got rid of the fire surrounding his face.

He rubbed a hand over his eyes, a small childish smile on his face as he could finally see again. He wanted to share, to share the fact he just figured out his newest move.

So he opened his eyes.

He felt like someone poured a bucket of water over his head as he saw the devastation in front of him. A corpse was laid in the centre of the room, it was charred and blackened, Nanami himself was half a corpse as the man stumbled somewhere like a drunk zombie.

He spotted Megumi sitting in the corner, his head facing the floor. He looked unconscious, of course he noticed the gigantic Shikigami staring directly at him.

His eyes focused on the gigantic figure and he felt ready to pounce at the thing before his sharingan caught sight of a familiar figure.

His world tilted as he stepped forward, his breath caught in his throat as he looked down at the still burning body. In a sudden blast of cursed energy the fire was extinguished, he kneeled down besides his teammate.

He could only hear his own thudding heartbeat that smacked against his chest, he placed his hand against the pulse point on her blackened neck.

Seconds ticked by with no beat then a shaky faint pulse, he felt tears start to drop from his wide eyes. He shakily lifted his fingers off her neck and tried to think, think of anything he could do to fix this.

His mind went to reverse cursed techniques but he didn't even understand how he used it himself nevermind how to apply it to others.

His eyes didn't leave the form beneath him, his hands were at his sides as his fists clenched. He heard a thud, he looked up. That fire curse was gone, his mind clouded with rage.

It ran off.

His eyes fell back to the still form beneath him, his rage dissolved and just stared helplessly at the barely breathing body beneath him.

He heard a thud, his eyes raised and met with the giant white shikigami.

It took another step.

Fukashi snarled and pointed at the thing "If you take one more step I swear to god" his voice was hoarse and clogged with emotion.

It took another step.

Fukashi felt something in him snap.

It took another step.

He heard a distant explosion and saw the power go off, he didn't take any real care and kept eye contact with the white curse.

It turned its slow walk into a slow jog as it rapidly closed the distance between the two.

Fukashi tensed his legs and shot towards the Shikigami like a rocket, his kunai was already in his hands imbued with his cursed technique as it sliced through flesh with ease.

Within seconds Fukashi had littered the huge shikigami with dozens of deep cuts

The only problem was that the thing was healing just a fast as it was getting damaged, his kunai went through its bone and flesh and it would just reform.

Mahoraga used its blade to swing at the Uchiha who leaned out of the way just in time to not lose his head.

Fukashi quickly used all of his strength and kicked the curse through a white wall meaning it was now outside, he briefly turned back and spied Makis form.

He needed to finish this quick.

A Chidori variant lit in his hands, he rushed towards the Shikigami who could only shift his shoulder and prevent it from piercing his winged head the Chidori pierced its shoulder and exploded in a mass of gore.

The mini fight was interrupted by a wall of fire being sent towards the Shikigami and Uchiha, they both threw themselves out of the way of the searing fire and watched as the Volcano curse landed between them.

Just as quickly as the volcano curse showed up, so did another one. "Yuji!" Fukashis shouted towards the pink haired teenager.

Fukashi only realised his mistake when the teen turned around, his face was covered in black markings with a scowl on his face.

Said scowl dropped as soon as they made eye contact with one another, the thing wearing Yujis body had 4 red eyes and spoke with a deep rolling voice "Sharingan" his face gained an interested look as they maintained eye contact.

Fukashi spoke up, the cursed energy surrounding them was clashing fiercely so much that the air was vibrating with power as the 4 powerful beings all stood around each other. "Who are you?"

Sukunas brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed. "Just because you've got those accursed eyes in your skull does not permit your disrespect." Fukashis eyes widened as he saw a blade of cursed energy coming for him.

He dodged underneath the blade that would have taken his head from his shoulders. His eyes swivelled back to the thing only to see it grinning.

Fukashi snarled as he straightened and looked it in the eyes again "I asked your name." his voice came out as a growl.

Sukunas scowl reappeared as dozens of the cursed energy blades shot straight at the Uchiha who quickly dodged to the side and ran straight back at the pink haired being.

He felt immense satisfaction when his fist met the jaw of the surprised Sukuna who went skidding backwards leaving two distinct trenches in the concrete below him.

Fukashi heard steps coming from behind and turned his back to the king of curses and faced Mahoraga who was preparing to swing the sword directly at the Uchiha.

Said Uchiha met eyes with the curse and pushed cursed energy through them into Mahoraga. Mahoraga ran straight past the Uchiha and instead kicked the surprised Sukuna.

He heard Sukuna crash through buildings and Mahoraga following the man, he had put the shikigami in a temporary illusion to attack the thing inhabiting Yuji's body.

He turned his head to the wide eyed Jogo. "I-I set you on fire" Fukashi snarled once more as his eyes glided to the form of Maki laying still on the floor not even 20 metres away.

He pulled his eyes back to the curse "You killed fellow Sorcerers today" his voice was shaking in rage "You hurt my friend".

"Now tell me how to unseal Satoru Gojo or I will end you here and now" Fukashi was going to kill this curse either way.

Jogo seemed to gain some form of backbone at his words as he straightened and met Uchiha's eyes. "No" Jogo pulled his hands up with cursed energy brimming around his body.

Fukashi snarled and rushed to the curse in a burst of speed. He hit the curse with the right hook that sent him reeling backwards, he dodged the fire sent at him and disappeared in another burst of speed.

Jogo felt his form fold as a fist was suddenly in his back and he was propelled through several buildings. Jogo rolled to a stop and choked as a foot was suddenly pressed against his windpipe.

He looked up into the spinning red eyes and felt fear "Tell me" Jogos eye widened as he tried to push the foot off his throat with zero success.

Jogo felt the foot lift slightly allowing him to speak "I-will not let you ruin" his cursed energy started to build in his hands "MY DREAM!" Jogos screamed to the heavens that responded back as what must have been a mountain's worth of lava erupted from the ground all homing onto the Uchiha.

Fukashis eyes narrowed as he observed the streams of molten lava all homing in on his body, he looked down to the grinning Jogo.

"Your dream" Fukashi said while looking down at the man, Jogo only felt his grin widen as the lava all converged around the Uchiha.

"Your dream" Fukashi repeated with a harsh tone to his voice "What was that?" He growled as suddenly avoided streams of lava that splashed into the floor near Jogo with steaming hisses.

Fukashi placed his foot on Jogos jaw and started to push down. "Was your dream to kill and torture Sorcerers" he kept pushing down on Jogos jaw while the curse started to choke.

Jogo kept up his struggles "p-Pe-eace-fo-or cUr-se-" Jogos words were interrupted as Fukashi only pushed his foot harder until a crack was heard as the jaw was broken.

"Thinking of peace whilst spilling blood" Fukashis eyes narrowed further and his hand was embraced with the familiar sound of chirping birds.

Jogos continued gargling and struggling as fire built around the pair and all made its way to the now kneeling Fukashi who ever so slowly placed his lightning-covered fist against the cursed spirit's eye and slowly pushed until his hand was in the skull of the curse.

He noticed Jogo healing as fast as it possibly could, but that wouldn't matter as he slightly altered the cursed energy running through his hands and the Chidori blew up with a clap of thunder.