
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Contractor

Bindings, shackles, geas, chains, all things that restrict everything in our universe. Laws must be put into place and punishments need to be handed out to those who do not respect the rules for the world to retain its functions. But what happens when one can escape that punishment? What happens when one can manipulate those rules? A contract cannot bind one who can escape it. So the world cannot bind 'him' to its rules. He runs freely, unshackled by the rules of humanity and world. A God looking down on the world. ------------------------------------- Story is very slow and does not make the MC strong for the first 40 chapters. If you don't want that then I don't recommend this book for you. *I don't own the cover nor the story this fanfic is based on.*

WutDelusional · アニメ·コミックス
95 Chs

Shibuya I

31st October 2018, Shibuya-

At the train station of Shibuya was a jampacked amount of people. Normally the train station would accommodate more than 2.4 million passengers every day which was an astonishing number of people but at this time, the train station had even more people creating a bustling station.

It was Halloween after all, and everyone wanted to go out to enjoy their night after a long shift of work.

This was the mindset of the civilians in the city.

Countless veils having been formed all around the station trapping tens of thousands of people in the area creating a wide spread panic throughout the community.

"What is happening?"

"What are we going to do!"

"The internet isn't working."

"Is this some kind prank because if it is it isn't funny."

Everyone had their own theories, their thoughts about the situation but nobody here could know the truth. Unaware of the danger lurking where they were standing.

Though one man had a different thought.

Floating through the sky, he peered down the 5 veils that were formed. His figure instantly disappeared as he then reappeared on the ground in front of the veil. A girl with blonde dyed hair and her natural black hair at the scalp stood behind him with a notepad.

"You're right, seems like there's 5 veils and the civilians can't get out." Gojo said.

"It seems like the civilians are all yelling for 'Gojo Satoru' to come here. Looks like they've been told by the assailants to say this, should I inform the sorcerers on stand-by that you are entering the veil?" She asked wanting to get his confirmation.

Gojo nodded. "Tell them I'm going in now."

Entering the veil, he could already see civilians panicking and banging on the veil from the inside. With all of them yelling 'Bring Gojo', it created a massive panic as their livelihoods seemed to depend on this one man. He walked by and made his way to where he could sense the cursed spirits. "Sorry, coming through."

His figure disappeared once again as he teleported above the train rail and floated down to the surprise of the surrounding men and women.

"Did that guy just fly down?"

"What are you talking about? Did you drink too much?"

"Hey... isn't he kinda-"

"Out of your league? Then yes, yes he is."

The murmuring was ignored by Gojo as he came face to face with his opponents.

Facing him was a man with long black stringy hair tied into two high ponytails. A blood mark was spread across both sides of his face in the middle of his nose. He wore a loose light tan robe and underneath it was a purple vest. He sported a round scarf around his neck that was also purple.

His small dark purple eyes was vigilant of Gojo.

Gojo identified him with his eyes, this was a Death Paintings. A cross-breed between a curse spirit and sorcerer. With the information he got, he knew that this hybrid possessed some kind of Blood Manipulation like the Kamo clan.

Choso, the eldest of the Death Paintings.

To the right was the cursed spirit that Gojo had previously fought, the fire curse spirit who had a volcano for a head.


And finally, this was someone that Gojo did not know. It was a man but could be mistaken for a woman. His hair was white with shades of red at the ends and he wore a traditional dark blue yukata and white in the inner layers.

This was Uraume and unbeknownst to Gojo, he was someone from the Golden Age of Jujutsu.

"You know when you invite someone, that person expects a welcoming party. Not this sorry excuse of a greeting." Gojo said with a smirk as he looked down at his foes. "So no excuses if you lose again this time, okay?"

"Hmph, don't you worry about us... just be sure to have your first ever excuse ready!" Jogo said gleefully.

Uraume put his hands to his mouth and blew. Slowly, frost covered the entrance to top blocking the exit.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. If I do you'll kill everyone else here, right?"

"Haha! Even if you stay we'll still kill them!" Jogo said before the battle started.

In that moment, the blockades separating the sorcerers and civilians were opened. The panic within the civilians now skyrocketed.

"Stay back or you'll die." Gojo said but he knew that this wasn't going to help.

Everyone here was at risk of dying, these three purposefully released the many civilians to make sure Gojo couldn't fully use his full power.

Red and Blue would cause a lot of people killed without even killing the enemy.

And Purple would simply kill everyone in the area of its range.

A Domain Expansion make everyone within its range brain-dead from its technique and if he pushes everyone outside, they would be crushed.

There was only one way to win this fight, and that was the old fashion hand to hand combat.

[Blood Manipulation-]

Blood flowed out of Choso's body condensing itself into a flat blade with sharp teeth in its outer edge.

[Slicing Exorcism!]

The saw blade made of blood flew at Gojo killing everyone in its way. The saw collapsed within itself due to Infinity blocking it but the damage had been done. More than 20 civilians had died with that single attack.

The duo of sorcerer and curse spirit arrived at Gojo throwing their fist at him. The same thing happened from earlier as his Infinity stopped them but then their body was flowing with a unique technique.


Slowly their fist was breaking through Infinity.


Until it went through it, and reached Gojo.

Gojo escaped the attack and landed on a sign. "So that's your plan, should've figured you had a card up your sleeve since you're working with a sorcerer."

'That [Domain Amplification] is a bit reminiscent to the simple domain. Though instead of creating a barrier and using yourself as its epicenter, this one instead surrounds that barrier to yourself not entrapping another target. That makes it so that it neutralizes the technique coming on contact with but increases the chances of missing.' Gojo analyzed it with a single look of his [Six Eyes].

"I thought we said no running. You need more convincing or what?" Jogo said gleefully as he ripped off the head of a bystander and burning it to ash.

"... I'm surprised."

"What? You thinking of making an excuse."

Gojo took off his blindfold and stared coldly at the curse spirit. "Nah baldy, I'm surprised you thought you could beat me with that fried brain of yours. I'll make to put you in your place this time, no need for questioning. You're going down first!"

Jogo was feeling nervous but still maintained his calm. They had a foolproof plan and there was no way he would loose his cool and get his goal shattered by one moment. This was in the works for months, and a long awaited moment for centuries. Jogo had to give his all in this.

"What are you thinking, weren't you the ones who told me not to run away? I'm here now, so don't run in fear." Gojo said as he appeared between Uraume and Jogo.

Uraume was the quickest to react and threw a kick at him but widened his eyes, his attack had actually connected and was grabbed by Gojo.

Jogo arrived behind Gojo and threw his punch but was ducked by Gojo. He grabbed the wrist of Uraume and threw him against the wall slamming him there and earning a grunt of pain from him. Gojo then proceeded to grab Jogo by the jaw and rip it off his face.

'This brat! He turned off his Infinity!' Jogo thought as he held his broken that was slowly putting itself back together.

"Don't start running away." Gojo said.

[Ice Formation: Frozen Landscape!]

Gojo's eyes turned to Uraume as he blew a frozen breath to the civilians instantly freezing and killing them.

Gojo knew what this was for, it was to irritate him and put him in a state of rush. In fact, the sorcerer seemed to have attacked the civilians who were the farthest away instead of the closest one. Making sure that there were still people around them to slow Gojo down.

And this was not stopped as Choso proceeded to use [Piercing Blood] killing another dozen of civilians.

'That guy is just shooting at long range, he isn't proactive so I'll just leave him alone.' Gojo thought before he brought his attention to Uraume. 'This one is going to be annoying. His proficiency in that amplification technique is better than the curse spirit and he's causing more deaths. I need to put my focus on ending one and finishing the other.'

Gojo knew lives needed to be ended today, so he would do his best to cause the least amount of deaths. And for that to happen, he would need to be the cause of some deaths to happen.

Before Jogo's eyes, Gojo teleported from the other side of the station ripping through people and splattering blood and organs throughout the station. He had just killed more than 15 people in that instant but he found it necessary.

"You're first."

Jogo amplified his body and slammed his fist down but Gojo dodged to the side and proceeded to kick Jogo in the gut making him wince in pain. His next course of attack was simply pummel Jogo to the ground. Hitting him so hard that Jogo could not escape even when his body was being amplified. His body was so badly hurt that even his regeneration was not able to keep up.

It was then that someone new entered the scene.

A train had arrived at the station making everyone relieved and try to get on to escape from this horrifying situation.

"A train, get in everyone!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Let me leave!"

Even more panic ensued but Gojo with his eyes realized the horrifying truth. The truth of what was boarding that train.

One of the civilians ran through the crowd and arrived at the sliding doors to the train.


What greeted him and everyone waiting for the train was horrifying grotesque monsters rushing out of the door. Before the man could realize the situation he was in, his body was being torn apart limb from limb. His entire body had been completely ripped apart.

Chaos filled the station as these monsters went around killing everyone they could get their hands on and the source of the chaos jumped off the train in comical manner and walked jogged to Uraume with a smile on his face.

"Things going well?" Mahito said.

"With you here, it is now." Uraume said satisfied with the results. "It's time to launch the attack now."

"With pleasure! Choso! You in?"

Choso sighed as his blood formed arrow marks vertically on his face. "Yeah, yeah. Let's just do it."

[Ice Formation: Ice Fall!]

The entire area was frozen now with ice falling on top of Gojo and Jogo.

[Soul Multicity- Body Repel!]

[Convergence- Supernova!]

Choso condensed the blood he gathered together into a single point.

Jogo smiled as he realized what his teammates were trying to achieve. By utilizing a technique of such a scale, Gojo would be forced to use Infinity to either stop it or escape from it. Though since Jogo was right next to him, he could amplify his body to neutralize Infinity rendering the defence useless. So the only thing left was for him to teleport. But if he were to do so, the death of countless civilians would come true.

'What are you going to do now, Gojo?' Jogo thought gleefully as he imagined the pained face of his most detested foe. He could imagine the anger that Gojo was going to display and that made him happier than anything.

Gojo was someone willing to let civilians die if it meant accomplishing the task. But everyone, even Gojo, has a limit on how many people have to die. That limit was getting closer and closer. In fact, it was getting a bit too close.

The blood conjured by Choso that was formed in a ball exploded and was about to reach Gojo.

The same applied to the soul attack that Mahito formed with his technique.

And at on top of Gojo was the icefall falling straight at him without ending.

Worse was that Jogo's attack which was going to dispel Infinity breached through.

As the attacks were going towards Gojo, they could see him standing still.

Not doing anything as the attacks closed in.

But all would experience what it was like to fight off the strongest sorcerer.

At that moment, the four widened their eyes as they felt the horrifying amount of cursed energy being brought out by Gojo.

"Are you kidding me?" Mahito said nervously and full of sweat.

[Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void!]

The cursed spirits could not have expected this to happen, Gojo was selfish but he was at the end of the day, a human. A human who had morals to abide to, but here he was unleashing a domain that risked the lives of all humans in the vicinity.

But what they didn't know was that this was all or nothing for Gojo!

He had formed a new type of deployment and only utilized 0.2 second of its formation not caring for the sure-hit effect and what-not. This deployment of a domain was simply to increase his output and cursed technique.

The domain that he had formed was going to kill everyone but Gojo had calculated the amount of time necessary that a human could stay in his domain with his brain. It told him that although every human would need rehabilitation, they would live on and go on their normal lives like nothing happened after this.

Though he realized that since he didn't increase the efficiency of his domain, that would mean that the cursed spirit and sorcerers would be able to awaken at any moment. So giving up that thought, he focused on his goal.

All he needed was to kill all transfigured humans in this area.

And he did so.

One by one.

Faster and faster.

And by the end of the 300th millisecond.

All had perished, every single one of the 1000 released transfigured humans had all died by the hands of the strongest sorcerer!

With blood splattered on his face and the exhale of air from his mouth, Gojo looked nothing like the happy-go-lucky fellow he was before. He was emitted the cold and eerie truth of the world he lived in.

That no matter how strong you are, there will be times you will be lose.

He looked towards the enemy and saw them dazed, they were vulnerable now and this was the best chance he had since the beginning of the fight so knowing that, he walked to them and willed his cursed energy but at this moment, he saw something wrong with his eyes.

With his [Six Eyes], Gojo reacted even when he was open and weakened after using a domain but he wasn't fast enough. Not for the calculating and smart Kenjaku.

A box was thrown to the ground that appeared to be a cube wrapped in talisman constraints.

Though unfortunately for Gojo, this unassuming object was something perfectly fit to counter him.

"Prison Realm Open."


{AN: Nothing will go wrong. No one is going to die. Everything is going to be alright, not like anyone dies in this arc. :D