
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

The Start of a Connection.

After dodging the many attacks coming at me. I decide its time for a counterattack. Lifting my index finger towards the curse, I focus on a single point. A green orb starts rotating and flowing its emerald vapour around the surrounding area. I shoot my attack similar to a gun. It effortlessly zooms through the air and lands a solid blow onto the curse.

As the smoke clears the opponent still stands tall. However its arm seems quite bloody and bruised. I brace myself. Swish! Thud! My body is down on the ground as bits of my hair fall down. 'Increased speed and slash attacks. Hooray.' I race towards the curse not caring about any sound I make. It raises its bruised arm but I once again lift into the air. Using the same trick I did against Naoya, I summon another concentrated sphere of energy. Boom! This time my aim is true. Its mangled left arm lazily falls to the ground as I hear a sound that only the devil would sing to.


"Tssch!" I clutch my ears in pain. My elevated body wobbles slightly. The curse starts making strange movements. It's body shakes to the left and right as its remaining arm starts making strange hand sings it then opened its mouth. 'This can't be what I think it is right?' My body rushes to the ground as I try to stop the curse from doing any more. Words come out of its mouth.

Cursed Technique: Space of The Soundless

Information flooded my brain and it all summed up to. 'Make sounds above 50 decibels I lose the ability to create sound. AKA. I die. This is not a domain so it was probably created through binding vows. That's how I was granted this information. So I need to be soundless.

The area around me is still the cave I was in. No change. 'It really can't be compared to a domain.' Lifting my finger slowly I charge an attack. Slowly. After about a minute its ready. I release it. However, its spee is embarrassingly slow. Only moving a few inches every second. 'Coat myself in dense energy. No I would make sound trying to fly. It would know my position. Damn this is hard.' The attack eventually lands however this time the curse is only pushed to the floor. It looks to the right where the attack came from and attacks. 'Heh. I'm on your left.' I decide to stop moving and think. 'I need to control my body to be perfectly silent. Obviously.' I move forward making noise but keeping it under the limit. It turns to me and prepares to attack. However it is slower but not the same. 'Probably under the same or a similar effect. Good to know.' My fist reaches it first. It collides with the abomination's face. crack. A small sound is made similar to cracking a finger. The curse is barely sent a few inches. It's remains arm collides with my stomach. 'Weak.' I couldn't help but notice that fact. I thought it might have an advantage here.

Information enters my mind. 'What? Its now 37 decibels.' I strike again this time even slower. The curse moves even slower than me and taps my face with its white finger. Information enters my mind for the third time. '25 decibels now. Is it because its touching me? I now punch again at the curse. Yet the curse does not move. My fist lands dealing 0 damage. Before it can hit me. I move to the side. Its hand reaches out to only air. Then it taps its index and thumb together. '13 decibels. How? I need to figure this out quick or I die.' The curse starts moving much faster than it did before its footsteps are barely audible. It punches me again in the stomach, I counterattack but it misses. I raise my fist again and punch it in the jaw. It hits back 10x slower than it moved before. '7 decibels.... I think I'm going to die.'

Suddenly, the curse picks up the pace and starts landing blow after blow. 'I feel pain.' I strengthen my body with more psychic energy and the impact of the attacks lessen. But nonetheless, the attacks don't stop coming. The curse is continuous,relentless and unforgiving. The damage starts to accumulate. I realise the ugly truth that is being engraved into my body. 'I am going to die.' It hits me like a sad ending to your favourite story. A character you like died. It hits me. Like an undeniable truth. So using the minutes left alive. I think back to what I'm going to leave behind.

'I guess Grandpa would miss me.' Blood spurts from my mouth. 'A shame I couldn't play in that piano one more time. Well-' a memory flashes in my head. Grandpa is in the training grounds with talking about his experiences with cursed spirits.


"Sachi dear during my time as a Jujutsu sorcerer I often met close calls with death. It sometimes felt unfair, utterly despairful. But know what I learned?" I tilt my head to right. He smiles and says. "Until your body can move no longer. Your mind can't think no more. Till your heart is filled with holes. Always fight to live. You have been given a wonderful gift. Don't let anyone take it from you."

End Flashback:

My mouth is practically a blood fountain now. 'OK. How do I fight? I don't trust myself to attack that quiet. I need to think back! Anything I might have missed.'

My mind wanders whilst my body struggles to stay functioning. My mind recalls another memory, this time it's our resident menace Toji.


"If you want to improve, you need more training." Currently, I'm on the ground in a forest lying on the ground. Out of breath. "Specifically, you need more complicated thoughts. Think ahead of your opponent." Toji looks down on me, his face not showing any signs of disappointment. "You focus on your powers to much. Train your body. Or trick your body into following your mind even when it can't." At the time The last part I didn't quite understand. But i think i have a good idea now.

Focus. 'My telekinesis is strengthened by my mind right? So I know I can do this. Connect my body and mind. Focus.'