
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

T-T It's A Time Skip!

3 years later....

"You've gotten better." Grandpa, as usual, praises me.

"Uh huh. Thanks." I mindlessly reply to his praise.

Currently, I'm training my 'State of Perfection' as I've decided to call it, into lasting much longer than it did when I first unlocked it. I'm making somewhat good progress.

'40 seconds. Better than my last try at least.' I stay on the cracked ground thinking over my ability. 'During my spar with Grandpa I definitely saw his moves before he made them. But it was only for a second or so. Can I finally contend with Toji?'

My lips turn slightly up. 'Wait. Last time I saw him didn't I say I'll be the strongest? I take that back. I only said it in the heat of the moment. Why would I bother to have a goal like that?'

"Sachi! I'll be heading out for now." Grandpa quickly waves goodbye and leaves. 'What goal should I have?... meh I'll think of one in the future.'

Out of the corner of my eye I watch Grandpa enter the mansion. My stomach turns up. I wait for a moment. Just one moment befo-

"GROSS! Sachi! Stop doing this! I hear Grandpa's frustrated shout. 'I'm glad I found that flower.'

Lazily, I relax myself further and slouch. 'I need to fight Toji again. Then will he accept me? I am a pretty strong 12 year old. Plus I do need his help with my tools.'

I stay there for a bit longer, planning my next action.

An hour and a few minutes later....

'I'm bored. Let's go somewhere fun.'

Scene Change: Jujutsu History Of The Ages

'This is not fun.'

I'm in the battle history of the Jujutsu library looking over the King of Curses many atrocities. 'He slaughtered the Hunters which is a group consisting of over 50 sorcerers all of which grade two or 1. That's actually pretty impressive.'

I cautiously look over my surroundings. I am here illegally after all. 'Not old enough to go myself, plus, they will mention my lack of cursed energy too.'

I tense up and quickly get off the floor, moving behind a large shelf.

'Usually, this place is mostly deserted but the occasional person will come.' I wait for the the person to pass by. 'They put the book back on the shelf. Now they're looking around presumably for me.'

I levitate an inch of the ground and silently move away. Some other time I will eventually come back.

"Anyone there?" I can make out that the person is female. Her voice is calm and even soothing. I tense for a moment and quicken my pace.

I can sense her walking around all the bookshelves and eventually to mine. In an instant, I jump down a hole in the library's decorated floor and quickly cover it back with the carpet.

I slither down the smooth hole to venture back to my resting place. I keep crawling forward until I reach the end.

I cover my eyes. After a few moments I'm able to look at the bright light. 'To trusty Raul for ice-cream.'


I look behind me to locate the sound.

Freezing blue eyes stare back at me.

Yamamoto pov:

"Right. So it was 4 years ago you last had contact with him." Toji nods solemnly.

"I know why you want to find him. However, isn't this selfish of you?" Toji looks directly me in the eyes as he says this.

"Like you're one to talk."

"Hahaha!" He laughs at my response. After calming himself he draws a folded sheet from his white baggy pants.

I scan it over quickly.

"Italy?" I'm honestly confused on why he went there.

"He was all about enjoying art. Italy is somewhat famous for that." Toji answers my question easily."

I take a deep breath and sigh. I get off the chair and walk out of the bar. But just before I leave.

"This is indeed selfish of me. But everyone has their flaws." I reply to the question I deliberately tried to ignore.


Toji pov:

Toji could be seen slouching on a chair as he twirled with his wine bottle. 'Just take care of Sachi, Yamamoto. That reminds me. That women. My wife. She's 3 months pregnant now.'

I stop my thoughts for a moment so I can drink my wine.

'She's been thinking nonstop about which name would suit the kid. A useless worry if you ask me.'

I keep drinking the wine. Eventually only drops come out. I look down and shake it. 'Eh?' The name of the wine surprised me.

'Wine of a thousand blessings.'

Sachi pov:

'Keep cool. You got this.' I mentally energise myself before speaking.

"Hi! What are you doing?" I tilt my head to the left. 'Look like I have no connection to this.'

She fully climbs out of the hole and scans the area around her. 'It's only the park. Nothing that would compromise me.'

I take a good look at her appearance.

Long white hair with a flawless porcelain face. Ice-cold blue eyes that seemed to show no emotion.

She points her finger to her lip and looks at the ground. I wait. I wait for her to make a move.

"You." She says. Pointing at me.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Why do you not-" She cuts herself off.

I put my hands in my pocket to act unbothered.

"Nethermind." She sighs. Then looks directly at me with her cold blue eyes. They seem a bit lifeless.

"What's your name mystery girl?" I get a small chuckle out of her.

"My name is Gojo Unohana."

Outside, I act interested and introduce myself.

"My names is Kagat Sachi."

Inside though.


"Nice to meet you Kagat."

"...Nice to meet you Gojo."

I'm frozen for a few seconds.

"Wanna get ice cream or something? I'll even show you my favourite!" I flash her a wide smile and stretch out my hand.

"Why not?" She accepts and shakes my hand. A unnerving grin spreads along her beautiful face.