
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs


"Everything went well Sachi. When you grow up and enter Jujutsu High the Zenin caln will support you." Grandpa seems happy he was literally skipping along the path before. " I guess I was quite lucky." I replied. 'The only reason is probably because of my parents perhaps my mother or father was a Zenin that's why I don't share Grandpa's last name. I wonder what they were like I flicked the purple streak of hair out of my face. "The wind is quite strong today and." He looked at me. " Congarats on winning against Naoya the son of the Head of the Zenin Clan." Boom. Guessed it. Woooooshh! "Wanna go to a restaurant or a par-." I whack my Grandpa hard. "Hey what was that for?" My grandparent is still looking at me. 'What the hell, why is he not noticing." I whack him again agitation visible on my face. He looks forward and sees a sight that many agreed was their last.

A man wearing white baggy training pants and a tight fitting black t-shirt. He had a belt weaved through his waist and black martial arts slippers. He had his hands in his pockets. "As much as that caln hates me they still reached out to me as they know I do my job well." Grandpa stepped forward staring down the man. "But of course I refused. And since I owe that kids parents a favour I'm simply here to warn you. Not all members of the Zenin Clan will follow Naobito." Grandpa nodded I had hard time keeping up, who is this guy and are going to get attacked? The man looked at me scanning me over he smiled and then he turned around and left. Well at least I think he did? My eyes couldn't keep up with his movement. " How is your body right now." Grandpa looked serious. I responded calmly. "Perfect I'm not tired and my leg does not feel numb anymore." As long as you lie enough to others and yourself its bound to be become the truth. "Well I'm sure your confident." Did he see through it or not?

I spent the next hour jumping at the slightest sounds the weirdest sight yet Grandpa looked calm."Take that route to the left." I see now. Hopefully he'll be alright. No. He will be alright. The route is a hole in the ground although I can see it clearly it probably messes with cursed energy and that makes it invisible. Jumping into it I realise it goes down to a path I have never seen around the mansion. 'Well here I am alone with my thoughts anything important on my mind?' "Mayb-" i nearly trip over a rock. But it also gave me an idea. 'Perhaps I should spread my psychic energy constantly during the trip so I can get used to using it like that and so I can sense my surroundings.' I tap the ground using my right foot. The tunnel looks dirty (green too probably a side effect) I sense rats,worms and bugs around. Some living in the cracks in the wall. ' This is quickly getting disgusting. Whatever I still have that experiment to run it should be done.' I picked up the pace whilst maneuvering around the dirt. 'Maybe if I think of my body as a cursed weapon absorbing cursed energy it will work. However I will probably need to run some human test trials first seems I may not be such a good granddaughter.' With those thoughts in mind I started jogging even though I was already burdened with exhaustion.

Yamamoto pov:

"Hello there gentlemen. I presume you won't be kind enough to let me pass?" 'Hmmm. Four men wearing dark cloaks and red oni masks.' "Where is the kid!" The tallest man there and I presume the leader shouted at me. 'People these days no respect.' "Sorry gentlemen but if your looking for her I simply cannot let you leave." The leader grunted and pulled out twin swords from his waist. The others also drew their weapons.

BOOM! My fire sword clashed with his sword and the birds scatterd in fear. Woosh. One of the assassins appeared by my side and thrust his spear towards my head. I moved my entire body backwards ending my clash with the leader. Behind me the 3rd member raised his fist covered in cursed energy using my sensory abilities I dodge it without looking I sweep my leg under him and trip him I kick his body to the leader. Looking at the spear user I throw my flaming sword at him, he dodges expected but moving my fingers I redirect it back to him and cut off his right arm. "AARGGHH!" The boy screams out in surprise. A sadistic smile creeps its way onto my face " Don't underestimate the young boy." The ground opens up to reveal the fourth member he grabs my legs crushing them slightly. I set myself on fire he quickly retreats. The leader comes back like a fool swinging his right sword to me. Once again I try to move backwards however the 3rd member arrives behind me and throws a punch to my right shoulder. I dodge by moving to the left which makes me closer to the sword. Not enough time to dodge I have to meet it head on. 'Time to teach those boys a lesson their parents failed to teach them.'

SNAP! Time seems to have freeze after I snapped the leaders sword with my index and thumb fingers. My left hand covered in flames. "Even an old man like me can swing better did you even learn anything boy?" I leap backwards behind the 3rd member he turns behind expecting me to be there. Nothing. BOOM! "ARGHHH." The child's screams are short lived. The 3rd member down. Cut in half and the rest of his body burning. "Always keep moving during battle and always think about your opponent's feints." I smugly said. Oh? 'Spear boy seems a bit stronger than I expected.' He is already rushing to me then he leaps with a right kick. I surround my feet with fire based cursed energy. In an instant I'm in front of him. SLAP! "Boy where are your manners? Listen first." I look down and realised something. 'I take that back he is weak.' His brain matter it splattered on the ground. 'Guess he couldn't handle the heat.' I snicker at my joke. The 4th member comes out of the ground he seems enraged once he learned what happened to his comrades. However, i have to attend to my granddaughter. "Sorry children but I can't play anymore." I move my fingers.

Domain Expansion: A Thousand Sun's

The scenery turned into a desert with bright light in the sky it was a massive sun arrogantly looking down on them. The orange flames turned blue. Yamamoto gathered the energy between his hands and charged it up. The leader dashed forward thinking 'Its still an incomplete domain we can win!'... Oh how wrong the child was. He thrusted his last sword forward whilst the 4th member ran forward.

'Time to send this boy where his worth belongs.' I smile. '6 feet under.' I don't move. I don't need to. The sword melts as he comes closer to me. I could tell under that mask his face was pale. Moving my hands forward I release all the energy. Needless to say both of them were incinerated. 'This kamehameha of mine is actually not that bad.'

I end the domain. Sweat drips down my face. 'That domain and last attack really took a lot of cursed energy.' I look up at the sky that is slowly turning dark.'Sachi should be home by now. Perhaps we can do karaoke as a reward? Or something else I'll think more later.' I leap from tree to tree, eager to talk about my plans.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rynincreators' thoughts