
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Resting is cool. Y'know?

I slowly glide across the water. Nothing on my mind. "Soooo. How is it?" Grandpa asked me again,even though he said the same thing moments ago. I lift my hand and show him a thumbs up. He nods,content with my answer but still seems like he wants more.

I put my hand inside the warm pool and splash my face with it. 'I really need to use this room more often.' I keep gliding along the water doing absolutely nothing. Till my head bumps into something. I look up only to see a chess board floating on the water completely stable. 'Jujutsu shenanigans I bet.'

I change my position to upright and take the black pieces from the drawer hidden on the side of the board. Grandpa swims over and takes white. We both set up our sides of the field. I look at Grandpa. He looks at me. I clench my fist and throw it forward.



Grandpa sighs in defeat. 'Too good.' I move my pawn two steps forward. "I end my turn."

"Heh." Grandpa chuckles. "My move. I place my pawn in e4!" The rest is history... AKA I lost badly. Like real badly. How did he get past my pawns so quick? And did he pull a hit and run on me? I just don't get it.

Scene Change:

I bend my knees and crouch down on the rocky ground. 'The clovers are growing alright I just need to wait one more month perhaps. I think? Before I can replace my old one.' I stare at the ten flower pots in front of me. Light green in colour obviously. 'The clovers die so quick. But I guess that makes it more special.

I sit down on the hard ground and pull out a newspaper Grandpa got for me. The title is

'Newly discovered flowers and where to find them.' I quickly scan through the pages. 'I guess gardening is now a hobby. But I only do it to make sure the clover doesn't wither. So,does it really count?'

I keep looking till I found something h caught my eye. 'Corpse flower. Although it's not new I've never seen it before. Apparently when it blooms it has a disgusting smell. I definitely know who I'm going to give this to!'

I stay in my makeshift garden concocting a truly devious plan.

A while later...

"Sachi!" Grandpa arrives at my garden. I turn my head towards him and quickly flip the page. "Let's go and get ice cream." I freeze for a minute, debating my choices. In the end I nod. He smiles happily. My stomach goes up for a moment.

I'm currently in my room glancing at the clothes I have in my dark blue cupboard. 'Not that one. No. Not that.' I keep shuffling my clothes till I end up on something I like.

After changing my into my selected clothes. I go to open the door. However, just before that I turn to look at the mirror glued to the right of my bed and give my body a quick scan.

A black t-shirt with red spots scattered all around. A green bolera jacket and light brown trousers. 'Pretty good look in my opinion.'

Click. I lock my door, even though it's not needed, and run down the stairs to meet Grandpa at the door. He checks out my clothes and gives me a thumbs up. He opens the door and leaves. I close the door once I'm outside. Click.

Scene Change:

"How about caramel ice cream with strawberry flavoured chocolate stick?" I nod at Grandpa's suggestion. It really does sound good. He looks at the ice cream man. The man nods and prepares my ice cream.

"What would you like sir?" Grandpa thinks for a moment but eventually says. "The same as her order please." The man nods in response.

Currently we're sitting on a bench by a lake looking at all the people and noisy families that pass by. I lick my ice cream and stare at the teenagers walking by, the occasional running dog and even a few dance battles as weird as that is.

"Sachi?" I turn to look at Grandpa. Yet he does not look at me. "Did you like this?" I nod but then I realise he can't see me so I respond. "Yeah." I watch him nod whilst licking my ice cream.

We both become quiet for a moment. I don't focus on anything else other than licking my ice cream. The barking dogs stop barking, the people stop talking,the few bugs stop buzzing.

'It's quiet.' My slowly melting ice cream was in front of me half eaten. I lick it again and again. I then bite the chocolate. It melts in my mouth and taste sweet like a sugary strawberry drink.

'This quiet. This moment with Grandpa and the tasty ice cream is great.' I bite the rest of the ice cream and eat the cone. 'It feels good. Well better than good.' I slowly finish the rest of the ice cream.

'This feels perfect.'

Scene Change:

I sit down on the shower floor as water is sprayed along my body. My eyes are closed and my body calm. Resting the only thing on my mind. I stay there till my fingers get pruney. Till my hair is a wet whip. Till my body is as relaxed as possible.

I'm currently on my bed. Wearing a light blue bathrobe as well. A book is held within my hands and a shiny red pen within the clutches of my mouth.

The book is titled. The records of a psychic.

I look over what I've wrote. Especially the taste of the desert and the new flower I'll buy. I nod, content with what I've written. I stare at the frozen sky above my head. I keep looking at the clouds trying to find another one that looks like a witch. And before I know it. Sleep comes as quick as death.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rynincreators' thoughts