
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

New Arc: and some new faces.

"I'm sorry Madam but..." He clearly can't continue his words. 'I have to figure out why my associates chose NOW to act up. My hair will definitely turn white by the end of this!'

"It's fine. Leave for now." My servant bows and leaves. 'I've already hired that 'Hollow Queen' to deal with my problems. Apparently, she can do more than kill.'

My eyes maneuver around the room to locate the mirror next to my door. I take a moment to bask in the glory of my long blonde hair. It's beautiful until I notice a small dot of white.

My hand movements are a sharp blur and that single strand of white hair is immediately erased. 'That girl better come soon.'

Knock. Knock. 'I was just thinking of you.'

"Come in."

A young woman enters wearing a grey suit with a black coat on her shoulders. Her gloves also had metal studs on them. 'Her hair is quite odd in colour though.'

"Hello there client. What's my first job?"She seems relaxed and I hired her for multiple days so she'll be around for a while but I must say. 'Those eyes look beautiful.' I simply appreciate beauty when it's needed.

That's all.

"First please talk to one of my associates, Murata, lately he has been ignoring my orders." She walks forward and I hand her a small document.

"I'm expecting something within 3 hours." Actually, I'm not. 'She mostly does killing but let's see her expertise in other areas.'

She smiles and I can't help but smile too. 'Huh. I feel like that this test may turn out more interesting than I think.'

She softly closes the door behind her.

Coming back to my original thoughts. 'I'm sure that there is a imposter among us but I need to find out who.' I sigh and get off my chair.

My feet traverse to the back of my room. I don't even look before I catch a flying object within my hands.

'The moment he gave me that deal all my problems started suddenly.' It is a contract imbued with a binding vow.

My teeth grind against each other slowly. 'I can only hope that woman can help me with Noritoshi.' My long fingers actively try to tear the contract as I have done so many times before.

He can't possible do this alone. Can he? 'After this I'm definitely going on holiday.' But thinking back to my previous thoughts.

'I've hand-picked all my employees and somehow there is still a traitor?'

'Out of everyone. Who has been acting the most suspicious?' I might just start hating this job. However....

I look down to marvel at my necklace. I clutch it tightly.

'Once again. God, I pray for you to guide me through this accursed world.'

I need to have hope.

Sachi pov:

'Well I've never seen a religious person in the Jujutsu world. More Importantly, I need to provide good results.' I look over the sheet again.

The funds given to Murata have clearly not been used properly so it's my job to know where it all goes.

He's on the 9th floor in the statistics office. 'Just for being a Jujutsu material company, they sure have many departments.'

Though why couldn't my client do it herself?

"Yo." I greet the middle-aged man. 'He looks very sick and tired.'

"Who are you?" What should I say. Hhmmm?

"I've been hired by my client, your boss, to inspect how the materials are handled and sold." The funds for the materials sold is not matching with the actual sold amount.

He doesn't seem surprised. The drawer opens and a letter with rather neat handwriting is handed to me. I look it over quick.

"Is there a way for me to see the process?" The pause is evident but he soon nods.

"Yes. Please follow me." I do as told and follow him into the corridor where the ceiling opens up along with stairs.

'For people like me with good sensing abilities, it is not well hidden though I guess I must praise it somewhat.'

The steps feel smooth on my shoes and don't make a single creak. I arrive at the final step and get a good look at the area.

A very large room that is covered in mostly black paint with a few dashes gold. 'There also quite a few boxes with Curseinum written on the side.'

Clearly, this is a rich company. 'I was definitely right in making this decision.'

"We have the statistics here." Murata pulls up a foldable white board from the ground.

'The sales have been plummeting around 4 months ago.' That checks up with the public.

"I shall return to the office. Please call for me if you need anything." I nod and he leaves.

'If I were to estimate how much time has passed.....perhaps about 13 minutes.' No need to rush.

Now. Why has Murata been seemingly ignoring orders? And I also have to figure out why 'reported' sales have been lower.

I must say. 'This may be one of my longest missions yet.' Heh. I'm going to have a lot of fun.

I search the entire area but I find nothing relevant to my mission. 'Seems it's best to ask Murata directly.'

"MURATA!" It's been over 40 minutes. Speeding this up is now a priority.

"Yes?" I see a glint in his eyes. 'Hope?' Why would he be hopeful? Within that moment my brain starts to work at extreme levels.

'When I first approached him, Murata did not seem surprised about my question concerning the sales. As if he's been asked that before.'

Think harder.

'This is stupid. Won't someone have already asked him directly? Why didn't he answer? What if he couldn't answer?'

I think I understand now. 'It's a binding vow though I don't know the specifics there must be a loophole since making a vow that strong must have a lot of sacrifices.'

But, is there something else I'm missing?

"Have sales been plummeting?" I look at the wall as I say this.

"Many things drop eventually. " Hhmmm. Was this his usual reply? If so why didn't my client tell me. I pick up a slab of Curseinum.

"Haaaaaa." I sigh. "I can't believe you're giving away Curseinum to other people. Sit down as punishment now!"

I feel stupid.

Obviously, the metal does not sit. But Murata sure does. 'And there's the loophole.'

I turn around and walk towards Murata whilst carrying the Curseinum securely. "I know you've been forced metal and I probably can't figure out a way for you tell me who it was but...."

I remember. That hope in his eyes. He wouldn't have it unless he truly didn't want this to happen.

"It's not you fault." I drop the item and leave. 'My first prediction doesn't seem too outlandish now.'

I knock on the grey door.

"Enter." 'I must say figuring out that it was a binding vow wasn't too hard. Hopefully, my client isn't dumb and if not this should be a test.'

"Murata has been afflicted with a binding vow that causes him to be unable to directly answer questions concerning the missing funds." That's it.

The woman tilts her head whilst holding back a smile. 'Right. Her real name is...'

"Omari Judas. When can I actually start my job?" It only clicked now.

"Right. Your first mission will be meeting a person referred to as Noritoshi." This guy again?

'He's always trying to recruit me for something.' He never said the specifics though.

"You will meet him at..."

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