
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

If it's destiny you disobey. if it's fate you follow.

'I remember dealing with him before. Thought I scared him enough then.' The meeting area is an isolated building that only has barren land around it.

I walk through the rotten door and travel to where I can sense Noritoshi. 'He's definitely going to rope me into some kind of deal.'

I sit down on the only chair and my eyes land on the scarred man. Surprisingly, he isn't smiling.

"How strange. You're the one seeking me out." You don't have to sound so defensive.

"My current client has asked me to relay information to you." I hand him the given document. He looks it over with a bored expression.

"Her? Not one of us care about that religious fake." Eh. He throws the sheet to the withered floor.

"I want you." Here it comes. "Tired as you are about my deals, this will be the last time." If this is the last I should fully listen.

"The world has never seen someone like you. That power. Your power. I want that on my team." I gesture for him to continue.

"Your very existence is defying the world's fate. You- I should be a bit clearer about what I want specifically." He clears his throat.

"No matter what I do, someone who is blessed by fate will always get in my way. I need you to break that fate." He never said this before.

"What do I get out of this?" Someone who is blessed by fate? As someone with no cursed energy that means I can defy fate? I need answers.

"The star plasma vessel will always have someone to protect them. The six eyes user." Since it's Gojo I guess what he said before makes sense.

"I need to think about this. More over, you know things that you definitely won't tell me. For now just listen to my clients request." I sigh.

"This talk about fate is also quite crazy. Care to back it up somehow." This is too sudden.

"You haven't agreed so I can't reveal the full truth. Let's just say." He points to those disgusting eyes.

"Someone I fought has quite the useful ability. The limitations are unfortunate though." That's definitely worth investigating.

"We can talk after my mission." He smiles twistedly and nods.

He soon leaves and I'm left with a note in my hands. A serpentine voice slithers to my ears.

"Who knows. Maybe it's fate that allowed us to meet....or even destiny." Odd. Either way.

'Hooray. Quest done.'

For now let's just fly back.

"You really did it!" She sounds so happy. "Thank you!" Her arms wrap around my waist. A few moments pass..

"Can you let go now please?" She quickly does. "Now what?" Judas takes a deep breath in.

"I need you to investigate a few associates of mine." She hands me a sheet that looks eerily similar to a police report.

'There are three people written here. And.....they might be traitors.'

"All of them have had prolonged contact with Noritoshi and he has been causing all of my problems."

"What about your request to him?"

"I asked him to stop being involved. Not stop the traitors actions." I would say why but....

'Considering how Noritoshi referred to her I guess there is no way he would listen to that.' A pretty bad history together.

I nod seriously and leave whilst hiding the grin slipping under my face. 'My first prediction was indeed correct. Someone here is a fake.'

First target: Toru Akira

'He controls the manufacturing department and he has met Noritoshi over 6 times. The highest.' From the way he is reported to act I don't think I'll like him.

The door slides open and my feet walk through. Unfortunately, he's not here so I decide to look for him. 'Hhm. I guess I'll wait.'

A while later..

"Oh. Who are you?" He reeks.

"I'm simply here to review your manufacturing process and how you lead." I say this with a flat expression.

"I'll lead and perhaps we can manufacture something in the process." He, not so subtly, looks at my stomach.

"Hurry. Don't just stand there." He grunts at this but moves forward.

I'm lead to an underground facility where everything seems to be made out of metal. 'No female workers. That's to be expected.'

"Obviously everything here is going fine. The tools are made efficiently." I see more than five people heating up Curseinum. 'I can do better.'

"My employees can get proper rest. I am a good boss." His body is completely relaxed. 'Let's set him off a bit.'

"I've never manufactured something myself. Nine months is a while to wait." He stops.

"Don't worry I can show you the steps." His hand wraps around my thin waist. I step closer to him.

"Make sure not to break it and leave a scar." 'Not a single reaction.' "I'll trust you with this." He smirks.

My hand traces along his neck. "Just don't betray me okay?" His heartbeat didn't increase even a little. Either he's a good actor or...

Akira's body falls limp to the floor. 'Not him eh?' Oh well. 'Beacuse of his personality it made things quite easy but I'm sure the other two won't be the same.'

I walk back to relay my information to Judas. 'I'll contact the other suspects tomorrow.'

"I see. So you don't think it's him?"

"Nah. It's not him. I know his type very well." She nods in understanding.

"Know a place where I can sleep? Today has been long enough." Judas nods and hands me a key to the guest room.

"See you later."

"Yes. See you soon."

After closing the door I phase through all the walls so I can arrive at my door quicker. 'Really missed doing this.'

I walk towards the shower. 'Fate. Would it be my fate to kill Satoru? This entire situation is not making sense. More Importantly..'

'What did he mean by someone he fought has a useful ability?' Water drips down my neck. It feels cool.

"Even so, I'm sure everything will go according to plan." I will succeed. 'Just like Toji will.' Part of my waist has turned slightly red.