
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 52: Yuta Okkotsu and short Dilemma.

It wasn't too hard to find Yuji. And he's being accompanied by a curse, which Sensei described as being helpful.

He won't be too hard to deal with. As such, I can take my time.

I hop from roof to roof, with Rika peering through every building. 'I'll find Zenin-Sensei first. I'm sure she'll be more dangerous to deal with though she isn't a bad person.'

I just need to be careful. After all, it's presumed she was involved in Gojo's sealing.

I mindlessly look to the right and almost trip over myself. I leap away from The Green Calamity.

"Hey Yuta. Looking for someone?" Ah. She knows. 'In case of a fight I will definitely lose. I need an alternative.'

However, she'll see through my other attempts as well.

"The Elders ordered me to find out why you weren't at Shibuya." She glances to the side.

"Why? I'm not a sorcerer. If I don't want to do something, I won't do it." That's not much of an answer.

'Anyway, the chance still stands that she may be involved in Gojo-Sensei's sealing. Though she wasn't there, she could have prevented it.'

"What is your goal. What do you gain from all of this?" I know there's definitely something larger at play. Sachi shrugs.

"I don't have a goal. All I can say is, if I want to do something. I will do it. To be free, I guess. That's my goal." She blinks.

"Don't think too hard Yuta. You'll know the truth soon enough. See ya!" And in a flash, she's gone.

And there's nothing I can do.

'I'll know the the truth soon enough? Anyway, I need to finish my mission and call for Tsukomo.'









. Sachi pov:

Currently, I'm residing in one of the few unbroken buildings. Surprisingly, the TV works.

'Tsukomo Yuki. A fun person but rather crazy. Imagine a billion Toji's running around. Not sure if she thinks her plan will really work.'

Though their have been people similar Maki. Didn't Yuki talk about people with almost zero cursed energy? Though they were never quite there.

Great. Now I miss Maki.

Though, all of us Special Grades have a few screws loose. After all, I did help that fake Suguru.

I feel my fingers twitch. 'I need to go shower, again.'

One shower later....

As I'm drying off my hair, a memory strikes me. 'Yuki, she wanted a favour from me. That's why we met up, seriously how could I forget?'

It's not actually a favour really. More like a plead.

Defy the World.

In other words, Defy the person who kinda made the Jujutsu World.

I easily understand why. 'She didn't have to tell me though. I'm not the kind of person to do anything for someone else. Only if I feel like it or.....

Anyway, it reminds me of Mechamaru. Really, that kid cried so much. Good for him.

My legs stretch out and my torso twists.

The only good thing his HR can do is give him long range. It isn't comparable to mine.

Truly, no one is born equal.

I walk out of the house and into the dilapidated streets of Shibuya.

"Well, the Sun's shining at least."




Sorry this chapter was short but I just needed to get a few things set up. Also I'm really sure you're gonna LOVE the next chapter.

Don't know if you noticed but I really have no clue on what to do with Naoya. The story has changed a lot from the moment I published the first chapter.

Even if Naoya wasn't in the story, not much would change. I hinted-when Sachi met Naobito after Yamamoto's death- that he might've been kicked out or hidden from the world.

So, I just need a little more time for that guy. Other than that, Everything's Going Great!

Next Chapter: The curse of Fate!

Rynincreators' thoughts