
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 51: Gojo Unohana is back!

'I've stayed with Sachi way too long. I completely forgot the time.' Though, I can't say I regret it.

I'm aware of our relationship, but, it's alright the way it is. However, I will make her go to a convention with me!

I can't help smiling before passing through the barrier.

'A mess.'

That's all I can say to describe the area. Buildings are destroyed with fire laying waste everywhere else.

I ignore the stench and use my technique to propel myself forward.

'I'm sure I can deal with whatever is there. I'm borderline special grade after all.'

An explosion sounds beneath my feet as my body soars to the sky. I squint my eyes and see multiple people over a battlefield.

I draw my specially crafted sword and propel myself downwards to the location. Though I'm quickly confused.


What? As I get closer I notice a humanoid curse fighting....Suguru!

'But they just called him Kamo. Suguru definitely died so someone took over his body?'

It's not even a question on what I need to do. I meet the ground with barely a sound. I can tell a few people noticed me.

'I need to find out who the enemy is.' I watch as Yuji frees the curse who can use blood manipulation.

'The enemy use ice. I can deal with that.'

I dash to the enemy, a clean cut to the arm. 'A surprise attack is always effective.' I can't go for the head just yet. I need to learn who this is.

The hand collapses limp to the floor, I dash back, barely dodging the wave of ice.

"You! You dare!" I end up tuning out the rest. 'She sounds like a boring villain.'

"Uruame~ Don't forget why we're here." Uruame grits their teeth after hearing Suguru's words.

But really?


"Sensei!" I glance at Yuji. "It's an imposter!" Ah. That makes sense.

My blue eyes survey the area once more. 'Out of everyone here, I'm the current strongest so I'll need to protect the others.'

I effortlessly evade the oncoming ice attacks. 'The curse user doesn't seem so strong, they must be limiting themselves.'

After all, I'm around people who do that everyday. I can easily tell.

A ball of energy flows under me, with me vanishing right after.

I tap my hand on Uruame's face before it's promptly cut off. I dash back, feeling very satisfied.

'I've added their cursed energy to my own, they're probably at 20 percent now. They'll have to retreat.'

I reform my left hand. 'Come to think of it, didn't I sense Yuki back at Jujutsu High. Sachi was there as well. What are they doing?'

I definitely don't feel the urge to go back.

I lock eyes with 'Suguru' and I can see his entire body flinch once he stares into my eyes.

He collects himself a second later and smiles mockingly at me.

"This game of ours will be so enjoyable, Zenin Sachi. Will the puppet be free of its strings?" He giggles heartily like a girlish highschooler.

His lips spread to his eyes as his teeth shine a pristine white.

"I can't wait!"

One exhausting hour later...

"Freaking higher ups." Gojo's sealed. Sachi's gone. Yuki is no where to be seen, as usual. Though she was around a while ago.

Unless I just imagined that.

'At least Yuta will come back soon.' My dear student. 'I miss him so much!'


My eyes have been stinging so badly. Did that curse user do something to me?

'I need to ignore that for now. All I can do is wait for Yuta to return. Which....Will be about a week or so. Man this sucks.'

Whatever, I'll go watch My Hero for the 29th time. Soon enough I'll reach a hundred!








"Itadori Yuji. Vessel of Sukuna."

The elders didn't describe him as someone comparable to a special grade, though what's in him certainly is.

Sukuna also won't help him from what I've heard. All should go according to plan.

'I can talk to Sensei later.' For now, my mission is to kill Itadori. And, to also find out the truth behind...

Zenin Sachi!










The play slips into motion, all the dolls lined for the beginning.


For the second time in 1000nd years,

The Jujutsu World will revel in a new,

Golden Era!




What! I'm back!?!?!?!?!

Sorry for disappearing. Had quite a bit of work to do, essentially had no time to write.

I'll also work on my other fic. And for the release schedule for this book will be the same as usual. 2 days plus.

Sorry. See you later!