
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 46: My World!

I watch silently as hundreds of grade 2 curse spirits attack Yuta. 'Queen of Curses. I'm looking forward to your display.'

He jumps onto the ledge of a building. 'He can use RCT? Impressive. I guess it's alright to let him heal his friends.' Rika also seems to be acting very agitated.

"Why aren't you attacking?"

"RCT is a technique to be respected. That's all." 'I'm going to make a bet right now.'

Go for a Domain Expansion


Use Uzumaki

'Either technique will leave me with no curse spirits. However, in my domain my power will be amplified. On the other hand, if I use Uzumaki I can control the amount of curse spirits used. Just in case I fight Satoru so I can flee.


Do I risk it, or play safe?


'Rika summoned a megaphone with the symbol of the Inumaki's!' Yuta carries the newly-formed item to his mouth.


All the curse spirits I sent out are destroyed immediately.

"Well done!"

'For someone who started Jujutsu less than a year ago he sure knows his way with cursed energy. And Rika....I understand it better.' A devious grin spreads on my face.

'She's a container of cursed energy that can be shaped at will!'

"I need that."

"For all you've done. I'll curse you to pieces!"

"As angry as the day you were born. Your cursed energy is roaring right now. The power and adrenaline is sure increasing all of your senses. Grade two was disrespectful, I'm quite sorry about that."

Yuta exhales calmly. "Follow my lead Rika." He stretches out his sword further.

"Monkeys consider themselves to be at the top of the food chain. Only thing above is an-

I dodge his attack easily. 'Very good.'

"Imaginery God with powers beyond imagination. It's strange isn't? Us sorcerers exist with powers befitting that of the divine. Yet-

I dodge another strike. 'This was faster.'

"Everything about us can't be considered divine. Our entire system of power revolves on the cursed. Very strange."

He runs to me and I summon a curse spirit that is in the shape of a blade.


My weapon moans as our blades meet.

"We aren't Imaginery. We are real. That is the main difference between us and those 'Gods'."

"You want to become a God and rule over everyone that's a non-sorcerer!" Speaking eh?

"No. Only those that deserve to live, live. The world I want is a place full of 'Gods' as the monkeys would say. And that makes it even more special. Clearly, you're missing the point." I summon a curse under my left foot and entrap Yuta whilst evading Rika.

He breaks out quick.

Our clash of blades resume as Yuta tries every trick in the book to struck me. I duck and turn the curse into a wide slab and whack Yuta far away.


"I'm fine Rika." He gets off her arms. "I'll end this soon."

"Awwww. No mo-

'He's fast!'

I try to turn around to attack but I feel cold metal on my neck. The weapon breaks in an instant.

"If you put too much cursed energy on a vessel, it'll break. Did Satoru not teach you that? I do know someone who ca-


Black and red fills my vision as an explosive force collides with my face. I'm sent tumbling to the floor.

'He's good.'



"ALL I KNOW IS THAT I CAME TO THIS SCHOOL SO I CAN FEEL IT'S OKAY TO LIVE. MY FRIENDS HELPED ME MAKE THAT DECISION." What was life like for this kid? 'Did he get oppressed by those dammed monkeys?'

"SO-SO.....I HAVE TO KILL YOU!" I nod and jump off the floor.

"The will to live comes from self-affirmation. Let's have a final showdown then. Will against will." I raise my hand.

"There are 5 known special grade sorcerers currently. And 16 special grade cursed spirits. I know, I know. You don't want to hear me speak but give me a second." A tall curse forms out of my hand.

"For a sorcerer, to be a special grade is to be an anomaly by simply existing. Able to take out a country by yourself. For a curse spirit....

I look at Rika.

"The bar is much lower but they can still destroy a country. With more time though." I point to my right.

"This is Tamamo-no-Mae. I've brought her her just so I can see how tough your bond is."

'Her ability is to subtly influence and seduce the opponent through manipulating their cursed energy and brain. Though, I have to get closer.'

I've decided on my bet. 'Tamamo-no-Mae will keep me safe from Satoru if he comes.'

Maximum Technique: Uzumaki

I've gathered 11037 curses though most are low grade thanks to those useless monkeys.

I watch Yuta close his eyes and hug Rika. 'What can he show me next?'


"Rika. Thank you for protecting me, for liking me. I want to defeat this man so please lend me your power. I don't care about anything afterwards." Waaaaaait. Is this what I think it?

"I give you my future. Heart and body. We'll be together forever, Rika....

I love you."

Then he kissed her. 'Really proposing on the battlefield!? Ah. I get it.'

"Ý8ȚÆ! İ ŁÕVÈ ÝÕ0!" Sacrificing yourself in a binding vow to gain even more cursed energy.

"You damn womanizer."

"How rude. This is pure love."

"Yeah yeah. And I'm on the side of justice."

Our attacks clash loudly!





"Damn. I really lost. Though he was a bright talent so I guess it's acceptable. I should have gotten Rika right then but Yuta still had enough energy. Me on the other hand...

I chuckle to myself.

"You're late Satoru." I look directly into his eyes. My body collapses to the wall.

"Is my family safe?"

"All of them have ran off somewhere. Probably waiting for you since that was your order right." It's not a question cause Satoru already knows the answer.

"You sent that trio just so they would get done in by me and trigger Okkotsu's explosion. What would Sachi think?" A smirk moves on my face as I say this.

"It's because I trust you. I know you wouldn't have killed them. And I'm sure she won't mind anyway." Satoru looks to the left as he says this.

"Hehehehahahaaaaa!" My body convulses painfully. "Oh yeah." I flick Yuta's student ID

"That was your work as well! You're a lost cause." Silence befalls us.

"Any last words?" I think for a moment.

"No matter what, all the monkeys that ruined this world for us, I will always hate them. Though, I don't hate anyone from high school. Even if they think badly of me now."

I sigh. Then look at the ground.

"I can't be truly happy in a world like this. I do know that no matter what, my goal will be to kill all monkeys. Give my regards to everyone else." And with that I fall silent.

"Suguru." I look at Satoru. Directly into his eye that remind me of Unohana.

He mouths the rest of his sentence.

"Heh. Can't you ever truly curse me a little?"

With that my eyesight goes dark.

I'm my head, I can imagine Tamamo-no-Mae laughing, looking like she's merging with something.

I don't know what but that's alright.








My story has finished.




Starting this chapter was a bit hard. I wanted Geto to kill Yuta (as he logically should. No way the person once called the strongest doesn't have a Domain) then have him be in Shibuya.

Uruame would have done the planning instead. Then i saw other people's thoughts saying-

Geto's story has finished. Kenjaku is better beacuse he is unknown and inhuman unlike Geto. Ironic I know.

The end of Zero. Come back soon!

Bye bye!

Rynincreators' thoughts