
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 44: Salmon!

"A bunch of tasteless old man. I'm never going to be like that. Stealing from the youth, seriously?"

"Good morning, Sensei!"

"Hey hey, watch out." A blur wacks me across the face.

"Never lose track of your opponent." I nod whilst nursing my cheek.

"Again." I ready my wooden katana once more.

'I remember what Sensei said taught me.'

"To remove a curse as powerful as Rika, so many little knots have to be unraveled."

"What's the quickest way Senseii?"

He turns around and throws a Katana behind his back. I fumble trying to catch it.

"It's best to anchor a curse so it It'll be more stable. Use the curse as well as the Katana to strengthen the bond. Then, both of you would be free."

"Yes sir!"

"You also gotta use the blade properly. I have a friend who can make a better one, but, they're currently overseas. Train hard!"

My thoughts return to the battle.

A strike to the left which I block. Right, down and then a thrust which scrapes my clothes.

I get closer and perform a wide swing. 'Her form broke!' I turn to attack Zenin before she lands on the floor.

My sword almost reaches her body, however she drops down at an amazing speed! I'm left defenseless and the incoming strike, was too predictable.

"You've died. My win." Everywhere on my face stings.

"Can't you move a little slower?" Zenin gets off the floor and looks at me with a disappointed look.

"Always fight like it's a real battle. If you can't keep moving, you'll drown." I stop for a moment, then ready my Katana.

"Can we try again please!"


"Oi! Yuta!" I turn to look at Panda as he bekons me to him.

"Don't Yuta. He'll just speak nonsense." I'm about to protest but a strike shuts me up.

"Yuta." I realise Sensei is right next to me. 'Wasn't he-

"Ehm! You have another mission. This time, with Inumaki."

"Rice." He's there too!?

"Inumaki's job is simply to exorcise a curse. All you have to do is observe. Got it?" I nod.

"Oh yeah. Don't let Rika out, or you might die!" He grins as he says this.






I quickly jump out of the car and two people follow. I learned that Kiyotaka is mostly in charge of missions.

"This is Hinda Shopping district. When inspected, flocks of low grade curse spirits were found. Toge Inumaki is to be in charge for the exorcism."

I look around. 'Inumaki isn't here!" Though he quickly comes back holding throat medicine.

"Are you prepared?" I nod since that was mostly directed towards me.

The interior of the area is empty with only wrappers on the ground. Instinctively, I look up.

"Bığ břœțhěř!" Easily over a hundred sword fish floated above us. Their eyes were bloodshot and lacked major intelligence.

Inumaki walked forward.

"Wait!" But he didn't stop.


Immediately, the growing school exploded into dust.

"That's amazing"

"T..una." His voice sounds horrible! 'Ah. That's why he has throat medicine.' My eyes drifted to the left.

It feels like someone is smiling at me.

We kept waking forward to make sure no curse remained.

"Žőņbæ." We both hastily turned and I saw a curse that seemed different form the others. It felt different as well.

A bright light appeared between me and Inumaki, it only grew bigger. 'Huh?" Before it could touch me, Inumaki put his hand through it to push me.

I faintly register the sound of something dropping.


The arm of the Buddha-like curse ripped off. Soon after, Inumaki fell down, coughing wildly.

I had to run and drag Inumaki from another dangerous attack. I drape him on my shoulders and run.

"Was that really a low grade curse? Wait! Inumaki, how is your hand?" He lifted it up to show it was bleeding profusely. Not anything too damaging though.

"Sorry." If we didn't go further, we wouldn't have found the curse. The curtain won't lift either it seems.

'Ehm.' I watch Inumaki get up and walk away.

"Are you going to exorcise the curse?" I speed after him. He turns and presses his hand against my chest.

"Go..nbu" I can understand this at least.

I'm silent for a moment.

"Sorry Inumaki, I'm going to exorcise the curse with you." He relents. His throat was probably too sore to argue more.

The curse turns around. 'Anchor Rika to the sword.' I release Rika a little on the sword and the curse in front of me has an immediate reaction.


'It's mad?' Ready yourself. Calm your nerves. Anchor Rika on the sword.

The curse moves its hand and I dodge the beam of light. I move around to confuse the curse.

'I have to succeed. For Inumaki and Sensei who believes in me.' I get closer and slash the curse's other hand.

'Too shallow!'

I race back to dodge though I'm too slow. Blood drips down the left side of my face. 'Winning isn't possible for me.'

I duck under the curse and throw the lost throat medicine to Inumaki. He catches it easily and uses it in one swift motion.

"Get crushed!"

The entire curse compresses into nothing.


"Mustard!" Inumaki runs to me

"I'm alright. Thanks Inumaki." He looks at me and raises his hand. I high five him happily.






"Today must be pretty unlucky. I should've been there for the last mission." I pause in thought.

"The future I wish to protect." Those words have never left me.

Really is ironic.

'My strength is what kills other sorcerers. But.....

"My strength will also save them."






"It was tough. Cursing people without realising and causing them harm."

Even so...

"Inumaki's really nice." Panda nods in agreement.

"We're training. Now hurry up." When did she come?

"Right! But do you know how to better Anchor Rika. I'm sorta struggling." Zenin turns.

"Dunno. Ask Sensei."


"I'm sorry sir! Someone dropped a curtain over mine so-

"It's alright. Whoever it was, you can't handle them." I'm nervous to ask but....

"Do you know who it is?"

"I'm sure of it. Geto Suguru. The worst curse user in history."




I'm so sorry about not updating for so long but I was working on another story.

I'm creating another fanfic that should be published at the same time as this chapter.

Update will be less frequent beacuse I now have two stories.

See ya!

Check out my other Story!

Rynincreators' thoughts