
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 41: The urge to follow fate.

A/N I cooked with the last chapter. Didn't I?

Ps: The arc will end soon and the next arc will be zero. Hooray!





"Huh?" I must have misheard.

"Suguru defected and is now a curse user to be killed on sight." Yaga explained once again whilst rubbing his head.

"huh." The information was in my head. However, I just couldn't process it. Suguru? Defecting?

"Do I need to repeat myself again? Suguru became a curse user and is now to be killed on sight." Yaga sighed afterwards.

"I heard ya that's why I said Huh!"

"There's nothing left in Suguru's home and judging from the stains. It looks like he killed his parents."

"NO FUCKING WAY HE DID! HE LOVES THEM!" He always talked about them so fondly.

"Satoru...I... don't know why this happened either." No no no no no NO! What do I do!?

For minutes I stood there completely entranced within my mind.

Ring! Ring!

What? 'Shoko is calling me.' I look at Yaga and answer whilst increasing the sound.

"Satoruuuu. I'm sure you know of Suguru and what happened. I met Suguru in Shinjuku."

"Are you going to fight him?"

"No way. I don't want to die." Okay. Okay. I throw the phone to Yaga and run off as fast as I possibly can.

Faster. Faster. Faster! Faster! 'What the hell was Suguru thinking! This needs to stop quick!' So I keep running. Tracking any trace of Suguru's cursed energy.


"Explain yourself....Suguru."

"Didn't you hear from Shoko? That's all there is to it." Are you FUCKING with me?

"YOU'LL KILL EVERYONE WHO ISN'T A SORCERER? Even your own parents....?"

"I can't go making exceptions now can I? Anyway, they aren't the only family that loves me." Who is he talking about? But...

"That's not what I'm asking! You said you wouldn't kill without meaning!!"

"Ah, but there is a meaning. A rather deep one. You could even call it my purpose in life."



"That's pretty arrogant."


"It's possible for you, right? Satoru." Huh?

"If it's possible for you. Can you really go around telling other people it's impossible?" Suguru takes a deep breath.

"Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru beacuse you're the strongest?"

"The hell are you saying?"

"If I was you then this 'foolish' ideal would be perfectly plausible don't you think? The future I want to protect, I already decided on it. So, I'll do whatever I can for the sake of it."

Immediately, I move my hands into battle position as Suguru turns his back to me

"Kill me if you want. There's a meaning to that." I watch his fading finger and strain my hands.

But soon....they slack to my sides.

'I can't do it.'

Shit. Shit. Shit. Sh-

"Why did you not chase him?"

"....are you really asking this?"

"Nevermind. Sorry I asked." It's fine.

"Sensei. I'm strong right?"

"Yes. And you're also full of yourself." I understand now.

"Apparently, it isn't enough for me to be strong on my own. I can only save those willing to be saved." Yaga grunts in understanding.

What do I do?

A week later....

"Hey kid. Your coming with me." I grab Megumi by his clothes. "And so will your sister so don't worry." His body relaxes but tightens up again.

I keep walking but then I see something strange. 'It's Sachi.' I'm about to say hello bit she cuts me off before I could.

"Where are you taking Megumi?" The way she's speaking and looking at me. 'She is completely serious.'

"I'm adopting Me-

"You're not. I am." Her voice leavs no room for argument.

"I'll go with you Sachi! Just don't fight... please." Hhmm. 'Megumi now looks a little scared of her. She's not even that strong.'

"Na- Immediately a dagger pierces through my body. 'Is that! That attack was fast enough to catch me off guard.'

My hand feels empty. 'She was even able to take Megumi in that split second! His cursed energy is moving far away incredibly fast. Is this her cursed technique? Wait...that doesn't make sense.'

"You know Satoru, I've had a lot of things taken from me. I won't let you take anymore." Come to think of it.

'I don't know a lot about Sachi.'

Within an instant she vanishes and a strike comes from my left with a very familiar weapon. 'She really is Toji's successor.'

But I must focus on winning this fight.

I teleport away and summon blue from my worn fingertips then in response Sachi pulls out a dagger from her curse and my attack is absorbed. 'That'll be annoying.'

She then stands still and looks at me whilst putting the tools she was using back into the curse around her waist. The curse groans as a katana is pulled from its mouth. 'I remember Suguru telling me about this.'

She disappears and I feel the touch of cold metal on my neck. I of course teleport away as quick as possible. 'Only red can catch up with her.'

Cursed technique: Reversal: Red

The attack speeds to her and rips off an arm. 'Sorry Sachi. I'm sure Shoko can heal it.' Her current tool is thrown in the air with her remaining right hand and she grabs something from her waist.

'The same dagger.' Her arm grows back and my six eyes immediately pick up reverse cursed technique within the dagger. 'Shoko Huh.'

"Do you feel it Satoru? The feelings I have right now....don't feel like my own." Her voice gets weaker by the second.

"I feel it." The feeling that I must kill you. That's why I can't stop. Even if I want to.

Cursed technique: Lapse: Blue

My opponent is easily able to dodge the attack but I expected that outcome. I teleport away high in the air.

The red I released earlier zooms towards me but my opponent wouldn't care about that. 'The red can't catch up. But that's alright.'

The blue that was hidden underground emerges and heads to the red. I teleport again just before the blade reaches my brain.

Both attacks scream towards each other then crash and merge into one. My movements feel alien and my thoughts abnormal.

My foe gets closer within the second and is just where they should be. I smirk and move my arms.

Imaginary technique: Hollow Purple

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