
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 37: Boring.

I raise a questioning brow at the person blocking my path.

"Akira. What is it?" Now that I think about it.

"You should know!" Tension and anger is evident in his voice. 'Ummmm. Oh.' I shrug. 'That cleared a lot of things up.'

"I had to deal with you anyway, but this was much too soon." His hand slithers along his face and groans emanate from his mouth. "Time's up." Definitely not for me though.

His fist lunges towards me but passes through. I don't even bother to turn around whilst the ground beneath me quickly shatters and the decorated walls cave in on themselves.

'Should I end this quick or?.....it'll be better to put on a show.' I locate Akira and slam his twisted body all over the ruined ground. 'Judas should already know by now anyway.'

He disappears but I easily track his movements. 'I wonder what his technique is.' Instinctively, I doge all of the strikes sent at me. 'This will be a boring fight.'

Akira shakingly pulls out twin daggers from his pocket and I could immediately tell what they were. 'A special grade tool.'

A small laser like beam erupts from the tip of left dagger but the attack passes through me. I jump towards him and attack with a high kick.

The strike easily connects though Akira manages to weaken the force by blocking with his arm. 'Can't you do better?' He tries to grab my leg but his hands pass through.

He readies his other dagger and points it at me and quickly a large blue sphere appears. The broken walls and rubble are picked up and erased within the centre. 'Two different techniques. Also isn't that lapse blue?'

There's no need to move. I'll be fine. The energy dashes towards me and I could vividly feel its pull on my body. Eventually, I was dragged into the centre where I wou- oh?

I seemingly teleport a good distance away from the attack. I look at my right shoulder. 'Half of it just disappeared? How. How. How. How. Argh! How?'

I barely procces Akira vanishing before I sense another blue heading my way. Of course, I dodge it this time. 'Blue is, in it's simplest form, is a space attack that attracts everything around it. Is the pulling the problem or....Hhmm.

"INSPECTOR!" That was definitely Akane. Within moments I find her buried under rubble. "hel..p" It must have taken all she had to shout out like that before.

But now that I think of it. I quickly scan the area around me. 'Alot of dust makes it hard to see. Employees screaming and parts of the building collapsing. Perfect.' I look back at Akane and pull her out.

Before she can utter a word I lightly flick her head. She promptly drops to the ground. 'A precise explosion within her brain and damage to the skull would make it look like severe head trauma.'

That's one thing finsihed.

I race through the ruined area at sound breaking speed and yet... 'Where did he go?' I tilt my head slightly. My eyesight is blurred by a laser.

For some reason, Murata is the one standing behind me. 'Akira was in bad condition earlier so is his technique taking over dead bodies? Or at least controlling them.'

"I've done extensive research about you. There is nothing I'm not prepared for."

"Mmmkay. How about this." Both of his arms shatter apart and his bones peer out at awkward angles. His veins have pooped and his flesh ripped.

He lets out a short scream in surprise but bites his lips so hard they bleed. 'Why are they all so weak?'

"It'd be stupid if I used everything I had." I wonder how Toji is doing. Where's Judas. How should I kill them? So many things to think about.

His hands fall off then immediately grow back. I take note of how his left dagger glowed. 'What a useful tool.' I've decided on what to do.


We both turn our heads to see Judas crawling out of the rubble with blood stringing from her head. As expected, Murata/Akira runs to her.

Ehhhhh. One more moment..ttttttt. Now!

I dash in front of my opponent and throw my fist to his chest and grab his heart directly. 'This needs to be manipulated a bit.' I squeeze his heart directly and cause shock all over his body.

I then turn to my side and elbow him in the stomach and he flies very....very far away. The skies split apart as I turn around and the sun shines on my back.

"Need a little help?" She looks at me with such starry eyes and falls unconscious. 'Easy as pie. Whatever that means.'

I turn around and surely enough, I see my foe standing up completely healed. 'Those daggers are mine. The technique is much too useful to let go of.'

"Noritoshi was right. Your goal is to take over the company." I feign ignorance. I reach for my back and click a button on my shirt. A small object falls off and I promptly disappear.

I can see how Murata jumped in surprise. 'He can no longer sense my cursed energy since I've removed the tool.' Easy prey.

I psychically remove his left leg, his right arm and his right leg. His weapon glows again but only his legs is healed. I can't help but let out a short smile.

I pull up behind him and sweep his legs and kick his back so hard his spine snaps in half. His body lifts to the air but I forcibly reel it back downwards and throw my fist through his battered stomach.

I slowly pull out my hand and coldly look at his body.

"With every mission. I flawlessly complete it y'know." I move his bruised head to face mine.

"You can't run. Just like the others. You should've learned earlier I always get my way." Unfortunately, it always end like this. I walk back to Judas whilst clutching twin daggers.

'What a bore.'

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