
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 36: Vows are the nails and your trust is the cross.

"Excuse me, but may I enter?" I patiently wait and ignore all the clearly rushed sounds in the room.

"Come." I enter quietly. 'Her appearance is completely fixed. Without prior knowledge I wouldn't be able to tell anything happened before.'

"Your employees seem to favour lying quite a lot." Still such a calm gaze. Hehehaaahaa! 'No matter what, I want this woman on my side.'

"Have you come here to disrespect my trusted employees?" A clear edge to that wonderful voice.

"No. It makes sense to lie when you can't remember anything."

"Where are you going with this?" Her eyes seem tired. I sigh.

"You don't need to worry about a thing." My finger moves to point at her necklace.

"Just know, this time I'll be your saviour." And with those words I leave.

'The first hint was with Murata. I'm certain she is under a binding vow, that was how she relayed the information to me.'

Murata is someone I must talk to but I'm sure he won't give the information willingly. 'It'll be alright since I always get my way anyway.'

"Murata!" He jogs up the stairs and calmly greets my eyes but soon he looks down at the weapon lodged in his stomach. I psychically silence him then lay his body on the ground.

'Binding vows made with other people have unknown but disastrous effects if broken so I can't get him to break the vow which I'm certain there is one but....all I need to do is change his perception of the vow.' Blood starts to crawl out of his nose.

'To properly use a binding vow, you need to be able to actually visualise what you want to truly bring it into effect via Jujutsu. Hhhmm. Vows between other people are usually never done unless the other member was forced into it.' Said man desperately tries to struggle but it's futile.

'A change of perception. That is what this tool does.' I press the black button on the dagger and immediately Murata stops struggling.

'Whoever he made the vow with will now look like me.'

"You remember the conditions of the vow right? List all of them."

"I am to serve under you for the rest of my life. I will do anything you ask. I can't tell anyone of our deal."

'Whoever did this is clearly far above Murata and even Judas. It is clear Murata is a slave but hopefully Judas isn't like that. I prefer my puppets to only bear my strings.

And luckily, 'He's completely fine other than the blood coming from his stomach. My theory was right! Though I'm sure changing perception won't work on all vows.'

"What is my name?"

"You never told me." Blood seeps out of his eyes.

"What do you think of me?"

"You have too many wo-" His words cut off as the life in his eyes vanishes. '.....uh oh. I mean... well IIlusia was a work in progress so I guess it might have accidently killed him. I didn't have enough time y'know!'

For now I'll hide his body somewhere private. 'Who should I visit now? I need to make Judas trust me more than my image as the Hollow Queen.'

One hour later....

"Nanaka." No gesture is made to show that she acknowledges I'm there. "I would appreciate it if you shared some information."

"Sorry but I have to sort out my own department." She keeps working on her reports. 'I could force her but that won't work out well, either way, Akane is much more important.'

"Fine. I'll see you around." I'll go to bed for now. Tomorrow's problems are tomorrow's problems. 'Hopefully, no finds Murata's body.'

The next day.....

I walk around the area and greet the lower employees. 'I've got no clue on what to do next.'

"Uhm. Inspector!" I tilt my head and look at Akane.

"I need some extra help." Sure. I can play along. 'I still haven't properly investigated those two. Do I have to kill them?'

Whilst on our path, I pass an agitated Akira biting his thumb in the hallway. He's much to absorbed in his thoughts to notice us.

"Do you know how Curseinum is formed?"

"After a huge clump of cursed energy gathers together around metal which is then made into Curseinum. Although, the process can't be artificially done."

Akane nods happily. "Can you visit Kionshi Equals with me?" We need to get the Curseinum they owe us."

"I'll join." She hums quietly.

3 and a half hours later....

"Madams, your order will come soon." The servant leaves soon after.

"Are so many procedures needed?" It was so tiresome to wait that long.

"Well considering what they do I guess it really is needed." It was a rhetorical question.

"Excuse me miss." I turn around and see a man dressed in a black suit. A prominent scar on his eyes. 'How unpleasant.'

"My name is Desmond and I'm here to pass on your order." Odd name. 'His parents were definitely foreigners.'

He leads us to a small clearing outside where we could see a truck that clearly harboured Curseinum on its back. 'Even Judas's company never had this many in one place.'

"Great. We'll come same time in the next 4 months." She's not surprised at all. 'This really is the usual.'

"I trust you can transport it yourself like you've done before." He bows and leaves quietly. What a professional guy.

"Can ye drive?" It'll be fun to give it a go.

'I only have a few more days to complete the job. Though with the information I have I'm sure it'll end quickly.' I grip the wheel hard and glance at my left.

'A few things will be ending soon.'

40 minutes later....

"What is it?" Did Judas notice?

"I haven't seen Murata. Know where he is?" Even now, though she knows that Murata is not on her side...she still cares. 'This woman is deserving of respect.'

"Nah. Haven't seen him lately." She mulls this information over.

"Also about what you said about being my saviour. I trust you understand my situation." I nod cheerfully and play with my hair.

"I don't quite understand how it happened so I won't comment too much but do remember that if you keep doing this..." I point to her neck, specifically, at the necklace shaped like a cross.

"Vows will be the nails that cover your cross."