
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

A lesson and a fight.

"Now try to apply a small amount of force to shape the metal." I listen to Toji's orders and carefully hit the heated metal. I feel a sense of nervousness with Toji's looming figure behind me.

I make sure the Curseinum has liquefied inside the sword case before I close it. I lock the case slowly.

I turn to Toji. "It's alright. It wasn't perfect but you did quite well for your first try." I simply accept his praise and turn back to the blueprint.

'Unnamed Sword. Just a regular grade 1 with good cutting power. This is the manual Toji gave me, though detailed in the steps, the sword doesn't really have a description.'

"I won't be coming tomorrow. I have a mission." And just like that Toji leaves.

'Let's review the steps Toji gave me first.

1. Get any kind of rare and strong Jujutsu material

2. Remove any excess metal using the technique I taught you.

3. Thoroughly melt it into liquid.

4. Pour 3 to 4 liters of J absorb

5. Put it inside an enclosed area and let it


6. You're done

7. Fuck off

'This seems easy but for a special grade tool there must be about 10 steps or more. I really can't wait to make my own.' I stay inside my workshop for a bit.

'I'm bored. I'll play more with Unohana.'

Unohana pov:

"More Yu-Gi-Oh?" Sachi shakes her head.

"Let's fight." This is random.

"Okay?" I reply feeling a little unsure. "Give me a moment I'll meet you outside." She nods slightly and leaves.

'Pretty sure I can guess why she suddenly wants to fight. Though I'm not entirely against it. I need to stop playing Yu-Gi-Oh and focus on reaching special grade.'

I quickly change into my kendo hakama and exit the room. 'What grade is Sachi? I'm nearing two myself.' I don't forget my sword.

Scene Change: Training Grounds

I dust myself off and place my sword in front of me although I tilt it to the side slightly. Sachi places her two fist in front of her face and keeps her right foot a feet behind the other. 'A Muy Thai stance. Who taught her?'

We stare intently at each other. I tighten my form and leap forward. I bring my sword down and she moves to the side and throws an enhanced right hook.

Clang! I make it just in time to deflect the strike. As soon as I touch the ground, I slip into another attack position and thrust forward.

Sachi throws another punch straight to the tip of my sword. Just before our attacks meet she unclenches her fist and uses her small fingers to glide along my sword.

I quickly try to jump back but her hand instantly returns into a fist and whacks me in the face. Crack!

'My jaw definitely sustained some damage.' I do a full turn then crouch slightly whilst pouring cursed energy into my sword. I dash at her like lightning.

My sword reaches her and cuts across her torso. A few droplets of blood come out. I freeze for a moment until a powerful low kick drags me to the ground.

"It's just a small amount of blood. Continue." I groggily get up. I see Sachi has moved away from me and is now a few meters apart.

"Unohana. Please prepare yourself." 'What is it? Is she going to use her cursed technique?' I see her perfom a strange handsign.

Her three middle fingers are pointing towards me whilst her pinky and thumb are hovering above her palm.

'I don't sense an cursed energy. Well she never had any anyway but I'm sure it's hidden by a binding vow or her technique.'

A spiraling green sphere is formed on her outstretched right hand. I get into a guarding position and spike up my cursed energy. 'It feels dangerous.'

Not even two seconds after it was created it is instantly sent towards me. 'I can block this.' It's getting closer and closer.

I move my sword forward expecting a clash but it passed right through my sword. 'How did it go through? And my sword suddenly feels lighter!'

It's barely a few centimetres. 'This feels dangerous!' A sea of sweat from on my face. 'I NEED TO USE MY TECHNIQUE!'

I channel my cursed energy and in an instant the energy ball disappears. I'm left stunned.

"What did you do?" I see Sachi INNOCENTLY ask me.

"No! What did you do! I thought I was going to die!"

"You wouldn't have." She responds as if it was a well-known fact. I give her a deadpan expression.

"I just used my technique." That's all I did. 'What would have happened if i didn't use it?'

"What is your technique?" She walks closer to me as she says this. Her hands are in her white pockets.

"You first." I say confidently. She shakes her head as a response.

"Figure it out yourself." I feel a little hurt but I don't show it. "I'm going to fight a curse soon. Want to join me?"

I shake my head aggressively. She simply turns and leaves.

I stay still for a moment.

'Actually I do want to go. Maybe I should just say what I think.' I'm left alone. Felling cold and sweaty.

I follow Sachi whilst swinging my sword. Clang! 'What!'

My sword!

I pick the two pieces of metal on the ground. 'Why is is like this? It shouldn't be hollow!'

An idea strikes me. 'Sachi....'

I smile.

'You're a lot more interesting than you let on. I'll make sure to be stronger for our next fight!'

Sachi pov:

'Why is Unohana smiling at me like that? Maybe she does want to fight a curse with me.' I can easily sense her expression from this distance...and her broken sword.

'I'll make her a new one. Definitely has to be grade 1 though. And I'll fight the curse within two days. I can only do this beacuse of Toji.' I keep walking to the front door.

'Within two days means I only have until 9th November. I think I'll just drag Unohana along whether she wants to or not. I like it when she's around.'

I calmly close the door behind me. 'Only three more years until I can attend Jujutsu High.' Every now and then I can hear the soft crunch of snow under me.

'I doubt Toji would accept Unohana as well. Still though she has to reach special grade so she better hurry up and train more.' My feet mindlessly keep moving.

'I really can't wait for the future!'

"Hey." I look behind me.

"Can I join you?" Her voice is barely a mutter.

"Ummmhum." I turn around and keep walking. I can vividly hear the sound of crunching snow behind me. I stop for a moment.

In a few moments Unohana reaches my side and looks at me. Then I continue walking with her beside me. The crunching snow beneath us is the only sound that could be heard.