
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · アニメ·コミックス
85 Chs

The Victory Rangers

As Hagone slept peacefully, on the train's chair he tightly held, his new split soul Katana. Things were going great for him until, Yukiko slapped him in the back of the head, instantly waking him up.

She then shouted, "Get up you idiot. We're here."

As he slowly awakened he asked while still in a drowsy state, "Why are you only this violent with me..."

As he got up while stretching his legs, he accidentally dropped his sheathless Katana. It instantly cut through the floor, however Hagone was able to quickly catch it before it could go deeper.

Yukiko in surprise asks, "Why aren't you using a sheath for something so dangerous??"

He replied, "I tried, but it cut through that too. My grandma said, that this sword could cut through anything."

As the two got off the train Hagone then suddenly said, "I feel like we are forgetting something..."

As the train went off into the distance he then shouted in shock, "WE FORGET MIZUKI!"

Then suddenly a bone-chilling finger poked Hagones back causing him to shout into the sky in fear. As he quickly turned around to see who it was, he saw Mizuki wearing the Jujutsu Tech Uniform, but with a short skirt that reached her knees.

Ever since returning from Russia with Hagone and Yukiko, Mizuki has been deemed to be capable of Jujutsu Sorcery. She had been assigned the same mission as the other two, to help her understand the Job of a Sorcerer.

Hagone then asked, "Remind me of the Mission again, Yukiko?"

She then said as the two listened closely, "For the last week or so missing cases in this city had skyrocketed dramatically. There are currently 50 missing people, but the number of unreported cases could average around 300. The elders believe that the cause could be a curse user, so instead of letting the police deal with it, we were called here."

As she continued Mizuki asked her, "How do we start the search then?"

Yukiko replied, "We should first contact the police as well as the Sorcerers stationed here. We need to get all the information that we can on the culprit so we can apprehend them."

As she continued to talk, a loud scream followed by a crash could be heard a few blocks down the city. Hagone being the fastest among them shouted, "I will go see what's going on, you two can take your time."

Before Yukiko could respond, "Hagone had already disappeared. Not even leaving a trail of dust behind him."

As Hagone quickly ran across the city's streets using his Cursed Technique, he arrived at the centre of the panic, seeing a group of 14 large Blue and Green Cursed Spirits attack innocent people.

He quickly sheathed his weapon that was mounted on his waist and prepared for combat. One of the spirits noticing him, ran towards him while shouting, "IT HURTSSSSSSSSSS, KILL MEE."

Hearing that Hagone quickly jumps back in shock. He had heard unintelligent Cursed Spirits say all kinds of things but this was a first. The Cursed Spirit slammed its fist into the ground that Hagone was in, but he quickly dodged and then cut off its head in one motion.

"Woah?!?", Hagone said in surprise. He had never cut through something that smoothly before. Just as the Cursed Spirit died, 6 other spirits from the hoard noticed him. They all charged towards him while shouting in pain.

Just before they reached him, Hagone saw a much smaller spirit, grab onto a woman that said, "Mommy... I miss my mommy..." Oddly enough the Cursed Spirit was crying. The police that were next to it, were firing shots at it however they were very ineffective.

Hagone seeing this visualized the safest path for him to avoid the Cursed Spirits while reaching the woman. Projection sorcery made Hagone fast, however, if he didn't follow the predetermined actions that he set up, then he would be frozen for 1 second. If he messed up in this situation then he could die.

The Cursed Spirits, could speak however they were still very clumsy, and quite dumb. Hagone was able to instantly, move past them all without them even noticing, and quickly pierced the spirit's head as it was still griping onto the woman.

As it died, the Cursed Spirit said while crying, "Where is my mom??"

Hagone helped the woman up, but now he had to defend her from the incoming Spirits that he had escaped from earlier. He shouted for the police to take her off him, however, they shrunk back in fear.

Hagone couldn't use his Cursed Technique on the girl, as she would definitely get frozen, but at the same time, he couldn't just leave her there. At that moment Hagone thought, "Each of these is around as strong as a weak grade 2 Spirit, but there are 12 of them. Can I take this many alone? Even with this Katana, the Woman might get hurt."

As Hagone prepared himself for combat one of the Spirits, reached out threatening to crush the two. Suddenly a large shadow loomed over the two, before quickly crushing the Cursed Spirit as it landed on top of it, causing red blood to splatter everywhere.

As the figure emerged from its corpse, it then struck a flamboyant pose before shouting, "VICTORY RANGER RED IS HERE!"

He was tall and muscular, as he wore a hard red helmet with a large black visor that couldn't be seen through. He also wore what seemed like a red skin suit, complemented by a golden belt, which carried a red futuristic gun. He had a massive white V symbol on his torso.

As multiple other Cursed Spirits, charged towards him, he pulled out the gun from his buckle and fired, bullets of powerful red Cursed Energy at them with terrifying accuracy instantly vaporising their heads.

He successfully took out 3 of them however the rest quickly swarmed him. Before he was crushes however, 4 more multicoloured people jumped down from the sky.

Now the 5 of them were red, blue, black, yellow and pink. They all struck a flamboyant pose in unison while shouting,


They all bursted towards the group of Cursed Spirits instantly tearing them apart. The black ranger even picked one up with pure power, and threw them high into the sky, as the more feminine pink ranger blasted it into pieces with her weapon.

As the battle continued Hagone just watched in shock. He was flabbergasted at the sight, he had only ever seen them on TV so he thought that they weren't real.

As Mizuki and Yukiko, finally caught up to him, Yukiko asked, "What's going on?"

Hagone simply pointed at the massacre taking place as her jaw dropped to the ground. One of the nearby policemen then walked up to the group while talking, "They are the Victory Rangers. They appeared about 2 years ago, I believe? Nobody knows what their true Identities are, however whenever a Cursed Spirit is born, or an evil Curse User causes problems, they will always be there. In all the times they have appeared there hasn't been a single casualty!"

As the last Cursed Spirit finally died, they struck one last flamboyant pose, while nearby people took pictures, of their virtuaios feat. These people were the heroes of Osaka city.

The red victory ranger then raised his arm, holding a white orb in the sky. He then smashed it into the ground with trembous force, causing it to shatter. It then released a white gas, the clouded the group causing them to disappear.