
Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt (Completed)

You know the drill, dude dies and reincarnates with some op wishes. This time, what if the cursed technique was as broken as Mahoraga's adaptation? Can Naohiro surpass Mr. Nah I'd Win? __________ I don't own JJK (duh). Lord Gege has the right to his stuff. I found the picture on images, if you own the meme and want it taken down, let me know and I'll replace it.

JaxWolf4 · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs


[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Little longer chapter since I just kept writing.

Yorozu is what Mai should've been since Maki had an op HR.



Of course, pinpointing a presence as weak as Tsumiki would be near impossible, especially since Kenjaku is the one behind it.

He isn't stupid.

Since he knows that I have some tracking ability, he would have countermeasures since Tsumiki is related to the Zenin.

With how it's looking, Gojo isn't going to be able to find her either.


I got too comfortable. Ever since I got out of the box, I felt invincible.

While I had gotten stronger, I forgot the important things that I needed to keep track of.

Without Uraume, Sukuna's revival could be halted, but with a fanatic like Yorozu working with him, he could start to make more aggressive moves.

Tsumiki is only nine right now, so there are going to be complications with her vessel.

My eyes widened, and I mumbled. "The [Bath]."

I looked up and yelled at Gojo. "SATORU, I MIGHT KNOW WHERE THEY'RE GOING!"

The [Bath] can't be prepared extremely quickly, so Uraume made the necessary preparations early. Yorozu and Kenjaku might show up to get a better hold of her body.

Gojo floats down. "Nothin, where is it?"

I snap out of my thoughts. "Uraume was making a ritual for Sukuna called The [Bath]. It is supposed to help gain better control of vessels. If Kenjaku incarnated a sorcerer in her body, then they will most likely go there."

He tilts his head to the side. "Do you know where a [Bath] is?"

I smirk. "I stumbled upon one when ripping apart Uraume."

Gojo pondered for a moment. "Alright, you lead the way. Any idea what kind of sorcerer he brought back?"

I sigh. "*Sigh* Most likely one infatuated with Sukuna to help Kenjaku revive him."

Yorozu is the definition of a yandere. Arguably more of a freak than Uraume.

Even if they aren't going to Uraume's ritual site, it'll be a good idea to show it to Gojo in case another incarnated sorcerer needs better control over their vessel.


After returning to the ritual site, we walk through the front door. Where Uraume once was, the tile still has red stains.

In the middle of the room lies a black pool of poison, cursed spirits, and cursed energy.

Looking over to Gojo, his eyes widened. "What kind of joke of a bath is that?"

I huff a laugh. "One that isn't meant for recreation."

Just then, a hand pops out of the bath, and a voice screams out. "HELP ME!"

Gojo's eyes widened, and he started to move, but I held him back. "Tsumiki?"

I went to the bath and sat a few feet away, not saying a word.

A face popped above the bath, and the voice spoke up again. "NAOHIRO, GOJO, PLEASE!"

My eyes narrowed. "Get out. We have a few questions for you, sorcerer."

The panic in the voice all but left as she got up and started walking up the stairs. "Awe, I thought that I could do the whole 'saving me and then I come back to live with you' type of thing, but plans don't turn out."

I raised an eyebrow. "You seem oddly calm."

'Tsumiki's' smile widened. "Well, of course I am. I just regained nearly my full strength."

Gojo spoke up with an unreadable expression. "Question one, got a name?"

She walked over to a towel and started drying herself off. "I would say Tsumiki Fushiguro, but that's no fun. I'm already irritated as is with this body I was given."

She stuck her tongue out and smiled. "I'm Yorozu. Now, then, I have a question for you two. How did you know about me? It seems oddly convenient that you knew Kenjaku incarnated a sorcerer. He said that you know a lot of things you shouldn't."

I crossed my arms. "Uraume is quite the talker when you push her buttons the right way."

She put on some white clothes before pondering. "How much did she tell you anyway? Uraume wasn't a talker last time I met her."

I give her a closed-eye smile as I point to the red smears on the tile.

She huffs a laugh. "So that's why they are here and how you knew where this place was. Still, I didn't expect Uraume to talk, even when tortured."

I smile. "I'm good with my hands."

She leans back on the wall. "That so?"

Then, I uncross my arms. "Let me ask you one last thing."

She tilts her head to the side. "What?"

I smirk. "You think you're getting out of here alive? I'm shocked Kenjaku didn't warn you about us."

She put her finger on her chin. "Well, he did, but that guy is paranoid about everything. In addition, I wanted to meet you face to face to see the one who killed Uraume."

Gojo whispers to me. "*Whisper* Why do I feel like I don't belong here?"

I laugh. "You aren't as involved as I am, so being here can get you into the loop more."

Yorozu spoke up. "Well, since I got incarnated, Kenjaku wanted to send me to the [Bath], and now that you guys are here, he probably wants me to be a distraction on the off chance that you two show up."

I stretch my arms. "Welp, it's a pretty shitty distraction if he put you in charge of it."

Veins started to form on the side of her face. "I would've liked to chat longer, but every second I talk to you, makes me want to throw up. You are standing in the way of me and my lover. Getting rid of you will make my future husband happy."

Gojo spoke up again."*Ugh* Can you at least tell us where Kenjaku is before you die?"


Liquid metal instantly shot up straight towards Gojo's head, but he smiled as it slowed down. "Kenjaku didn't tell you anything about us?"

She scowled as white armor started forming around her body. "He didn't need to."

Wow, she is stupid.

Gojo turns towards me. "Well, you're the soul manipulation dude. Fix her."

Yorozu has a wicked smile. "If I can't hit you...then I'll make it so I can. [Domain Expansion: Threefold Affl-]"

Gojo walks over to me and grabs my shoulder before crossing his fingers. "[Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void]."


A space-like structure encases the three of us.


I didn't need that right now, but it's still funny. "I was curious to see how her whole technique worked. Although it was good that it was ended before she pulled out some random technique that hasn't been seen since the Heian era."


His glasses were already off, but he smiled. "Well, I thought I would end it because, being me, you deal with these types of crazies all the time. Anyways."

We both turn to Yorozu to see her with her hands together with an absent look on her face.

I look around our environment. "This your domain, huh?"

He nods. "[Unlimited Void]. It's pretty good if you want to keep people in place as long as they aren't touching me."


Damnit, I feel bad.

I adapted to it but I don't want to throw it in his face, so I'll play along for now.

I return the nod. "In any case, I'll punch the sorcerer out of her since she won't give us anything, and I'd rather not torture Tsumiki's body."

However, Gojo pokes her face and giggles at her like a child. "Where is your hubby now?~"

Ever so slightly, you could tell she was pissed, even with a frozen body.

I poke her face, too. "Man, this is fun...right, need to get Tsumiki out. Now, then, [Cursed Technique Reversal: Soul Suck]."

Then, Tsumiki gets a black flash to the stomach with a ghostly aura surrounding it.


Gojo raises an eyebrow. "What kinda technique name is that?"

I shrug. "Couldn't think of anything good to call it."

Gojo uncrosses his fingers, and the domain shatters.

However, something unusual happened: a person flew out of Tsumiki's body.

One that I was familiar with. "So that is your real form."

Tsumiki falls over, but I catch her before she faceplants into the ground.

Yorozu lands on her hands but is heavy breathing before...


She threw up blood. Like...a lot of blood.

Being forcefully removed from a vessel that wasn't 100% merged with you is not a thing that you want to experience.

I walk over to finish the job, but she speaks up. "*Huff* *Huff* You think you're tough shit? Sukuna-sama will gut you."

I smile. "It's interesting you say that because Uraume said the same thing."

She scowled. "I'm only the distraction, you punk. You think Kenjaku has been sitting on his ass while you guys are here?"

I notice her cursed energy start to rise.

My eyes narrow. "What is he planning?"

She gives a wicked smile. "NOTHING THAT YOU'LL BE WORRYING ABOUT. SEE YA IN HELL KID! [Maximum: True Sphere]!"

Then, she starts to disintegrate as a black orb forms rapidly.

Instead of panicking, I put my hands on the orb and smile as my hand starts melting.


While not fire-based, it generates a near-infinite pressure, making adapting to it amazing!


My stubs for hands can now hold onto the ball of liquid metal.


Turning to Gojo, I see him on his phone, taking a selfie with Tsumiki on his shoulder. Thankfully, she kept the clothes that Yorozu put on.

I give him a deadpan stare, but he shrugs his non-Tsumiki shoulder. "What?"

Turning my head to the massive cursed energy ball, I sigh. "*Sigh* Well, that is one thing down."

Now that she is out of the way and Tsumiki is safe, I will need to do a couple of things...

Welp, I pulled a Gege and killed her instantly as well lol.

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