
Jujutsu Kaisen: Mahou

Before the famous Satoru Gojo, Five years ago in the same Gojo Clan, A child would be born who would inevitably be destined to be the ruler of the Jujutsu World as we know. ((Jujutsu Kaisen AU))

Mahoraga · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Secrets Unfold

Koya Gojo. Not only is she a rare prodigy born with the Six Eyes but she is also the daughter of the Head of the Gojo Clan, meaning she is the Heir as well. She knew that the mysterious birth of this child would cause all types of political chaos. They could even try and tie this to a Ze'nin!

Koya wasn't prepared but she didn't just want to abandon the kid or give him to any known Jujutsu families. Instead, she searched for people who couldn't have babies but wanted one and offered tons of cash (millions atleast) just for them to accept the offer. In the end, Koya gave her son to a happy couple that's been married for 30+ years.

"And would up mind telling us what's his name dear?"


"You may call him Mahou...and make sure he doesn't ever find out his real last name..."

(10 years later)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S NOT A VIRGIN!?!" The Head of the Gojo Family would shout in pure shock, confusion and even slight disgust as the man whom Koya was arranged to get married with, would tell him of his daughters missing innocence.

Koya unfortunately was sobbing as she didn't know how to explain her current situation. Not only that but she was never comfortable with having sex in the first place. She hoped she could take the easy way out and just say no and he'd respect that but as one say "a wife must live up to their duties..."

Upon first through the man was shocked beyond unimaginable disbelief. The so called 'virgin' had already been tainted. Not even moments after until now we are brought into the current situation which was sparked the husband himself. Apparently...he wanted reparations for being lied to!!!

Koya knew she had no choice and would have to say it either now or later or be forced regardless somehow so she completely came out and told him everything. How it just happened out of nowhere from reverse cursed energy and went into more details.

The king on the other hand was furious as that story sounded like completely bullshit.


Her father would calm his voice down and regain composure before once again saying.

"Since you actually admit to having given birth to a baby...bring this child to us and the family themselves will see for themselves if this so called 'miracle' of yours that you proclaim is true...and if not...the consequences are going to be heavy."

When the king said that last part, Koya would get sent shivers down her spine and even swallowed her spit nervously. She knew she only had nothing to rely on but faith and miracles in this situation but deep down she also hoped that they would be able to identify the special and more upgraded version of Six Eyes that he has.

Now Koya was set out on a mission to go find her 'illegitimate' son and bring him back to the Gojo Family for inspection. She also has to be accompanied by two other male members of the Gojo Family as to make sure there are witnesses to any and all events and also to monitor Koya as well.

Due to these unfortunate political events...now we all have one major question.

What is an 11 year old Mahou gonna do against this upcoming situation?