
Kamo Vs Yuta Part2

Kamo still wary maintained his distance.What came as an utter shock to me was the fact that yuta was getting up I expected Yuta to be knocked out from that level of force and although it did pierce his body it wasn't deep enough as Yuta began using RCT (Reverse Curse Technique) then both Yuta and Kamo taking their stance looked at each other for a whole minute then Yuta started running circles around Kamo as Kamo made use of another blood mist then a piercing blood as Yuta leaping and scaled many obstacles trying to kill of the momentum of the piercing blood Kamo began opening blood bags and started he knew the time lag to use the technique would be a weakness so he increased the range of the blood mist to a radius of 4 meters as he kept making the chant while using flowing scale , Yuta seeing no choice summoned rika who simply tanked the piercing blood with a megaphone on hand and a snake symbol on his mouth "don't move" Kamo's spell was brought to a halt rika cleared the blood mist swept away the blood mist with a with a swing of it's arms Yuta releasing rika dashed faster than ever sending a punch to Kamo's abdomen knocking him out cold, the rest of the fight was an overwhelming victory for Tokyo high. I was impressed Kamo lasted that long and even more so with Yuta his potential was unbelievable, with an improved control and better understanding in swordsmanship he'd be nearly unstoppable. An annoying part of the entire event was the ever grinning blond guy beside me and now I was starting to get anxious on what he wanted to talk about.

Kamo was taken to be treated by ieri shook as he did have some internal injuries , while I was ruminating on this I was abruptly interrupted , "so are you working for Suguru" the blind guy faced me and asked don't worry if your'e a spy I am not gonna kill you I simply intend to know what he is up to , I haven't talked to him ever since I got here but I have a strange feeling he is watching me , his views do not align with mine and I don't think I fully understand why he would go to such lengths to achieve such an outcome , so what are your goals Gojo asked looking stern, i never really thought about it for now all I ever thought of was being as strong as possible and not live in fear of potential threats , looking at me inquisitively so do you think I'm a threat , I looked at him for a second an I replied we love in a world of monsters straight out of your worst nightmares and being weak is a one-way ticket to despair and death , and prejudice and bias is placed on power anyone who stands at the top of the food chain is by default a threat to the existence of the rest, this isn't necessarily a bad thing as does keep those intending to cross the line in check but it also means effectively every other person's life is automatically by such an individual's whims, and I simply intend to live life at my own pace and standards not with with the constant reminder of an axe waiting to fall if I do anything not within the Jujutsu Hugh's or the individuals standard, after hearing this Gojo burst out laughing, you sound like a paranoid person , those worries of yours are warrantied however there is only so much even I myself can do even me been unable to save my best friend being one of them , although I am strong I have no intention of attacking someone simply for not sharing a similar worldview as I , I simply need allies strong and intelligent individuals to make the Jujutsu society going frpm the current shithole it is to being a place where no pne has to be alone and relying on friends and colleagues without the notion pf getting stabbed in the back, will you join me Kondou?, I, looking bewildered agreed thinking to myself I wouldn't mind living in such a world.