
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

You will Endure

"Some horrors never fade from the edge of your memory… some are too harsh for you to remember properly. But that is what being a sorcerer is. You are young, and young is when most Sorcerers perish." The principal said as he put his brush down.

"What seems brutally unbearable never lasts forever. It will get worse before it gets better. You will see many more horrors. It will not get better for a long time. It will get better. Remember that, in the darkest hour and you will endure." Ayumu finished. His gaze looked at Atlas in unwavering certainty at his words. Not a shred of sympathy was found in his gaze. He grieved for the suffering of the younger generation. But he knew that it was something that they had to bear.

Just as he had bore his burdens.

Someone had to bear it. And that burden was placed on these young souls.

That was a burden he carried, knowing that he was passing them a broken world. Knowing that he was taking away their hope, there smiles. For not at least, that their younger years would be plagued with suffering. Cursed energy was condensing, and in maybe 4 more years cursed spirits would reach a peak.

A storm was brewing, and he knew that all he could do was prepare the younger generation for that storm, he would not live to see it. And selfishly, he knew that he was grateful, but he was also sorrowful for it. That he would not be there to guide them any longer.

That was not his part to play.

"I saw things that I can't describe Ayumu… I saw…" Atlas started, his words catching. His mind was unable to picture the sights he saw in that cave, the condition of the dead.

"I know… I know son. I have seen things that I cannot describe either. That… is the hardest part of being a Sorcerer." He finished. Sighing Ayumu looked out the window, the raised wrinkles of his old worn skin catching the faint traces of the rising sun that flickered through the shutters. It was… peaceful.

Watching the motes flicker and the trail of steam from the cup he was holding Atlas stared into the tea. He knew that he would see things like this. He had seen things done in his past life, some things that still made his stomach churn. Acts that were done not by spirits but by the worst of humans.

But even they… even those acts. While worse in a way because of who did them. Did not compare to the carnage he saw strewn against the walls of stone, resting on pools of defiled blood.

"Thank you… I think I need rest." Atlas said, his voice slow, coming out in a confused drawl of mixed emotion that carried a weight that could be felt from the words he spoke.

"I cannot even imagine what that Geto boy will go through in the future… his power means he must carry the spirits that do all of… this. I only hope that he can have people… that I can help him. Life isn't fair is it." Atlas said.

But he would endure.

"They will be going on a mission tomorrow… I wish for you to go with them again. Young Geto looks up to you Atlas, please, help him." Ayumu asked, his head bowing as he made the request.

Atlas had every intention to. "Of course."

They both saw the weight of such a cursed power. And Atlas knew what it could drive a young man to… he had seen it. He would make sure that it never happened.


He went to sleep when the sun rose. And woke when it rose once more. Sleeping through a whole day and night. His mind caught with flashes, splitting space, cracks that showed other realities… dimensions that called for him to wander their shattered planes.

Waking he found himself going through his morning routine, getting dressed in loose training pants. A rope belt and a tight shirt under his Haori that showed the designs of the Oni and Dragons. He hesitated to put it on after seeing the former designs but did so despite it. He had to get over himself…

Feeling the stitching of all the fixed cuts he sighed, to be free and strong in this world. His current goals, he had to suffer. He would see Frank when the day was over, the old man always helped him out.

That would be best for him.

Letting out a sigh he let all the weight he was carrying out with it. He had to show a smile to the youngsters… he felt older than he should.

With a small chuckle at his thoughts, he made his way outside and started walking to the front gates where the first-years were waiting with his favourite assistant director.

"Furuta! It's been so long, if I didn't know any better I would have thought you were avoiding me. Why didn't you want to come with me on the mission I just had. I was so lonely…" Atlas said. Patting them on the shoulder as he shook his head from side to side like a disappointed father.

"Your late. We have been waiting for an hour, I said we should have just gone without you but that isn't safe apparently." Gojo said, leaning against the gate and looking very displeased.

"Oh, you are alright snowflake. I just got back from hunting a spirit that would have wiped the floor with you. I understand your precious time was wasted but I'm not sorry." Atlas said, his face falling a bit as he looked at Gojo, his expression kind of empty.

Seeing Geto look at him with a bit of a confused look he just smiled at the other boy.

"You'll understand one day," Atlas said as he walked past all of them. The first years knowing it wasn't something mocking just simply a statement… deciding not to push the matter any further they followed behind. Sharing a look of confusion when Atlas got into the passenger side seat without making a fuss about wanting to drive.


Getting to the sight Atlas walked forward, holding his fingers to the sky as he said the phrase to summon the curtain, turning to Furuta and giving a winning smile as the sky was blacked out.

Turning back to his students he said, "So. I'm not going to be nearly as involved in this one since I am tired and honestly, you guys can easily handle it. So have fun and don't die." Atlas finished as he waved his hands towards the abandoned warehouse commonly used for a trial of courage by younger students.

Sitting down on the bonnet of the car he tucked a knee up to his chest and Gojo just scoffed and headed inside. Shortly followed by Ieiri. Although Geto didn't, looking at Atlas and saying, "Aren't you meant to come with us?"

"Not really, I am meant to keep you safe and trust me, whatever is in there you could take on your own Geto. Don't worry and just make sure to capture the spirits alright. If you want to of course. I will step in if anything unexpected happens." Atlas said, a smile playing on his lips as he motioned for him to go.

Watching the boy jog after his year mates he tilted his head to the side. The smallest thing had changed so much.

His interaction with them had clearly made Gojo and Geto form a rift. Geto supports Atlas who Gojo disliked meaning a rift formed between them ruining the current chances of their friendship growing. It seems like he had to grow closer to Gojo… for Geto's sake. He didn't mind that honestly, he liked Gojo as a character but right now he was a bit of a twerp.

He would think about it later.

Laying back against the car he watched the curtain shift a bit.

His influence here was going to change people, and the actions of people dictated the future. His simple interaction with both of the boys at the beginning of the year drastically changed things. It was because of Geto that Gojo protected the weak… it was because of Gojo that Geto was who he was in a lot of ways as well, the more relaxed loose nature that he was seen with.

"Are you sure that they will be alright Atlas?" Furuta said from the side, looking at the building. The signs of props and other objects used for the latest trial that was left behind as the terrified students ran away from this place, leaving their stuff behind.

"Yeah, trust me. Gojo and Geto can handle the spirits inside on their own. There won't be an issue." His voice was confident as he stared at the sky, his face blank. Mind wandering past the various unresolved thoughts that he had left in his mind.

Closing his eyes he relaxed, keeping his mind's eye on the cursed energy inside.


"Honestly, what is your problem? Why were you so worried that he isn't with us… you scared Geto." Gojo said, pulling his glasses down his nose a bit as he stared back at Geto, walking backwards.

"Not at all snowflake. Do you really want to fight right here? Focus on the mission." Geto said, his voice carrying an edge of aggression as he grabbed the hilt of Atlas' sword. He would consider it his when he earned it.

"I would kick your ass. You're weak." Gojo said as he spun around he kept making his way inside. Twisting his fingers together as suddenly a blast of magnetic force pulled a bunch of spirits lingering on the edge of the warehouse to their death.

Scoffing Geto said, "I'll take care of this side, stay over there and do your own shit." His patience wearing thin, always about weak this weak that. And yet he was still far weaker than Atlas, he had no right to declare others weak when he was weak himself.

And why was he called weak? They had fought and neither of them was able to win… so why was he weak!

Kicking a can as he walked past it, he watched the empty tin bounce away, the hollow sound echoing throughout the building as he waved his hands, two giant claws coming out of his shadow and slicing down a group of spirits that ran at him.

Holding his hand out they all condensed down into giant pills, the horrid black orbs smooth against his palm. Opening his mouth he ate them, one by one, shaking because of the flavour. The feeling of them passing down his throat and into his stomach.

It was unnatural and intrusive. He hated it, no matter how many times he did it he hated it. If he had to go through years of this shit… being in the same class as that asshole and eating these foul pills so that he could keep up with him then he didn't know if he wanted to.

Atlas would help him though, he had said he would find a way to remove the taste so he just had to wait, it wouldn't take long.

Smiling at the thought he gripped the handle of his sword a bit tighter. It would be alright.

Seeing a group of spirits running at him he saw the hands get ready but stopped them as he drew his blade. He would handle this.

"I got this…" Geto said, the hands retreating back but staying ready to help if anything went wrong.


"So what is your problem with Geto…" Ieiri asked from the side, her face blank as she lit up a smoke. "He is the only one at the school that can actually fight you."

"Yeah only because he got help. His strength isn't his own, if Atlas didn't give him those spirits he would be nothing. He isn't strong, Atlas is in his place… he relies too much on him." Gojo said matter-of-factly.

Raising an eyebrow as Gojo said arrogant prick she looked him up and down, her thoughts clear on that comment. "I don't think that. I think that he is strong on his own, Atlas just helped him get to that level quicker. Gave him a jump start… you should be glad you can train with someone as strong as you Gojo. It's a lonely life at the top." Ieiri said, her voice soft as she took a deep drought of smoke. Letting the whisps crawl into the air.

She needed to figure out how to heal or she would probably die at 20…


"Gojo and Geto aren't getting along at all…" Furuta said, his voice a bit concerned. "I think it is only a matter of time before it causes an accident…"

"True, I was just thinking of that. Any reason why Gojo dislikes Geto or is it just because Geto dislikes him?" Atlas asked, turning his head so that he could see the assistant director standing to the side nervously.

"I think it is because… I think he believes that Geto is only strong because you helped, he thinks that Geto is weak and he dislikes weak people."

Hmm… that was very likely, that seemed like a very right now Gojo thing to do. He needed to put both the boys in a situation that would help them grow closer despite the differences that they had. The first step was being nicer to Gojo so that Geto would be nicer, then the next step was helping Gojo realize that Geto was strong… and then it should start to go like canon, he had a whole year. He could figure it out.

And if they stayed hating each other, oh well then. But he didn't want that for them. He liked their friendship in the original story it was a really… warm friendship. That was the best way he could describe it. Because that is what he felt about it.

Standing up he hopped off the car, walking towards the warehouse he heard Furuta ask, "Where are you going?" His voice was concerned.

"To kick their asses I guess. I dunno, I'll work it out." His voice was lazy as he wandered out of sight.

Time to make them work together, but how could he motivate them, and problems to be solved.