
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

The Games Begin

He didn't like the memories that this place brought back, after all this was where he saw the first scene of true horror. It was a shocking eye-opener but one that every sorcerer would go through at some point in their career. And it broke some people.

Walking through the streets, he received some odd looks for his mostly stitched-up Haori. His baggy training pants with a thick rope belt that kept them up. Contrasted by the expensive earring, his handsome features and tall stature drew some eyes as he made his way through the stoles on the side of the road one by one eating as he pleased.

He had plenty of money, after all, being forced to go on lots of missions did have some benefits.

Looking up at the sky he saw that it was almost midday. The sun hung directly above in the clear blue sky without even a wisp of cloud in sight.


Looking at the sun Geto sighed, it had just reached midday. Finally, they had gotten to Kyoto and were leaving the train, the travel was extremely fast for such a long distance, these bullet trains were insane.

Remembering the train station they had their first mission in he started fiddling with his ring. He had conflicted feelings about what he saw the night that Atlas showed up in his room but he was trusting his gut for now.

He shouldn't think about it, he had made his decision to keep his lips shut. So he would.

"Alright everyone, follow along, we are heading straight to the Kyoto school. The principals need to meet up so the games can be discussed, we are going to be staying there for the event that will be starting tomorrow." Torio said as he ushered the unruly Tatsuo along.

"But why can't we explore around a bit!" Tatuo complained as Torio kept a tight grip on his shoulder after he tried to sneak off.

"Because we have to get to the- fuck. Where is Gojo? Geto, where the fuck is your friend." Torio said as he looked around for the white-haired boy.

"Friend? Your making assumptions there Torio." Geto replied with a smirk, he wasn't going to rat his 'friend' out.


Soon everyone had arrived at Kyoto Jujutsu High, Atlas being the last to show up walked in through the front entrance and started to look around, walking where he wanted as he explored the extremely similar school.

Finding a path that lead to the offices and faculty buildings he saw his school-mates standing there facing down 4 other students.

Smiling he faded into another plane before walking over and listening in.

"-you're relying on first years to win? Honestly, Torio, I expected a bit better from you. If only you could have brought Minori, I was looking forward to facing him now that I have grown. But I guess that won't be happening." He said with a disappointed sigh. The man that spoke seemed to be a second-year, he was covered in golden jewellery that was mostly fake and had slicked-back hair that was far too gelled to the point that it was almost reflective.

Raising an eyebrow at the boy Atlas couldn't help but chuckle, his attitude must have had something fueling it but from the looks of his three companions it wasn't anything like actual strength. It was probably winning his first game and now thinking that he could do so again without effort.

"Damn, his attitude is worse than Tatsuo's. That shouldn't be possible…" Torio said as he raised an eyebrow that the second year. Turning to his friend Torio said, "Genki. It's good to see you again."

Reaching out a hand they both shook hands firmly, a broad smile on Torio's face met with a faint smirk from Genki. "It's good to see you too Torio, how have things been? Made any progress because I sure have. I can't wait to show you but I think we should save the sparring until after the event. How has everything been going?" The two started to chat as they walked away from the group, happy to let a fight break out. They were not Torio's problem anymore.

Watching the two third-year friends walk off Atlas just turned back to the other students.

Watching as Geto turned around and walked away to find Gojo wherever the boy had wandered off to. Probably exploring the campus.

"Sparring! How about you show me what you have Tatsuo! Still, think that you can beat me even after I whooped your ass last year?" The boy with gold jewellery said, provoking Tatsuo.

"You only won Takahashi because you had support from TWO supporting techniques or does your brain not have enough room to remember that you retarded asshole." Tatsuo bit back as he walked forward Chikako raised her hands in an attempt to try to calm the situation but immediately stopped when Takahashi raised his voice as well.

"What did you say?! This isn't going to be a spar when I put you in the fucking ground Tatsuo." His face distorted in anger as golden blades started to grow from his palms and knuckles, sprouting from his arms.

With an ethereal dragon forming around Tatsuo he said. "Oh, we'll see who ends up dead. What? You going to help him, Sonoda and Konno?" Tatsuo continued as he looked at the two people standing with Takahashi before looking back at him. "Or are you going to fight me like a real man? Because I have my own support now." Tatsuo mentioned as he motioned back at Chikako, who clearly didn't want to get involved in whatever she was getting dragged into.

"I don't need any help but if your bitch wants to play then I'll just beat both of you at the same time," Takahashi responded.

"Don't you dare fucking call her that!" Tatsuo responded as he started to march forward. "You take that back right now before I beat the ever-living shit out of-" Tatsuo started but was stopped as a blast of wind sent him rolling back just in time for him not to be impaled by the golden blades that stabbed towards him as Takahashi threw his hand out.

Similarly, multiple red threads suddenly tied around Takahashi holding him completely unmoving and in place, each thread going to the ground where it seemed to emerge from.

Walking forward Torio and Genki sighed as the latter said. "We leave you all alone for like, what? Not even a minute? Save the aggression for the game Takahashi." Genki finishes as walks back in. The threads came from his fingers. Each finger was completely covered in his red thread that unspooled from the end where his fingernail was.

Each thread floated through the air as if weightless, apart from the ones that held Takahashi to the various places he was pinned to. Countless strings binding the boy making it impossible for him to move.

That looked like a cool technique.

Not being able to speak as his mouth was bound shut Takahashi could only try and glare behind him at his senior that had bound him with so little effort.

"Same with you Tatsuo, save the aggression for later. You can kick each other senselessly in the game. Just wait until then." He said as he walked over to his schoolmate who was slowly starting to stand up from where the blast of wind had thrown him.

Glaring up at Torio he simply turned around and stuffed his hands in his pockets before he matched away.

"What did we miss?" Gojo said as he and Geto started to approach. Their eyes were a bit wide with surprise as they saw the golden blade boy bound by threads in the middle of the walkway.

"Not much, just Tatsuo and Takahashi being unreasonable," Genki says with a small smile as he lets his threads go letting them fade into nothing as Takahashi drops to the floor. Following what Tatsuo did he quickly just stormed away in the other direction.

"Torio. How have you been, is Marcus not coming this year?" Someone new says as she approaches, the other third year that would be participating.

"Mayumi, a pleasure to meet you again. I've been well thank you." Torio responds soon making a more civilized conversation start.

It wasn't long before the topic changed to him.

With everyone but the third years going off to find their assigned dorms, they all ended up sitting around. Atlas was going to leave as well but when he heard his name he paused.

"So this other third-year? That's Atlas right, the one that took down the special grade near Mount Oe." Mayumi soon asked.

Nodding his head Torio smirked as he said, "Yeah, that's him. I don't actually know how much fighting he will do, he doesn't seem too interested in the event. He is mostly here to watch over the first years I think. Since he is the only one that can keep them in line." Torio pointed out.

"The first years? How come you can't?" Genki asked as he lay down against the cobbles looking up at the sky.

"Because both of them can fight toe to toe with me by themselves." Torio said, "Gojo can beat me…" His voice sounded a bit annoyed by that.

Laughing Mayumi said, "Sounds like quite the impressive lineup you have this year. It'll be fun. As she stood up.

Seeing the conversation was coming to an end Atlas went over to his assigned dorm room that he was given for the period of the event. Tomorrow was the big day, the day the event started and while he hadn't seen all of Kyoto's participants he was looking forward to it. Genki especially seemed strong but he would be leaving him to Torio, hopefully, Mayumi would be fun.

He needed a good fight.


"As most of you should know, I am explaining this to the people who haven't participated in the event yet. The event will last two days, the first day will be a team battle. And the second will be individual battles. The only rule as normal is no killing each other, all Jujutsu is permitted including cursed tools. Normally do not participate but because of your seniors permission it is happening." Yaga says as he addresses the three first years. Two from Tokyo and one from Kyoto.

Standing next to him was the principal of Kyoto Jujutsu High, Gakuganji. One of the Higher-Ups, Atlas noticed it immediately, as soon as he walked into the hall for the explanation the man stared straight at him. He had long since his past being involved with the Higher-Ups was probably just paranoia and a lack of understanding which he still thought it was.

But something was clearly going on as the man stared at him. It was probably his lack of respect for Authority. Smiling Atlas couldn't help but raise his chin a bit with a mocking smirk as he looked across the room at the man, he was sitting in the back of the hall so the only other person that saw his aggravation was Yaga who ignored it.

"The first event is decided by me, the principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High, and tomorrow will be decided by Kyoto's Principal Gakuganji." Yaga continued. The excitement in the room grew as they were eager to hear what the first event would be.

"For the first game, taking place in a few hours. Will simply be capture-the-flag. Each side will have a flag that they can hide in the surrounding forest on their side. A river that flows through the middle will be the dividing line between your sides. Are there any questions? It should fairly simply be a normal game of capturing the flag. Once you have the opponent's flag you need to get it back to your base, you will win once BOTH flags are safely in the ground, at your base." Yaga explained.

With it being a fairly common game on one really had any questions, find a spot to hide your flag, and get both flags there. Don't kill anyone. Simple rules.

Something with plenty of fighting and battle, defence and attack. Simple and interesting.

Smiling Atlas got up from where he was sitting and made his way out of the hall with the people from his school. Watching Torio and Genki wish each other luck as Tatsuo and Takahashi glared at each other Atlas could do nothing but smile. Kyoto had the number advantage with 7 participating students, 2 third-years who both were quite strong. 4 second years and a single first year.

Looking over them no one stood out particularly. Mayumi seemed interesting and from the way the others treated her, she was clearly respected and strong, especially with how Torio had warned everyone of her in their sparring sessions saying if you had to fight her stay out of her sight. According to Torio, she was their most destructive member.

Maybe she would be interesting at least.

He would mostly have fun and leave the fighting up to the others. Although of course, he would fight he didn't think he would get anyone out unless he needed to for them to win. Maybe he would take out Mayumi. But apart from that he would let them all have their fun.

Gojo and Geto were clearly getting hyped about the entire game as they went and got the flag. Gojo carried it like a flag bearer as he held it in the air.

Their flag was red and Kyoto's was blue. Each flag was more like a war banner, about 4 meters tall, with rods sewed into the top and bottom that were mounted to a main sharpened stick to keep the thing clearly displayed despite the weather, it would flap or move an inch as it was stretched out like a blanket.

Heading into the forest they went to their side of the river and started to try and find a spot to hide their flag and talk strategy, they had 10 minutes before the game started.