
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

The Balancing of Scales

A thick miasma shrouded the Tokyo school grounds. Something unwelcome had been invited in… something ancient.

A thin fog lingered in the air that caused the shadows to stretch and dance, the air coldly prick their skin. The haze that bled from their lips caused movement in the corner of their vision that might just have been their imagination.

It was hard to see through the fog, the cursed energy was clouded. Their sixth sense was blinded leaving them… vulnerable.

Something was wrong, and they could all feel it.

Taking charge Atlas spoke with a firm tone. He caused this problem, so he was going to solve it. It didn't matter what happened, he would fix it. That much was something that he had to do. "Everyone, get to the main hall. Gojo, gather and stay with the students. Geto, stick with me for now." His voice left no room for argument.

Despite that though, worry seeded words that made their skin crawl. "Are you sure? I don't want to leave Suguru's side." Gojo said, his blindfold cast to the side. "I'm staying with him." His irises flared with strength as the infinity around his body surged. "You are not much stronger than me anymore. You take care of the students. Let me take care of my friend."

It wasn't said but the body language implied it. The cords of tension strung between doubt pulled tight. Atlas had been the one to cause this, why should he be trusted with Geto right now?

"Gojo, trust me, this is for the best right now. Me and Hoshi are best suited for whatever might happen if something does happen, we caused it. We can fix it." Atlas said, his own eyes hardening but he felt it as he tried to surge his energy. Something was wrong. The veil between dimensions wasn't closing properly and his Technique felt frayed. 

The cursed energy that normally was contained within his body by his technique was dispersing into the air and leaking through the school grounds barely contained by Tengen's barrier.

Feeling the worry claw at his heart like icy knives Gojo couldn't help but raise his voice. Atlas was weak, he needed to protect everyone. "I want to stay by my friend's side!-"

"And I want to fix what happened." Atlas interrupted. Despite his diminished strength and his apparent mistake, one thing was clear. He still was in charge, he always had been. He had led them and he had made change.

Gojo trusted him.

Why couldn't he do so this time?

Although he asked the question, it was more rational thinking. Gojo knew the answer he just needed to make sure that it was valid enough. Because something about this felt so wrong. Everything felt wrong.

Something had been let in.

But years of trust, years of friendship. Knowing that Atlas was right, that he and Hoshi were going to be the only ones who had a chance to deal with this straightened his thoughts despite the unnatural doubt that plagued his mind. Despite the cold fog that gently bound his ankles.

He wanted to do what was right, but he couldn't say it. No matter how long he stood there with his mouth open. But he didn't have to.

"Let me make the choice, after all, it is mine to make… Atlas is right Satoru. If he isn't you can kill him when he comes back. If I don't kill him myself." Geto says, his eyes turning to look at Atlas strangely, something deep was hidden in his gaze. A primal fear that scared his heart.

Nodding Gojo accepted blankly as he turned and started walking away. Putting a hand on the shoulder of Shoko who stood frozen. The cigarette in her mouth was ashy and cold. The contact shocked her pulling her gaze away from Geto and towards Gojo with desperation in her eyes.

"Come on, I have to take care of my students," Gojo said in a low voice, his heart hammering in his chest. In the silence, it sounded like gunshots to his ears.

Nodding Shoko finally spoke as she looked at Geto and said, "You better come back… more alive." Her tone was doubtful but the faint traces of hope came through. She was choosing to hope.

As Gojo started to walk away she stopped and suggested with hesitance. "Maybe… you should get Toji here… after all cursed energy seems weird… and he isn't affected by it. So he might be needed." Desperately pointing out something they could all feel.

"I can't teleport right now," Atlas said, despite agreeing there was no way that he was going to be able to get Toji. It was as if he was without his technique anymore. Only his property still worked stably. He could use his technique sure, but it was flailing, trying to right itself from the strain it had been put through.

"I'll go get him after I gather the students. Where do I find him." He hated the idea but he could feel it, now wasn't the time to hold onto anger and grudges. He was Atlas' friend and for now, his help was needed. All the help they could get was needed.

"How can we trust him," Geto said immediately shooting the idea down, his glazed eyes growing colder.

Now wasn't the time to hesitate. "When all the students are safe ask Megumi to take you to him." Atlas said, "If you ask Megumi you will know why he can be trusted to help right now."

Looking confused for a moment Gojo was about to ask for clarification but froze, it made sense. They looked the same after all. The rumours of Megumi being part of the Zenin clan before he ran away. The lack of information on his parents… and how closely he matched his father.

Both Geto and Gojo came to the realization as Atlas dropped the hint.

Although they didn't have time to think about it too much for now. Nodding Gojo just turned and walked off with Shoko to find the students. It seemed like he was the only one that could see through the fog clearly. He could find the students.

As Gojo left Geto asked, "What do we do then…" Both of them didn't know what they should be doing. Atlas couldn't close off the leaking that his technique was causing, he needed to stabilize it but that would take a while.

"We need answers. And since Darkness is currently sleeping we only have one ancient being that might know what is happening. They are containing my cursed energy anyway. So they know that something is happening..." Atlas said revealing his plan.

Nodding his head Geto followed Atlas as they made their way to the doors.


"What is going on?" They heard Maki ask, her face confused, everyone had started to act weird. A fog had crept through the school grounds and the temperature had dropped rapidly. But despite that, all she felt was an unsettling chill. But by the way her yearmates reacted something was more than just wrong.

Shaking his head Yuta responded. "Something is wrong with the cursed energy around here. There is far too much and it is leaking from… beyond." He said, his eyes narrowing. He had felt this once before but it was much different.

When Yuta had accepted his faults and apologized to Rika she had passed on to the other plane and he had felt a gentle accepting energy then. But now, that same energy was here but it was much different. It was cold and chilling and it wanted something back.

Taking the ring that hung around his neck he held it in his hand. Feeling the energy of Rika. The situation felt like he may need to go all out. But for now, it was just unsettling.

"Salmon," Toge affirmed. His eyes darted around as he pulled his collar down to show his mouth. Ready to use his technique if need be.

"Let's get to the main hall, that is where we are supposed to go in emergencies." Panda reasoned as he put on his knuckles. Turning around and moving at the back of the pack.

Responding Yuta said, "Yeah, that's the best plan for now-"

Suddenly crashing through a wall Yuta was sent catapulting through the air. An unexpected blow barely blocked by his swiftly drawn Katana still sent him hurtling away.

Toge started to speak but his voice was cut as his mouth opened, nothing coming out. "Hush now little one." A voice said in quiet sympathy. The figure of a woman crouching the hole in the wall that was made from attacking Yuta. Each of her 10 arms grabbed the walls or ceiling as they guided her body, each far too long as they grazed everything around her barely fitting in the hall, like scrunched spider legs.

Jet black hair came from the top of her head covering it completely as it merged down into a dress that flowed around her legs that couldn't be seen through the matte fabric.

Speaking like a whisper her words churned their stomachs. "There is no need for such violen-"

Her words cut as a pale white claw suddenly appeared behind her ready to wrap her in a deadly grip.


Megumi ran towards the main hall with heavy breaths. Someone had followed them.

Just as they rounded a corner Itadori yelled. "There! We've almost made it!" His face lit up as they dashed towards it. His speed increased as he grabbed Megumi and ran as fast as he could.

"Where do you think you're going!?" A deep growl sounded as the ground shattered in a wave as something landed in front of them. The shattered floor rippled out in waves of stone and dust from the impact alone. "I'm not done playing yet."

Yuji looked in fear at the spirit before them as he slid to a stop, trying not to fall over the shifting ground. Using the movement Megumi dropped from Yuji's grab as his hands came together summoning his divine dogs.

"Oh, you're like that Shaman… not nearly as interesting though." The spirit said as he tilted his head his gaze settling on Megumi.

He wasn't used to seeing someone bigger than his dad but this spirit was. Despite looking human its body was inhumanly muscled underneath the scars that made its skin that followed their flow.

Its eyes bled a sickly yellow light from blazing irises. The crimson training pants that ended at the mid-calf were held closed by white bandages that tightly hugged the skin down to its ankles already soaked in black blood. Its feet were bare and its nails clawed.

If he didn't know any better he might mistake the spirit as a human from a distance.

What did it mean by the shaman? Geto? What was happening, had it fought Geto and come here. There was no way they could win against this then.

"You attack when I make an opening. I'll try to keep it's attention." Yuji suddenly said as he got into a crouch and was about to run forward.

Laughing the spirit spoke its voice holding no arrogance or confidence just a factual statement. "Kid, you won't even be able to graze me-"

A blinding red light suddenly slammed into the spirit sending another wave of dust and stone into the air as the fog was blown back and the ground that had already shattered was pulverised further. The crater deepened as the spirit sunk into the floor from the force of the impact.

"You want to threaten my students?" Gojo said as he appeared in front of them. "Go to the hall and wait there. Don't come out for any reason. Megumi… call your father if you can."

Nodding his head Megumi stayed frozen for a moment as his dad was mentioned. So Gojo knew… that wasn't a problem for now though.

Having heard Gojo he and Yuji ran into the hall as he pulled his phone out and called his dad, a sigh of relief escaped his lips when he saw that the call connected. For some reason, there was a signal right now.

That was bad news though if the barrier was leaking... 

Gojo watched the fog clear as he said to the shrouded figure in a brutally cold voice. "How long are you going to stand there. I heard you mention a Shaman so I might have a bone to pick with you."

"So you're that jokes pal huh?" The thick voice said from the dust. This might actually be a fun fight.

Narrowing his eyes Gojo got ready to attack. He had heard what the spirit said before and there was only one person that spirits referred to as Shaman and that was Geto. Darkness called him that often. "After I tear your limbs off till you can't regenerate them I'll have some questions," Gojo said as he floated into the air slightly expanding the range of his limitless further from just his skin.

Something he had learnt to do to slow Atlas down but he felt that it might be needed.

As the dust finally settled he saw the damage he had done to the spirit. A small impact on its chest that healed as soon as Gojo saw it. He hadn't gone all out but that wasn't a love tap either.

"I wonder if your friend will be able to save you too if you also manage to scurry away into the shadows?" The spirit asked with a grin showing rows of pointed teeth.


"That sounds brutal…" Atlas said, his voice mellow as he walked with hurried steps through the forest. They had easily found the door to pass through with Atlas knowing where the cursed warehouse was.

As they had walked Geto talked about the spirit that had attacked him. A spirit with blazing yellow eyes and skin made of scars. He didn't remember anything like that and surely something with strength enough to easily fight Darkness and Geto wouldn't just… appear.

"It was, it was as if he was toying with me. He forced Darkness out, they seemed to know of each other, at least to an extent." Geto said, assuming what he could.

Nodding his head Atlas sighed as he said. "Well, we can hunt him later. For now, we need answers." He stepped into the elevator and felt the metal move beneath his feet as the rickety box started to lower into the tomb. The giant tree coming into view and the trail of destruction that carved through the houses.

"It doesn't feel good being back," Geto said with remorse as he looked at the dried blood that still was on the stone.

"No, it doesn't…" Atlas agreed, looking at the building that Frank had been in. Although they didn't have time to dwell. They had to be quick, something was wrong and they needed to fix it as soon as they could.

"Come on… let's get a move on," Atlas said, swiftly walking to the base of the tree with Geto following behind. Having spent a moment looking at the dried blood before he hurried to catch up.

Walking into the base of the tree Atlas was met but a blinding white light. Nothing but an unending void of white, no shadow or details at all.

"Where is this?" Geto asked, his voice surprised as he looked around.

Taking a moment Atlas said, "Tengen is rejecting us. This is a barrier that exists without him. Don't ask me the details because I doubt anyone could answer how a barrier like this is made. Only time can teach some things."

"Wise words Atlas." A voice said, from behind both Geto and Atlas. Turning they saw the figure of Tengen. His long head and his four eyes shocked Geto who seemed to get ready to fight. Clearly, he was on edge.

"Tengen, it seems we are not able to meet you in person," Atlas said, pointing it out as a fact, not a question, it was pretty clear why.

Nodding the being responded, "Of course not. I would be a fool to let a Shaman near my real body in the state it is in willingly. Not that I think you would do anything, I simply prefer caution." Nodding respectfully towards Geto who seemed to relax a bit.

"We need answers." Atlas suddenly said, wanting to get this done as quick as he could. He didn't like being here when anything could be happening at the school. But they needed to figure out what was happening to Geto and what was going on with the feeling that something had been let in.

Nodding Tengen responded. "Then this is how you shall get answers. I will answer your questions if you answer mine." His voice filled with curiosity as he stated his terms.

"What answers could you want from me?" Atlas said with narrowed eyes.

"I thought that would be fairly clear," Tengen stated as he held a finger up as if making a point. "You know things that you shouldn't, I would like to know how you know them when it couldn't be possible that you do." Raising a second finger as he continued. "And how you were able to gather so much energy to force life back into a dead body. Something like that is no meagre feat."

Realizing why Tengen would be so curious he nodded his head. After all, during his life he had done many things that were based on knowledge he shouldn't have. Someone like Tengen was bound to be curious.

"I go first then. What is happening with the feeling in the school grounds? You're containing my energy so you must know something about what is happening." Atlas asked, unsure how to word the question and Tengen could tell.

"You don't seem to know what to ask so I will answer as best I can. You made contact with death. The oldest and strongest spirit that exists beyond even our realm. Like Darkness that you Geto were so fortunate to befriend, they do not hold ill will towards humans. But simply exist as something else outside of our existence. You forced Geto back to this plane. You didn't bring him back. You forced him back. Unlike Rika whose soul had not yet departed, Geto's had already been claimed." Tengen revealed.

"But why? Riko was dead for longer…" Atlas pointed out.

Shrugging Tengen says, "Death existed before even I did. I do not know why some cases are different than others. And I could not begin to guess."

"Then what is happening with my technique?" Atlas asked.

Answering Tengen said solemnly. "Simple, you forced it beyond its already broken limits. You forced the dimensions with such force that it was unable to mend as you pulled too much from them. It was the final straw, you have been fraying the barriers since you first used your power. This time they were unable to mend."

Confused Atlas was about to ask but Tengen spoke first. "I believe it is my turn for a question. How did you know I was rejecting you? You have not come to this space before and only two should know about this barrier. Neither of them would have told you. So how do you know?"

Pausing for a moment Atlas wondered what he should say… he would go with the lie that he used before. It made the most sense. "I have caught glimpses of a future through my technique."

Shaking his head Tengen refuted that. "I know that is not true, the dimensions can distort time but not to such an extent. That isn't possible. Tell me, how do you know."

Seeing Geto looking at him with a questioning gaze, that was something he pondered as well. How Atlas just knew some things. In the end, however, he dismissed it as it didn't really matter.

Turning away from Geto and towards Tengen Atlas said in a low tone. "Can you seclude us…" His voice was heavy with doubt.

"Very well, I can respect that," Tengen said as another barrier appeared around just the two of them. Seeing Geto's confused look morph into one of acceptance he sighed with relief. Tensions were high enough already but at the end of the day Geto trusted him after everything they had been through and everything he had done.

"I have seen a future before I woke up in Hoshi's body. I can't tell you how I saw it or where it came from but I knew a version of events that I forever changed and now don't matter." Atlas revealed. He would keep things vague. But he needed to give a good enough answer.

Nodding in acceptance Tengen said, "Very well, your question then Atlas."

"Do you know where the spirit that hurt Geto came from? I am assuming that you know something since you have barriers that cover Japan." Atlas asked.

"To answer that I need to ask another question, although I can make an assumption I wish to confirm it," Tengen said, speaking further as Atlas nodded. "Where exactly does your energy from other plains come from? Is it just your reflections or the plain itself? And how were you able to contain so much within you to heal Geto's wounds?"

"I don't really know. It started as just my reflections but I don't think it is that anymore. At least it hasn't been for a while. I think it is the cursed energy of that plain, not just mine." Atlas answered as best he could to the first question. The second he wasn't so sure of though. "I don't really know how I contained that much. I felt that I was going to crumble away but I didn't. I just… forced myself to bear through it."

"That would be why your technique is not working properly or able to heal the gaps. It is trying to mend itself and will take a while to do so. You healed wounds that were not meant to be healed at all. You did something impossible and the price is clear. You are lucky your technique is healing at all." Tengen said.

Continuing to speak he answered Atlas' question. "As for where the spirit came from. It is one of the 5 primal fears. Although they exist they never formed because there was never enough energy to give their strength life. Until you introduced more from other planes. The more you use your technique. The more energy gathered in this plane. And Kenjaku who you clearly know about… has spent the years he was hiding to gather the energy he could to help them form. Only he would know how to make such barriers."

As Atlas heard this his eyes widened in shock. It made sense. Once he drew this energy to this plane it was stuck here, he never sent it back. He had 

helped give form to stronger spirits... this was his fault.


Eager to hear what everyone thinks of this chapter! Let me know what you think!

Also just a quick note that I may miss an upload or two over the next week. Work is taking more of my time as I get to the later years of my apprenticeship but I still love writing so I won't be stopping or taking another break anytime soon!

Thanks for all the support for the book and I love seeing all your comments.

Also side note and Spoiler warning if you haven't read the Manga: the chapter where Atlas thought that Gojo would win against full strength Sukuna was written when the last lines of the Manga were "Gojo Won." So... oh boy did I get a surprise... eh. Gojo is stronger than Canon anyway and Atlas didn't get that far in the Manga.