
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

Star Plasma Vessel

Looking out the window with an exasperated sigh Geto used his thumb to spin the ring around his finger, the slow sliding of the paper-covered metal against his skin a familiar and comforting act. Staring ahead he couldn't help but ask.

"So they haven't been seen for two whole days?" He asked seeking clarification. After all that meant that they might as well be dead… hopefully they were just stuck inside a barrier.

"yes sir, your mission is to find them and exterminate the spirit." The assistant director said.

Sighing from the front seat Gojo said, "This is taking too long, come on Geto." Reaching into the back seat and grabbing Geto they both suddenly disappeared.

Sitting in the driver's seat Furuta slapped the steering wheel as he yelled. "God damn it!" What was it with him and getting the worst fucking students. Torio was reasonable but no, he had to manage Atlas and then as soon as that little shit was gone it was Gojo! Who was next? The fucking king of Curses himself!


Appearing above the roof of the building Gojo looked down at the old and abandoned mansion, holding his hand out in front of him he simply used limitless and started tearing the mansion apart. As the ceiling ripped away into a floating orb of debris the walls soon followed.

Smiling as he looked down into the crater that he left behind with a voice full of joy he says, "I've come to help you Utahime! What? You cryin'?" His voice teases as he looks to where she fell on her ass out of the wreckage.

"If I cry will you console me? I wouldn't say no to that." Mei Mei says from the side of the crater. A playful smirk on her lips as she walks forward.

"You wouldn't cry. You're strong." Gojo points out as he keeps on looking down at Utahime with his chin raised slightly.

"GOJO! I didn't ask for your-" She started to say as she stood up in anger, pointing at him madly as the ground moved behind her and suddenly and a large cursed spirit emerged from the rubble ready to attack her.

Just as she realized what was happening a large worm-like spirit shot out the ground eating the entire thing in one bite, trapping it inside its maw locked in by rows of teeth.

"Don't swallow it," Geto said as he held his hand out and started to compress the spirit into a ball with zero reservation, soon holding the orb. Channeling some power into his ring he ate the thing in before saying to Gojo. "Satoru, It's not nice to pick on the weak."

"Who the hell is gonna pick on the strong? You're the one that's teasing her without even knowing it Geto." Gojo responded as he stuffed his hands in his pockets getting a bit of a shocked response from Geto who gave a side glance at Utahime who was glaring at him.

"Utahimeeeeeee, Are you okay?" Ieiri suddenly asked as she walked into view. We were worried about you since you didn't call for two days." She explained as she smiled down into the crater with a bit of a wave.

Relieved to see a reasonable person Utahime rushed forward and hugged her. "Shoko! Don't become like those two, okay!?"

"No way I'll become trash like that." She said with a small fake laugh.

"Wait? Two days?" Utahime suddenly asked as she let go of Shoko and looked at Mei Mei questioningly.

"Oh, so it was something like the barrier messing with time. It's rare, but it does happen. We thought it was weird even though you're here, Mei." Gojo suddenly said as he explained a bit.

"Looks like it." Mei responded with a nod, "Anyways, more than that. Where's the Curtain?" She asked. Getting a blank look from the three students before her. Sighing she shook her head as she finished with, "You too take too much after Atlas."

She just graduated last year. Having been a year above Atlas who was now a fourth year despite not being at school for almost a year since he is studying overseas.


After getting told off for their lack of curtain, the three first years found themselves walking to the normal sparring spot in the yard they had used with Atlas. Geto and Gojo just wanted to make sure their skills stayed sharp.

"Does it even matter if regular people see us? What is the point of a curtain? Atlas never used them." Gojo complained as he looked at Geto to back him up.

"Atlas used them all the time remember? When he escorted us on missions he always made sure to put up curtains." Geto responded as he sighed.

"He just did that to fuck with Furuta and we both know that." Gojo countered as he turned around so that he was walking backwards.

"It's such a pain looking out for the weak," Gojo said, his face morphing into one of displeasure as he thought about it. He had made leaps and bounds over the last year, hell he could probably even fight Atlas now. He just wasn't able to master the reverse cursed technique yet.

He just… couldn't get it to work.

"The strong should protect the weak. Jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu users Satoru." Geto responded as he came to a stop as Gojo did.

"Being righteous? I don't like that shit." Gojo said under his breath.

Narrowing his eyes Geto couldn't help but feel that his friend was getting a bit too… loose since Atlas left. He was showing less and less respect for others as his strength grew and Geto was barely able to keep pace with him.

"Applying reasoning and responsibility to Jujustu is what weak people do Geto. Don't act all high and mighty because you're willing to reach a hand down to people. What do they do for us anyway? The only person that has truly helped us was someone with the strength to do it. And he did it because we were strong as well." Gojo said as he glared at his friend.

"He did it because…" Geto started but the more he thought about it why was it them that Atlas helped? He never had more of a reason than the principal assigned them to him but he had done so willingly while ignoring all other students that he could help.

"Atlas still helps the weak, that is why he is away from his country, taking down the strong spirits of a country that has no respect for him. He does things because they are right." Geto argued as a large inky black portal appeared behind him. A bleeding eye peered through it. He wouldn't have Gojo bad-mouth their mentor.

"Getting a bit defensive their Suguru." Gojo teased as he tilted his head to the side. They were meant to be sparing anyway so why not.

"You're being an ass snowflake. I'll beat some manners into you." Geto said as he dashed forward to attack.


Chest heaving Geto lay on his back, the bright sun shining down mercilessly into his eyes. Glaring up at his opponent Geto spat a mouthful of blood to the side as he put his hands over his head, feeling them rest against the cool grass.

Smirking down at Geto the defeated boy started to say, "alright you win-"

"Geto, Gojo, Principal Yaga is requesting you come to his office as fast as you can. Make your way over there now." Furuta suddenly calls out interrupting what was happening before tuning and walking away.

Taking his foot off Geto's chest the boy held his hand down and helped his friend back to his feet. "Good job, your tactical planning is increasing tremendously. He was right, the strongest part of your technique is that you can get spirits to work together." Gojo complimented.

It was okay to fight yes, but never leave bad blood to fester.

"Thanks, you're still growing leaps and bounds, you'll get cursed technique reversal in a few days I can guarantee it," Geto said with a smirk.

This past year had been fun, he was glad that he met Gojo despite how much he hated him when they first met. He was glad he had come to Jujutsu High.

With doing hard missions and a lot of training they had both made leaps and bounds.

Wondering how strong Atlas had gotten the two boys started to make their way to the principal's office.


"You have an urgent mission. One of the most important ones ever given. Master Tengen himself has trusted this mission to you two." Yaga started to say as he put down his paperwork for now giving full attention to the two students in front of him.

"Two objectives. Master Tengen, the star plasma vessel has a perfect match. Escort the girl. And erase her." Yaya said with a deadly serious face.

"Escort and erase who?" Gojo asks, leaning back on his chair unsafely as he stares at the principal questioningly.

"You are resetting master Tengen's cursed technique. The cursed technique of immortality. But it doesn't stop the aging process. Master Tengen doesn't have a particular issue with aging, however, once a certain age is reached the cursed technique will try to change the body. Forcing it to evolve."

Looking confused Gojo leaned forward as he put his forearms against the desk. "What's the problem? That's rad."

Responding to his classmate Geto explains, "According to Master Tengen there will also cease to exist once you reach that level. Master Tengen will no longer be himself, the barriers that protect the schools. The pillars of this jujutsu world, are the barrier techniques that the assistant managers cast. They're strengthened by Master Tengen. Without him, security and even doing missions will become much more difficult."

"Worst case, he becomes an enemy to humanity." Geto continues with a similar serious look as to Yaga. He had studied this a lot when he first came to the Jujutsu world and while some of it may be theory from the look on Yaga's face he was right.

"So once every 500 years Tengen has to merge with a vessel to rewrite his body's information. If the body is reset, then so will his technique. Therefore no evolution." Geto finishes his explanation.

"There are currently two groups targeting the girl that you will have to defend her from. The organization aims to overturn the current Jujutsu world by having Master Tengen lose control. The curse user group is called Q. And the group that worships Master Tengen as their deity. The star religious group. Believing that Master Tengen merging will make him impure." Yaga says.

"They will merge in two days, escort the girl and bring her to Master Tengen. If you fail, the repressions could greatly affect society. Don't screw this up." Yaga finishes. Watching the two leave the office he looked out of the window.

He would have preferred if Atlas had been able to help them… but the Higher-Ups seemed to be doing everything in their power to keep him overseas for some reason. Something was up… something was very wrong but. He wouldn't be able to do anything about it for now.

"Good luck kids," Yaga said before getting back to his work.


Looking out over the city of Tokyo Toji stood in the peak of the Tokyo Sky Tree, the thousands of dashing lights making the view from up here stunning. Staring out at it all, the place where he had spent all of his life. Maybe he needed to get away. Atlas had recently, he didn't remember where he heard the news but he had.

Maybe that was the only reason he was accepting this job because he knew Atlas would be involved.

"How about it Zenin?" He heard from his right, the communicator for the group that hired him.

Staring out at the city for a moment longer he finally replied. "I took another name, my wife's. I go by Fushiguro now." Turning to look at the man he continued, "It sounds good. I'll accept your offer."

Putting out a contract for the vessel using an underground curse user sight he went to a place he knew and liked. Boat racing, it was time for him to make some money and clear his mind before getting into a job.

It didn't take him long to get there and before he knew it he was holding a ticket in his hand as he looked at the course. Holding his winning ticket in his fingers tightly.

It didn't take long before the communicator found him and asked, "As the mediator I have to give the client a progress report. What's going on with the job?"

"We're talking about the Gojo families brat here. I can't just walk in and get the job done. I have to wear him down first. You hired me, I'll get it done. Just stay out of my way." Toji said, not in the mood as he watched his boat lose.

"Alright, I'm counting on you Sorcerer Killer." The mediator said as he stood up before turning to Toji and asking. "Oh year, how's Megumi doing?" Wondering how the man's son was right now.

"Don't know… I asked a friend to take care of him a long time ago." Toji responded as his face once more went back to a blank expression. Standing up he threw his ticket to the side, done with this conversation.

Turning he walked out of the betting stand.

Staring at the boats as they parked the mediator wondered what was happening. It wasn't his job to pry however, it was to make sure that Toji got results so that's what he would do.


Sorry that the chapter is revisited scenes from Canon, just wanted to show how the characters have changed slightly. Hopefully, it's interesting to read though!

May get a double release tomorrow if I find time, his technique is coming soon as well, two more chapters to go!

Of course you can read up to 5 chapters ahead right now on my Patron if you want /EpicBean if your really curious! Although you only need 2 chapters to get the technique now!