
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

Moving Forward

Leaning against the wall Frank sighed, taking the pressure off his injured leg. "So that's it huh? You're done here?"

"What else is left here Frank… we can't have a family in a place like this. Look around you, all this… destruction. It's part of the past now. You have to move on as well." Hikaru said with a sigh, his face falling as his arms dropped to his side. "That scientist girl… go talk to her more. Instead of doing the 'interviews' you have with her. It's clear she has everything that she needs from you and did a long time ago. Ask her out for a coffee… move on."

Tensing up Frank felt himself withdraw, he had been speaking to Joben when he was here. Doing something akin to therapy. He hadn't gotten much out of it but he was able to recognize when he withdrew and became more aggressive and defensive. At least that was a positive being able to control that more so now than before.

Taking a deep breath Frank just pushed away from the wall and turned to leave. He would never move out of this place, the day he did was the day that things could go wrong again.

"You won't be able to have a normal life, you will have to stay in hiding, you can do that here." Frank tried once more.

Putting down the bag he had picked up Hikaru walked over to Frank and turned him around so they were facing each other. "It's not like we are never seeing each other again. Hell, we are just moving to a normal house. You can come visit, and we will come see you if you choose to stay here. It was all 2 years ago now. The society barely remembers us." Hikaru said with a sad smile. Patting Frank on the shoulder a few times he didn't know what else to say.

"Are you ready Hikaru? Let's get moving." Stacy said as she came through the door. As she rounded the corner and saw Frank her face dropped a bit, a look of both regret, guilt and anger settling on her features. Barely, but it was there. Under the surface.

Looking between Stacy and Frank, Hikaru sighed before saying. "Yeah, I've just got everything we need here. Let's get going now." Grabbing the bag and making his way towards Stacy.

Pausing at the door as Stacy went through it Hikaru stepped through and whispered a few words to her. A moment of somewhat intense whispering later he came back through the frame and said. "Frank… you want to walk there with us?"

"No thanks, but thanks for the offer," Frank said with a smile, his response the normal polite decline without much emotion at all in his words.

As his eyes met Stacy's as she came back through the frame he couldn't help but feel… nothing. And seeing the hurt on her face, the same hurt that had slowly mellowed out over the years yet was still there left him feeling nothing where he knew he should feel something.

He was more upset that his friend Hikaru was leaving to live somewhere else and wouldn't be staying here anymore. He was worried about Hikaru, he was happy for Hikaru, but he was… unable to feel any of that for Stacy.

Looking at her belly, the small bump that was forming he couldn't help but feel something though. He could feel something about the child, and it was a deep sadness that didn't have any reason to exist. And it confused him.

"Goodbye Stacy, I hope that everything goes well and life gets better from here." He said, not knowing what words to say, but he felt that he should say something despite the words being generic and hollow.

Hearing him address her, something that happened so rarely her eyes widened a bit, tears forming. "Goodbye Frank, I hope that you can find happiness too." She said. Her voice was as bland as she could make it but still so much emotion came out with such few words it was shocking.

Turning she left, walking away from this. The person that she had loved and then grew to hate and now felt nothing but regret and guilt towards.

She loved Hikaru, more than anything. More than she had loved Frank. She was happy with Hikaru, but the fact that her oldest friend wasn't able to care for her… hurt, it was a wound that she had to rub salt in every day she woke up.

Every time she saw fire, every night when she dreamed of that horrid demon… what it had taken from her. What it had taken from him.

It was painful.

Feeling a hand grab her own she looked up and saw Hikaru walking next to her. A smile bloomed on her face as she mouthed, 'Thank you.' Unable to speak without crying. Although tears still rolled down her cheeks. She truly was grateful for him.

He was wonderful.

And he was right, it was time to move on. Everything he said to Frank he had said to her before as well. She had lost someone, but at least he was still alive. At least he could still be happy. It would be without her, yes, but at least he would be able to.

Taking a deep and shaky breath together hand in hand with Hikaru they made their way out of the ruins of their past. And towards a new beginning.

Their lives as Sorcerers were over. Well and truly, they were done now.

Hopefully Frank could find his peace soon… he deserved some rest too. More so than either of them.


The tap of the pen against paper as it was put down on the pad was the only sound that filled the room after the chatter died down.

Looking up at the time Frank's face fell a bit, it always seemed to flash by.

"Well, I guess that is it for today as well, nothing new as normal. But of course, you're welcome to keep coming on the chance that you remember something or we can help you do so." Iku said, a soft smile on her face as she awkwardly played with the edge of the paper pad.

Nodding Frank responded, "Of course, same time next week?" His voice was hopeful as he straightened the long coat that he was wearing. Far more formal than anything he would normally wear.

After Iku had gotten a recommendation from Gavin on behalf of the CIRO she had shot up the ranks and had become an official researcher.

While having only met her a couple of months ago he was really liking her and had been meeting with her starting at her request. But as they realized he had nothing new to say he had been the one that requested to keep their appointments.

"Of course, I have the normal slot open." She informed him with a smile. Although she wasn't as happy as she always used to be…

Maybe Hikaru was right.

"I've been thinking. I don't want to take up any more of your work day. Since you know, we are not getting much out of this." Frank started to say, changing paths and making her face drop a bit. "Want to grab a coffee? I still want to see you after all but on our own time. Since it passes far too quickly when I am with you."

"Of course! That would be great!" Iku said, her face beaming into a smile as he finally asked her. A small fluster on her face as the tips of her ears went pink.

Seeing her response Frank felt a ton of tension leave his shoulders. He had hoped that she would accept and the nerves of her saying no were now gone, he could feel himself relax.

"Great, well I'll pick you up out the front of the building then?" He asked, thinking it was simplest to do it that way.

Nodding her head she said, "That would be awesome! I'll see you then!"

Leaving the office feeling a bit lighter than normal he wasn't even too bothered by his leg as he walked along.


Laughing as she turned a corner with him. The warm paper cup between her hands she couldn't help but feel that the night air was just a bit more pleasant. Her smile grew as she felt her hand brush against his. His fingers making their way across her palm smoothly.

The slow pace that Frank set with his limp was nice, it meant that she got more time with him. The coffee shop had been good too, it was a bit formal, as if he was showing off a bit but she hadn't minded it. Not one bit.

Feeling the chill against her skin she turned to him and said, "It's a bit cold, want to make our way back to your place?" Offering to come over.

Feeling him pull her a bit closer to him he took off the coat he was wearing and threw it around her shoulders. Suddenly warmer… almost abnormally quickly, the chill vanishing from the air as the thick coat fell onto her shoulders.

The coat smelt like subtle campfire smoke and rolling woodlands. It was comfortably warm.

Looking up as she had spoken to him she saw the mention of going to his place caused his face to flicker a bit. This was the first date despite seeing each other for months now, no wonder it had made him a bit uncomfortable. Just before she could backtrack though Frank spoke over her thoughts.

"I would hate for the night to end here. But I don't actually stay anywhere right now. I'm currently in a hotel. I live in Tokyo but came down to see the accident sight again." Frank started reciting. He and Gavin had already made a life for him.

"Wait you have been staying in a hotel this whole time!?" She suddenly asked, her eyes widening a bit. It had been months since he had come here to see the sight and he had stayed all this time?

Smiling he put his arm around her waist and pulled her a bit closer to him, his coat far too long for her and almost grazing the floor as her she leaned backwards from her waist being pulled forwards.

"Well, I happened to find something precious here and didn't want to leave it behind." His voice grew soft as he stared into her eyes. A warm smile pulled at his lips as she started to blush.

It was warm, and he wasn't even using his technique anymore. It was just warm with her against him, something was just right.

And he liked it, the soft moonlight and the crowd that moved past them as people made their way through the late-night cafes and restaurants.

--- Current (2008) ---

"I still remember that night, under that veranda out the front of a small restaurant. She had a stunning green dress on that went so well with my brown coat. Her red face perfectly complimented it all." Frank said with a sigh.

"Okay okay, I don't need to hear about your romance life," Atlas said, his annoyance clear. They had been making good progress on events until all this came up. Now that they got to Iku the descriptions had become a lot more… vivid.

Raising an eyebrow Frank turned and looked at Atlas. "Why? Because of your lack of one? Are you jealous that this old man had more game than you? All your looks and strength yet your heart is that of a coward." Frank bit, his head shaking slightly. "Don't worry Daddy Frank will teach you how to woo women." He said.

Forming a dimensional wall between them Atlas said. "If you ever refer to yourself as that again I will put you in stasis for another 2 years."

"Why? Scared of the truth?" Frank asked as he raised his eyebrow.

Sighing Atlas gave up as he said, "Just get back to what happened."

"And don't interrupt me this time," Frank says. Leaning back against the pile of pillows he started to once again work through events although a bit quicker than before.

"She offered that I come to stay at her place that night since I didn't have a proper house to stay at. It was nice of her so I did. Although I didn't feel the best about lying to her I didn't have that much of a choice, it was that or tell her I live in the ruins." Frank said with a chuckle.

"The next day I went back to try and find Gavin so that he could help me get some basic clothes and stuff, more than I had at least so if I did move in with her it wouldn't look like I was well… homeless, which I was." Frank continued a sad look appearing on his face.

"That was when I realized he was dying…"

--- 1987 ---

"Yo Gavin! Just the man I was searching for, can you help me out with something?" Frank asked, a smile on his face as he walked into the living room of the ruined apartment they were staying in.

It had been a few weeks since Hikaru and Stacy had moved out and ever since then Gavin had been showing up more and more to hang out with Frank now that he was alone, not wanting his friend to be too lonely. Or at least that was what he was saying, Frank knew something was up though since he was staying in one spot for longer than he liked doing.

"Sure? What are you home late for and dressed all nicely, I didn't even think you had clothes without holes in them anymore." Gavin rasped as he smiled, struggling to stand.

Seeing this Frank's mood instantly switched to concern as he limped over to his friend and helped him sit back down. "Woah woah, settle down there Gavin. What's up? Are you alright?" Hobbling over to the pile of water bottles before bringing one back and handing it to his friend.

"Yeah, I'm alright I promise, just feeling a bit sick." Gavin lied as he took the water and tried to change the subject. "What can I help you with? Something to do with Iku I assume?" Gavin correctly guessed as he smirked weakly.

"Now is not the time. Are you alright?" Frank had made another date with her in a week so that he could actually set up a hotel and proper history but he had her number in case anything happened. And from the looks of it, he might need it.

Sighing Gavin said. "I promise I'm alright. Okay? Just feeling a bit down now what can I help you with-"

"Seriously this isn't just you being sick, you've been out of it for the last couple of days since you started staying here. I've thought something was up but didn't want to push but seeing you this sick I can't just ignore it anymore. Tell me, what's happening." Frank asked as his eyes narrowed in seriousness.

Sighing once more Gavin relaxed back into the couch. "Fine, alright. I've got… some sickness, it's lethal unless I can learn the reverse cursed technique to heal myself. I have at most a couple of years left if I can't. If I can, it will help delay it for a long time but it probably won't be fully cureable."

Watching his friend admit this Frank asked slowly, "W-what do you mean? Some sickness? What is it, we can go to the hospital right now and figure out what it is, surely there is something we can do." Standing up and talking faster as he spoke.

Smiling weakly Gavin said. "Frank. Please just listen to me." His eyes held Franks until he calmed down a bit. "I've gone to the doctor. They don't know what it is, they can't. I've tried everything, trust me. I've been through this. Please, don't make it harder on me than it already is. Give it a few days and I'll be back to normal. And over the coming years, I will have these bouts of sickness but it's not like I am dying tomorrow."

Shaking his head Frank said "Give me a sample of your blood or something, then I can find out what it is. I'll go to all the doctors I have to. We can at least start by finding out what it is, and then we can work on a cure. You can't just give up!" He started to yell as he saw his friend's face sadden.

Pausing for a moment Frank sat down again on the table in front of him. Facing his friend on the couch. "You know what it is don't you?" His face fell in realization. He didn't want Frank to know. That was why he was saying he couldn't know what it was.

Why though?

"Yes… I do. But I can't tell you." Gavin said with a sigh.

"Why though?" Frank said, asking the question he was just thinking.

"Because… it wouldn't help. You shouldn't know." Gavin said, his voice growing aggressive as he stared at his lap. Picking at his nails.

"Well, you can't hide it forever, if you won't tell me I'll find out then search for a cure. Modern medicine can do a lot of amazing things. If it's cancer then we can do chemotherapy, with a stronger body because of negative energy you have a much higher chance of living as well and-" Frank started to say. Trying hopelessly to guess.

"Frank…" Gavin interrupted his friend. With Hikaru and Stacy starting a family Frank was the only one he really had left, the only one that knew the real him at least and not the false one he planted in so many minds.

Seeing his friend pause and look at him, his eyes still a bit wide as his thoughts that had once been racing ground to a halt at the tone of Gavin's voice.

"It's radiation poisoning." He revealed. His face saddening as he decided to just explain everything, it would hurt yes but at least it would let Frank move on a bit easier. If he knew now he could start to work through it now…

"How?" Frank asked, how had Gavin been in contact with radiation? He couldn't think of anything major that had happened that… oh. His face fell in realization.

There had been faint traces of radiation in the pit. It was one of the details that had confused Iku the most... he had thought nothing of it.

Seeing that the dots had connected as Frank started to shake his head he confirmed what Frank was thinking. "Being so close to the pit when you were fueling it meant that I got hit with a lot of radiation. But don't for a second think that it is your fault okay." Gavin said as his eyes graze grew hard.

"You didn't do this on purpose, and you didn't even know me then. I don't regret a single thing I did. So don't beat yourself up, or I will be pissed, you're not the one suffering because of it, I am, and I have moved on. So you can't wallow. That's not fair if you do." Gavin started to say, his eyes growing wet as he gritted his teeth.

Nodding Frank just accepted blindly, what Gavin said made sense but still… this was just another friend that he had hurt in the incident.

"Frank… it's okay. I still have a few years left. It's not fair if you ruin the rest of the life you have been blessed with just because of something you never intended to do and had no control over. You are not the one at fault." Gavin said.

Nodding his head blankly Frank just stared at the floor. "Alright." Accepting what Gavin was saying, he was right. He wasn't the one with a few years left, so he shouldn't be the one who cried because of this. If Gavin had moved on, it would only be unfair and hurtful to him to be caught up on it himself.

It was clear he had known about this for a bit, but he hadn't once been made at Frank for it, no. He had stayed friends with him and helped him in more ways than imaginable.

"I guess I just have to give you the best few years I can then?" Frank said, sniffling as he tried to hold his tears in.

Smiling softly Gavin said, "Guess you owe me another favor then huh?" His smile turned to a smirk as he said. "I'll cash it in now. Tell me what I can do to help you live a happy life with Iku. That is what you can do for me."