
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

Deception and Cunning

Atlas felt it before he saw anything happen. The whites of Kenjaku's eyes showed as they rolled back in his head. A feeling washed over his mind, like hands slowly touching the edge of his brain, feeling his thoughts and emotions. His movements suddenly stopped.

He couldn't move, he was frozen, he couldn't even tell his body to move.

It was only for a second. Only a fraction of a moment. But it was enough that Kenjaku was able to slip out of the range of his attack. The place he was standing in just a moment ago shattered as dimensions split in that area. The colliding attack from Atlas' and his reflections exploded outwards with shattered glass that sent him sliding back.

Pausing he looked at Kenjaku as the man tilted his head to the side. A giant brain behind him. The writhing mass of flesh was concerning as he tilted his head to the side and said. "I see now, I see what is happening. Finally, I can get some answers can I not? You are not Hoshi." His voice dropped low in tone as he said that.

"I thought his mind may have just been lost but-" Kenjaku started speaking before he flipped out of the way of a sword that swung downwards at inhuman speeds. The blade split the earth where it hit.

As Kenjaku spun through the air Atlas dashed forward wanting to take advantage of the situation but as he pointed his fingers towards the man he blasted the strongest amount of energy he could towards him but his eyes widened as he felt his hand shift to the side.

What? He was hiding his mind in another dimension? How was this possible, Kenjaku should not be able to affect him. He knew that the sure hit effect of the domain he was in also wouldn't be working right now because Atlas was not in it. He was on another plane. Despite Kenjaku's power, he could not make his barriers more than 3 dimensional.

How was Kenjaku still affecting him?

Then it clicked. Hoshi was still alive and forming a bridge to his mind. It didn't matter where he was Kenjaku had already formed a connection deeper than normal with Hoshi's mind that let him affect his.

The domain was simply to amplify his power and allow him to use that connection.

Cursing as his blast missed Kenjaku he tried to find where Hoshi was and see if he was doing this willingly but he couldn't. His mind was empty, no other thoughts were in it.

Aiming both hands he tried to just do instead of thinking, but once again both blasts of fractured dimensions merely skimmed past Kenjaku leaving gashes in his coat that spun around him.

Dashing forward Toji swiped up at Kenjaku planning to cleave him in half as he fell on the blade. Even if the sword was redirected slightly then he would still slice the man badly.

But Toji didn't have cursed energy, only his body was enhanced. His mind was normal.

As he swung the blade turned around completely before being positioned just over his heart. The tip pointed back at himself as he froze. His body was unable to move.

"Let me speak or Toji dies… Now… Atlas. You are a completely different mind from Hoshi. Not simply a new personality made from trauma. You are a completely new mind. Allow me to see what is happening in that head will you." Kenjaku spoke, his voice filled with a sickening curiosity as he walked forward, slowly approaching Atlas.

Freezing he didn't know what to do. Toji just couldn't move anymore. His mind was completely dominated by Kenjaku's technique…

Just as he was thinking this he turned to look at Toji who was gritting his teeth but to Atlas' shock Toji just suddenly relaxed as he let out a small sigh. Causing Kenjaku to turn around and look at him.

Then Toji went limp, his arms hanging by his side as he suddenly held his sword towards Kenjaku again, his eyes closed but as they opened Atlas noticed the dazed look, as if he wasn't really himself.

Had Kenjaku fully taken him over?

"Oh, that is interesting… to separate the mind from the body, give in to pure instinct. Truly, your body is stronger than your mind." Kanjaku said, his voice actually filled with a bit of awe as he watched Toji now run at him unhindered. His body moving on his own.

Dodging the sword the fight started once again.

Now not having to worry about Toji who solved his own issue Atlas just had to solve his. Staring at the two men battling he knew that Toji could probably win, despite only being able to move on instinct so having no advanced plans. Kenjaku didn't have a technique that could help him fight against Toji, affecting his mind wouldn't do anything anymore.

Taking a step backwards he once again focused on Kenjaku, he could only use his special property where he was right now. He couldn't use many long-range attacks apart from the blast of energy but with Toji fighting up close. Fuck it, Toji could dodge.

Pointing his fingers again Atlas glared at the form of Kenjaku as he sent more blasts towards the man, the shattering of dimensions ripping through the air, the sound of falling glass filling the ears of both Kenjaku and Toji. One reacted faster than the other could.

His blast had already been redirected at Toji by Kenjaku's bridge to his mind.

But Toji heard the attack coming before even Atlas shot it.

Having got into a better position in that moment he now swung at Kenjaku making the man weave out of the way. Just as Toji put his foot on the man's knee pushing just enough that he tilted.

And the attack slammed into his arm.

Kenjaku's eyes widened in shock as he pulled away from Toji. The other blast skimmed past his face. His confidence clearly faltered as he realized that he wasn't going to be able to win this fight.

That was alright though, he had done the damage he needed to do.

This was fine, he could retreat now.

As he went to run he felt something burn out, his technique failing to act on Atlas as he felt that it was burnt out.

Looking at the brain he saw that it was crumbling apart, as he had been distracted by something Atlas had blasted it with a wave of power enough to rip through it. His open barrier domain had been cancelled.

His technique for now was unusable.

Just as he was about to try and run both Toji and Atlas jumped at either side of him. Their attacks came as swinging arcs.

Smirking Kenjaku didn't have time to say anything, but a side glance at Atlas, a look of victory filled his mind with rage. He hated Kenjaku, more than anyone he had ever hated before. More than hate could possibly describe, there was not a word for the anger he felt at this moment.

And Kenjaku disappeared. Whatever seal he was using getting him out of danger. The burning talisman left behind floating in the air before being obliterated by both attacks.

Cursing Atlas stared at the spot Kenjaku had just been. Why did he have to have a cursed tool that let him get away!? Sure he had been alive for thousands of years but that was bullshit.

Kicking a rock nearby as his pseudo-domain disappeared along with his reflections he turned to look at Toji whose eyes lit up once again. His face instantly morphed into rage.

Dashing towards Frank Atlas put his hand on the man's back. His face morphing into relief as he started to cry. He was alive, but barely.

If it wasn't for the trickle of positive energy that was flowing into the cut on his neck he would be dead. Frank was keeping himself alive still...

Focusing on healing the old man Atlas could do nothing but weep.

What was happening? Everything had started to look up and now it had come crashing back down. His existence had forced Kenjaku to move up some plans. Things started to change when the vessel was killed but now? It was different.

Kenjaku was clearly taking more acts than he was originally planning.

Feeling Frank stabilize Atlas sat back on his heels as he looked at the old man. Hearing Toji approach from behind he didn't even turn around.

He didn't care for the burning forest. Or the barrier that had fallen. People would soon arrive to see what was happening, including firefighters and police. They would be wise to get out of here.

"He's alive," Toji stated as he approached from behind Atlas. His voice held a bitterness and rage that ebbed beneath the surface.

"He is," Atlas confirmed, knowing that Toji could already hear the faint heartbeat.

"That isn't fair is it?" Toji asked, emotions running high.

"No… no it's not. I'm sorry. Thank you though, for helping me save my family. It looks like we were just in time." Atlas voiced, his tone soft, defeated even.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder as Toji patted it a bit he said, "You owe me an explanation. And I need proof or some good fucking evidence as to why that man was the one that killed my to-be wife."

Nodding his head Atlas cracked open the dimensions as he said. "Yeah, I'll tell you at home."

Walking into the dimensional break carrying Frank and followed by Toji they emerged in their house. The gap closed as Atlas lay Frank down on the couch. Looking at the defeated old man who seemed so… ancient. Before he had been old but he retained some vigor. That spark seemed gone.

Atlas knew what Kenjaku's current technique was now. And it was entirely likely that the only reason Frank was alive was because Kenjaku had changed something in his mind.

That was most likely what happened…

He hated that it was the most likely option, would 'Frank' even be the one to wake up or would he have entire memories and moments erased and rewritten? Would he try to kill Atlas as soon as he saw him? Maybe…

He hated that he couldn't know until the man woke up.

Turning back to Toji who had gone over to the table and sat down with a hard thump. Two glasses were put down as the pop of a cork coming out of a bottle sounded in his ears Atlas watched as Toji poured two irresponsibly tall glasses of whiskey before saying.

"I trust you Atlas, more than I have ever trusted anyone in my life… I feel like you understand me despite our differences. But I have more questions than ever now. And you better have some good fucking answers." The man threatened, his eyes puffy and red from the tears. His shoulders sagged with… acceptance and defeat.

He had left his wife and child in the manga. But now Atlas was thinking that something more had gone on… maybe Kenjaku did something in the original too so that Toji would become the sorcerer killer.

And that was done tonight. Toji wanted someone to take his rage out on. And he already hated most sorcerers, his spite towards the Zenin clan and the rest of the society was something that Atlas would never be able to get rid of.

Standing up he went and sat down at the table.

"That man was called Kenjaku, he is planning something big. I don't know what it is but he might be thousands of years old. Or at least that is what I have heard from the principal of Jujitsu High. He is the man that made me, gave me this property as you heard. Or made the original owner of this body." Atlas said, telling mostly the truth. He knew that Ayumu must know about Kenjaku.

"I… when I came too in the 'asylum' I remembered things, parts of the past and future. Fractured remnants of dimensions that I warped through. Like countless stars spiralling past me. Things that I can't understand even now. I am not the original owner of this body, I don't know who I am or how I even own this body anymore. But I never really cared until now. The original person who was meant to have this done to them. Hoshi. Died… or so I thought."

"They might still be at the back of my mind, or something like that. Kenjaku has formed a bridge to me. Something that he can use to affect me even when I am on another plane or something like that. It was why he was able to affect me in the fight." Atlas confesses.

He didn't care about saying he knew some things he shouldn't, and that seemed like the most likely reason that made sense. After all his own past was surrounded by mystery and odd details. Well, the small bits that he could confirm to be true.

"Whatever Kenjaku was doing tonight, was to do with us. But I can't piece it together. I think he might be trying to drive me away from jujutsu society through you. I am certain that he killed her Toji. It must have been him. He is trying to either ruin our friendship or get you to drag me away from jujutsu society." Atlas said, his voice strained.

"I can't even begin to think what plans he put in place tonight. Because it looked like he failed whatever they were. But he sowed some seeds of doubt and hate and made the perfect sorcerer killer and I know that no matter what I say that is the path you are going to go down. And if that is what you want then I won't get in your way." Atlas said, his voice filling with emotions as he motioned to Frank who was laying on the couch.

"But whatever he did tonight I am sure that he planted something in Frank's mind and I don't even know if my mentor is going to wake up the same man… he might even try to kill us." Atlas continued.

His voice fell as the entire situation was just too overwhelming. He didn't know what Kenjaku's goal was but he wanted to.

He so desperately wanted to know what the man was planning for the future… what did he lay in place tonight.

He must have done something more than all of this.

Or was currently doing.

Eyes widening with shock Atlas stood up suddenly and said. "He is going after someone."

His voice shocked, opening a gap immediately as Toji looked at him in confusion and shock.

Was he going to take Geto's body now? Why do all of this? There must have been something more but he was sure that he was still going after Geto at least. He needed to be able to take over the young man so that he could achieve his ideal future.

Tonight was clearly more than just a distraction though.

Hopefully, he could at least stop Kenjaku from getting Geto's body.