
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · アニメ·コミックス
77 Chs

Capture the Flag 1

A cluster of large rocks sat piled on a small hill, the shining sun filtering through the gaps in the stack casting dancing patterns across the forest floor. Sitting at the peak of the pile Gojo smirked down at the rest of his team, all but Atlas milling around as they talked amongst themselves.

He didn't care a single bit for the conversation, he just wanted to fight, that Genki kid was strong and he wanted to best him in combat. That was all that he had planned for this event, a crushing victory brought about by his hand. He would do more than Atlas.

Hearing his name be called a few times he sighed, they wanted to plan… why would he need that? Sure when against someone like Atlas he needed it… but no. Not for this event.

"What?" Gojo said as he looked down at them, his smirk turning into a small frown that was matched by his best friend Geto. Both of them stared at each other. Gojo knew what Geto was thinking, 'listen and take part.'

It was funny how much they could communicate without saying a word despite not knowing each other for that long. Strength understood strength it seems.

Scoffing he stepped off the boulder and floated down to the ground. The air around him distorted slightly as he used his force to pull himself around.

Landing softly on the ground he repeated. "What?"

Sighing Torio realized that Gojo hadn't paid attention to a single part of the plan, that didn't matter. He was mostly going to be fighting anyway so it's not like he needed to know much. "We have to make sure that no one can get the flag, since we only really have 5 members because who knows what Atlas is planning we can't stop all 7 at once. You'll be the best bet for defending the flag, with your technique no one will even be able to get near it and you-"

"I'm not staying by the flag," Gojo said, a small smirk gracing his lips as he tilted his head to the side, pulling his sunglasses down a bit he continued. "Why isn't Atlas being told what to do?" Gojo suddenly asked.

Narrowing his eyes Torio knew where this was going, "because there is no way he will listen and he is far too strong to make do anything."

"Well! Then you have my answer, looks like you only have 4 members Torio." Gojo said as he flew into the air, waving his hand. "Have fun!"

"God damn it." Torio cussed as he looked at the remaining members… he was the only one he knew would be able to do anything to defend the flag… but he wanted to fight Genki, it was his last year he deserved that much at least. But fucking Gojo didn't want to defend, Geto would lose too many spirits if he was ganged up against and that wasn't worth it for a game. He was smart enough to know that.

Worst of all Tatsuo and Chikako couldn't do anything, they just were not strong enough. And don't even get him started on Atlas.

Fuck his life…

That only left him with one option… he defended the flag. He knew that Mayumi was going to be defending their flag, she was perfect for the job and lax enough that she wouldn't want to run around the forest too much if she had to. That meant that she could fight the strong members without moving.

Groaning Torio stopped thinking so much about it, just staring up at Gojo who was floating really high in the air out of earshot so they couldn't tell him what to do.

He could always spar with Genki later. Letting out another sigh Torio said, "Alright, I'll stay and defend the flag with Chikako so she can keep my energy up. I guess Geto and Tatsuo just try to get the flag… Gojo will probably handle most of the enemy and Atlas will do whatever the fuck he does." Cursing unintentionally. Why did this year have to have a bunch of brats? Yes, that included Atlas.

"Sounds like a good plan chief, well then I'm going to go fight Mayumi in case you were wondering." Atlas' voice suddenly sounds out through the clearing like breaking glass and chiming bells. Distorted and broken a bit.

Not even gracing his primary annoyance with a response Torio just jumped up onto the top of the rock pile with a blast of wind as his four eyes Shikigami landed next to him. Nervously looking up at him Chikako started to look if there was a way to climb up but before she knew it she was suddenly ghostly blue as she was pulled through a space split.

"Now no one can hit you but your cursed technique should still be able to work on others, give it a quick test and if your body starts distorting scream and I'll come help. But you should be fine. You're welcome." Atlas said again before the clearing once again fell into confused silence.

They couldn't even see him.

Sighing Torio looked at their flag which was sticking out of the rock pile. It wasn't too well hidden but the small hill should help with his technique at least. Pushing people down it. And the rocks made for hard terrain to climb over.

Just as he was about to say something else a large red flare shot up from the river…

The game had started.


As soon as the flare of red was seen everyone but the base defenders dashed off into the forest, darting between the trees and over fallen logs, a few scars from previous years could be seen. Groves carved into the floor with fresh grass or trees with chunks taken out of them.

Darting through the woods which he knew better than the back of his hand Genki kept his breathing steady, he knew all the best base locations on the other side and if he had to guess where Torio would go it would be somewhere that actually had elevation so his technique was more effective. Whether it was the rock pile or the small cliff side he couldn't guess for now.

Throwing his hand out the threads from his technique formed around his hands and fingers before shooting out and attaching to the trees around him, with a single pull of his hands he flung himself forward, launching over the ground as catapulted and started using the trees to keep on throwing himself forward.

Just as he was about to land again and grab more trees his feet never touched the ground as he felt himself suddenly start to change direction as if gravity had flipped.

Twisting in the air he grabbed trees behind him and pulled himself out of whatever force started to rip trees out of the ground.

Turning he landed with a roll as he looked up and behind him to see the white-haired brat from Tokyo that Torio said could beat him.

"I was hoping to catch you with that. You seem strong enough to be fun." The boy said, a smirk gracing his lips as his perfect features lit up in an expression of amusement and joy. The sun shone behind him silhouetting his body in rays of gold as his eyes lit up like the surface of the moon. Glowing a perfect blue as he held his fingers in front of him.

With a pulse of energy, the trees that were ripping from the ground and crashing into each other stopped. Falling to the ground with a large crash that shook the entire forest.

Smiling politely Genki said, "Gojo right? It's a pleasure to meet you."

Holding his hands out the threads started to dance through the new clearing, grabbing onto loose trees and rocks as he continued to speak. "I have a friend I need to catch up with so let's make this quick shall we?" As the loose objects started to rise from the ground as if the strings were puppeteering them.


Walking through the forest at a somewhat hurried pace Geto didn't really feel the need to make too much haste, after all, he would bump into someone eventually and if he didn't so what? He wouldn't risk losing any spirits that way. He was kind of excited though to have new sparing partners.

Honestly, the atmosphere was nice, the warm sun, the fresh air. It was pretty good.

Hearing the crash of something in the distance he sighed, Gojo was making a scene of course he was, couldn't he just enjoy the serenity of the scene without someone causing a rucku-

Just as he was about to finish that thought a massive blast of light hit him in the eyes blinding him, his ears rang as he stumbled backwards covering his blackened vision with his hand. Just as he was about to jump backwards he felt his back hit a wall that wasn't there before.

Not knowing what was happening he summoned two spirits to fight with him, the giant turtle that straight away let out a blast of superheated steam forcing the surprise attackers to back off and the giant-handed spirit that could hide in the mist and attack with its claws.

Going to move forward he felt another wall in his way, pressing his hands against it he cursed as he blinked his eyes trying to be able to see again, but everything was so bright and almost painful, he could see two figures. Vague blurry shapes jump back as he knew his clawed demon attacked them. Staying out of the range of the turtle he rolled underneath to hide from the attackers. Knowing that the shell of the spirit would keep him safe.

They didn't seem to have any good attacks or they would have used them while he was stunned.

Seeing another blurry figure run off in the direction of the flag he smirked, well so much for his relaxing walk.

He should have kept more of an eye out.


"Now I'll show you who is boss!" Takahashi yelled from where he was standing at the top of a small mound. A large golden blade that had grown along his forearm and out his palm, sticking out behind his elbow a bit as well, pointed right at his declared opponent.

"Yeah? Where is your support, they already run away scared!? I can take you on no matter who is with you!" Tatsuo yelled back as the dragon coiled around him, dashing forward as he leapt up the hill, ripping through the air as an ethereal dragon made from energy and embers formed around his body, covering his fists and wound around his torso.

Jumping far further than he should with the amount of cursed energy he had he slammed into the ground letting out a small explosion of fire as he looked up with a smirk expecting to see a surprised Takahashi but he just saw golden armor and a blade descending towards him.

Surprised all Tatsuo could say was, "Huh?"


Sitting on the rock Pile Torio couldn't help but at least enjoy the weather, it was a wonderful day. Hearing the crash in the distance he saw the small figure of Gojo floating in the air shortly followed by thin red strings that barely caught the light, he had really good sight. Not nearly as good as Six-eyes but it wasn't bad at all.

Seeing this put him in a bit more of a bad mood as he looked at the forest, it wouldn't take long before more fights started.

Right on cue a bunch of other scuffles started, he saw a bright flash from within the woods followed by trees being enveloped by a sudden cloud of steam. Geto had been engaged and surprisingly close to their flag as well.

Seeing a giant arrow of neon green light crash through the forest his eyes widened. Mayumi wasn't that strong before, which was impressive, seeing a few other beams come from that same direction he smiled slightly, it seems that Atlas was at their flag.

"W-What was that?" he heard the nervous voice of Chikako suddenly speak up from beneath him, she was hiding within the pile of rocks, her ghostly form made it hard to see her in the shadows of the rock. Couldn't Atlas do that with all of them and just make them all untouchable? That was broken…

Surely there were some limitations to it.

Just as he was about to respond to her that some fight had started he heard people approaching. Looking up he said, "Look sharp Chikako, seems we have guests." His voice getting excited, and he was ready for some action.

Seeing Kojima and the first year he didn't remember the name of run into the clearing he sent a blast of wind just as his mind started to spin. Fucking Kojima's technique, it was always a pain to deal with but he could handle it.

Feeling his cursed energy start to increase he smirked as he sent a massive blast of wind at them sending them rolling back into the forest, he had to be cautious of the first year's technique since he didn't know what she could do.

Getting his feet beneath him and overcoming the sensation of dizziness he got ready to defend the flag.


As soon as the game started Atlas stepped high into the air in another plane. Falling he looked around until he saw the sparking gold-covered boy from before running away from a clearing.

Stepping into the clearing it didn't take long for him to find where the flag was, sitting behind some shrubbery and taller trees at the edge of the clearing. Sitting in the middle of it were Genki and Mayumi as they finished talking to the members of their team that would actually listen before they all split and ran off in different directions but all towards the river.

Sitting down he waited for a moment, giving it about a minute before he heard the crash of Gojo ripping the forest apart, the distortions of space ripping through the other planes in the faintest of signals, it seemed the snow white prince had been getting stronger.

Finally ready to engage he stood up with a sigh as he pushed his hand against his knee and stepped out of the other plane only for a giant laser beam-like arrow to tear through him.

Staring at his chest where there would have been a hole if this wasn't just a reflection he looked back up at her and said, "Well that was a rude greeting." Before stepping through the planes towards her.

Appearing in front of her he put he swung his palm forward in a crushing blow that impacted her stomach making her double over he then black-flipped out of the way of another blast of energy, curling through the air as he was forced to go into another plane again to dodge the sudden barrage.

Hitting the floor he turned to her with a smirk, a few faint glowing rings orbiting her back, eight circles, that was where the lasers came from. And they could twist and curve through the air to follow him and each had enough power to tear through a thick wall…

Well, that was certainly impressive, getting down into a fighting stance he said, "That was intense, well let me know when you're ready to continue." As she tried to straighten from the blow to her gut.